1,470 research outputs found

    Un caso práctico para la gestión del desarrollo agropecuario en municipios rurales de México

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    Una de las múltiples formas en que se atiende la pobreza en México es a través de la definición y diseño de estrategias de desarrollo enfocadas a mejorar las condiciones de vida de la población rural de escasos recursos económicos y déficit de bienestar social, actuando desde el municipio como articulador del desarrollo.Un texto detonante de preguntas y respuestas sobre la gestión del desarrollo rural y agropecuario desde la esfera municipal, en un esquema de gobernanza sugerente y efectivo, que retoma la experiencia de organizaciones civiles en los años recientes bajo el concepto y caso práctico de Municipio Ganador.Alternativas para el Desarrollo Rura

    Additional information delivery to image content via improved unseen–visible watermarking

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    In a practical watermark scenario, watermarks are used to provide auxiliary information; in this way, an analogous digital approach called unseen–visible watermark has been introduced to deliver auxiliary information. In this algorithm, the embedding stage takes advantage of the visible and invisible watermarking to embed an owner logotype or barcodes as watermarks; in the exhibition stage, the equipped functions of the display devices are used to reveal the watermark to the naked eyes, eliminating any watermark exhibition algorithm. In this paper, a watermark complement strategy for unseen–visible watermarking is proposed to improve the embedding stage, reducing the histogram distortion and the visual degradation of the watermarked image. The presented algorithm exhibits the following contributions: first, the algorithm can be applied to any class of images with large smooth regions of low or high intensity; second, a watermark complement strategy is introduced to reduce the visual degradation and histogram distortion of the watermarked image; and third, an embedding error measurement is proposed. Evaluation results show that the proposed strategy has high performance in comparison with other algorithms, providing a high visual quality of the exhibited watermark and preserving its robustness in terms of readability and imperceptibility against geometric and processing attacks

    Antimicrobial activity of Argemone ochroleuca Sweet (Chicalote).

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    Infusiones de la parte aérea de Argemone ochroleuca Sweet (Papaveraceae) son utilizadas por los pobladores de Tepotzotlán, Estado de México, para el tratamiento de infecciones en los ojos, enfermedades respiratorias y dermatológicas. El objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar la actividad antimicrobiana de los extractos hexánicos, acetato de etilo y metanólico de la parte aérea de A. ochroleuca. La actividad antimicrobiana fue evaluada frente a trece cepas bacterianas y nueve cepas fúngicas. Solo el extracto metanólico presentó actividad antimicrobiana. S. aureus (MIC= 125 µg/mL) y C. neoformans (MIC= 500 µg/mL) fueron las cepas que presentaron mayor sensibilidad. La purificación biodirigida del extracto metanólico dio como resultado el aislamiento e identificación del alcaloide isoquinolínico berberina. El presente estudio confirma la actividad antimicrobiana del extracto metanólico de A. ochroleuca.Abstract Argemone ochroleuca Sweet (Papaveraceae) is used to treat eye infection, respiratory and dermatological disorders in Tepotzotlán, State of México (México). The aim of this work was to investigate antimicrobial activity of hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts from aerial parts of A. ochroleuca. The antimicrobial activity was evaluated against thirteen bacteria and nine fungal strains. Only methanol extract showed antimicrobial activity. S. aureus (MIC= 125 µg/mL) and C. neoformans (MIC= 500 µg/mL) were the most sensitive strains. The bioassay-guide purification of the methanolic extract resulted in the isolation and identification of the isoquinoline alkaloid berberine. The present study confirms the antimicrobial activity of methanolic extract of A. ochroleuca. Keywords: Antibacterial activity, Antifungal activity, Argemone ochroleuca, Berberine, Papaveraceae, Tepotzotlán, México

    La emigración internacional, las remesas y el desarrollo económico en México

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    La migración es un fenómeno que ocurre desde el momento en que el hombre busca nuevas alternativas para mejorar su bienestar social, su aspecto benéfico radica en el flujo de remesas captadas en las regiones expulsoras de mano de obra, las cuales se encuentran concentradas principalmente en las zonas rurales. La tendencia en el uso de las remesas está encaminada hacia la satisfacción de las necesidades básicas, así como a la adquisición de bienes de consumo y a la compra y mejora de la vivienda de las familias de los migrantes. Existen países que tienen flujos migratorios masivos, motivo por el cual reciben flujos importantes de remesas para su contabilidad nacional y en este trabajo se analizan desde la perspectiva de países expulsores y de destino de la mano de obra migrante. Por facilidad de análisis de esta obra los países se agrupan en cinco regiones, a saber; África, Asia, Europa, Latinoamérica y Oceanía. Para nuestro país la captación de divisas por concepto de las exportaciones petroleras es la más importante, pero a partir del año 2000, éstas constantemente se ven amenazadas por los flujos monetarios que ingresan al país por concepto de remesas y que desde el año 2003 se colocaron como la segunda fuente más importante de divisas para México. La necesidad de conocer los efectos de las remesas sobre la conomía mexicana se debe a que representan un flujo monetario que en más del 80% es destinado al autoconsumo y el resto a la inversión o ahorro, lo que sin duda genera burbujas inflacionarias para las regiones que mayoritariamente reciben tales ingresos como en el caso de los estados de Jalisco, Michoacán, Zacatecas, o el mismo Estado de México

    Beneficiado semi-mecanizado de vainilla

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    En este estudio se realizó el beneficiado o curado de vainilla de manera semi-mecanizada, implementado un horno eléctrico para proporcionar el calor requerido por los diversos tratamientos, ya el beneficiado tradicional de vainilla requiere de 120 días consecutivos, incrementando hasta en un 20% debido al aumento de la nubosidad y precipitación que concurre en los meses del beneficiado de vainilla. Debido a esto, el objetivo de esta investigación consistió en reducir el tiempo del beneficiado de vainilla tradicional, utilizando un horno como fuente calorífica sin afectar la calidad del producto. En este estudio se utilizó vainilla verde de Categoría II Ordinaria. Para determinar la calidad de los frutos verdes y beneficiados se implemento la metodología establecida por la NMX-FF-074-SCFI-2009, la cual incluyó la determinación del conte- nido de humedad de los frutos y contenido de vainillina. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos, el proceso de beneficiado de vainilla se puede semi-mecanizar para reducir hasta en un 25% del tiempo tradicional con una calidad relativamente similar a la tradicional. Sin embargo, el contenido de vainillina varía con respecto a la temperatura de exposición del fruto > 50oC, en el beneficiado de vainilla

    Cultural and economic barriers and opportunities for the participation of women in agricultural production systems: a case study in Guatemala

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    As in other Latin American countries, agricultural activities in Guatemala contribute with 32% of the total employment (65% in rural areas), but only one in every ten individuals employed in these activities are women. This study examines the cultural and economic barriers and opportunities for the participation of women in agricultural (crop and livestock) production systems. We rely on a qualitative approach involving focus group discussions with 15–20 women in each of the eight communities visited in the departments of Chiquimula (Dry Corridor) and Huehuetenango (Western Highlands) in October 2022. The study provides several interesting findings, which generally hold across locations. First, women do not seem to have a strong preference for crop production activities, except harvesting, and only get involved in specifically assigned tasks. This lack of interest and participation in crop-related activities, which can be related to low empowerment levels and traditional stereotypes in the community about gender roles, persist even in locations with a higher emigration of men, where women could be expected to take over traditionally male crop-related tasks. Second, participants carry out a variety of other unpaid activities, including raising small-scale livestock and maintaining home gardens, which they do not recognize as formal, income-generating occupations despite their more active role. Third, women consider the commercialization of their products a persistent challenge as they do not have access to markets beyond their community, which additionally results in a deterrent to applying for credits due to a generalized fear of defaulting. Despite their day-to-day economic hardship, participants’ main aspirations point to generating more income in non-crop-related activities, mainly livestock farming and raising, or, alternatively, emigrating to provide a better future for their children. These findings remark the importance of offering extensive support to women to not only start new activities, as it has been the case of several public and private initiatives in the area, but help them through continuous extension services on production, storage, and commercialization; management and accounting; and financial literacy, as well as on building agency capacity through existing women groups and organizations and enabling the environment for improved access to markets and credit

    Streptococcus Pneumoniae Serotype 19A in Hospitalized Children With invasive Pneumococcal Disease after the introduction of Conjugated Vaccines in Lima, Peru

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    BACKGROUND: The Pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) has decreased cases of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) worldwide. However, the impact of PCVs introduction may be affected by the serotype distribution in a specific context. METHODS: Cross-sectional multicenter passive surveillance study of IPD cases in pediatric patients hospitalized in Lima, Peru between 2016 and 2019 (after PCV13 introduction) to determine the serotype distribution and antimicrobial resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Serotyping was performed by a sequential multiplex PCR and confirmed by whole genome sequencing. RESULTS: Eighty-five S. pneumoniae isolates were recovered (4.07/100,000 among childrenage). Serotype 19A was the most common (49.4%). Children infected with serotype 19A in comparison with children infected with other serotypes were younger, had a lower rate of meningitis and higher rates of pneumonia, complicated pneumonia and antimicrobial resistance; 28.6% of patients with serotype 19A have received at least one dose of PCV13 vs. 62.8% of patients with other serotypes. Using MIC-breakpoints, 81.2% (56/69) of non-meningitis strains and 31.2% (5/16) of meningitis strains were susceptible to penicillin; 18.8% (3/16) of meningitis strains had intermediate resistance to ceftriaxone. Resistance to azithromycin was 78.8% (67/85). Serotype 19A frequency increased over time in the same study population, from 4.2% (4/96) in 2006-2008, to 8.6% (5/58) in 2009-2011, to 49.4% (42/85) in the current study (2016-2019) (p \u3c 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: After PCV13 introduction in Peru, serotype 19A remains the most prevalent; however, the vaccination coverage is still not optimal. Therefore, additonal surveillance studies are needed to determine the remaining IPD burden

    a cross-sectional study

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    Objectives We determined the seroprevalence and correlates of Toxoplasma gondii infection in pregnant women in Aguascalientes City, Mexico. Design A cross-sectional survey. Setting Pregnant women were enrolled in the central Mexican city of Aguascalientes. Participants We studied 338 pregnant women who attended prenatal care in 3 public health centres. Primary and secondary outcome measures Women were examined for IgG/IgM antibodies to T. gondii by using commercially available enzyme immunoassays, and an avidity test. Multiple analyses were used to determine the association of T. gondii seropositivity with the characteristics of the pregnant women. Results Of the 338 pregnant women studied, 21 (6.2%) had IgG antibodies to T. gondii, and 1 (4.8%) of them was also positive for IgM antibodies to T. gondii. Avidity of IgG antibodies to T. gondii was high in the IgM-positive sample. Logistic regression analysis of sociodemographic, behavioural and housing variables showed that T. gondii seropositivity was associated with white ethnicity (OR=149.4; 95% CI 10.8 to 2054.1; p<0.01), not washing hands before eating (OR=6.41; 95% CI 1.73 to 23.6; p=0.005) and use of latrine (OR=37.6; 95% CI 4.63 to 306.31; p=0.001). Conclusions Results demonstrate that pregnant women in Aguascalientes City have a low seroprevalence of T. gondii infection. However, this low prevalence indicates that most pregnant women are at risk for a primary infection. Factors associated with T. gondii exposure found in this study, including food hygiene, may be useful to determine preventive measures against T. gondii infection and its sequelae

    Enfrentando los riesgos socionaturales

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    El objetivo del libro es comprender la magnitud de los Riesgos Socionaturales en México y Latinoamérica, para comprender el peligro que existe por algún tipo de desastre, ya sea inundaciones, sismos, remoción en masa, entre otros, además conocer qué medidas preventivas, correctivas y de contingencias existen para estar atentos ante alguna señal que la naturaleza esté enviando y así evitar alguna catástrofe. El libro se enfoca en los aspectos básicos de análisis de los peligros, escenarios de riesgo, vulnerabilidad y resiliencia, importantes para la gestión prospectiva o preventiva

    Population fluctuation of the pineapple mealybug in two pineapple (Ananas comosus [L.] Merr.) varieties in Huimanguillo Tabasco, Mexico

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    ABSTRACT Objective: to determine the specie, the prevalence and seasonal distribution of&nbsp;Dysmicoccus&nbsp;spp. Design/Methodology/Approach: The present study was carried out in two pineapples producing localities MD2 and cabezona varieties in the municipality of Huimanguillo, Tabasco The seasonal distribution and percentage of infestation were determined in both localities/varieties from January to June 2021. Monthly, 40 plants were sampled at random, in an area of 4 ha per locality. At the plant level, roots, stems, and leaves of the base of the plant and fruits were checked for the presence of this mealybug. Results: The species present were&nbsp;D. brevipes. The greatest abundance of mealybug was found in the bighead variety.&nbsp;D. brevipes&nbsp;are mostly located at the base of the stem and old basal leaves, both in the var. bighead as in MD2, by 85.46 and 61.75%, respectively. From January to April, the populations of&nbsp;D. brevipes&nbsp;were moderate, a period with the highest temperature; while the highest populations were recorded towards mid-June when the rains begin. Study limitations/implications: Climatic variable and immature stages of D. brevipes may affect the observations of population dynamics. Findings/Conclusions: D. brevipes was found to feed more on basal leaves and stems. To obtain population dynamics and predict the total number of insects per plant and their temporal and spatial distribution, the entire production cycle must be considered together with the climatic parameters, to create a control strategy directed at the dates of moderate abundance. Key words: Pineapple mealybugs, seasonal distribution, Huimanguillo. &nbsp; &nbsp;Objective: To identify the pineapple mealybug Dysmicoccus spp. and determine its prevalence and seasonal distribution in Huimanguillo Tabasco, Mexico. Design/Methodology/Approach: This study was carried out in two pineapple producing localities in the municipality of Huimanguillo, Tabasco. The varieties studied were MD2 and Cabezona. The seasonal distribution and infestation percentage was determined in both localities and for both varieties from January to June 2021. Forty plants were randomly sampled per month in a 4-ha area per locality. Roots, stems, basal leaves, and fruits were examined at the plant level. Results: The highest abundance of pineapple mealybugs (D. brevipes sp.) was found in the Cabezona variety. D. brevipes is mainly located in 85.46 and 61.76% of the old leaves of the stem, in the Cabezona and MD2 varieties, respectively. From January to April —when the highest temperatures were recorded—, the population of D. brevipes was moderate, while the highest populations were recorded towards mid-June, when the rains began. Study Limitations/Implications: Climatic variables can affect the evaluation parameters. The immature stages dynamics can limit the interpretation of results. Conclusions: D. brevipes is mostly distributed in the lower parts of the plant. To determine the population fluctuation, predict the total number of insects per plant, and establish their temporal and spatial distribution, the entire production cycle must be considered, as well as the climatic parameters, in order to develop a targeted control strategy on dates of moderate abundance