109 research outputs found

    Gender Differences of University Students in the Online Teaching Quality and Psychological Profile during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    With the arrival of COVID-19, educational systems have had to adapt to the social and health situation immediately. This led to the appearance of the asynchronous teaching model. Throughout the pandemic, at the educational level, we can distinguish three phases, eminently online, hybrid, and finally, face-to-face. However, the perception of educational quality in these three educational moments, taking into account the psychometric profile and gender, has not been studied. Thus, 1093 university students from Ibero-American countries were analyzed. Through a questionnaire, demographic, academic, and psychological variables were analyzed at three moments during the evolution of the pandemic. Data suggest that, during the lockdown phase, while teaching was eminently online, students presented higher levels of stress and higher difficulty of learning; class attendance, convenience, preferred method of learning, grading score, and motivation were lower, compared to other phases of teaching (hybrid and face-to-face). During this period, females presented higher stress levels than males, as well as higher levels of anxiety and loneliness, without gender differences among the other studied variables. During the hybrid and face-to-face phases, male students presented higher values in the results of difficulty learning and demanding activities. No differences were seen regarding motivation, synchronous class attendance, learning level, grades, convenience, or preferred learning method. The results from the present study suggest that, despite the effect of the pandemic on mental health, asynchronous education is postulated as an effective teaching–learning alternative. Yet, a special focus should be given to female students

    The influence of nutritional factors on prostate cancer incidence and aggressiveness

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    There is an increasing evidence for a link between nutrition, lifestyle and prostate cancer (PCa) development and/or progression of disease. The objective of this study was to examine the association between dietary factors and PCa incidence and aggressiveness in a case-control study. After the analysis of the anatomic pathology, subjects were classified in patients with PCa (n = 157) and controls (n = 158). Clinical data including Gleason score, PSA values and biopsy results, were compiled. Frequencies of food consumption and sociodemographic data were also obtained. The results showed that physical activity was significantly higher in control (p <.022). It was also found that some nutritional habits offer a protective effect among studied subjects, like high nuts (p =.041) and fish (p =.041) intakes. Moreover, there was a significant reduction in risk (p =.029) in cases with a higher fruits and vegetables intakes. A decreased risk of aggressive PCa was associated with fruits, vegetables, legumes and fish intakes. However, these relationships were not statistically significant when data were adjusted for covariates. In conclusion, this study found an inverse association between PCa risk and the intake of fruits and vegetables, fish and nuts. The results suggested that a diet with higher intakes of these foods as Mediterranean diet may lower the risk of PCa in the studied population. As dietary factors are modifiable, identifying food groups or dietary patterns that modulate the risk of PCa and its aggressiveness can offer effective and practical strategies for its primary prevention

    Molecular method for the characterization of Coxiella burnetii from clinical and environmental samples: variability of genotypes in Spain

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    BACKGROUND: Coxiella burnetii is a highly clonal microorganism which is difficult to culture, requiring BSL3 conditions for its propagation. This leads to a scarce availability of isolates worldwide. On the other hand, published methods of characterization have delineated up to 8 different genomic groups and 36 genotypes. However, all these methodologies, with the exception of one that exhibited limited discriminatory power (3 genotypes), rely on performing between 10 and 20 PCR amplifications or sequencing long fragments of DNA, which make their direct application to clinical samples impracticable and leads to a scarce accessibility of data on the circulation of C. burnetii genotypes. RESULTS: To assess the variability of this organism in Spain, we have developed a novel method that consists of a multiplex (8 targets) PCR and hybridization with specific probes that reproduce the previous classification of this organism into 8 genomic groups, and up to 16 genotypes. It allows for a direct characterization from clinical and environmental samples in a single run, which will help in the study of the different genotypes circulating in wild and domestic cycles as well as from sporadic human cases and outbreaks. The method has been validated with reference isolates. A high variability of C. burnetii has been found in Spain among 90 samples tested, detecting 10 different genotypes, being those adaA negative associated with acute Q fever cases presenting as fever of intermediate duration with liver involvement and with chronic cases. Genotypes infecting humans are also found in sheep, goats, rats, wild boar and ticks, and the only genotype found in cattle has never been found among our clinical samples. CONCLUSIONS: This newly developed methodology has permitted to demonstrate that C. burnetii is highly variable in Spain. With the data presented here, cattle seem not to participate in the transmission of C. burnetii to humans in the samples studied, while sheep, goats, wild boar, rats and ticks share genotypes with the human population

    CA 15-3 prognostic biomarker in SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia.

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    The severity of lung involvement is the main prognostic factor in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. Carbohydrate antigen 15-3 (CA 15-3), a marker of lung damage and fibrosis, could help predict the prognosis of SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia. This was a retrospective and observational study. CA 15-3 was analyzed in the blood samples of patients consecutively admitted for SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia and whose blood samples were available in the biobank. Other prognostic markers were also measured (interleukin 6 [IL6], C-reactive protein [CRP], D-dimer, troponin T, and NT-ProBNP). The occurrence of in-hospital complications was registered, including death, the need for medical intensive care, and oxygen therapy at discharge. In this study, 539 patients were recruited (54.9% men, mean age: 59.6 ± 16.4 years). At admission, the mean concentrations of CA 15-3 was 20.5 ± 15.8 U/mL, and the concentration was correlated with male sex, older age, and other severity markers of coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19) (IL6, CRP, D-dimer, troponine T, and NT-ProBNP). CA 15-3 levels were higher in patients who died (n = 56, 10.4%) (35.33 ± 30.45 vs. 18.8 ± 12.11, p < 0.001), who required intensive medical support (n = 78, 14.4%; 31.17 ± 27.83 vs. 18.68 ± 11.83; p < 0.001), and who were discharged with supplemental oxygen (n = 64, 13.3%; 22.65 ± 14.41 vs. 18.2 ± 11.7; p = 0.011). Elevated CA 15-3 levels (above 34.5 U/mL) were a strong predictor of a complicated in-hospital course, in terms of a higher risk of death (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 3.74, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.22-11.9, p = 0.022) and need for intensive care (adjusted OR 4.56, 95% CI: 1.37-15.8) after adjusting for all other risk factors. The degree of lung damage and fibrosis evaluated in terms of CA 15-3 concentrations may allow early identification of the increased risk of complications in patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia.S

    Genetic Structure of the Spanish Population

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genetic admixture is a common caveat for genetic association analysis. Therefore, it is important to characterize the genetic structure of the population under study to control for this kind of potential bias.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study we have sampled over 800 unrelated individuals from the population of Spain, and have genotyped them with a genome-wide coverage. We have carried out linkage disequilibrium, haplotype, population structure and copy-number variation (CNV) analyses, and have compared these estimates of the Spanish population with existing data from similar efforts.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In general, the Spanish population is similar to the Western and Northern Europeans, but has a more diverse haplotypic structure. Moreover, the Spanish population is also largely homogeneous within itself, although patterns of micro-structure may be able to predict locations of origin from distant regions. Finally, we also present the first characterization of a CNV map of the Spanish population. These results and original data are made available to the scientific community.</p

    ERK5 Is a Major Determinant of Chemical Sarcomagenesis : Implications in Human Pathology

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    Sarcoma is a heterogeneous group of tumors poorly studied with few therapeutic opportunities. Interestingly, the role of MAPKs still remains unclear in sarcomatous pathology. Here, we describe for the first time the critical role of ERK5 in the biology of soft tissue sarcoma by using in vitro and in vivo approaches in a murine experimental model of chemical sarcomagenesis. Indeed, our observations were extrapolated to a short series of human leiomyosarcoma and rhabdomyosarcomas. Furthermore, transcriptome analysis allows us to demonstrate the critical role of KLF2 in the biological effects of ERK5. Therefore, the data presented here open new windows in the diagnosis and therapy of soft tissue sarcomas. Sarcomas are a heterogeneous group of tumors in which the role of ERK5 is poorly studied. To clarify the role of this MAPK in sarcomatous pathology, we used a murine 3-methyl-cholanthrene (3MC)-induced sarcoma model. Our data show that 3MC induces pleomorphic sarcomas with muscle differentiation, showing an increased expression of ERK5. Indeed, this upregulation was also observed in human sarcomas of muscular origin, such as leiomyosarcoma or rhabdomyosarcoma. Moreover, in cell lines derived from these 3MC-induced tumors, abrogation of Mapk7 expression by using specific shRNAs decreased in vitro growth and colony-forming capacity and led to a marked loss of tumor growth in vivo. In fact, transcriptomic profiling in ERK5 abrogated cell lines by RNAseq showed a deregulated gene expression pattern for key biological processes such as angiogenesis, migration, motility, etc., correlating with a better prognostic in human pathology. Finally, among the various differentially expressed genes, Klf2 is a key mediator of the biological effects of ERK5 as indicated by its specific interference, demonstrating that the ERK5-KLF2 axis is an important determinant of sarcoma biology that should be further studied in human pathology

    ERK5 Is a major determinant of chemical sarcomagenesis: implications in human pathology

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    Sarcomas are a heterogeneous group of tumors in which the role of ERK5 is poorly studied. To clarify the role of this MAPK in sarcomatous pathology, we used a murine 3-methyl-cholanthrene (3MC)-induced sarcoma model. Our data show that 3MC induces pleomorphic sarcomas with muscle differentiation, showing an increased expression of ERK5. Indeed, this upregulation was also observed in human sarcomas of muscular origin, such as leiomyosarcoma or rhabdomyosarcoma. Moreover, in cell lines derived from these 3MC-induced tumors, abrogation of Mapk7 expression by using specific shRNAs decreased in vitro growth and colony-forming capacity and led to a marked loss of tumor growth in vivo. In fact, transcriptomic profiling in ERK5 abrogated cell lines by RNAseq showed a deregulated gene expression pattern for key biological processes such as angiogenesis, migration, motility, etc., correlating with a better prognostic in human pathology. Finally, among the various differentially expressed genes, Klf2 is a key mediator of the biological effects of ERK5 as indicated by its specific interference, demonstrating that the ERK5–KLF2 axis is an important determinant of sarcoma biology that should be further studied in human pathology.This work has been supported with Grant RTI2018-094093-B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, “ERDF A way of making Europe” to RSP. Also supported with funds from Fundación Leticia Castillejo Castillo, Roche España and ACEPAIN to RSP and MJRH. RSP and MJRH’s Research Institute and the work carried out in their laboratory, received partial support from the European Community through the FEDER. JJ and EAL hold a predoctoral research contract cofounded by the European Social Fund and UCLM. OR holds a contract for accessing the Spanish System of Science, Technology, and Innovation (SECTI) funded by the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) and received partial support from the European Social Fund (FSE) through its Operative Program for Castilla-La Mancha (2007–2013)

    Evaluación frecuente, mentorías y rendimiento académico en el programa mentor de Aeronáuticos

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    El Programa Mentor de Aeronáuticos se inicia en 2004con una doble vertiente de actuación. Por un lado, Tutores y Mentores facilitan el proceso de integración de los Alumnos de Nuevo Ingreso en la vida universitaria; por otro, el estudio de las dificultades académicas de los Alumnos Tutelados conduce a Cambios Metodológicas en el Aula que ayudan a activar las relaciones profesor-alumno y a mejorar el rendimiento del esfuerzo de todos, profesores y alumnos. Se describen éstas experiencias, así como los resultados obtenidos en los últimos cuatro año