2,225 research outputs found

    El “pecado social” de la sociología: una reflexión crítica desde la axiología sistémica

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    ¿Cómo es posible que la ciencia social, y en particular la Sociología, no tenga en cuenta precisamente los motivos por los cuales los individuos se agrupan en sociedades o asociaciones? ¿Cómo es posible que olvide que las organizaciones sociales no deben ni pueden producir sino los valores que persiguen los individuos? ¿Cómo es posible que no se contabilicen y midan los niveles a los cuales dichos valores son producidos para poder fundamentar con precisión cualquier crítica? ¿Cómo puede, además, ignorarse la dimensión ética de este olvido y no se contemple lo que el sistema hace desde la perspectiva del pueblo, puesto que el pueblo paga? Y sobre todo, ¿cómo es posible que se abandone la perspectiva más genuinamente sociológica, la cual consiste precisamente en ponerse en el lugar del “hombre de la calle” para juzgar desde esa posición lo que el sistema hace? ¿Pero acaso no sabemos que lo que persiguen todas las personas es tener una vida mejor, y eso en cualquier tipo de sociedad, grande o pequeña, primitiva o moderna? ¿Y no sabemos que esta “vida mejor” como unidad de análisis se traduce en un “sistemas de valores integrado” (niveles compatibles de salud, bienestar, seguridad, equidad, libertad, ambiente no contaminado, prestigio social, etc.), y que por esto y solo por esto se asocian y colaboran? ¿Por qué causas entonces no se tienen en cuenta, se registran, se miden y se comparan, sistemática y rutinariamente, los “sistemas de valores” producidos por cualquier tipo de sociedad –su razón de ser-, desde la familia al estado-nación? ¿Cómo es posible que ninguna ciencia social -y en especial la Sociología- se ocupe de calibrar el sistema de valores que produce la sociedad para el bien general de los individuos que la componen? Estas son las cuestiones que plantea el artículo.How can Social Science, and particularly Sociology, disregard the very reasons why people live together in societies or associations? How can it forget that social organisations must not and cannot produce anything but the values people pursue? How not to account for or measure the levels achieved for these values and use the results to substantiate accurately any kind of criticism? Or how can the ethical dimension of such an oversight be forgotten and show no consideration for what the system does for the people since, after all, it is the people who pay. Above all, how can one abandon the most genuinely sociological perspective, which consists precisely in seeing what the system does through the eyes of “the man in the street? Do we by chance not know that what every person wants in whatever society, be it large or small, primitive or advanced, is “a better life”? And, do we not know that the unit of analysis for achieving this purpose is “an integrated system of values” (compatible levels of health, wellbeing, security, equity freedom, an unpolluted environment, social prestige, etc.) and that it is for this and only this reason that people associate and cooperate? So why are the “value systems” produced by any kind of society, the reasons which justify their existence, from the family to the Nation-State, not taken into account, recorded, measured and compared systematically and routinely? How is it that no social science- and less so Sociology- gauges the “values system” achieved by society for the general benefit of the individuals which comprise it? These are the question addressed in this paper

    La enseñanza de la sociología desde el punto de vista de la Teoría de Sistemas

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    Hacia una teoría axiólógica de la sociedad: hipótesis para un esbozo

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    Hierarchical clustered register file organization for VLIW processors

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    Technology projections indicate that wire delays will become one of the biggest constraints in future microprocessor designs. To avoid long wire delays and therefore long cycle times, processor cores must be partitioned into components so that most of the communication is done locally. In this paper, we propose a novel register file organization for VLIW cores that combines clustering with a hierarchical register file organization. Functional units are organized in clusters, each one with a local first level register file. The local register files are connected to a global second level register file, which provides access to memory. All intercluster communications are done through the second level register file. This paper also proposes MIRS-HC, a novel modulo scheduling technique that simultaneously performs instruction scheduling, cluster selection, inserts communication operations, performs register allocation and spill insertion for the proposed organization. The results show that although more cycles are required to execute applications, the execution time is reduced due to a shorter cycle time. In addition, the combination of clustering and hierarchy provides a larger design exploration space that trades-off performance and technology requirements.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Hacia una teoría axiológica de la sociedad : hipótesis para un esbozo

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    Desde las sociedades globales a las organizaciones minúsculas, los sistemas sociales se componen de seres humanos. El reconocimiento de este hecho tienen implicaciones epistemológicas importantes, puesto que, al contrario de algunas formulaciones teóricas (por ejemplo, la de la «sociedad sin hombres» de N. Luhmann), que sólo contempla a los seres humanos como elementos cruciales de cualquier tipo de sociedad, es posible percibir sus necesidades y, en consecuencia, los valores que supuestamente les satifacen. El binomio «necesidad/valor» deviene la primera materia esencial del análisis sociológico. Tanto necesidades como factor de motivación, como valores como factor de satisfacción, pueden ser operacionalizados y cuantificados para detectar los resultados principales de organizaciones sociales complejas, su desviación de estandares predeterminados y su adaptación al ambiente.Acknowledgement of this fact has important epistemological implications, since, contrary to some theoretical formulations (e.g., the «society without men» of N. Luhmann), only by regarding human beings as the crucial element of any type of society it is possible to perceive their needs and therefore the values supposedly intended to satisfy them. The «need / value» binomial thereby becomes the essential prime material of sociological analysis. Both NEEDS as a factor of motivation and VALUES as a factor of satisfaction can be operationalized and quantified to depict the principal achievements of complex social organizations, their deviation from predetermined standards and the extent to which they ultimately adapt to the environment. Standardized and therefore comparable axiological profiles comprise a tool that can be generally applied to establish a preliminary measure of the degree of overall organizational efficiency. The concept of organization is taken here in its broader sense and is applicable to any type of society organized so as to achieve certain goals

    La necesidad de la pena como criterio determinante en la procedencia de la regla del artículo 103 del Código Penal en ilícitos de lesa humanidad: Comentario a la sentencia 34.447-2016 de la Corte Suprema

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    In the Supreme Court an intense debate exists on the proceeds of the rule of the article 103 of the Penal Code in the crimes against humanity because of the prohibition that the Humanitarian International Criminal Law establishes for the full prescription of those crimes. The resolution of the controversy has happened for determining if the foundations of the prescription, specially of «need of sentence», are diverse or analogous to those of the so-called «half prescription».En la Corte Suprema existe un intenso debate sobre la procedencia de la regla del artículo 103 del Código Penal en los delitos de lesa humanidad debido a la prohibición que el derecho penal humanitario internacional establece para la prescripción plena de aquellos ilícitos. La resolución de la controversia ha pasado por determinar si los fundamentos de la prescripción, especialmente el de «necesidad de la pena», son diversos o análogos a los de la llamada «media prescripción»

    Modulo scheduling with integrated register spilling for clustered VLIW architectures

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    Clustering is a technique to decentralize the design of future wide issue VLIW cores and enable them to meet the technology constraints in terms of cycle time, area and power dissipation. In a clustered design, registers and functional units are grouped in clusters so that new instructions are needed to move data between them. New aggressive instruction scheduling techniques are required to minimize the negative effect of resource clustering and delays in moving data around. In this paper we present a novel software pipelining technique that performs instruction scheduling with reduced register requirements, register allocation, register spilling and inter-cluster communication in a single step. The algorithm uses limited backtracking to reconsider previously taken decisions. This backtracking provides the algorithm with additional possibilities for obtaining high throughput schedules with low spill code requirements for clustered architectures. We show that the proposed approach outperforms previously proposed techniques and that it is very scalable independently of the number of clusters, the number of communication buses and communication latency. The paper also includes an exploration of some parameters in the design of future clustered VLIW cores.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Objectives and Measures for Energy and Mineral Cooperation: a note

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    SUMMARY The main constraints on Third World energy development are the high price of imported oil, shrinking resources of fuel wood, lack of financial resources and inadequate technical and management capacity. There is an urgent need for financial and technical assistance, particularly to provide ‘software’. This would be best provided by a specialist agency. RESUMEN Qbjetivos y medidas para la cooperación energética y minera Las mayores restricciones en el desarrollo energético del Tercer Mundo, residen en el alto precio del petróleo importado, la reducción de los recursos de leña, la falta de recursos financieros y la inadecuada capacidad técnica y administrativa. Existe urgente necesidad de asistencia técnica y financiera, especialmente de ‘programas’, los que serían mejor provistos por agencias especializadas. RÉSUMÉ Objectéfs et Mesures pour une Coopération de l'Energie et des Minéraux Les principales restrictions au développement de l'énergie du Tiers?Monde sont le prix élevé du pétrole importé, une diminution des ressources de bois?combustible, un manque de ressources financières et une capacité technique et gestionnaire inadéquate. Il y a un besoin urgent d'une aide financière et technique, particulièrement dans l'implantation du ‘logiciel’. Un organisme spécialisé serait le mieux placé à cette fin

    Can Systems Theory predict the Evolution of Secessionism in Catalonia with Respect to the Kingdom of Spain?

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    The tendency toward secession of approximately half of Catalan voters is a complex phenomenon that has been worsening for about 15 years, first because of the desire of the Catalan secessionists to have a new Statute of Autonomy incompatible with the rest of the autonomies, and second, for failure of the Central State to implement the promise of President Zapatero in 2011 to accept the Statute to be drafted by the Catalans. From that moment and also thanks to the political inaction of President Rajoy, the Catalan problem has only escalated until it announces a Unilateral Declaration of Independence destined to die before being born due to the illegalities that allowed it. In this situation, the Systemic Model that is presented predicts a certain evolution towards the decrease of the secessionist drive

    Americanization, Language Policy, and the Promise of Education: Public School Formation and Educational Attainment in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Nogales, Arizona, 1880-1942

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    This study analyzes the nature of identity formation discourses and processes in terms of race, gender, citizenship, and educational attainment at the turn of the twentieth century in the communities of Nogales, Arizona, and Albuquerque, New Mexico. This study articulates the labyrinthine nature of the lived experiences of Hispanics with respect to how externally-imposed ideas of social interaction manifested themselves in these borderlands communities. One of the themes of this work is the analysis of the role of early public schools in their effort to create a cohesive identity among their diverse students. In this analysis significant questions relating to identity come to the forefront. For example, how similar were the social interactions among different groups in these border towns with respect to the social interactions in other contemporary cities in the U.S. Southwest region? What types of nationalist discourses accompanied the formation of early schools in Nogales and throughout the greater borderlands region? The effects of these discourses on the educational attainment of Hispanic students in Nogales and Albuquerque are examined and reveal low levels of high school graduation among Hispanic students when these graduation rates are compared to demographic statistics in their two cities. This study explains the sociohistorical context of the formation of these cities public schools in addition to exploring how Americanization shaped the educational attainment of Hispanic students therein from the 1890s until the early 1940s. This study also comments on the overall contradictions of the intercultural exchanges seen throughout the greater U.S.-Mexico borderlands region. Many complex factors played a role in the educational outcomes of the students considered in this investigation, but the Americanization rhetoric reflected in school pedagogies (and the general absence of Hispanic educators/role models) helped bring about the low educational attainment of Hispanic students. This study primarily relies on primary source documents, including oral histories, available through archival sources in Nogales and Albuquerque, as well as elsewhere in Arizona and New Mexico. This study seeks to contribute to the discussion of the history of the education and citizenship identity of Mexican Americans in the borderlands