1,991 research outputs found

    La Ingeniería Agronómica en Colombia Contribución de profesores extranjeros en su génesis y evolución (1911-1970)

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    El libro que tengo el gusto de prologar es un documento interesante y, aunque las razones de esta afirmación trataré de darlas más adelante, puedo afirmar de entrada, que se trata de una obra que cobra vida por efecto de dos criterios que hacen las veces de catalizadores, uno el rigor, y otro, el fervor o la pasión de los cuales hace gala el autor, y que por lo mismo permiten que el trabajo tenga un carácter y un tono muy especiales. El autor en forma idónea logra hilvanar cuatro capítulos que tejen con acierto su producto académico. Lo consigue con los temas Recursos naturales, agricultura y antecedentes de la educación agrícola, Educación agrícola superior en Colombia, Investigadores y profesores extranjeros en programas agrícolas en Colombia y Profesores e investigadores extranjeros en la Universidad de Nariño y en el Programa de Ingeniería Agronómica

    Las misiones extranjeras y su influencia en la educación agrícola superior en Colombia

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    Este artículo tiene como marco de referencia la Tesis Doctoral en Ciencias de la Educación/RUDECOLOMBIA: “El Programa de Ingeniería Agronómica de la Universidad de Nariño: Análisis, balance y prospectiva: 1962-2012”, que examina, entre otros temas, la influencia que ejercieron las misiones extranjeras en los ámbitos de la educación, inicialmente de Europa (Alemania, Bélgica Italia y Francia), y posteriormente de los Estados Unidos, mediante las fundaciones Kellogg, Rockefeller y Ford, y la Alianza para el Progreso. La incursión de programas agrícolas se suscitó, después de los años cincuenta del siglo XX, en las Universidades de Nariño, Tolima y Caldas, entre otras, y fue evidente el dominio que ejercieron estas misiones en los currículos agrícolas en Colombia y en Latinoamérica bajo el patrón de la Revolución Verde. Adicional a la ayuda financiera que fortaleció la Educación Agrícola Superior en Colombia, también significó el establecimiento de modelos de desarrollo, sustentados en el uso intensivo de insumos agroquímicos, con enormes efectos socioeconómicos, que apenas hoy se dimensionan

    La enseñanza en lengua inglesa mediante el entorno de aprendizaje Moodle: el caso de informática aplicada a la gestión de la empresa

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    En el presente trabajo se recoge la experiencia pionera del uso de un entorno de aprendizaje aplicado a la impartición en lengua inglesa de la asignatura Informática Aplicada a la Gestión de la Empresa. El objetivo era conseguir, mediante una enseñanza basada en proyectos, una mayor participación activa en la asignatura por parte del estudiante, a la vez que desarrollar competencias difíciles de obtener mediante otros medios docentes y necesarios para su desarrollo como futuros profesionales. Finalmente, se incluyen las ventajas y dificultades encontradas en la experiencia fruto de la experiencia vivid

    UGCs and wellness touristic image: the Spanish case

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    [EN] The purpose of this paper is to analyse the characteristics of the projected image of wellness tourism by studying memorable experiences transmitted through user-generated content (UGC) in eight Spanish tourist destinations. To achieve this objective the methodology employed has been a netnographic and framework analysis applied to a UGC dataset collected from Airbnb Experiences in eight main Spanish tourist destinations. Based on the keyBERT value, the dimensions and elements that characterise wellness tourism were identified, and a correlation analysis was carried out. Based on the dimensions and the UGC of each destination, the wellness tourism image of each destination was identified. The main result is that the image of a tourist destination can be established on the basis of the UGC, with the Spirit dimension standing out as the most relevant in the image of the destination when we talk about wellness tourism. Likewise, the existence of strong linear correlations, both positive and negative, between the wellness dimensions and their elements is also observed. The interest of the work lies in the use of data from sources that have been little exploited scientifically in order to test their validity as a source of projected tourist image of different destinations, applied to wellness tourism. Furthermore, it seeks to confirm the validity of the set of keywords found in order to create a valid library for future studies on wellbeing based on UGC analysis.This work was supported by the project “Identificación de los Atributos Únicos de los Destinos Turísticos Andaluces desde la perspectiva de los Social Media mediante el uso de técnicas de Text Mining (TURIMEDIA)” P20_00639 funded by Junta de Andalucía.González-Limón, M.; Cauzo-Bottala, L.; Martínez-Torres, R.; Quirós-Tomás, FJ. (2023). UGCs and wellness touristic image: the Spanish case. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 125-126. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/20177912512

    An empirical study of the driving forces behind online communities

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    Purpose – A large variety of online communities have emerged during the last years as a result of the challenges faced by both the business and scientific worlds. This trend has also been promoted by the development of internet and new Web 2.0 technologies. In this context, this paper is focused on the determinants of success of online communities. But, as a difference from other studies, these determinants are analyzed from the social network analysis perspective. Several constructs related to the community organization as a social network are proposed and their interrelations are hypothesized in a general research framework. The obtained results test the proposed model providing the most relevant antecedents of the project success. Design/methodology/approach – A case study based on Linux ports to non-conventional processor and environments is used to test the proposed model. Structural equation modeling analysis is used to validate the structural proposed model. Findings – The main antecedents of online communities’ success, quantifying the strength of the relation through the standardized path coefficients. Research limitations/implications – The research is limited to a particular set of online communities engaged with the development of the non-conventional Linux ports. However, they constitute a representative set of communities in the field of the open source projects (OSS) development, which are typically developed using a community of support. Originality/value – This paper fulfils the main antecedents causing the successful development of Internet virtual communities. Instead of using sources of data coming from users’ surveys, this study employs community interactions as a source of data. Results have important implications over the development of online communities, like software business models based on virtual communities and open source softwareMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia DPI2007-60128Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa P07-TIC-0262

    The role of Internet in the development of future software projects

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    Purpose – The Internet has evolved, prompted in part by new Web 2.0 technologies, to become a more widespread platform for interaction, communication, and activism. Virtual communities, or groups of people informally bound together by shared expertise, synthesise this Internet evolution and theWeb 2.0 technology. Users increasingly want to engage online with one another and with organisations of all kinds. These novel Internet-based technologies dominate the new business models of the digital economy giving companies radical new ways to harvest the talents of innovators working outside corporate boundaries. One of the most illustrative examples of this new trend is the Open Source Software (OSS) projects development. This paper aims to analyse the structure and topology of the virtual community supporting one of the most successfully OSS projects, Linux. The objective is to provide conclusions for being successful in the development of future virtual communities. As companies learn to manage these virtual communities, they will develop smarter and faster ways to create value through them. Design/methodology/approach – The interactions of the virtual community members of an ARM-embedded Linux project website is analysed through social network analysis techniques. The participants’ activity is studied and some conclusions about the participation features are obtained using the Gini coefficient. In particular, a participation inequality behaviour or a concentration on a small number of developers is clearly observed. Findings – The paper deals with the guidelines that virtual communities should follow to be successful. Results about the structure of a successful virtual community and its time evolution are provided to determine the mentioned guidelines. Research limitations/implications – The research is limited to a particular virtual community engaged with the development of the ARM-embedded Linux OSS. Other successful virtual communities can be analysed, and the conclusions could be compared. Anyway, the proposed analysis methodology can be extended to other virtual communities. Originality/value – The paper fulfils the development and features of Internet virtual communities to be successful. Results have important implications over the development of new software business models based on virtual communities and open source software. Contributions about the best organisation of virtual communities leading to a successful development of the underlying project are presented.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia DPI2007- 60128Junta de Andalucía. Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa P07-TIC-0262

    Metodología docente adaptada al EEEs vs tradicional: el caso de administración y dirección

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    El nuevo marco del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior ha obligado a los docentes universitarios a replantear la utilización de nuevas metodologías de enseñanza con el objeto de adecuarse al mismo, en la que prima el trabajo del estudiante. En este trabajo se ha pretendido llevar a cabo una comparación de la metodología docente tradicionalmente utilizada para la asignatura Administración y Dirección y la metodología utilizada en la misma asignatura, pero impartida en lengua inglesa, la cual ha seguido las pautas orientativas de este nuevo marco. Asimismo se han comparado los resultados obtenidos por parte de los estudiantes en ambos caso

    Consumo de bebidas carbonatadas entre gestantes Colombianas: Factores asociados

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    Objective: to examine the factors associated with regular consumption of soft drinks in Colombian pregnant. Material and methods: a cross-sectional study was conducted of data from the 2010 National Nutrition Survey of Colombia (ENSIN 2010), in 1.865 pregnant women aged between 13 and 49 years. Soft drink consumption and associated factors (pregnancy trimester, age, ethnicity, urbanicity, academic level, SISBEN score, and geographic region) were collected by structured questionnaire. Associations were established through a multivariable regression model. Results: we found the 17% of pregnant women consume at least a daily soft drink. To be between 13 to 17 years old, belonging to an ethnic groups (afro-Colombian), being in the first pregnancy trimester and to belong to Sisbén level II showed the highest daily consumption pattern (23.8%, 22.8%, 21.4% and 20.9%). Regression models show that being between 13 to 17 years old OR 1.92 (IC95% 1.04-3.55); to reside in the eastern area OR 1.85 (IC95% 1.05-3.27), or central OR 1.73 (IC95% 1.01- 2.96), and being in the first pregnancy trimester OR 1.59 (IC95% 1.01-2.52); were associated with soft drinks daily consumption. Conclusions: the women studied show a high prevalence of daily consumption of soft drinks. Comprehensive interventions involving both nutritional and educational components are required. © 2015, Grupo Aula Medica S.A.. All rights reserved