1,567 research outputs found

    Experimental approach to chaine operatoire of the neolithic bone industries: the case of Toro Cave (Antequera, Málaga)

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    El estudio tecnológico y funcional de las industrias prehistóricas ha de ir vinculado a un programa experimental, como vía más adecuada para contrastar los resultados obtenidos en la observación de los materiales arqueológicos. En este trabajo se plantea una revisión de los útiles óseos neolíticos de la Cueva de El Toro a través de la activación de un programa experimental. Así, en el establecimiento de las variantes del mismo se han tenido en cuenta aspectos múltiples ̶ zooarqueológicos, morfológicos, etnoarqueológicos, tecnológicos, funcionales y tafonómicos ̶ para identificar las marcas y huellas asociadas a cada actividad, con el objetivo de reconocer y caracterizar las huellas de las piezas arqueológicas, pues las diferentes actividades y usos dejan en sus superficies unas marcas características.The technological and functional study of prehistoric industries must be linked to an experimental program, as the most appropriate way to compare the results of the observation of archaeological materials. This paper presents a review of the Neolithic bone tools of Cave of El Toro through activation of an experimental program. Thus, an the approach of the experimental variants were have had into account multiple aspects ̶ zooarchaeologicals, morphologicals, ethnoarchaeologicals, technologicals, functionals and taphonomics ̶ to identify the traces associated with each activity, with the objective of recognize and characterize the traces of the archaeological bone tools, then different activities and uses left on the tools a traces features

    Acercamiento experimental a la cadena operativa de las industrias óseas neolíticas: el caso de la Cueva de el Toro (Antequera, Málaga)

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    The technological and functional study of prehistoric industries must be linked to an experimental program, as the most appropriate way to compare the results of the observation of archaeological materials. This paper presents a review of the Neolithic bone tools of Cave of El Toro through activation of an experimental program. Thus, an the approach of the experimental variants, were have had into account multiple aspects - zooarchaeologicals, morphologicals, ethnoarchaeologicals, technologicals, functionals and taphonomics - to identify the traces associated with each activity, with the objective of recognize and characterize the traces of the archaeological bone tools, then different activities and uses left on the tools a traces features.El estudio tecnológico y funcional de las industrias prehistóricas ha de ir vinculado a un programa experimental, como vía más adecuada para contrastar los resultados obtenidos en la observación de los materiales arqueológicos. En este trabajo se plantea una revisión de los útiles óseos neolíticos de la Cueva de El Toro a través de la activación de un programa experimental. Así, en el establecimiento de las variantes del mismo se han tenido en cuenta aspectos múltiples - zooarqueológicos, morfológicos, etnoarqueológicos, tecnológicos, funcionales y tafonómicos - para identificar las marcas y huellas asociadas a cada actividad, con el objetivo de reconocer y caracterizar las huellas de las piezas arqueológicas, pues las diferentes actividades y usos dejan en las superficies de las piezas unas marcas características

    High Input of Nitrogen Fertilization and Short Irrigation Frequencies Forcefully Promote the Development of Verticillium Wilt of Olive

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    It is known that high N doses, N/K imbalances, and frequent irrigation favor Verticillium wilt. The influence of fertilization and its interaction with the frequency of irrigation on the development of Verticillium wilt of olive (VWO) has been evaluated. A split-split-plot design in microplots with two naturally infested soils of different texture was established for studying three fertilization treatments (NO3Ca, NPK and without fertilization), plus two irrigation frequencies (daily and deficit). The treatments were applied by means of fertigation, evaluating the susceptible cultivar Picual. Final disease incidence in plants subjected to NO3Ca daily treatment was 100% regardless of soil texture. However, final mortality in these plants was 37% and 85.2% in clay and sandy loam soils, respectively. In addition, the area under the disease progress curve values were significantly higher (49.1%) in plants subjected to NO3Ca fertilization compared to those not fertilized or fertilized with N-P-K when plants were grown in clay soil. This value in the sandy loam soil was significantly higher in the NO3Ca daily irrigation treatment (94.3%), followed by the N-P-K-daily treatment (61.1%) which also was significantly higher than the unfertilized daily, N-deficit and NPK-deficit treatments (37.8, 42.6 and 44.9%, respectively). The plants submitted to unfertilized-deficit treatment reached the lowest value (9.6%). In this work it can be concluded that the application of fertilizer or the application of fertilizer with daily irrigation in naturally infested soils increases the development of VWO in Picual

    International migratory agreements: the paradox of adverse interest

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    This article seeks to explain the contradiction between the promises of welfare gains derived from the economic models recommending the removal of immigration restrictions and the realities experienced by countries attempting to apply restrictions to immigration flows. A formal model is built in which the strategic reaction of countries considers not only the benefits derived from migration but also the (economic and non-economic) costs that migration can generate in the host country. Strategic reactions drive what may be called the “paradox of adverse interest”: the fewer potential gains associated with liberalization of migration, the easier it becomes for nations to reach an unrestrictive agreement. The existence of two asymmetries (between the bargaining power of receiving and sending countries, and between the private nature of most of migration’s benefits and the social nature of its main costs) can hinder the agreement when the countries involved exhibit a high wage differential. Results suggest that permissive international agreements on migration are easier to reach in regional contexts, among countries with proximate economic conditions and levels of income

    Advanced control methods for Asymmetrical Half-bridge Flyback

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    —In this article, a power converter based on an asymmetrical half-bridge flyback topology is analyzed and optimized for small form factor and fast-charging power adaptors. Two resonant control methods, taking advantage of the forward and flyback characteristics of the converter, as well as the benefits of each of them depending of the operation point are discussed. The analysis is nourished with the equivalent circuits in each phase of operation and the equations that define them. Particularly innovative is the proposed zero voltage resonant valley switching control method for the mentioned converter; in this case, it is operated similarly to a flyback converter, allowing safe output voltage ramp up, which is one of the challenges that has limited the usage of this topology up to now. The manuscript also describes how to achieve high efficiency and power density using zero-voltage switching and zero-current switching techniques over the full range of the input voltage and the output load. Finally, the advantages of the proposed control methods are demonstrated in a 65-W adaptor prototype achieving a peak efficiency over 94.6% and an efficiency of 93.8% @ Vac ≥ 100 V at full load over the range of the input voltage, as well as a world-class power density of 35 W/in3 uncasedhis work was supported by Infineon Technologies AG by Contract OTRI 3770-05 and Contract OTRI 3770-0

    Simultaneous analysis of natural pigments and E-141i in olive oils by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

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    This work describes the development of an ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) method for the determination of carotenoids (β-carotene, lutein, β-criptoxanthin, neoxanthin, violaxanthin) and chlorophylls, as well as their related compounds (chlorophyll A and B, pheophytin A and B and the banned dyes Cu-pyropheophytin A, Cu-pheophytin A and B) in olive oils. For this purpose, the feasibility of electrospray ionization (ESI), atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) and atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) for the ionization of these compounds was evaluated and compared. Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) fragmentation was discussed for each family of compounds, and the most characteristic and abundant product ions were selected to propose a selective and sensitive UHPLC-MS/MS method. The best results were obtained using APCI and APPI, while ESI provided the worst signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) for all compounds. For the analysis of olive oils, a simple solid-phase extraction (SPE) with silica cartridges was applied before the determination by UHPLC-MS/MS (APCI and APPI) in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. Method quality parameters were stablished, and the results demonstrate the good performance of the new methods, providing low limits of detection (0.004-0.9 mg L−1), high extraction efficiencies (62-95%) and low matrix effects (< 25%). The developed UHPLC-API-MS/MS(APCI and APPI) methods were applied to the analysis of olive oil samples, and β-carotene, pheophytinA, pheophytin B and lutein were detected and quantified in all of them at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 9.5 mg L−1

    Laser-Fabricated Reduced Graphene Oxide Memristors

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    Finding an inexpensive and scalable method for the mass production of memristors will be one of the key aspects for their implementation in end-user computing applications. Herein, we report pioneering research on the fabrication of laser-lithographed graphene oxide memristors. The devices have been surface-fabricated through a graphene oxide coating on a polyethylene terephthalate substrate followed by a localized laser-assisted photo-thermal partial reduction. When the laser fluence is appropriately tuned during the fabrication process, the devices present a characteristic pinched closed-loop in the current-voltage relation revealing the unique fingerprint of the memristive hysteresis. Combined structural and electrical experiments have been conducted to characterize the raw material and the devices that aim to establish a path for optimization. Electrical measurements have demonstrated a clear distinction between the resistive states, as well as stable memory performance, indicating the potential of laser-fabricated graphene oxide memristors in resistive switching applications.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities/FEDER-EU through the project TEC2017-89955-P, Iberdrola Foundation under its 2018 Research Grant Program, the pre-doctoral grants FPU16/01451, FPU16/04043, and the JSPS KAKENHI through grant number JP18k04275

    A day-ahead irradiance forecasting strategy for the integration of photovoltaic systems in virtual power plants

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    Encouraged by the considerable cost reduction, small-scale solar power deployment has become a reality during the last decade. However, grid integration of small-scale photovoltaic (PV) solar systems still remains unresolved. High penetration of Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) results in technical challenges for grid operators. To address this, Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) have been defined and developed to manage distributed energy resources with the aim of facilitating the integration of RESs. This paper introduces a hybrid irradiance forecasting approach aimed at facilitating the integration of PV systems into a VPP, especially when a historical irradiance dataset is exiguous or non-existent. This approach is based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and a novel similar hour-based selection algorithm, has been tested for a real PV installation, and has been validated also considering irradiance measurements from an aggregation of ground-based meteorological stations, which emulate the nodes of a VPP. Under a reduced historical dataset, the results show that the proposed similar hour-based method produces the best forecasts with regard to those obtained by the ANN-based approach. This is particularly true for one-month and two-month datasets minimizing the mean error by 16.32% and 9.07% respectively. Finally, to demonstrate the potential of the proposed approach, a comparative analysis has been carried out between the hybrid method and the most used benchmarks in the literature, namely, the persistence method and the method based on similar days. It has been demonstrated conclusively that the proposed model yields promising results regardless the length of the historical dataset.Comunidad de MadridAgencia Estatal de Investigació

    Fronteras con Historia

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    UID/HIS/04666/2013En el presente volumen, el análisis de la frontera se realiza partiendo de una óptica longue durée que incluye desde los siglos medievales hasta la contemporaneidad, favoreciéndose con ello, no solamente el estudio comparativo en el tiempo y en el espacio sino también la percepción de cambios y continuidades producidos en un mismo fenómeno. En este sentido, el concepto de “frontera” es prácticamente inagotable y la casuística referente al tema resulta casi infinita. Intentar abordarlo de forma integral en una misma obra, aunque con la problemática obvia de la extensión, puede ser una estrategia interesante para salvar estas dificultades. La intención de esta obra es la de ser una aportación más en el análisis de un concepto que está generando continuamente una gran cantidad de estudios y que conserva siempre una cierta actualidad historiográfica. Para su estudio, deben ponerse en marcha estrategias de análisis con metodologías integradas que incluyan enfoques comparativos, multidisciplinares,transnacionales y transculturales que ayuden a profundizar, a su vez, en los parámetros políticos, culturales y socioeconómicos de los espacios de frontera.publishersversionpublishe