13 research outputs found

    ¿Piensan igual los directivos actuales y futuros? Experimento con subastas de capacidad de GNL

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    An experiment has been carried out in the laboratory to assess the difference in the bidding behaviour between current managers of an energy company and future managers or university students of Economics. The novelty of the experiment is that it has precisely mimicked a real capacity auction of LNG off-loading and that the professionals that have participated belong to the energy company that is responsible for the auctions. The experiments show that the laboratory setting is appropriate both for teaching and experimentation. The research results demonstrate that professionals bid higher than students and that women bid higher than menSe ha llevado a cabo un experimento en laboratorio para evaluar la diferencia entre el comportamiento de licitación entre los directivos actuales de una empresa energética y los futuros directivos o estudiantes universitarios de Economía. La novedad del ensayo es que ha imitado con precisión una subasta de capacidad de descarga de GNL y que los profesionales que participaron formaban parte de la empresa energética responsable de las adjudicaciones. Las pruebas revelaron que el entorno de laboratorio es apropiado tanto para la enseñanza como para la experimentación. Los resultados de la investigación demuestran que los profesionales ofertaron un precio más alto que los estudiantes y que las mujeres ofertaron un precio más alto que los hombre

    Entrepreneurial effort and economic growth

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    Entrepreneurs allocate resources among different activities that generates a profit; in particular, in this paper entrepreneurs consider at each instant of time both innovation and rent-seeking as alternative sources of profit. The consequences in terms of economic growth are obviously quite different: the higher the amount of innovations in the economy the higher the rate of economic growth and vice versa. What are the determinants of these different entrepreneurial behavior? Is there anything in the nature of entrepreneurs that essentially distinguishes between innovators and rent seekers? A main claim of this paper is that differences among entrepreneurs are not essential but of degree: all of them are in fact profit-seekers and the only difference is to be found in their attitude towards innovation as a source of profit. In this sense entrepreneurial effort is defined and modelled for each entrepreneur according to its propensity to innovate and the corresponding Entrepreneurial Problem (EP) is posed and solved both analytically and via simulation in terms of profit maximization. The individual decisions measured in units of innovation are then aggregated to calculate the innovation quantity for a given population based on the distribution of heterogeneous entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurship rate and the implications for economic growth are also modelled. Consequently, policy makers should focus on reducing the entry barriers and the costs of production in order to stimulate the entrepreneurial activity and maximize the innovation quantity

    The allocation of entrepreneurial effort and its implications on economic growth

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    The problem to allocate effort to innovation activities is defined and modelled for any single entrepreneur according to its propensity to innovate, which combines pure innovation and rent-seeking strategies. The allocation problem is solved both analytically and via simulation. The individual decisions measured in units of innovation are then aggregated to calculate the innovation quantity for a given population based on the distribution of heterogeneous entrepreneurs. The entrepreneurship rate and the implications for economic growth are also quantified. Consequently, policy makers should focus on reducing the entry barriers and the costs of production in order to stimulate the entrepreneurial activity and maximize the innovation quantity. They should also foster the attitude and propensity towards innovatio

    Statistical pattern modeling in vision-based quality control systems

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    Machine vision technology improves productivity and quality management and provides a competitive advantage to industries that employ this technology. In this article, visual inspection and quality control theory are combined to develop a robust inspection system with manufacturing applications. The inspection process might be defined as the one used to determine if a given product fulfills a priori specifications, which are the quality standard. In the case of visual inspection, these specifications include the absence of defects, such as lack (or excess) of material, homogeneous visual aspect, required color, predetermined texture, etc. The characterization of the visual aspect of metallic surfaces is studied using quality control chars, which are a graphical technique used to compare on-line capabilities of a product with respect to these specifications. Original algorithms are proposed for implementation in automated visual inspection applications with on-line execution requirements. The proposed artificial vision method is a hybrid between the two usual methods of pattern comparison and theoretical decision. It incorporates quality control theory to statistically model the pattern for defect-free products. Specifically, individual control charts with 6-sigma limits are set so the inspection error is minimized. Experimental studies with metallic surfaces help demonstrate the efficacy and robustness of the proposed methodology.Publicad

    Measurement and Sustainability of the Qualifications Frameworks in the European Higher Education Area through an Employment Survey on Access to the Labour Market

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    There is a clear need to measure the correct implementation of the European Framework through the employability of the alumni. The evaluation of the deployment of the Qualifications Frameworks in the European Higher Education Area (QF-EHEA/QF) should shed significant light on the action that must be taken by legislators and higher education managers to foster employability and guarantee the sustainability of the EHEA. We propose a methodology based on a Survey on Access to the Labour Market (SALM) to assess the correlation between the education provided to the students and the practical utility of the knowledge acquired in the workplace. A questionnaire has been produced to measure the competencies and descriptors that had been theoretically defined within the QF-EHEA. Fifteen questions were disguised so that the six QF-EHEA descriptors were quantified through the difference between education and utility. The quantification methodology for the framework has been tested successfully on the former students of a higher education center in Spain. In this center, the alumni perceived that the utility of their acquired competencies and their employability level was greater than their education content, while both levels were reasonably high. The results hold for both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees

    Research and mobility: analysis of international research visits of Andalusian researchers

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    3 tables, 6 figures, 30 pages[ES]: La movilidad temporal internacional de los investigadores es un importante mecanismo de difusión de conocimiento y emergencia y desarrollo de redes de colaboración científi ca. El conocimiento empírico de este tipo de fl ujos geográfi cos es, sin embargo, muy limitado, debido a una generalizada escasez de datos en la mayoría de los países. En este trabajo recurrimos a la información de los currículos contenidos en el Sistema de Información Científi ca de Andalucía para analizar las dinámicas de movilidad temporal internacional de los investigadores andaluces. Estudiamos a una población de más de 6.000 investigadores móviles y casi 18.000 estancias realizadas entre 1961 y 2009. El análisis revela signifi cativas tendencias de cambio a lo largo del tiempo en la frecuencia, duración y destino de las estancias, así como en las diferencias por género. Asimismo, pone de manifi esto marcadas diferencias en los perfi les de movilidad por área de conocimiento. El trabajo constituye una contribución metodológica en la medida en que emplea por primera vez datos curriculares electrónicos para el estudio del fenómeno de la movilidad y de este tipo de tendencias.[EN]: The temporary international mobility of researchers is a key mechanism for the dissemination of scientifi c knowledge and the creation and development of scholarly collaborative networks. However, empirical knowledge about international research visits is very limited due to an overall lack of data in most countries. In this paper we use curriculum vitae data contained in the Scientifi c Information System of Andalusia to study the dynamics of the temporary mobility of Andalusian researchers. We analyse a population of more than 6,000 mobile researchers and almost 18,000 international research visits, over the period 1961-2009. The analysis reveals signifi cant changes over time in the frequency, duration, geographical destination and gender distribution of visits. It also shows important differences in temporary mobility patterns among research disciplines. The study makes a methodological contribution to the literature, as it applies electronic curriculum data to the analysis of trends in this type of mobility for the first time.El estudio ha sido realizado en el marco de las actividades del proyecto EURO-CV, de la Red de Excelencia Europea PRIME (CIT1-CT-2003-506596), financiada por el Sexto Programa Marco de la Unión Europea y del proyecto CV-IBEROAMERICANO (A/9107/07), financiado por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional y Desarrollo.El estudio ha sido realizado en el marco de las actividades del proyecto EURO-CV, de la Red de Excelencia Europea PRIME (CIT1-CT-2003-506596), financiada por el Sexto Programa Marco de la Unión Europea y del proyecto CV-IBEROAMERICANO (A/9107/07), financiado por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional y Desarrollo.Peer reviewe


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    Sport is today an increasingly widespread phenomenon and the interest in its study has outstandingly increased in the last decades, especially in the field of Economics due to the emergence of the Economy of Sport. Nonetheless, both the complexity of sport as a concept and the lack of statistical data about it make sport an element of analysis with many aspects still to be researched. This paper aims at setting up a model which will allow forecasting the evolution of sport in the future. Thus, we have obtained the so-called “GDP of sport ” for the period from 1995 to 2006 (period 1995-2006). This measure reflects the share of goods and services connected with sport in national GDP. In this text, we bring forward a methodology to obtain this evolution of the GDP of sport and detail the sources consulted in order to obtain the necessary information, getting over the hurdle of the lack of statistical data already commented upon

    Análisis y aplicación de nuevas metodologías docentes basadas en clase invertida y gamificación a través de Moodle

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    En este trabajo se detallan las experiencias derivadas de un cambio en la metodología utilizada para la docencia de la asignatura Acústica en el Grado de Ingeniería en Sonido e Imagen en Telecomunicación para el curso académico 2018-2019. En concreto, se han introducido una serie de metodologías docentes encaminadas a motivar y mejorar en términos generales la docencia y comprensión de la asignatura. La asignatura de Acústica es una disciplina particular de la Física y que por lo tanto implica comprender y utilizar recursos tanto matemáticos como conceptuales. Para aumentar la motivación y mejorar el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje se ha utilizado la plataforma Moodle como base para facilitar una serie de contenidos destinados a la docencia de clase invertida. Los contenidos elaborados son: vídeos, cuestionarios aleatorios, apuntes de los temas basados en el módulo Libro de Moodle, insignias, uso de los módulos Tarea (para la entrega de memorias) y Taller (para el trabajo en equipo y la coevaluación). Finalmente, se ha elaborado una encuesta de satisfacción para evaluar la percepción del alumnado ante esta nueva metodología