1,618 research outputs found

    Present and Future of Parkinson's Disease in Spain: PARKINSON-2030 Delphi Project

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    This project was funded by Zambon S.A.U.D.S.G., M.B.-E., J.K., F.P.-E., F.V., M.-R.L. and J.P. declare no conflict of interest. M.C. has received honoraria for lecturing or advisory boards from AbbVie, Bial and Zambon. F.E.-S. has received honoraria as a speaker, support to attend scientific meetings and grants for conducting studies from Abbvie, Bial, Boston Scientifice, Medtronic, Merz Pharma, Teva, UCB Pharma and Zambon. E.F. has received advisory, consulting and lectures fees from Abbvie, Teva, Bial, Zambon and Neuraxpharm. For P.J.G.R., no specific funding was received for this study. The author reports no conflicts of interest. In the previous 12 months, this author received research support from Aller gan and UCB, personal compensation as a consultant/scientific advisory boards from Italfarmaco, Britannia, Bial and Zambon and speaking honoraria from Italfarmaco, Zambon, Allergan and Abbvie. F.G. received grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and from the European Commission (Horizon 2020). He received consulting honoraria from Exeltis and for lecturing from Zambon and TEVA. L.L.-M. has received compensated advisory services, consulting, research grant support, or speaker honoraria from AbbVie, Acorda, Bial, Intec Pharma, Italfarmaco, Pfizer, Roche, Teva, UCB and Zambon. J.C.M.C. has received honoraria as a speaker from Abbvie, Allergan, Bial, Boehringer Ingelheim, GSK, Krka Farmaceutica, Merz Pharma, Ipsen, Italfarmaco, Lundbeck, Medtronic, TEVA, UCB and Zambon; research grants from Abbvie, Allergan, Merz Pharma, Italfarmaco, Lundbeck, UCB and Zambon; and participated in the advisory boards of Abbvie, Allergan, GSK, Bial, Merz Pharma, Merck, Boehringer Ingelheim, Ipsen, Italfarmaco, Lundbeck, Orion, UCB and Zambon. P.M. has received support for attending meetings and/or honorarium for lecturing from Abbott, Allergan, Abbvie, Bial, Britannia, Italfarmaco, Merz, UCB, Roche, Teva and Zambon. J.M.S. has participated in advisory boards and pharmaceutical industry-sponsored symposia for Zambon, UCB, Bial, Italfarmaco, Eisai España and Abbvie Spain. B.T.: speaking fees, AbbVie, and travel expenses, Italfarmaco. R.Y. has received honoraria as a speaker for Bial, Italfarmaco, Teva and Zambon, support to attend scientific meetings from Alter, for consultancy from Bial, and sponsored for conducting studies from Zambon and Lundbeck. A.A. is employed and receives personal fees from Zambon.Parkinson's disease (PD) is a chronic progressive and irreversible disease and the second most common neurodegenerative disease worldwide. In Spain, it affects around 120.000-150.000 individuals, and its prevalence is estimated to increase in the future. PD has a great impact on patients' and caregivers' lives and also entails a substantial socioeconomic burden. The aim of the present study was to examine the current situation and the 10-year PD forecast for Spain in order to optimize and design future management strategies. This study was performed using the modified Delphi method to try to obtain a consensus among a panel of movement disorders experts. According to the panel, future PD management will improve diagnostic capacity and follow-up, it will include multidisciplinary teams, and innovative treatments will be developed. The expansion of new technologies and studies on biomarkers will have an impact on future PD management, leading to more accurate diagnoses, prognoses, and individualized therapies. However, the socio-economic impact of the disease will continue to be significant by 2030, especially for patients in advanced stages. This study highlighted the unmet needs in diagnosis and treatment and how crucial it is to establish recommendations for future diagnostic and therapeutic management of PD.PfizerRocheTeva Pharmaceutical IndustriesUCBEuropean CommissionInstituto de Salud Carlos IIIHorizon 202

    A multifactor sector model for the stock market: evidence from Spain

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    A factor model which relates the macroeconomy and the stock market evolution is presented. This relation is shown to be different among activity sectors. These differences are detected and quantified in an empirical application to the Madrid Stock Market. Forecasting experiments show that it is possible to improve the predictive ability of widely used models by means of the sensible use of the information provided by macroeconomic variables

    Chapter Valorization of Microalgae and Energy Resources

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    Microalgae biotechnology has grown very rapidly in the last few decades due to the multiple applications that these microorganisms have from pharmaceuticals and cosmetics to foods/feeds and biofuels. One of the main challenges in expanding this industry is to enlarge the single use of the biomass produced in addition to reducing the high biomass production cost of the current technologies. To overcome this bottleneck, the development of microalgae-based biorefineries has been proposed. The issue is to obtain as many bioproducts as possible from the cultivated biomass, including biofuels. Consequently, biodiesel production (from the lipid fraction), bioethanol (from carbohydrate fraction), and biogas or bio-oil (from the whole biomass) have been posited. In this book chapter, we review the current state of the art in the production of sustainable biofuels from microalgae and analyze the potential of microalgae to contribute to the biofuel sector

    Valorization of Microalgae and Energy Resources

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    Microalgae biotechnology has grown very rapidly in the last few decades due to the multiple applications that these microorganisms have from pharmaceuticals and cosmetics to foods/feeds and biofuels. One of the main challenges in expanding this industry is to enlarge the single use of the biomass produced in addition to reducing the high biomass production cost of the current technologies. To overcome this bottleneck, the development of microalgae-based biorefineries has been proposed. The issue is to obtain as many bioproducts as possible from the cultivated biomass, including biofuels. Consequently, biodiesel production (from the lipid fraction), bioethanol (from carbohydrate fraction), and biogas or bio-oil (from the whole biomass) have been posited. In this book chapter, we review the current state of the art in the production of sustainable biofuels from microalgae and analyze the potential of microalgae to contribute to the biofuel sector

    Propuesta metodológica para la implementación de una arquitectura orientada a servicios en entornos de Sistemas de Fabricación Distribuida

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    Los Sistemas de Fabricación de Siguiente Generación, concebidos por la organización IMS (Intelligent Manufacturing Systems), cubrirán la demanda de un mercado cada vez más cambiante y exigente, reuniendo de forma dinámica las funciones de múltiples sistemas internos y externos a la propia empresa de fabricación en lo que conocemos por una empresa extendida. Sin embargo, resulta difícil estructurar estos sistemas para conseguir la flexibilidad deseada y la interoperabilidad con los de las demás organizaciones. Además, un defecto en el sistema tendría un fuerte impacto: afectaría no sólo a la empresa propietaria del sistema, sino también a sus colaboradores. Por estas razones, creemos que una buena decisión sería emplear una arquitectura orientada a servicios diseñada siguiendo una metodología que adopte los servicios como concepto central, en vez de como un detalle de implementación. Para que la arquitectura sea fiable en su conjunto, tendrá que ayudar a localizar errores antes de que sucedan en un entorno de producción. En este artículo proponemos el uso de técnicas de pruebas específicas para este tipo de sistemas, realizamos una comparación de las metodologías existentes para el desarrollo de arquitecturas orientadas a servicios y esbozamos una serie de extensiones sobre una de las existentes para integrar técnicas de prueba.As envisioned by the IMS (Intelligent Manufacturing Systems), Next Generation Manufacturing Systems will satisfy the needs of an increasingly fast-paced and demanding market by dynamically integrating systems from inside and outside the manufacturing firm itself into a so-called extended enterprise. However, organizing these systems to ensure the maximum flexibility and interoperability with those from other organizations is difficult. Additionally, a defect in the system would have a great impact: it would affect not only its owner, but also its partners. For these reasons, we argue that a service-oriented architecture (SOA) would be a good candidate. It should be designed following a methodology where services play a central role, instead of being an implementation detail. In order for the architecture to be reliable enough as a whole, the methodology will need to help find errors before they arise in a production environment. In this paper we propose using SOA-specific testing techniques, compare some of the existing SOA methodologies and outline several extensions upon one of them to integrate testing techniques

    Avoiding induced heating in optical trap

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    Paloma Rodríguez-Sevilla, Yuhai Zhang, Patricia Haro-González, Francisco Sanz-Rodríguez, Francisco Jaque, José García Sole, Xiaogang Liu, Daniel Jaque, "Avoiding induced heating in optical trap", Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XIV, Proc. SPIE 10347 - 1034716 (25 August 2017); doi: 10.1117/12.2276355. ne print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.Proceedings of XIV Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation Conference (San Diego, California, United States)Luminescence of a single upconverting particle (NaYF 4 :Er 3+ ,Yb 3+ ) can be used to determine the optical trap temperature due to the partial absorption of the trapping beam either by the medium (water) or the optically trapped particle itself. This fact is an important drawback can be reduced by shifting the trapping wavelength out of the water absorption band, or by using time-modulated laser trapping beams. Both approaches have been studied and the results have shown that the thermal loading due to the trapping radiation can be minimized.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MAT2016-75362-C3-1-R) and by COST Action 1403. P.H.G. thanks the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) for the Juan de la Cierva- Incorporación program. P.R.S. thanks MINECO and the Fondo Social Europeo (FSE) for the “Promoción del talento y su Empleabilidad en I+D+i” statal program (BES-2014-069410

    Time of the day of exercise impact on cardiovascular disease risk factors in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Objectives: To compare the effect of a single bout of morning vs. evening exercise on cardiovascular risk factors in adults. Design: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Methods: A systematic search of studies was conducted using PubMed andWeb of Science from inception to June 2022. Selected studies accomplished the following criteria: crossover design, acute effect of exercise, blood pressure, blood glucose, and/or blood lipids as the study's endpoint, awashout period of at least 24 h, and adults.Meta-analysis was performed by analyzing: 1) separated effect of morning and evening exercise (pre vs. post); and 2) comparison between morning and evening exercise. Results: A total of 11 studies were included for systolic and diastolic blood pressure and 10 studies for blood glucose. Meta-analysis revealed no significant difference between morning vs. evening exercise for systolic blood pressure (g Δ=0.02), diastolic blood pressure (g Δ=0.01), or blood glucose (g Δ=0.15). Analysis of moderator variables (age, BMI, sex, health status, intensity and duration of exercise, and hour within the morning or evening) showed no significant morning vs. evening effect. Conclusions: Overall, we found no influence of the time of the day on the acute effect of exercise on blood pressure neither on blood glucose.Spanish Government FPU19/0374

    Análisis Paramétrico de la Geometría de la Viruta en el Mecanizado en Seco de Aleaciones de Aluminio Aeronáutico

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    El uso de aleaciones de aluminio junto con materiales compuestos como los CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) para formar estructuras híbridas tipo FML (Fiber Metal Laminates) son cada vez más utilizadas en la fabricación de componentes estructurales en la industria aeroespacial. El mecanizado de estas estructuras presenta una serie de dificultades aún no resueltas, algunas de ellas relacionadas con dificultades en la evacuación de la viruta. De este modo, la monitorización del proceso de generación de viruta se convierte en un aspecto de especial relevancia en el estudio de la mejora del rendimiento de estos procesos de conformado. Así, en el presente trabajo se ha realizado un análisis de la influencia de los parámetros de corte sobre diversos parámetros geométricos de la viruta obtenida en el mecanizado en seco de las aleaciones de aluminio de uso aeronáutico UNS A92024 y UNS A97075. Adicionalmente, se ha analizado si se puede establecer algún tipo de paralelismo con la evolución del desgaste de la herramienta y de la integridad superficial de las piezas mecanizadas, estudiados en investigaciones previas. Finalmente, se han obtenido una serie de modelos paramétricos que permiten estimar los valores de los parámetros geométricos analizados en función de los valores de parámetros de corte aplicados al proceso.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Extracción de carotenoides mediante el uso de mezclas ternarias

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    Número de publicación: ES2319950 A1 (14.05.2009) También publicado como: ES2319950 B1 (15.02.2010) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P200703145 (13.11.2007)Se ha desarrollado una mezcla extractante para la separación de carotenoides, aplicable a cualquier materia prima, basado en disolventes biocompatibles. La invención consiste en la utilización de una mezcla ternaria de disolventes en una única fase, que puesta en contacto con la materia prima de forma adecuada, extrae de forma cuantitativa los carotenoides presentes en la misma. La invención propuesta resuelve el problema del uso de complejos sistemas de extracción para la recuperación de carotenoides de biomasa animal y/o vegetal, tales como extracción con hexano en contacto múltiple en contracorriente. Los disolventes utilizados actualmente para el fin planteado muestran baja solubilidad de los compuestos de interés por lo que hacen necesario el manejo de elevadas cantidades de disolvente y equipos de gran tamaño por unidad de producto debido a la baja eficiencia de los disolventes utilizados.Universidad de Almerí

    Interpolación de la probabilidad de ruina con reclamaciones tipo fase, usando polinomios de Newton

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    This article presents the manner to obtain explicit formulas under specific conditions, or using Newton polynomial interpolation, in continuous time, to approximate the probability of failure in the case of risk within the framework of a collective risk model when the amounts of the claims have a distribution of phase type.En este artículo se presenta la manera de obtener fórmulas explícitas bajo condiciones especiales o por medio de polinomios interpoladores de Newton para aproximar la Probabilidad de Ruina en el caso de riesgo a tiempo continuo en el marco de un Modelo de Riesgo Colectivo cuando los montos de las reclamaciones tienen una distribución de Tipo Fase