2,486 research outputs found

    Expression of genes encoding thionins and lipid-transfer proteins. A combinatorial model for the responses of defense genes to pathogens.

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    Seeds normally accumulate high levels of proteins that are either toxic or inhibitory towards heterologous systems, including pathogens, pests and predators. This is the case of cereal kernels, where a substantial fraction of the non-storage proteins is represented by different families of these proteins (for reviews, see Garcia-Olmedo et al.1989, 1992). The same types of proteins are often present in other tissues, either under normal development or under stress, including infection by pathogens. The thionins (THs) and the so-called non-specific lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) are two such families. Thionins were first reported in wheat endosperm (Balls et al., 1942) and their in vitro antipathogenic properties have been known for over 2 0 years (Fernadez de Caleya et al. 1972), while cereal LTPs were first reported in barley aleurone (Mundy and Rogers 1986) and we have recently shown that different members of this family can be isolated from other barley tissues and that they are potent growth inhibitors of bacterial and fungal plant pathogens (Molina and Garcia-Olmedo, 1991; Molina et al.1993; Molina and Garcia- Olmedo, submitted). In this report, we will update our knowledge of the molecular biology and inhibitory properties of barley THs and LTPs, and will describe the developmental and pathogeninduced expression of the different genes encoding these proteins. Also, a working model for the response of defense genes against infection by different pathogens will be proposed

    Developmental and pathogen-induced expression of three barley genes encoding lipid transfer proteins

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    Clones for three barley non-specific lipid transfer proteins (LTP2, LTP3, and LTP4; formerly Cw18, Cw20 and Cw21, respectively) which had been previously shown to inhibit growth of plant pathogens, were selected and characterized from a cDNA library derived from young etiolated leaves. Genes Ltp2 and Ltp4 were located in chromosome 3H and gene Ltp3 was assigned to chromosome 7H by Southern blot analysis of wheat—barley disomic addition lines, using gene-specific probes (3′-ends of cDNAs). These assignments were confirmed by the polymerase chain reaction, using specific primers. The three genes were expressed in stem, shoot apex, leaves and roots (at low levels) throughout development. Genes Ltp3 and Ltp4 were expressed at high levels, and Lpt2 at low levels, in the spike (rachis, lemma plus palea and grain coats). Neither of the mRNAs was detected in endosperm. The proteins were localized by tissue-printing with polyclonal antibodies in the outer cell layer of the exposed surfaces of the plant, throughout the embryo, and in vascular tissues. Expression levels in leaves were moderately increased by 0.34 M NaCl and by 0.1 mM abscisic acid and were not affected by cold, drought, salicylate, 2,6-dichloro-isonicotinic acid, ethylene or ethephon. Methyl Jasmonate (10 µM) switched off all three genes. Inoculation with Av6 or vir6 isolates of the fungal pathogen Erysiphe graminis increased the three mRNAs, especially that of LTP4, which reached a maximum nine-fold increase 12–16 h after infectio

    Enhanced tolerance to bacterial pathogens caused by the transgenic expression of barley lipid transfer protein LTP2

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    Purified lipid transfer protein LTP2 from barley applied on tobacco leaves eliminated symptoms caused by infiltration of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci 153. Growth of the pathogen in leaves of transgenic tobacco plants was retarded when compared with non-transformed controls. The percentage of inoculation points that showed necrotic lesions was greatly reduced in transgenic tobacco 17–38% versus 78%) and the average size of these lesions was 61–81% that of control. The average total lesion area (necrosis and chlorosis) in the transgenic plants was also reduced (38% of control). Arabidopsis thaliana transgenic plants inoculated with P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 also had lower percentages of necrotic lesions (22–38% versus 76%), a reduced average area for each lesion (53–67% of control), and a smaller total lesion area per inoculation (43% of control). These results further support the assignment of a defense role for LTPs and highlight their biotechnological potential

    Characterization of Changes in Gluten Proteins in Low-Gliadin Transgenic Wheat Lines in Response to Application of Different Nitrogen Regimes

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    Gluten proteins are major determinants of the bread making quality of wheat but also of important gluten-related disorders. The gluten protein accumulation during grain filling is strongly influenced by nitrogen fertilization. We have characterized the gluten proteins in low-gliadin wheat lines as influenced by nitrogen treatments in two experiments. These transgenic lines, D783, D793, C655, D577, and E82 were obtained by using two different RNAi silencing fragments and two endosperm-specific promoters to drive the silencing fragments (d-hordein and γ-gliadin). In Experiment 1, we used three nitrogen fertilizer rates (120, 360, and 1080 mg N) added at sowing stage and combined with two sulfur rates (8 and 30 mg S); Experiment 2 included two nitrogen levels (120 and 1080 mg N), which were added according to the greatest demand per plant using split applications. The protein quantification was accomplished by Reverse-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography and gluten content (ppm) determined using monoclonal antibody R5 (Competitive R5 ELISA). The results showed differences in protein accumulation between the two transgenic lines with the same silencing fragment but different promoter. Lines D793 and E82 showed low gliadin and an increment in glutenin content with increasing nitrogen. Competitive ELISA R5 showed a significant decrease in gluten content using split applications of nitrogen (Experiment 2) with 120 mg N compared to Experiment 1. In addition, line E82 ensures that variations in N fertilization will not result in increased gluten content.The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Projects AGL2013-48946-C3-1-R and AGL2016-80566-P), the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) and Junta de Andalucía (Project P11-AGR-7920) supported this work.Peer Reviewe

    El Entorno: Vision - E Laboratory

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    Se presenta un entorno de programación para el estudio y desarrollo de algoritmos de tratamiento de imágenes y visión por computador. La herramienta permite la programación en cualquier lenguaje, con la única restricción de que se desarrolle bajo entornos windows. Se ha concebido como instrumento de ayuda a la realización de prácticas de laboratorio de alumnos en las asignaturas de tratamiento digital de imágenes de ingeniería informática.Junta de Andalucía P09-TIC538

    Validity of Estimating the Maximal Oxygen Consumption by Consumer Wearables: A Systematic Review with Meta‑analysis and Expert Statement of the INTERLIVE Network

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    This research was partly funded by Huawei Technologies Oy (Finland) Co. Ltd. A limited liability company headquartered in Helsinki, Finland.Background Technological advances have recently made possible the estimation of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) by consumer wearables. However, the validity of such estimations has not been systematically summarized using metaanalytic methods and there are no standards guiding the validation protocols. Objective The aim was to (1) quantitatively summarize previous studies investigating the validity of the VO2max estimated by consumer wearables and (2) provide best-practice recommendations for future validation studies. Methods First, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of studies validating the estimation of VO2max by wearables. Second, based on the state of knowledge (derived from the systematic review) combined with the expert discussion between the members of the Towards Intelligent Health and Well-Being Network of Physical Activity Assessment (INTERLIVE) consortium, we provided a set of best-practice recommendations for validation protocols. Results Fourteen validation studies were included in the systematic review and meta-analysis. Meta-analysis results revealed that wearables using resting condition information in their algorithms significantly overestimated VO2max (bias 2.17 ml·kg−1·min−1; limits of agreement − 13.07 to 17.41 ml·kg−1·min−1), while devices using exercise-based information in their algorithms showed a lower systematic and random error (bias − 0.09 ml·kg−1·min−1; limits of agreement − 9.92 to 9.74 ml·kg−1·min−1). The INTERLIVE consortium proposed six key domains to be considered for validating wearable devices estimating VO2max, concerning the following: the target population, reference standard, index measure, testing conditions, data processing, and statistical analysis. Conclusions Our meta-analysis suggests that the estimations of VO2max by wearables that use exercise-based algorithms provide higher accuracy than those based on resting conditions. The exercise-based estimation seems to be optimal for measuring VO2max at the population level, yet the estimation error at the individual level is large, and, therefore, for sport/ clinical purposes these methods still need improvement. The INTERLIVE network hereby provides best-practice recommendations to be used in future protocols to move towards a more accurate, transparent and comparable validation of VO2max derived from wearables.Huawei Technologie

    Autoevaluación y evaluación entre iguales en una asignatura de redes de ordenadores

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    Con la llegada del EEES se ha fomentado el uso de la evaluación continuada como un ingrediente de la docencia de calidad que permite al alumno mantenerse puntualmente informado de su progreso en el proceso de aprendizaje. Este trabajo se centra en el uso de la autoevaluación y la evaluación entre iguales como base para conseguir esta evaluación continuada. En él detallamos la experiencia, durante los cursos 2008/09 y 2009/10, del uso de estas dos herramientas de aprendizaje en el contexto de una asignatura de redes de ordenadores de tercer curso de Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Gestión.SUMMARY: The use of continuous assessment has been encouraged in the adaptation to the European Higher Education Area. It is considered an ingredient to the high quality teaching that allows the student to have a fast feedback of her/his learning progress. This work focuses in the use of self assessment and peer assessment as the basis for a continuous evaluation system. We detail our experience during the years 2008/09 and 2009/10 on using such teaching tools in the context of a subject on computer networks.Peer Reviewe

    Desarrollo de una aplicación de secuenciado MIDI en MatLab

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    Molina García, FJ. (2010). Desarrollo de una aplicación de secuenciado MIDI en MatLab. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/9525Archivo delegad

    Recommendations for Determining the Validity of Consumer Wearables and Smartphones for the Estimation of Energy Expenditure: Expert Statement and Checklist of the INTERLIVE Network

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    Open Access funding provided by the IReL Consortium. This research was partly funded by Huawei Technologies, Finland. RA and BC are partly funded by Science Foundation Ireland (12/RC/2289_P2). PMG and FBO are supported by grants from the MINECO/FEDER (DEP2016-79512-R) and from the University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigacion 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Scientific Excellence Unit on Exercise and Health (UCEES); Junta de Andalucia, Consejeria de Conocimiento, Investigacion y Universidades and European Regional Development Funds (ref. SOMM17/6107/UGR). JT and JS are partly funded by the Research Council of Norway (249932/F20). AG is supported by a European Research Council Grant (grant number 716657).Background Consumer wearables and smartphone devices commonly offer an estimate of energy expenditure (EE) to assist in the objective monitoring of physical activity to the general population. Alongside consumers, healthcare professionals and researchers are seeking to utilise these devices for the monitoring of training and improving human health. However, the methods of validation and reporting of EE estimation in these devices lacks rigour, negatively impacting on the ability to make comparisons between devices and provide transparent accuracy. Objectives The Towards Intelligent Health and Well-Being Network of Physical Activity Assessment (INTERLIVE) is a joint European initiative of six universities and one industrial partner. The network was founded in 2019 and strives towards developing best-practice recommendations for evaluating the validity of consumer wearables and smartphones. This expert statement presents a best-practice validation protocol for consumer wearables and smartphones in the estimation of EE. Methods The recommendations were developed through (1) a systematic literature review; (2) an unstructured review of the wider literature discussing the potential factors that may introduce bias during validation studies; and (3) evidence-informed expert opinions from members of the INTERLIVE network. Results The systematic literature review process identified 1645 potential articles, of which 62 were deemed eligible for the final dataset. Based on these studies and the wider literature search, a validation framework is proposed encompassing six key domains for validation: the target population, criterion measure, index measure, testing conditions, data processing and the statistical analysis. Conclusions The INTERLIVE network recommends that the proposed protocol, and checklists provided, are used to standardise the testing and reporting of the validation of any consumer wearable or smartphone device to estimate EE. This in turn will maximise the potential utility of these technologies for clinicians, researchers, consumers, and manufacturers/ developers, while ensuring transparency, comparability, and replicability in validation.IReL ConsortiumHuawei TechnologiesScience Foundation IrelandEuropean Commission 12/RC/2289_P2Spanish Government DEP2016-79512-RUniversity of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigacion 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Scientific Excellence Unit on Exercise and Health (UCEES)Junta de AndaluciaEuropean Commission SOMM17/6107/UGRResearch Council of Norway 249932/F20European Research Council (ERC) 71665

    Estudio comparativo de distintas técnicas para la documentación y puesta en valor del Patrimonio Ingeniero-Arquitectónico

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    La presente Tesis Doctoral se centrará en la documentación geométrica de algunos de los monumentos más significativos del variado y rico patrimonio cordobés. Este trabajo de investigación tiene la peculiaridad de emplear, combinar y a su vez comparar diferentes técnicas de última generación en el ámbito de la documentación geométrica del Patrimonio Industrial- Arquitectónico. Los resultados obtenidos se pondrán al servicio de la representación gráfica con la finalidad de permitir a cualquier agente que intervenga en un proceso de restauración-reconstrucción, una consulta amplia pero a su vez ágil del objeto de estudio. En la vertiente correspondiente a la difusión se simplificarán los resultados con el objeto de satisfacer la demanda de recursos virtuales e interactivos. Para ello, se estructura el presente trabajo en los ocho capítulos que se desarrollan a continuación: El capítulo 1 contextualiza la temática del presente trabajo haciendo referencia a los términos más significativos referentes a la documentación geométrica del patrimonio y a sus diversas técnicas. El capítulo 2 desarrolla tanto los objetivos como las metodologías empleadas para el uso de diferentes técnicas de documentación geométrica del Patrimonio Industrial-Arquitectónico. El capítulo 3 trata la visión histórica desde dos perspectivas. Por un lado, se definen los antecedentes históricos de los elementos patrimoniales objeto de estudio y, por otra parte, se aborda el estado de la cuestión y la evolución de las técnicas empleadas. El capítulo 4, aborda la planificación previa. Constituye el primer paso de lo que denominamos como proceso concreto de trabajo y es necesaria para afrontar los trabajos de campo con las máximas garantías. Se valoran aspectos tales como ubicación, geometría y condiciones ambientales, los cuales permiten la adecuada selección de las técnicas aplicadas a los diferentes elementos objeto del presente estudio. El capítulo 5 hace referencia a la toma de datos y permite conocer de primera mano las diversas técnicas empleadas en el proceso de documentación. También se conocerá cómo la información es almacenada, su tipología, calidad y resolución para constituir una base de datos fiel para su representación. Además, se completa este estudio con la comparación de dichas técnicas, destacando sus ventajas e inconvenientes. El capítulo 6 estudia los distintos procesos para el tratamiento de la información. De estos podemos decir que son largos y complejos y podrán variar dependiendo del resultado buscado, el modelo representado y los recursos utilizados. Las fases que se repetirán a lo largo de este proceso se realizan con diverso software y consistirán, a grandes rasgos, en registro, limpieza y optimizado de los datos obtenidos. El capítulo 7 relaciona tres conceptos entre sí: difusión, puesta en valor y turismo. Se muestra cómo un recurso patrimonial documentado puede ser contextualizado y valorado a través de un acercamiento al usuario por medio de tecnologías visuales que lo hagan no solo más atractivo sino que lo perpetúe con el paso del tiempo. Por último, en el capítulo 8 se exponen los trabajos que han servido para el desarrollo de este trabajo de investigación y abre la puerta a posibles líneas de investigación futuras en las que poder seguir trabajando. Para concluir se redactarán las conclusiones y otras aportaciones resultado de este estudio.This Doctoral Thesis will focus on the geometric documentation of some of the most significant monuments of Cordoba rich and varied heritage. This research has the peculiarity of use, and in turn combines different art techniques compare in the field of geometric documentation Industrial architectural heritage. The results will be made to serve the graphic representation in order to allow any agent involved in a restorationreconstruction, but extensive consultation agile object studio time. In the corresponding slope spreading the results will be simplified in order to meet the demand for virtual and interactive resources. For this reason, this work 8 chapters which develop then structure: Chapter 1 contextualizes the subject of this paper referring to the most significant terms related to the geometric documentation of heritage and its various techniques. Chapter 2 develops the objectives and methodologies used for the use of different techniques of geometric documentation Industrial architectural heritage. Chapter 3 discusses the historical view from two perspectives. On the one hand the historical background of the assets defined study objects, and moreover the state of the art and the evolution of the techniques is discussed. Chapter 4 addresses pre-planning. It is the first step in what we call concrete work process and is necessary to meet the fieldwork with maximum guarantees. aspects such as location, geometry and environmental conditions which allow the proper selection of the techniques applied to the different elements of this study objects are measured. Chapter 5 refers to data collection and provides firsthand the various techniques used in the documentation process. also known as the information is stored, its type, quality and resolution to form a data base for faithful representation. Furthermore, this study is supplemented by comparison of these techniques, highlighting its advantages and disadvantages. Chapter 6 is the various processes for the treatment of information. of these we can say that are long and complex and may vary depending on the desired result, the model represented and resources used. The phases that are repeated throughout the process are performed with different software and broadly consist in registration, clean and optimize the data. Chapter 7 relates three concepts together: diffusion, value and tourism. It is shown as a documented heritage resource can be contextualized and valued through an approach to the user through visual technologies do not only more attractive rather they perpetuate over time. Finally, in Chapter 8 jobs that have helped the development of this research and opens the door to possible future lines of research which are set to continue working. In conclusion the conclusions drawn and other contributions outcome of this study
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