954 research outputs found

    The collection of sculptures in the Palace of Fernán Núñez (Córdoba)

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    El 21 de julio de 1983 el ayuntamiento de Fernán Núñez recibió por donación onerosa el palacio ducal junto con una serie de bienes muebles que fueron entregados sine die al municipio. Entre éstos se encuentra una colección de bustos de diferentes épocas iniciada por don Francisco Gutiérrez de los Ríos (1644-1721), III conde, para el adorno de su palacio y jardines. Su nieto, don Carlos José Gutiérrez de los Ríos (1742- 1795), VI conde, concluyó la colección definitiva cuyo estado de conservación actual se analiza en este estudio.On July 21, 1983 the municipality of Fernán Núñez received by onerous donation the ducal palace with a series of movable assets that were delivered sine die to the village. Among these it is a collection of busts from different periods initiated by Francisco Gutiérrez de los Ríos (1644-1721), III count, for the decoration of his palace and gardens. His grandson, Carlos José Gutiérrez de los Ríos (1742-1795), VI count, concluded the definitive collection whose current state of conservation is analyzed in this study

    Current state of conservation of the collection of paintings of the Ducal Palace of Fernán Núñez

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    A comienzos de los 80, la Casa Ducal de Fernán Núñez transfirió su residencia a la villa cordobesa homónima y con ella el patrimonio que albergaba en ese momento y que comprendía, entre otros bienes, una colección de pinturas que datan desde el barroco al neoclásico, un conjunto de 27 obras, 15 de las cuales han sido restauradas y depositadas en el ayuntamiento de la localidad. Este estudio se centrará en el análisis del estado de conservación en el que los lienzos se encontraban en el momento de la cesión del inmueble, así como en la intervención que se ha llevado a cabo en parte de la singular colección, en la que se encuentran, además de cuadros religiosos, históricos y paisajes, una serie de retratos y árboles genealógicos.In the early 80s, the Ducal House of Fernán Núñez transferred his residence to the eponymous town of Córdoba and with it the heritage which was inside at that time and that included, among other assets, a collection of paintings dating from the Baroque to neoclassical, a set of 27 works, 15 of which have been restored and deposited in the local municipality. This study will be focused on the analysis of the condition in which the paintings were at the time of the property transfer, as well as the intervention that has been carried out in part of the unique collection like religious and historical paintings, landscapes, a series of characteristic portraits and family trees

    The flour mills of the Master of the Cathedral of Granada, José Granados de la Barrera, for the House of Fernán Núñez

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    Hasta el último cuarto del siglo XVII la villa de Fernán Núñez, aunque cultivaba uno de los trigos más cotizados de Andalucía, consumía el peor pan de la zona por la falta de molinos. Don Francisco Gutiérrez de los Ríos (1644-1721), tercer conde, a pesar de carecer en sus dominios de un curso fluvial importante, fue el promotor de unas infraestructuras diseñadas por José Granados de la Barrera (1619-1685) con un estudiado aprovechamiento de las aguas locales que se ha mantenido durante 300 años.Until the last quarter of the 17th century the village of Fernán Núñez, despite cultivating one of the best wheats of Andalusia, consumed the worst bread in the area due to the lack of mills. Mr. Francisco Gutiérrez de los Ríos (1644-1721), third count, despite lacking in their domains an important fluvial course, was the promoter of infrastructures designed by José Granados de la Barrera (1619-1685) with a studied use of local waters which have been maintained for 300 years

    Robustness of fossil fish teeth for seawater neodymium isotope reconstructions under variable redox conditions in an ancient shallow marine setting

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    Fossil fish teeth from pelagic open ocean settings are considered a robust archive for preserving the neodymium (Nd) isotopic composition of ancient seawater. However, using fossil fish teeth as an archive to reconstruct seawater Nd isotopic compositions in different sedimentary redox environments and in terrigenous‐dominated, shallow marine settings is less proven. To address these uncertainties, fish tooth and sediment samples from a middle Eocene section deposited proximal to the East Antarctic margin at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1356 were analyzed for major and trace element geochemistry, and Nd isotopes. Major and trace element analyses of the sediments reveal changing redox conditions throughout deposition in a shallow marine environment. However, variations in the Nd isotopic composition and rare earth element (REE) patterns of the associated fish teeth do not correspond to redox changes in the sediments. REE patterns in fish teeth at Site U1356 carry a typical mid‐REE‐enriched signature. However, a consistently positive Ce anomaly marks a deviation from a pure authigenic origin of REEs to the fish tooth. Neodymium isotopic compositions of cleaned and uncleaned fish teeth fall between modern seawater and local sediments and hence could be authigenic in nature, but could also be influenced by sedimentary fluxes. We conclude that the fossil fish tooth Nd isotope proxy is not sensitive to moderate changes in pore water oxygenation. However, combined studies on sediments, pore waters, fish teeth, and seawater are needed to fully understand processes driving the reconstructed signature from shallow marine sections in proximity to continental sources

    International current affairs and the developing of public opinion in Early Modern Spain. A study of news discourse in serial news pamphlets, 1624-1630

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    Este trabajo estudia la aparición del concepto de actualidad política en la opinión pública del siglo XVII y por consiguiente en el periodismo de la época. Para ello, se analiza un corpus integrado por 36 relaciones de sucesos seriadas, impresas en Sevilla por Juan de Cabrera entre 1624 y 1630. Esta serie de impresos noticieros, como otros muchos de su tiempo publicados en otras localidades españolas, difundió las novedades de la política internacional de Felipe IV, particularmente de las Guerras de Flandes. En el estudio se ha recurrido a las propuestas del Análisis del Discurso Periodístico Histórico (Historical News Discourse), para probar cómo en las relaciones de sucesos de los años seleccionados, y de manera progresiva, los tiempos verbales relacionados con el presente y el futuro inmediato desplazan a los tiempos del pasado indefinido, en el marco de otras transformaciones relevantes del discurso periodístico. Los resultados de esta investigación permiten concluir que esta evolución discursiva está relacionada con un desplazamiento también progresivo del providencialismo, en beneficio de una preocupación creciente por la política de actualidad; este fenónemo coincide en el tiempo con el desarrollo de una opinión pública crítica e informada entre determinados grupos sociales en los reinados de Felipe III y Felipe IV, tal como han documentado otros historiadores en trabajos de reciente publicación.This paper aims to study the emergence of the concept of “current news” in seventeenthcentury public opinion and consequently in the journalism of that period. To this end, the paper has compiled a corpus of 36 news pamphlets, printed in Seville by Juan de Cabrera between 1624 and 1630. This news series, like other similar series in several Spanish localities, published the news of Felipe IV’s international policy, particularly regarding the Flanders Wars. The study makes use of the Historical News Discourse methodology to determine how verbal tenses related to the present and to the immediate future shift to the past simple, in addition to other discourse parameters. The conclusions suggest that changes in discourse relate to a progressive shift away from providentialism and towards a growing concern for current news, in line with the development of a critical and informed public opinion among certain social groups in the reigns of Felipe III and Felipe IV, as documented by a number of historians in recent works

    Ilustraciones de portada y poderes políticos en el periodismo español de la Edad Moderna

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    This paper explores the representation of political powers in the front-page illustrations of Early Modern Spanish newspapers. The knowledge about Early Modern European journalism has undergone a remarkable development in recent decades: however, research on the form of the first newspapers is scarce. The paper presents a corpus of 162 news pamphlets and gazettes published in Seville between 1618 and 1635. An analysis follows considering the presence of engravings on the cover page and their classification. This insight leads to the conclusion that the image did not play a decisive role to draw the attention of readers, even in sensationalist news pamphlets. The illustration is used not to present the events narrated but to stress the genre of the print; about half of the corpus prints have a cover engraving that reproduces a coat of arms, associated with the monarchical power in two thirds of the news sheets: Spanish journalism experienced a growing officialization, prior to the appearance of the first official newspaper of the kingdom, Gazeta Nueva (1661). Also, a small group of news sheets with ecclesiastical or nobiliary coat of arms reveals the interest of local powers in the flourishing of the journalistic marketEste artículo explora la representación de los poderes políticos en los grabados de portada de los periódicos de la Edad Moderna. Nuestro conocimiento sobre el periodismo europeo de la Edad Moderna ha experimentado un desarrollo notable en las últimas décadas: sin embargo, la investigación sobre la forma de los primeros periódicos es escasa. Presentamos un corpus de 162 relaciones de sucesos y gacetas publicadas en Sevilla entre 1618 y 1635. Se ha realizado un estudio y clasificación de la presencia de grabados en portada, para concluir primeramente que la imagen no jugó un papel decisivo como reclamo, incluso en el caso de las relaciones sensacionalistas. La ilustración no se usa en referencia a los eventos narrados, sino para enfatizar el género del impreso; aproximadamente la mitad de los impresos del corpus tiene un grabado de portada que reproduce un escudo de armas, asociado con el poder monárquico en dos tercios de los casos: el periodismo español experimentó una creciente oficialización, antes de la aparición del primer periódico oficial del reino, la Gazeta Nueva (1661). Además, un pequeño grupo de impresos con escudo de armas eclesiástico o nobiliario revela el interés de los poderes locales en el florecimiento del mercado periodístico

    The Seville printer Juan de Cabrera (1623-1631): the production of serial news pamphlets in 17th century Spain

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    En este trabajo se analiza la producción del impresor sevillano Juan de Cabrera y otros impresores de su generación (años ’20 y ’30 del siglo XVII) para determinar las estrategias de producción con las que consiguieron surtir de noticias sobre la política internacional del momento (particularmente, la Guerra de Flandes) a sus lectores: la utilización de relatos de gaceteros anónimos – no documentada hasta ahora para estas fechas - y la innovación en el diseño que permitía el reconocimiento de la condición seriada de estos productos y que prefiguraba elementos propios de los formatos periodísticos en años sucesivos. Para ello se ha procedido a la recuperación de fondos de prensa antigua poco estudiados hasta el momento, y a un análisis posterior del contenido y el diseño de portada de un corpus integrado por setenta y ocho relaciones de sucesos impresas por Juan de Cabrera en Sevilla durante la primera mitad del siglo XVII.In this paper, the production of the Seville printer Juan de Cabrera and his contemporaries (second and third decades of the 17th century) will be analysed to determine the strategies with which they managed to keep their readership supplied with news about international political developments (particularly about the War of Flanders): the use of the accounts of anonymous gazetteers – still unsubstantiated for this period – and the design innovations that allowed the serial nature of these publications to be recognised and which foreshadowed the elements typical of subsequent newspaper formats. To this end, old press collections, which have received scant attention hitherto, have been recovered in order to analyse the content and cover design of a corpus comprising 78 news publications printed by Juan de Cabrera in Seville during the first half of the 17th century

    Contourite characterization and its discrimination from other deep‐water deposits in the Gulf of Cadiz contourite depositional system

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    This project was funded through the Joint Industry Project supported by BP, ENI, ExxonMobil, TOTAL, Wintershall Dea and TGS, within the framework of "The Drifters" Research Group at Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL), in conjunction with the projects CTM 2012-39599-C03, CGL2015-66835-P, CTM2016-75129C3-1-R, CGL2016-80445-R (AEI/FEDER, UE) and B-RNM-072-UGR18. This research used data and samples collected by IODP Expedition 339 aboard the Joides Resolution. Data was acquired at the XRF Core Scanner Lab at MARUM -Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen, Germany. Our thanks to Dr Javier Dorador (RHUL, UK) for the high-resolution core imaging treatment, to Dr David Roque (ICMAN-CSIC, Spain) for his help in the hydrographic panels from Fig. 2, and to Dr Angel Puga-Bernabeu (University of Granada, Spain) for revision that helped to improve the original version of the manuscript before submission. This study significantly benefited from discussions with all who attended the IODP Exp. 339 MOW meeting in Heidelberg (Germany) in January 2019. We would like to thank Associate Editor Dr Adam McArthur and the three reviewers, Dr Rachel Brackenridge, Dr Giancarlo Davoli and Dr Adriano Viana, for their positive and constructive comments that helped us improve the manuscript.Despite numerous efforts to properly differentiate between contourites and other deep‐water deposits in cores and outcrops, reliable diagnostic criteria are still lacking. The co‐occurrence of downslope and along‐slope sedimentary processes makes it particularly difficult to differentiate these relatively homogeneous deposits. The main aim of this paper is to identify differences in deep‐water sediments based on Principal Component Analysis of grain size and geochemistry, sedimentary facies, and reinforced by microfacies and ichnofacies. The sediments studied were obtained from two International Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 339 sites in mounded and sheeted drifts in the Gulf of Cadiz. The statistical approach led to the discernment of hemipelagites, silty contourites, sandy contourites, bottom current reworked sands, fine‐grained turbidites and debrites over a range of depositional and physiographic elements. These elements are linked to contourite drifts, the drift‐channel transition, the contourite channel and distal upper slope. When bottom currents or gravity‐driven flows are not the dominant depositional process, marine productivity and continental input settling forms the main depositional mechanism in deep‐water environments. This is reflected by a high variability of the first principal component in hemipelagic deposits. The stacked principal component variability of these deposits evidences that the contourite drift and the adjacent contourite channel were influenced by the interrelation of hemipelagic, gravitational and bottom current induced depositional processes. This interrelation questions the paradigm that a drift is made up solely of muddy sediments. The interrelation of sedimentary processes is a consequence of the precession‐driven changes in the intensity of the Mediterranean Outflow Water related to Mediterranean climate variability, which are punctuated by millennial‐scale variability. Associated vertical and lateral shifts of the Mediterranean Outflow Water, and therefore of its interface with the East North Atlantic Central Water, controlled sediment input and favoured turbulent sediment transport in the middle slope. During the interglacial precession maxima/insolation minima, a more vigorous upper core of the Mediterranean Outflow Water and the enhanced impact of the East North Atlantic Central Water – Mediterranean Outflow Water interface allowed for the development of the sandier contourite deposits.BP within the "The Drifters" Research Group at Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL)ENI within the "The Drifters" Research Group at Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL)ExxonMobil within the "The Drifters" Research Group at Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL)TOTAL within the "The Drifters" Research Group at Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL)Wintershall Dea within the "The Drifters" Research Group at Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL)TGS within the "The Drifters" Research Group at Royal Holloway University of London (RHUL)AEI/FEDER, UE CTM 2012-39599-C03 CGL2015-66835-P CTM2016-75129C3-1-R CGL2016-80445-RB-RNM-072-UGR1

    Cost-sensitive learning for Rule Classification: Evaluation of its applicability for Integrated Pest Management

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    This work evaluates and compares different supervised learning algorithms using a costsensitive approach to find a model that classifies legal rules related to pesticides as prohibitions and permissions. The naive Bayes classifier achieves the best results and it would be applicable because it doesn't misclassify prohibitions as permissions