292 research outputs found

    Qué piensa el profesorado de la motivación, qué estrategias utiliza y propuestas de mejora

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi: MP1040. Curs acadèmic: 2018/2019Se sabe que la motivación es un tema que presenta controversia y hay muchos trabajos que plantean esta problemática. En este estudio se ha llevado a cabo una investigación relacionada con la percepción que tiene el profesorado de la motivación de su alumnado correspondiente al último ciclo de primaria. El trabajo está basado en el Modelo de Calidad de Situación Educativa (MOCSE, Doménech, 2018). Para obtener los datos se ha pasado un cuestionario a una muestra de 21 docentes de tres escuelas de la provincia de Castelló. Los objetivos expuestos en este trabajo son: el primero, identificar el nivel motivacional del alumnado preadolescente de primaria, así como los principales factores que influyen en su motivación desde la perspectiva del profesorado; y el segundo, evaluar las estrategias motivacionales que el profesorado utiliza en el aula. Los resultados obtenidos en la investigación reflejan que el profesorado cree que el alumnado está motivado en clase, pero no de forma excesiva. Además, los factores que más influyen en la desmotivación son el currículo y los factores intrapersonales del alumnado. También se observa que el profesorado afronta más los problemas por ellos mismos o piden ayuda que, por el contrario, evitarlos. Aun así, preocupa que en ciertos casos se utilice la evitación como recurso.It is known that motivation is a controversial concept and there are many studies that raise this problem. In this study, an investigation has been done related with the perception of the students teachers have in the last cycle of Primary School. The study is based on the “Modelo de Calidad de Situación Educativa” (MOCSE, Doménech, 2018). To obtain the data, a questionnaire was sent to a sample of 21 teachers from three schools in the province of Castelló. The objectives set out in this paper are: first, to identify the motivational level of the preadolescent students of primary school, as well as the main factors that influence their motivation from the perspective of the teaching staff; and the second, to evaluate the motivational strategies that teachers use in the classroom. The results obtained in the research show that teachers believe students are motivated in class, but not in excess. Moreover, the factors which most influence demotivation are the curriculum and the intrapersonal factors of the students. It is also observed that teachers face problems more by themselves or ask for help that avoiding them. Even so, it is worrying that in some cases avoidance is used as a resource

    Comparing Tag Scheme Variations Using an Abstract Machine Generator

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    In this paper we study, in the context of a WAM-based abstract machine for Prolog, how variations in the encoding of type information in tagged words and in their associated basic operations impact performance and memory usage. We use a high-level language to specify encodings and the associated operations. An automatic generator constructs both the abstract machine using this encoding and the associated Prolog-to-byte code compiler. Annotations in this language make it possible to impose constraints on the final representation of tagged words, such as the effectively addressable space (fixing, for example, the word size of the target processor /architecture), the layout of the tag and value bits inside the tagged word, and how the basic operations are implemented. We evaluate large number of combinations of the different parameters in two scenarios: a) trying to obtain an optimal general-purpose abstract machine and b) automatically generating a specially-tuned abstract machine for a particular program. We conclude that we are able to automatically generate code featuring all the optimizations present in a hand-written, highly-optimized abstract machine and we canal so obtain emulators with larger addressable space and better performance

    Fluidodinámica Computacional aplicada a vehículos: Estudio de la influencia de las ruedas y los pasos de rueda en la aerodinámica de un automóvil

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    El presente Proyecto tiene como objetivo el estudio de la influencia que tiene la geometría de los pasos de rueda y las ruedas en los coeficientes de resistencia al avance y sustentación de un turismo tipo (Volkswagen Bora de 1999), con el objetivo de calcular el valor óptimo. La primera fase del Proyecto consta de una recopilación de antecedentes y bibliografía relacionada con la materia. A partir de este punto, se han escogido como parámetros de optimización la altura de amortiguación del vehículo y la profundidad del paso de rueda como los más representativos y relativamente sencillos de manipular en términos de fabricación del vehículo. Se han descartado otras posibilidades, tales como la geometría de las ruedas, debido a que su elección viene marcada por otros aspectos más críticos como la dinámica longitudinal del vehículo y la seguridad en la conducción. Seguidamente, se han recreado mediante herramientas de CAD las diferentes configuraciones del vehículo al variar estos parámetros geométricos, para después construir sus respectivas mallas mediante el programa Gambit 2.1 que son la base del cálculo posterior. A continuación se realizan los análisis aerodinámicos mediante Fluent 6.1, un programa de Fluidodinámica Computacional (Comptutational Fluid Dynamics, CFD) que permite la simulación virtual del problema. Estos análisis se dividen en dos grandes grupos: análisis bidimensionales (2D) y tridimensionales (3D). En los análisis 2D se simula solamente el modelo original del turismo, con el objetivo de validar los resultados mediante la bibliografía antes de estudiar las diferentes configuraciones. Los resultados obtenidos, aun aproximándose al valor real del CD del vehículo, no describen de forma completamente correcta el flujo alrededor del vehículo, con lo que se decidió realizar el posterior análisis 3D. Éstos predijeron mejor las características más importantes del flujo mostradas en la bibliografía, con lo que se procedió a la simulación de las diferentes configuraciones del vehículo variando los parámetros de optimización escogidos anteriormente. Estos análisis corroboraron la existencia de una cierta correlación entre los parámetros de estudio seleccionados y el comportamiento aerodinámico del vehículo, tal y como mostraba la bibliografía. A partir de estos análisis se comprueba la existencia de unas configuraciones óptimas, que no difieren en exceso con la del modelo original. Finalmente se comprueban otros aspectos en la aerodinámica del vehículo relacionados con la temática que se estudia, como son los casos de una rueda aislada y la influencia total de las ruedas y los pasos de rueda en la aerodinámica del turismo, mediante la simulación de un modelo sin la presencia de estos elementos. La finalidad de estas simulaciones ha sido la comprobación de que la metodología seguida durante el Proyecto es correcta, a partir de la satisfactoria validación de estos resultados con la bibliografía y antecedentes disponibles

    Empirical Evaluation Of The Overall Impact And By Industries Of Comprehensive Income On European Groups Listed On NYSE And NASDAQ

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    The purpose of this article is to assess the Overall Impact, and by Industries, of Comprehensive Income on Net Income for a sampling of 136 European groups listed on NYSE and NASDAQ from 1999 to 2004. To this end we took as reference the consolidated information disclosed pursuant to SFAS 130 issued by FASB in the reconciliations to the US GAAP when they presented their Annual Reports to the SEC with form 20-F and Industry Classification Benchmark -ICB- (Dow Jones Indexes and FTSE). In order to contrast the corresponding hypotheses, a set of non-parametric tools were used, as the data was far from normality. The results of our paper, which are ground-breaking at an international level, show a statistically significant impact of Comprehensive Income on Net Income for the sample group in most of the years that were analyzed. However, when this impact is itemized by Industries we find that there are hardly any statistically significant differences between them, which allows us to affirm that by adopting Comprehensive Income, within the context that we have studied, we are witness to a phenomenon which, along general lines, affects corporate groups in a similar fashion, independently of the nature of the activities that they carry out

    Comprehensive income in times of crisis: evidence from spanish companies.

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    Given the increasing importance of comprehensive income as an indicator of corporate performance internationally, especially since the revision of International Accounting Standard 1 (IAS 1) by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in 2007, in this paper we intend to assess its impact on the more traditional net income during the period 2004-2008 for the select group of the Spanish IBEX-35 listed companies, pursuant to the information disclosed in accordance with said IAS. This will allow us to verify the importance of comprehensive income for the corporate groups at a time of serious financial and economic crisis as was 2008. The non-parametric Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test was used to perform the corresponding statistic comparisons, as the variables did not conform to normalcy. The results showed a statistically significant impact of comprehensive income on net income for three of the five years that were studied, especially for 2008, when there was a spectacular decline in corporate performance when considering the impact of the first on the second. This confers more informational relevance to comprehensive income, being much more in tune with market reality than traditional net income

    Effects Of Comprehensive Income On ROE In A Context Of Crisis: Empirical Evidence For IBEX-35 Listed Companies (2004-2008)

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    Comprehensive income is becoming increasingly important as an indicator of corporate performance at an international level [SFAS 130 by the FASB (1997) and NIC 1 by the IASB, revised in 2007, among others]. Given this importance, this paper intends to assess its impact on the Return on Equity (ROE), as opposed to the more traditional net income, for the period 2004-2008 for the select group of the Spanish IBEX-35 listed companies. Moreover, working on this period will also allow us to verify the incidence of comprehensive income on the ROE within a context of economic crisis, especially for the year 2008, with a large recession and steep drops in the stock markets. For this empirical study, we took as reference the pertinent information disclosed in the Consolidated Annual Reports of these listed companies, formulated pursuant to the IFRS by the IASB, especially pursuant to IAS 1.The non-parametric Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test was used to perform the corresponding statistic comparisons, as the variables in certain years did not conform to normalcy. The results of our paper show a statistically significant impact of the ROE calculated pursuant to comprehensive income as opposed to the ROE determined pursuant to the net income. This was evidenced for three of the five years that were studied, especially for 2008, when there was a spectacular decline in the ROE calculated pursuant to the comprehensive income as opposed to that calculated pursuant to the net income. We consider this could be a contribution to the international debate regarding the need to include other measurements of corporate performance that are broader than the traditional net income in certain ratios of the fundamental analysis. This could represent the basis for adopting financial decisions that are much more in tune with the reality of the market

    EPS differences using different earnings measurement methods evidence from Spain.

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    This paper examines how EPS differs when calculated using two different measures of income: net income and comprehensive income. To examine how the measures differ in practice Spanish companies listed on the IBEX-35, during the period 2004-2008 are examined. This period covers a time of serious financial crisis. The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test was used to identify differences. The results show statistically significant differences in EPS depending upon calculation method for three of the years studied. Results in 2008 are specifically noteworthy. The evidence suggests a new dimension in fundamental analysis

    Empirical Analysis Of The Impact Of Comprehensive Income On Basic Earnings Per Share For Spanish Companies Listed On Madrid Stock Exchange

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    In this study we will empirically evaluate the overall impact, and by industries, of Basic Earnings per Share calculated according to Comprehensive Income against the same ratio determined in accordance with Net Income, for a sample of ninety-two Spanish groups listed on the Madrid Stock Exchange during 20042007, in agreement with the information contained in their Consolidated Financial Statements pursuant to IASB GAAP and industry classification adopted in this market.In order to contrast the corresponding hypotheses, a set of non-parametric tools were used, as the data was far from normalcy. The results of our paper, which are ground-breaking at an international level, show a statistically significant impact of Basic Earnings per Share calculated according to Comprehensive Income against the same ratio determined pursuant to Net Income for the sample group in all of the years that were analyzed. On the other hand, when approaching the study by industries, we have observed quite uniform behavior between them in the sense that we found a remarkable impact on listed companies in all industries, which is why in general terms we are witnessing a phenomenon that affects the listed companies regardless of the nature of their business activities.These evidences, apart from suggesting a new dimension in the fundamental analysis, of particular interest to analysts and investors, justifies the disclosure of Basic Earnings per Share determined according to Comprehensive Income, not only in the notes, but also in the main body of the Statement of Comprehensive Income

    Dryopteris × orexpansa, un nuevo híbrido y D. × deweberi en Cantabria

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    Se describe un nuevo híbrido en Cantabria Dryopteris × orexpansa. Se presenta su citología y se estudian los caracteres morfológicos y micromorfológicos con el fin de establecer sus posibles parentales: D. oreades y D. expansa. Por otro lado se cita por primera vez en Cantabria, Dryopteris × deweveri.Se hacen algunas consideraciones sobre su distribución en la Península Ibérica y se proporciona información para su identificación

    Dos nuevos híbridos de Dryopteris guanchica: D. × cantabrica y D. × ronald-vianensis

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    Se describen dos nuevos híbridos en Cantabria: Dryopteris × cantabrica y D. × ronald-vianensis. Se respaldan las propuestas sobre sus orígenes, mediante el estudio de los caracteres morfológicos y micromorfológicos, así como citogenéticos. Se implica en el origen del primero a D. corleyi y a D. guanchica; mientras que en el segundo se postulan como presumibles parentales a D. dilatata y a D. guanchica. Además se estudia D. × gomerica y se compara con los híbridos propuestos. Se extiende el área de distribución de D. guanchica hasta Cantabria.Two new hybrids are described in Cantabria: Dryopteris × cantabrica and D. × ronald-vianensis. Hypotheses about their origins are supported by morphological, micromorphological and cytogenetic features. D. corleyi and D. guanchica are involved in the origin of the former whereas. D. dilatata and a D. guanchica are presented as presumable parents of the latter. Furthermore D. × gomerica is studied and compared with the proposed hybrids. The geographic distribution of D. guanchica is expanded to Cantabria