15,510 research outputs found

    Psychological type and attitude towards Celtic Christianity among committed Churchgoers in the United Kingdom: an empirical study

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    This article takes the burgeoning interest in Celtic Christianity as a key example of the way in which churches may be responding to the changing spiritual and religious landscape in the United Kingdom today and examines the power of psychological type theory to account for variation in the attitude of committed churchgoers to this innovation. Data provided by a sample of 248 Anglican clergy and lay church officers (who completed the Francis Psychological Type Scales together with the Attitude toward Celtic Christianity Scale) demonstrated that intuitive types, feeling types, and perceiving types reported a more positive attitude towards Celtic Christianity than sensing types, thinking types, and judging types. These findings are interpreted to analyse the appeal of Celtic Christianity and to suggest why some committed churchgoers may find this innovation less attractive

    Psychological types of female primary school teachers in Anglican state-maintained schools in England and Wales : implications for continuing professional development

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    A sample of 221 female primary school teachers in Anglican state-maintained schools in England and Wales completed the Francis Psychological Type Scales (FPTS). The data demonstrated clear preferences for Extraversion (E) over Introversion (I), for Sensing (S) over Intuition (N), for Feeling (F) over Thinking (T) and for Judging (J) over Perceiving (P). The two predominant types among female primary school teachers were ESFJ (27.6%) and ISFJ (18.6%). These findings confirm earlier research among trainee female primary school teachers and help to clarify the main strengths and potential challenges facing primary schools in light of knowledge about the key psychological preferences of those who shape the classroom environment. These findings also generate new insights into teacher retention and career paths in primary schools

    The self-reference effect on memory in early childhood

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    The self-reference effect in memory is the advantage for information encoded about self, relative to other people. The early development of this effect was explored here using a concrete encoding paradigm. Trials comprised presentation of a self- or other-image paired with a concrete object. In Study 1, 4- to 6-year-old children (N = 53) were asked in each trial whether the child pictured would like the object. Recognition memory showed an advantage for self-paired objects. Study 2 (N = 55) replicated this finding in source memory. In Study 3 (N = 56), participants simply indicated object location. Again, recognition and source memory showed an advantage for self-paired items. These findings are discussed with reference to mechanisms that ensure information of potential self-relevance is reliably encoded

    Growth or decline in the Church of England during the decade of Evangelism: did the Churchmanship of the Bishop matter?

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    The Decade of Evangelism occupied the attention of the Church of England throughout the 1990s. The present study employs the statistics routinely published by the Church of England in order to assess two matters: the extent to which these statistics suggest that the 43 individual dioceses finished the decade in a stronger or weaker position than they had entered it and the extent to which, according to these statistics, the performance of dioceses led by bishops shaped in the Evangelical tradition differed from the performance of dioceses led by bishops shaped in the Catholic tradition. The data demonstrated that the majority of dioceses were performing less effectively at the end of the decade than at the beginning, in terms of a range of membership statistics, and that the rate of decline varied considerably from one diocese to another. The only exception to the trend was provided by the diocese of London, which experienced some growth. The data also demonstrated that little depended on the churchmanship of the diocesan bishop in shaping diocesan outcomes on the performance indicators employed in the study

    Three religious orientations and five personality factors : an exploratory study among adults in England

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    In order to explore the power of the five factor model of personality to explain individual differences recorded on measures of the three religious orientations, a sample of 198 adults in England completed established measures of the three religious orientations (intrinsic, extrinsic, and quest) and the big five personality factors (neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness). The data demonstrated that individual differences in the three religious orientations were largely independent of the five personality factors, apart from a significant positive correlation between intrinsic religiosity and agreeableness. These findings support Piedmont’s contention that religiosity is largely independent of personality when personality is operationalised in terms of the big five factors

    Performance characterization of a segmented anode arcjet thruster

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    A modular, 1 to 2 kW class arcjet thruster incorporating a segmented anode/nozzle was operated on a thrust stand to obtain performance characteristics of the device and further study its operating characteristics under a number of experimental conditions. The nozzle was composed of five axial conducting segments isolated from one another by boron nitride spacers. The electrical configuration allowed the current delivered to the arcjet to be collected at any combination of segments. Both the current collected by each segment, and the potential difference between the cathode and each segment were monitored throughout the test period. As in previous tests a similar device, current appeared to attach diffusely in the anode when all of the segments were allowed to conduct. Improvements to the device allowed long term (4 to 8 hour) operation at steady-state and operating characteristics were repeatable over extended periods. Performance characteristics indicated that the segmented anode reasonably simulates the behavior of solid anodes of similar geometry. Current distribution depended on flow rate as the arc attachment moved downstream in the nozzle with increases in the mass flow rate. The current level had little effect on current distribution on the anode segments. Thrust measurements indicated that the current distribution in the nozzle did not significantly affect performance of the device

    U.S. Strategy in Africa: AFRICOM, Terrorism, and Security Challenges

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    Inside Southwark Cathedral : a study in psychological-type profiling

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    A series of recent studies have begun to map the psychological-type profile of Anglican churchgoers in England and Wales. This study sets the profile of 120 men and 161 women attending Sunday services in Southwark Cathedral against the profile of 1169 men and 2135 women attending Anglican parish churches. These data found a significantly higher proportion of intuitive types and thinking types within the cathedral congregation and a significantly lower proportion of participants displaying the SJ temperament. The implications of these findings are discussed for appreciating the distinctive style of cathedral worship and of cathedral ministry
