12 research outputs found

    Optic nerve sheath meningioma: a case report

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    A case of a 75-year old male with right-sided exopthalmos is presented. Outside proptosis of the right eye was initially observed 6 years ago. Opthalmological and endocrinological clinical examination as well as laboratory tests revealed no pathology from optic nerve disc, optic bulb and thyroid related hormones. MRI study demonstrated an optic nerve meningioma. The key imaging findings and the differential diagnosis were discussed in this present paper

    Crop Diversity on Traditional Great Plains Wheat Farms

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    Historically, the vast majority of cropland in the western Great Plains was either seeded to continuous monoculture wheat or was in a wheat-fallow rotation. The objective of this paper is to determine the combined effects of crop diversity and tillage systems on wheat grain yield and net returns for farms in the traditional wheat region of the western Great Plains. Farm level data were obtained for four crop production seasons. Crop diversity was relatively more important to system economics than the type of tillage used. Net returns per acre were greater on farms that included a diversified cropping system