1,447 research outputs found

    Public Opinion about Punishment and Corrections

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    Get tough control policies in the United States are often portrayed as the reflection of the public\u27s will: Americans are punitive and want offenders locked up. Research from the past decade both reinforces and challenges this assessment. The public clearly accepts, if not prefers, a range of punitive policies (e.g., capital punishment, three-strikes-and-you\u27re-out laws, imprisonment). But support for get-tough policies is mushy. Thus citizens may be willing to substitute a sentence of life imprisonment without parole for the death penalty. Especially when nonviolent offenders are involved, there is substantial support for intermediate sanctions and for restorative justice. Despite three decades of criticism, rehabilitation-particularly for the young-remains an integral part of Americans\u27 correctional philosophy. There is also widespread support for early intervention programs. In the end, the public shows a tendency to be punitive and progressive, wishing the correctional system to achieve the diverse missions of doing justice, protecting public safety, and reforming the wayward

    Fluid Intake and Hydration Responses to Mass Participation Gravel Cycling

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    Gravel cycling is a relatively new cycling discipline, with the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) hosting their first UCI Gravel World Championships in 2022. Gravel races combine features of road racing, cyclocross, and mountain biking, including various terrain of varying technical difficulty (paved roads, dirt roads, fire roads, single- and double-track trails), long distances, substantial vertical elevation gain, obstacles, and limited opportunities to stop for in-race nutrition. PURPOSE: To date, gravel racing has not been scientifically examined to determine the demands of the sport. Data from cycling road races indicate substantial fluid loss, which may impair exercise performance. This study assessed hydration responses to gravel races of three different distances. METHODS: This field study collected data on saliva osmolarity, body mass, fluid intake, and nutrition knowledge. Variables were assessed before and after a gravel cycling race in April 2023. A total of 121 participants completed pre-race surveys, 53 provided pre-race measures of body mass and saliva osmolarity (SOsm), and 38 participants completed post-race testing. RESULTS: Based on manufacturer cutpoints for SOsm, only 22.6% (n = 12) of participants were hydrated before the race, with 56.6% mildly dehydrated (n = 30), 18.9% moderately dehydrated (n = 10), and 1.9% severely dehydrated (n = 1). Post-race, 15% (n=6) were still hydrated, 20% (n = 8) were mildly dehydrated, 47.5% (n = 19) were moderately dehydrated, and 17.5% (n = 7) were severely dehydrated. Analyses revealed significant decreases in body mass and increases in SOsm from pre- to post-exercise in the two longer race distances (p \u3c 0.05). There was a significant effect of race distance on energy, fluid, carbohydrate, and sodium intake (p \u3c 0.05), but post-hoc comparisons were only significant for fluid intake. Sweat rates were not different (p \u3e 0.05). Change in percent body mass and change in SOsm were not correlated (r = -0.254, p = 0.118). Longer race distances were associated with higher energy, fluid, carbohydrate, and sodium intake. CONCLUSION: This study provides data quantifying the fluid and nutrient intake during mass participation gravel cycling. Future studies should expand on our results by capturing in-race nutrient data and more sensitive hydration assessments

    Research on mixture motion and combustion chamber of internal combustion engine

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    This review paper focuses on the mixture motion into combustion chamber of internal combustion engine. The shape and orientation of the intake port is an important aspect as it defines how the air or fuel/air is delivered to the cylinder and therefore the motion of the fuel/air in the cylinder. Fluid motion into and within the cylinder is known as charge motion and is important due to the influencing turbulence in the cylinder which generally results in faster combustion, which increases combustion efficiency, reduces fuel consumption, reduces knock and pre-ignition in spark ignition engines. The velocity at which the charge enters the cylinder, directing fuel/air towards the spark plug or fuel injector for ignition, the transfer of heat which influences evaporation of the fuel, improving mixing of the fuel/air mixture, and can increase volumetric efficiency, although at the expense of turbulence A main combustion chamber that permits efficient combustion throughout the entire rotational speed range comprising a straight groove extending diametrically from an edge portion of the top surface of a piston and a pair of grooves branching right and left from the straight groove in such a curved manner as to return toward the edge of the surface

    Helium Hand – High Pressure Injection Injury

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    Teaching Point: High-pressure injection injuries are clinically significant injuries which may be underappreciated on initial physical exam and which require a high index of suspicion and early clinical intervention to avoid negative outcomes

    Late Miocene wood recovered in Bengal–Nicobar submarine fan sediments by IODP Expedition 362

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    Drilling and coring during IODP Expedition 362 in the eastern Indian Ocean encountered probably the largest wood fragment ever recovered in scientific ocean drilling. The wood is Late Miocene in age and buried beneath ∼800 m of siliciclastic mud and sand of the Bengal–Nicobar Fan. The wood is well preserved. Possible origins include the hinterland to the north, with sediment transported as part of the submarine fan sedimentary processes, or the Sunda subduction zone to the east, potentially as a megathrust tsunami deposit

    Evolving Therapeutic Strategies for the Classic Philadelphia-Negative Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

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    AbstractDespite the emergence of JAK inhibitors, there is a need for disease-modifying treatments for Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs). JAK inhibitors ameliorate symptoms and address splenomegaly, but because of the heterogeneous contributors to the disease process, JAK inhibitor monotherapy incompletely addresses the burden of disease. The ever-growing understanding of MPN pathogenesis has provided the rationale for testing novel and targeted therapeutic agents, as monotherapies or in combination, in preclinical and clinical settings. A number of intriguing options have emerged, and it is hoped that further progress will lead to significant changes in the natural history of MPNs

    The Waiting And Mating Game: Condition Dependent Mate Sampling In Female Gray Treefrogs (Hyla Versicolor)

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    Strong sexual selection by receivers can lead to the evolution of elaborate courtship behaviors in signalers. However the process by which receivers sample signalers and execute mate choice under complex signaling conditions—and thus the realized strength of sexual section—is poorly understood. Moreover, receivers can vary in condition, which can further influence mate sampling strategies. Using wild female frogs we tested two hypotheses at the intersection of these important problems: that some of the individual variation in mate sampling is explained by (1) the reproductive urgency hypothesis, which predicts that receivers in a more urgent reproductive state will sample mates less and/or (2) the reproductive investment hypothesis, which predicts that receivers that have invested less in the current reproductive effort will sample mates less. Eastern gray treefrogs, Hyla versicolor, were collected in amplexus and repeatedly tested for phonotaxis behavior using a dynamic playback assay. To evaluate if hormonal mechanisms explained variation in the mate sampling, three steroid hormones, estradiol, progesterone, and corticosterone, were collected using a noninvasive water-borne hormone assay, validated for this species in the present study. Finally, we measured clutch size (investment) and the duration of time required for each female to oviposit after being reunited with their male mate (urgency). We found repeatability in many of the behaviors, including mate sampling. We found that females with higher concentrations estradiol and corticosterone made quicker choices, and that females with higher progesterone sampled mates more. We also found that female frogs in a more urgent reproductive state had lower concentrations of progesterone and estradiol, thereby providing the first evidence of a relationship between gonadal hormones and reproductive urgency. Collectively we found some support for the reproductive urgency but not the investment hypothesis. Thus, even though a female frog\u27s reproductive readiness is a highly transient life history stage, fine scale variation in her reproductive timeline could mitigate the strength of directional selection
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