19 research outputs found

    L'evoluzione delle tecnologie di riproduzione della musica e la sorprendente ed inaspettata "rinascita" del disco in vinile - Un'indagine empirica

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    La tesi ripercorre, in una prima parte, l’evoluzione dettagliata dei principali dispositivi tecnologici per la riproduzione della musica che si è avuta nel XX secolo fino ad oggi. In secondo luogo analizza il fenomeno attuale e globale del ritorno in auge del disco in vinile come formato di acquisto dei consumatori: nello specifico un’analisi empirica studia tale fenomeno a livello strettamente italiano, andando ad analizzare le caratteristiche che costituiscono la figura dell’appassionato di musica in vinile del 2014

    Frecuencia de depresión y ansiedad no diagnosticadas en pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 que acuden a la consulta externa de un hospital general de Lima, Perú.

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    Background: The populations of patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM2) generally have a higher frequency of psychiatric illnesses than the general population. Objective: To identify the frequency of undiagnosed depression and anxiety in patients with DM2 who attended the outpatient clinic of a general hospital in Lima. Material and methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on patients with DM2, among whom the presence of depression and anxiety was determined by using the Depressive Psychopathology Scale (EPD-6) and the Lima Anxiety Scale (LAS-20). Results: From 327 patients included in the study, 23.9% had depression, 32.7% anxiety and 7.95% suicidality, whereas 5.5% presented symptoms of both, depression and anxiety. Additionally, 17.94% of patients with depression, and 16.82% of those with anxiety presented evidence of suicidality. 39.9 % of women had anxiety compared to 16.7% of men (p <0.01). The median age of patients with depression was 59 years (IQT: 51-64) versus 62 years (IQT: 54-69) among patients without depression (p=0.038). Conclusions: Almost a quarter (23.9%) of the patients with DM2 had depression, and a third (33.7%) presented anxiety. In addition, female sex and age appear to be significantly related to anxiety and depression, respectively.Antecedentes: Las poblaciones de pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) generalmente tienen mayor frecuencia de enfermedades psiquiátricas que la población general. Objetivo: Identificar la frecuencia de pacientes con depresión y ansiedad no diagnosticadas en pacientes con DM2 que acuden a la consulta externa de un hospital general de Lima. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en pacientes con diagnóstico de DM2, a fin de determinar la presencia de depresión y ansiedad de acuerdo a la Escala de Psicopatología Depresiva (EPD-6) y la Escala de Ansiedad de Lima (EAL-20). Resultados: En la muestra de 327 pacientes, el 23,9% presentaron depresión, el 32,7% ansiedad y el 7,95% suicidalidad, en tanto que un 5,5 presentaron síntomas de depresión y ansiedad. El 17,94% de pacientes con depresión y el 16,82% de pacientes con ansiedad presentaron suicidalidad. Las mujeres tuvieron una frecuencia de ansiedad de 39,9% y los varones, de 16,7% (p<0,01). La mediana de edad de los pacientes con depresión fue de 59 años (IQT: 51-64) versus 62 años (IQT: 54-69) de los pacientes sin depresión (p=0,038). Conclusiones: Casi una cuarta parte (23,9%) de los pacientes con DM2 mostraron evidencia de depresión, y un tercio (33,7%) presentaron ansiedad. Además, el sexo femenino y la edad parecen estar significativamente relacionados a ansiedad y depresión, respectivamente

    A multi-element psychosocial intervention for early psychosis (GET UP PIANO TRIAL) conducted in a catchment area of 10 million inhabitants: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial

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    Multi-element interventions for first-episode psychosis (FEP) are promising, but have mostly been conducted in non-epidemiologically representative samples, thereby raising the risk of underestimating the complexities involved in treating FEP in 'real-world' services

    Mondo contadino, lotte agrarie e sindacato in provincia di Pisa (1944-1955)

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    Con questo lavoro ci si propone di studiare le cause, la natura, i limiti e le prospettive del movimento contadino che si sviluppò nelle campagne pisane a partire dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale, definendo nel dettaglio le dinamiche politiche e sociali in cui fu coinvolta la popolazione di queste aree nella fase del trapasso al sistema democratico. Ciò significa, altresì, ripercorrere le tappe evolutive del movimento sindacale locale, mettendo in evidenza in che modo (e a che livello) l'"istituzionalizzazione" del conflitto e il perfezionamento delle strutture organizzative confederali hanno inciso sulla disgregazione dell'ordinamento mezzadrile e sul processo di emancipazione politica delle masse contadine. Un'analisi, pertanto, incentrata su poco più di dieci anni di storia politica e sindacale, segnati da un incessante ripetersi di azioni di lotta e tentativi di transazione che, sebbene destinati il più delle volte a fallire, fecero esplodere le contraddizioni di un sistema sociale ed economico ritenuto da molti superato, basato sulla soggezione politica e culturale delle masse rurali e sulla loro dipendenza da una ristretta cerchia di maggiorenti e potentati, di cui per troppo tempo erano state subite l'influenza e la dominazione

    Fused filament deposition of PLA: the role of interlayer adhesion in the mechanical performances

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    A criteria to enhance mechanical performances of a standard specimens (Type V, ANSI D368) made of polylactic acid (PLA) was proposed. Fused PLA deposition was conducted, with nozzle tem-perature ranging from 180°C to 230°C, and deposition plate temperature ranging from 70°C to 110°C. Optical microscopy, elastic modulus analysis and density measurement allowed empha-sizing the effect of temperature field, also measured during the process, on the morphology and the mechanical characteristics of the specimen. Atomic force microscopy revealed a morphology typical of amorphous samples, with globular structures. Poor interlayer adhesion was detected in the topmost part of the specimen, showing an elastic modulus, 220 MPa, lower than those measured in the central part, 500 MPa. The specimen crystallinity degree was below 3%. The molecular weight between entanglements was adopted as a measure of the interlayer molecular diffusion. A successful diffusion and re-entanglement of the polymer melt at the interface was the key for improving mechanical per-formances. A mathematical model describing the transient heat transfer during the fused PLA deposition and accounting for solidification and the non-isothermal crystallization kinetics was introduced. Sim-ulated temperature evolutions were consistent with the experimental ones. They were related to the mechanical performances, the morphology, and the molecular weight between entanglements of the parts

    Potential role of sulfide and ammonia as confounding factors in elutriate toxicity bioassays with early life stages of sea urchins and bivalves

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    This work reports some considerations on the possible contribution of sulfide and ammonia to the toxicity of elutriate samples of sediments from the Venice lagoon, tested with a battery of bioassays using early life stages of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus and the oyster Crassostrea gigas. A comparison of ammonia or sulfide concentration in the test matrix, matrix toxicity, and the sensitivity limit of bioassays for ammonia or sulfide were used in evaluating toxicity data. Results highlighted that sperm cell and embryo toxicity of elutriates were not affected by sulfides. Neither was any direct relationship shown between elutriate toxicity and ammonia concentration. Most elutriates had ammonia concentrations below the sensitivity limit of acute test methods, while the more sensitive subchronic toxicity tests were affected by ammonia interference in some samples. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Co-Composting of Green Waste and Dredged Sediments Can Reduce the Environmental Impact of the Potted Nursery without Affecting Plant Growth

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    The ornamental nursery industry is steadily growing in Europe, and a consequent increase in the demand for substrates related to container plant cultivations is expected in the coming years. Currently, substrates consist in part or entirely of peat, a non-renewable resource with concerns about its environmental impact due to extraction, transport, and use. Therefore, it is essential to focus on alternative materials, particularly waste by-products to be recycled as components of substrates to achieve more sustainable cultivations. In this study, substrates obtained by mixing co-composted dredged sediments (S) and green waste (GW) in different ratios (1:3; 1:1; 3:1) were tested for cultivation, and plant growth was compared with a control growing media (peat and pumice in a 1:1 ratio). The cultivation trial lasted for one year and was carried out on two potted ornamental evergreen shrubs (Photinia × fraseri and Viburnum tinus). The results showed that the plant growth parameters of both species, occurring in substrates with co-composted materials, were not significantly affected compared to the control, with the exception of below-ground biomass in V. tinus. Moreover, a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) analysis was carried out to quantify the greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) deriving from the replacement of peat with the other proposed substrates. The functional unit was 10 L (Ø 24 cm) potted plants and the results were expressed in kg of CO2 equivalent (kg CO2eq). We demonstrated that the replacement of peat-based substrates with the alternative substrates was able to reduce the GHG emission by an average of 11.56 to 23.13%. Higher GHG emissions were related to the cultivation phase (0.9 kg CO2eq/plant), and while comparing substrates, we obtained an average percentage reduction of 28.1% to 59.6%. Thus, our results suggest that co-composted mixtures of dredged sediments with green waste could be used as sustainable techno-soils for pot nursery cultivation of ornamental species with reduced environmental impact