175 research outputs found

    Geotropic tracers in turbulent flows: a proxy for fluid acceleration

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    We investigate the statistics of orientation of small, neutrally buoyant, spherical tracers whose center of mass is displaced from the geometrical center. If appropriate-sized particles are considered, a linear relation can be derived between the horizontal components of the orientation vector and the same components of acceleration. Direct numerical simulations are carried out, showing that such relation can be used to reconstruct the statistics of acceleration fluctuations up to the order of the gravitational acceleration. Based on such results, we suggest a novel method for the local experimental measurement of accelerations in turbulent flows.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Transient Impact from the Nash Equilibrium of a Permanent Market Impact Game

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    A large body of empirical literature has shown that market impact of financial prices is transient. However, from a theoretical standpoint, the origin of this temporary nature is still unclear. We show that an implied transient impact arises from the Nash equilibrium between a directional trader and one arbitrageur in a market impact game with fixed and permanent impact. The implied impact is the one that can be empirically inferred from the directional trader's trading profile and price reaction to order flow. Specifically, we propose two approaches to derive the functional form of the decay kernel of the Transient Impact Model, one of the most popular empirical models for transient impact, from the behaviour of the directional trader at the Nash equilibrium. The first is based on the relationship between past order flow and future price change, while in the second we solve an inverse optimal execution problem. We show that in the first approach the implied kernel is unique, while in the second case infinite solutions exist and a linear kernel can always be inferred

    On some arthropods associated with Ficus species (Moraceae) in the Maltese Islands

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    An account is given on the 39 arthropod species which were found on different Ficus trees in the Maltese Islands. Seventeen species represent new records for Malta including Anothopoda fici, Asetadiptacus emiliae, Astichus bachmaieri, Ecphylus caudatus, Empoasca alsiosa, Eupristina verticillata, Ficocyba ficaria, Gynaikothrips ficorum, Josephiella microcarpae, Philotrypesis caricae, Pleistodontes sp., Rhaphitelus maculats, Rhyncaphytoptus ficifoliae, Scobicia chevrieri, Silba adipata, Singhiella citrifolii and Zanchius breviceps. Anothopoda fici and Zanchius breviceps, also represent new records for the entire European territory. Of the 39 arthropods, 33 feed on Ficus trees, whereas the rest are either parasitoids or predators of some of these plant feeders. The 33 species which use Ficus as their host-plant spend most of their development on and utilise the aforementioned trees as their main source of food, at least during their larval development.peer-reviewe

    Simulation-driven experimental hypotheses and design : a study of price impact and bubbles

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    A crucial aspect of every experiment is the formulation of hypotheses prior to data collection. In this paper, we use a simulation-based approach to generate synthetic data and formulate the hypotheses for our market experiment and calibrate its laboratory design. In this experiment, we extend well-established laboratory market models to the two-asset case, accounting at the same time for heterogeneous artificial traders with multi-asset strategies. Our main objective is to identify the role played in the price-bubble formation by both self-impact (i.e., how trading orders affect the price dynamics) and cross-impact (i.e., the price changes in one asset caused by the trading activity on other assets). To this end, we vary across treatments the possibility of traders of diverting their capital from one asset to the other, thereby artificially changing the amount of liquidity in the market. To simulate different scenarios for the synthetic data generation, we vary along with the liquidity the type of trading strategies of our artificial traders. Our results suggest that an increase in liquidity increases the cross-impact, especially when agents are market-neutral. Self-impact, however, remains significant and constant for all model specifications

    A fully Eulerian solver for the simulation of multiphase flows with solid bodies: application to surface gravity waves

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    In this paper a fully Eulerian solver for the study of multiphase flows for simulating the propagation of surface gravity waves over submerged bodies is presented. We solve the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations coupled with the volume of fluid technique for the modeling of the liquid phases with the interface, an immersed body method for the solid bodies and an iterative strong-coupling procedure for the fluid-structure interaction. The flow incompressibility is enforced via the solution of a Poisson equation which, owing to the density jump across the interfaces of the liquid phases, has to resort to the splitting procedure of Dodd & Ferrante [12]. The solver is validated through comparisons against classical test cases for fluid-structure interaction like migration of particles in pressure-driven channel, multiphase flows, water exit of a cylinder and a good agreement is found for all tests. Furthermore, we show the application of the solver to the case of a surface gravity wave propagating over a submerged reversed pendulum and verify that the solver can reproduce the energy exchange between the wave and the pendulum. Finally the three-dimensional spilling breaking of a wave induced by a submerged sphere is considered

    Una nuova popolazione isolata di xenopo liscio in Sicilia sud-occidentale

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    African clawed frog is a sub-saharan native anuran that has been introduced in various states of the old and the new world. The only Italian population of this species is located in western Sicily, and it is known as the European clawed frog population with wider distribution area. This paper describes a new Sicilian population of this species, and sets out to verify the effective isolation from the currently known distribution. The new site is a disused swimming pool, located near the mouth of the Belice River (province of Trapani), 31 km away from the nearest edge of the African clawed frog distribution area. To test whether this new population is the result of natural expansion of its range have been checked 21 control sites, arranged in a suitable area near the new site and along the basin of the Belice River, whose upper course is included in the Sicilian range of this species. The surveys in the control sites did not reveal the presence of clawed frogs, therefore, it seems doubtful the hypothesis of natural expansion along the Belice River basin and plausible the occurrence of a man-mediated introduction event

    Variation in the stable isotope trophic position of the bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus, 1766) from two Mediterranean sites: insights from a global meta-analysis

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    A direct consequence of sea warming is the shift in the distribution range of thermo-tolerant species that have the potential to determine novel inter-specific interactions, ultimately altering food web structures and ecosystem processes. In this study, we investigated the trophic position of the bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus, 1766), a pelagic predator that has recently expanded its distribution in the Mediterranean basin and for which scant information is available on its functional role in recently-colonised areas. Nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes were determined in muscle tissues of bluefish specimens collected in south-east Italy in the Gulf of Taranto (NW Ionian Sea) and in the Strait of Otranto (SW Adriatic Sea) at two coastal sites showing contrasting oceanographic conditions. The bluefish trophic position (TP) was estimated using locally abundant forage fish species as isotopic baselines. The results indicated for bluefish from the Strait of Otranto a TP value of 5.1, significantly higher than that determined in the Gulf of Taranto (4.2), and exceeding stomach content-based estimations reported by the online database FishBase and by literature sources. A synthesis of 30 publications reporting isotopic data for the bluefish and its potential prey at a global scale indicated that the species’ trophic position varied considerably between 2.7 and 5.2. The observed variability depended on location and on the baseline species used in the estimations. Yet, a significant difference in trophic position was observed for bluefish from transitional and inshore environments as compared with offshore areas, mirroring the results obtained from the Gulf of Taranto and the Strait of Otranto. The findings of the study highlight the high trophic plasticity characterizing the bluefish in recently colonized areas, suggesting that it may play a key role in facilitating the expansion of its distribution range. However, additional investigations are essential to provide an advanced resolution of the bluefish functional role in Mediterranean coastal food webs
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