49 research outputs found

    Costo sinistri aggregato e strutture di dipendenza: extreme value theory, modelli simulativi e Fast Fourier Transform

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    La corretta determinazione della distribuzione di probabilità del costo sinistri aggregato ha un ruolo fondamentale nell’analisi della rischiosità e della solvibilità di una compagnia di assicurazione e la letteratura ha sviluppato, e continua a farlo, diverse modellistiche complesse che consentono di analizzare i rischi assicurativi in modo integrato, individuando eventuali dipendenze tra gli elementi caratterizzanti il profilo di rischio dell’azienda. Alcune delle tecniche concernenti la modellizzazione del costo sinistri aggregato sono proprio l’oggetto principale del presente lavoro di tesi, in cui particolare importanza è data al concetto di funzione Copula ed alla Fast Fourier Transform

    Dinámica temporal de nutrientes, clorofila a y parámetros de calidad del agua en la Laguna de Venecia

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    Since 1997, CNR-ISMAR has been collecting monthly hydrochemical and phytoplankton data in the northern and central basins of the Lagoon of Venice. The data have been part of the International Long-Term Ecosystem Research (LTER) database since 2007, helping to fill a gap in lagoon environmental studies. Analysing our time series (1998-2017), we were able to observe a rise in water temperature due to climate trends, a reduction in trophic status mainly due to the lower input of inorganic dissolved nitrogen nutrients and an increase in transparency and dissolved oxygen related to the increased biomass of macrophytes (macroalgae and seagrasses). Finally, a reduction in phytoplankton biomass and an accompanying increase in seagrass and macroalgal cover were observed. Present and future studies will help to evaluate the ways in which the Lagoon of Venice ecosystem responds to anthropogenic pressures and global climate change.Desde 1997, el CNR ISMAR ha recopilado datos mensuales de hidroquímica y fitoplancton en las zonas del norte y centro de la Laguna de Venecia. Desde el 2007 los datos hacen parte de la base de datos LTER (International Long-Term Ecosystem Research), ayudando a llenar la falta de datos en los estudios ambientales de la Laguna. Analizando nuestra serie histórica (1998-2017), pudimos observar un aumento de la temperatura del agua debido a las tendencias climáticas, una reducción del estado trófico debido principalmente al menor suministro de nutrientes inorgánicos de nitrógeno disuelto y un aumento de la transparencia y del oxígeno disuelto relacionado al aumento de la biomasa de macrófitas (macroalgas y faneró­gamas). Por último, se observó una reducción de la biomasa del fitoplancton y al mismo tiempo un aumento de fanerógamas y macroalgas. Los actuales y futuros estudios ayudarán a evaluar las formas en el cual el ecosistema de la Laguna de Venecia responderá a las presiones antropogénicas y al cambio climático global

    Búsqueda de patrones en la comunidad fitoplanctónica de una laguna micromareal (Laguna de Venecia): evidencias en diez años de observación

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    By analysing a ten-year series (1998-2007) of data on hydrochemical properties, phytoplankton abundance and species composition in the Venice Lagoon, we identified i) the average annual phytoplankton biomass cycle, mainly unimodal and fairly well tuned with the fluctuations in temperature and irradiance and (ii) the seasonal succession of the most important species, allowing us to construct a “phytoplankton calendar”. Phytoplankton biomass was significantly lower in the second half of the ten-year period (2003-2007) than in the first half (1998-2002).A través del análisis de propiedades hidroquímicas, abundancia fitoplanctónica y composición de especies, en series de diez años (1998-2007), en la laguna de Venecia, se han identificado: i) Un promedio anual del ciclo de la biomasa prevalentemente de forma unimodal y bien sintonizada con las fluctuaciones de temperatura e irradiación; ii) Una composición cualitativa del fitoplancton que nos ha permitido realizar un “calendario del fitoplancton”; iii) Un decrecimiento en los últimos 5 años (2003-2007), de la biomasa con respecto a los 5 primeros años (1998-2003)

    Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients in the Western Mediterranean Sea (2004-2017)

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    Abstract. Long-term time-series are a fundamental prerequisite to understand and detect climate shifts and trends. Understanding the complex interplay of changing ocean variables and the biological implication for marine ecosystems requires extensive data collection for monitoring and hypothesis testing and validation of modelling products. In marginal seas, such as Mediterranean Sea, there are still monitoring gaps, both in time and in space. To contribute filling these gaps, an extensive dataset of dissolved inorganic nutrients profiles (nitrate, NO3; phosphate, PO4 ; and silicate, SiO2) have been collected between 2004 and 2017 in the Western Mediterranean Sea and subjected to quality control techniques to provide to the scientific community a publicly available, long-term, quality controlled, internally consistent biogeochemical data product. The database includes 27 870 stations of dissolved inorganic nutrients sampled during 24 cruises, including temperature and salinity. Details of the quality control (primary and secondary quality control) applied are reported. The data are available in PANGAEA (https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.904172, Belgacem et al. 2019) Keywords: Mediterranean Sea, Dissolved Inorganic Nutrient, biogeochemistr

    Spatial diversity of planktonic protists in the Lagoon of Venice (LTER-Italy) based on 18S rDNA

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    Transitional waters are subject to a high degree of variability in space and time. In this study, protist plankton communities of the Lagoon of Venice were compared among four sites characterised by different environmental conditions with a metabarcoding approach. High throughput sequencing (HTS) of the V4-18S rDNA fragment in 32 samples collected on four dates, from April 2016 to February 2017, produced 1,137,113 reads, which were grouped into 4,058 OTUs at 97% similarity. Bacillariophyta and Ciliophora were the most abundant groups in the entire dataset in terms of read number (27.6% and 16.6%, respectively), followed by Dinophyta (10.9%), Cryptophyceae (9.7%), and Syndiniales (6.1%). The contribution of protist groups markedly varied across the seasons, but spatial differences were also recorded in the lagoon. In April, a higher contribution of Bacillariophyta characterized St1 and 5 (68.0% and 61.1%), whereas Sts2 and 3 showed a higher percentage of Ciliophora (18.6 and 23.4%, respectively) and dinoflagellates (10.3 and 7.7%). In July, diatom blooms occurred at Sts1, 2 and 3, with some differences in the dominant species. At St2 Dinophyta reached the highest contribution of the whole sampling period in the area (30.6%), while St5 was quite distinct, with a low contribution of diatoms and a dominance of Ciliophora (34.0%) and Trebouxiophyceae (36.4%). All the stations in November were characterized by relatively high abundance of Ciliophora (21.4-51.9%). In February, diatom contribution was relevant only at St5 (29.3%), Teleaulax acuta peaked at St3 (ca. 36%), Syndiniales at St2 (38.8%) and Dictyochophyceae at St1 (24.2%). The α-diversity indexes (observed OTUs, Shannon and Pielou evenness) showed a high variability over space and time. Overall, diversity and community composition were rather similar between the intermediate and deeper Sts2 and 3 on all sampling dates whereas they at time differed between the landward and shallow Sts1 and 5. While the most marked differences occurred over the temporal scale, the depth of the station and the relatedness with the external marine coastal environment appear to play a major role in the spatial distribution of protist communities within the lagoon

    Natural or anthropogenic variability? A long-term pattern of the zooplankton communities in an ever-changing transitional ecosystem

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    The Venice Lagoon is an important site belonging to the Italian Long-Term Ecological Research Network (LTER). Alongside with the increasing trend of water temperature and the relevant morphological changes, in recent years, the resident zooplankton populations have also continued to cope with the colonization by alien species, particularly the strong competitor Mnemiopsis leidyi. In this work, we compared the dynamics of the lagoon zooplankton over a period of 20 years. The physical and biological signals are analyzed and compared to evaluate the hypothesis that a slow shift in the environmental balance of the site, such as temperature increase, sea level rise (hereafter called “marinization”), and competition between species, is contributing to trigger a drift in the internal equilibrium of the resident core zooplankton. Though the copepod community does not seem to have changed its state, some important modifications of structure and assembly mechanisms have already been observed. The extension of the marine influence within the lagoon has compressed the spatial gradients of the habitat and created a greater segregation of the niches available to some typically estuarine taxa and broadened and strengthened the interactions between marine species

    Thoracoscopic resection of a paraaortic bronchogenic cyst

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    Bronchogenic mediastinal cysts (BMC) represent 18% of primitive mediastinal tumors and the most frequent cystic lesions in this area. Nowadays, BMC are usually treated by VATS. However, the presence of major adhesions to vital structures is often considered as an unfavourable condition for thoracoscopic treatment. The authors report the thoracoscopic treatment of a BMC having dense adhesions to the aortic arch. Diagnosis and surgical treatment is described. Review of the literature and surgical options on this topic are discussed

    Surgical management of pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumors: A single center experience

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumor (PIP) is a rare disease. It is still debated whether it represents an inflammatory lesion characterized by uncontrolled cell growth or a true neoplasm. PIP is characterized by a cellular polymorphism.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We retrospectively analyzed 8 patients with PIP treated by surgery between 2001 and 2009. Preoperative thoracic computed tomography (CT) scan was performed in all cases. All patients underwent preoperative bronchoscopy with washing and brushing and/or transbronchial biopsy and preoperative cytology examination</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were 5 men and 3 women, aged between 38 and 69 years (mean of 58 years). 3 patients (37%) were asymptomatic. The others had symptoms characterized by chest pain, shortness of breath and persistent cough or hemoptysis. 5 patients had neutrophilic leucocytosis. CT scan demonstrated solitary nodules (maximum diameter <3 cm) in 5 patients (62%) and lung masses (maximum diameter >3 cm) in 3 patients (37%). In 2 patients there were signs of pleural infiltration. Distant lesions were excluded in all cases. A preoperative histology examination failed to reach a definitive diagnosis in all patients. At surgery, we performed two lobectomies, one segmentectomy and five wedge resections, these being performed with videothoracoscopy (VATS), except for one patient where open surgery was used. Complete tumor resection was obtained in all patients. According to the Matsubara classification, there were 2 cases of organizing pneumonia, 5 cases of fibrous histiocytoma and one case of lymphoplasmacytoma. All patients were discharged alive from hospital between 4 and 7 days after surgery. At follow-up CT scan performed annually (range 11 to 112 months) (mean 58 months), there were no residual lesions, neither local nor distant recurrences.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>PIP is a rare disease. Many synonyms have been used for this disease, usually in relation to the most represented cell type. The true incidence is unclear. Preoperative diagnosis is difficult to reach, despite performing a bronchoscopy or a transparietal needle aspiration. Different classifications have been proposed for PIP. Either medical, radiation or surgical therapy has been used for PIP. Whenever possible, surgery should be considered the standard treatment. Complete surgical resection is advocated to prevent recurrence.</p

    The Italian long-term ecosystem research (LTER-Italy) network: results, opportunities, and challenges for coastal transitional ecosystems

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    1 - The Long-Term Ecosystem Research (LTER) network, now a global reality, was founded on a combination of long-term ecological studies, short-term experiments, and comparisons among sites and eco-domains. 2 - The LTER-Italy network was officially established as a formal member of the LTER international network in 2006, following a wider on-going process in Europe; it currently consists of 22 sites representing the main ecosystem typologies of Italy. Four coastal transitional ecosystem sites are included in the LTER-Italy network: on the northern Peninsula, these include the Venice Lagoon and the lagoons of the Po River Delta, which are characterized by a temperate climate and the influence of tides; and in the southern sector, these include the coastal ecosystems of Sardinia and the Mar Piccolo of Taranto, which are characterized by a Mediterranean climate and the absence of sensible tides. 3 - In this paper, we present and discuss three main issues: the LTER-International and LTER-Europe context, emphasising the most practical issues and activities that must be addressed for the effective organization and maintenance of LTER networks; the history, structure, and perspectives of the national LTER-Italy network; and the opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses related to participation of the LTER-Italy network in the study of coastal transitional ecosystems

    Congenital hip dysplasia treated by total hip arthroplasty using cementless tapered stem in patients younger than 50 years old: results after 12-years follow-up

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    Background Congenital hip dysplasia may lead to severe acetabular and femoral abnormalities that can make total hip arthroplasty a challenging procedure. We assessed a series of patients affected by developmental hip dysplasia treated with total hip arthroplasty using cementless tapered stem and here we report the outcomes at long-term follow-up. Materials and methods Twenty-eight patients (24 women and 4 men) aged between 44 and 50 years (mean 47 years) were observed. Clinical evaluation was rated with the Harris Hip Score. Radiographic evaluation consisted in standard anteroposterior and axial view radiographs of the hip. According to Crowe’s classification, 16 hips presented dysplasia grade 1, 14 grade 2, and 4 grade 3. All patients were treated with total hip arthroplasty using a cementless tapered stem (Wagner Cone Prosthesis). Six patients were operated bilaterally, with a totally of 34 hips operated. After surgery, the patients were clinically and radiographically checked at 3, 6, and 12 months and yearly thereafter until an average follow-up of 12 years (range 10–14 years). Results Average Harris Hip Score was 56 ± 9 (range 45–69) preoperatively, 90 ± 9 (range 81–100) 12 months after surgery, and 91 ± 8 (range 83–100) at last follow-up. Radiographic evaluation demonstrated excellent osteointegration of the implants. Signs of bone resorption were present in 6 hips, nevertheless no evidence of loosening was observed and none of the implants has been revised. Conclusions Even in dysplasic femur, the tapered stem allowed adequate stability and orientation of the implant. We consider tapered stem a suitable option for total hip arthroplasty in developmental hip dysplasia, also in case of young patients, thanks to the favourable long-term results