418 research outputs found

    Kintsugi urbano en la avenida del ferrocarril, Ibagué, Colombia (1921-1970)

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    La avenida del ferrocarril de la ciudad de Ibagué comunica la zona antigua con la moderna y el sector comercial con el sector de servicios. Esta comunicación es también una separación, caracterizada por las diferencias topográficas y la carencia de elementos que estimulen el tejido social. La fragmentación que se genera a su alrededor contiene la pauperización del espacio urbano y arquitectónico, por lo cual se constituye en el motivo de estudio que busca presentar soluciones a partir de la comprensión de las dimensiones espaciales que se involucran en su desarrollo histórico. Consecuentemente, se analizan los factores de segregación espacial derivados de la interacción entre el paisaje natural y el urbano para presentar posibles soluciones mediante una analogía metodológica con el Kintsugi o reparación de los daños para su reconversión en una nueva pieza ética y estética.The railroad avenue communicates the old city with the modern and the commercial with the services sector. This communication is also a separation, characterized by the topographical differences and the lack of elements that stimulate the social fabric. The fragmentation generated around it contains the pauperization of urban and architectural space, which is why it is the study motive that seeks to present solutions based on the understanding of the spatial dimensions that are involved in its historical development. Consequently, the spatial segregation factors derived from the interaction between the natural and the urban landscape are analyzed to present possible solutions according to the methodology of the Kintsugi or repair of the damages for its reconversion in a new ethic and aesthetic piece

    America's involvement in the affairs of the World

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    Thesis (M.C.P.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Urban Studies and Planning, 2012.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 90-99).Does America have an obligation, whether through foreign aid, military involvement, or by spreading democracy, to change the world? This thesis answers these above questions in intimate detail through the moral framework of the teachings and life of Jesus. It is not a paper designed to evangelize or convert; rather, it is designed to assess whether America' s current involvement on the international stage is done with respect to Jesus' primary teachings of compassion and love. Ultimately, we discover that the US has a lot of work to do, and that this country does not fully follow Jesus' word. The foreign aid America provides has many negative consequences, our military involvement is often unneeded and leads to failure, and our efforts to spread democracy have often been marred by violence. This is not a thesis decrying America and all it stands for. Instead, it is a thesis that analyzes America's past, present, and future involvement in the world, and recommends how America can better follow the moral framework of love and compassion laid down by Jesus Christ.by Leif Francel.M.C.P

    Siete años del grupo de investigación Estudios de Arquitectura y Ciudad E-ARC

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    Presentación del Simposio en Estudios de Arquitectura y Ciudad y lanzamiento del segundo número de la revista B33 Arquitectur

    A crise financeira e o shadow banking : a crise de 2008 e a perspectiva Keynesiana

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação) — Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Economia, 2021.O mercado financeiro é composto pelo mercado primário e mercado secundário. O mercado primário permite às empresas e às famílias de captar os recursos para suas atividades e atender suas necessidades. Os financiamentos podem se dar por meio de empréstimos bancários, emissão de títulos de dívida, entre outras operações. O mercado financeiro possibilita, portanto, o financiamento dos investimentos indispensáveis às competitividades das empresas. A crise dos subprime ocorrido em 2008 é atrelado à insolvência de alguns agentes que tomaram empréstimos. Mas esses tomadores de empréstimos não foram os únicos atores da crise de 2008. A crise revelou a existência de um sistema de finança paralelo, ou seja, o Shadow Banking System. Este último teve um papel preponderante na crise. Os bancos sombras tem atuados como se fossem bancos tradicionais, mas sem estar sujeito à regulação dos bancos centrais. Este trabalho é justificado não somente pela falta de regulamentação que continua até hoje, mas também pelo crescimento do sistema esses últimos anos. De acordo com o Financial Stability Board, o sistema de bancos sombras representa 200 bilhões de 404 bilhões de dólares do total dos ativos financeiros em 2019. Em outra palavra, qualquer problema no setor poderia gerar uma crise sistêmica. O trabalho busca então contribuir às discussões relativas ao assunto numa dinâmica keynesiana e tomando como experiência a crise de 2008.The financial market is composed of the primary market and the secondary market. The primary market allows companies and families to raise funds for their activities. Financing can be done through bank loans, issuance of debt securities, among other operations. Therefore, the financial market makes it possible to finance the investments that are essential for the competitiveness of companies. The subprime crisis that occurred in 2008 is linked to the insolvency of some agents who took out loans. But these borrowers were not the only actors in the 2008 crisis. The crisis revealed the existence of a parallel finance system, namely the Shadow Banking System. The latter played a leading role in the crisis. Shadow banks have acted as if they were traditional banks, but without being subject to central bank regulation. This work is justified not only by the lack of regulation that continues until today, but also by the system's growth in recent years. According to the Financial Stability Board, the shadow banking system represents 200 billion of 404 billion dollars of total financial assets in 2019. In other words, any problem in the sector could generate a systemic crisis. Then, this work seeks to contribute to discussions on the subject in a Keynesian dynamic and taking the 2008 crisis as a reference

    Los edificios que pasaron y la institución que queda. La Gobernación del Tolima (Colombia) entre 1886 y 1957

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    La Gobernación del Tolima ha ejercido labores en cuatro edificios que han implicado la demolición de su predecesor. Estudiar las causas de estas transformaciones y su significado fue el propósito de esta investigación. En relación con sus características estéticas y su contexto, se clasificaron en edificio colonial, historicista bordado, neoclásico y racionalista, cuyas características se definirán en los apartados temáticos. Se muestran los aportes desde el análisis de fotografías en una dimensión estética arquitectónica, aunada a su interpretación desde su contexto económico y político. Existe una muestra sobre los aportes desde la academia a través de documentos digitales para subsanar el vacío de información histórica arquitectónica en los archivos locales.The Government of Tolima has exerted activities in four buildings that have involved the demolition of his predecessor. Study the causes of these changes and their meaning was the goal this research. In relation to its aesthetic characteristics and context, they were classified in the colonial building, embroidery historicist, neoclassical and rationalist whose characteristics are defined in the thematic sections. This paper shows contributions from the analysis of photographs from a dimension of architectural aesthetics, coupled with his performance from its economic and political context. There is a sample on the contributions from the academy through digital documents to fill the void of architectural historical information in local archives

    Historia de la arquitectura y el urbanismo en bicicleta. Ibagué, Colombia 2015-2017

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    Los modelos contemporáneos de educación implican la conjunción de varios factores como el aprendizaje simbólico, los hábitos saludables, la disminución de los niveles de contaminación y la transformación de las instituciones educativas para aproximar la academia a las realidades, de modo que se concreten en la transformación de la sociedad y las ciudades. Para este propósito, se presenta el caso de las clases de historia de la arquitectura y urbanismo en bicicleta, desarrolladas en una ciudad colombiana intermedia, con las limitantes de ausencia de infraestructura y cultura ciclista. Se presentan reflexiones sobre la implementación de esta metodología de aprendizaje que permite motivación, recuerdo, impacto urbano y activismo sobre las políticas públicas, con lo cual se generan espacios replicables en otras ciudades con estas mismas condiciones. Palabras clave: Bicieducación. Bicinfraestructura. Historia del Urbanismo. Historia de la Arquitectura. Pedagogía