2,358 research outputs found

    SIMNET: simulation-based exercises for computer net-work curriculum through gamification and augmented reality

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    Gamification and Augmented Reality techniques, in recent years, have tackled many subjects and environments. Its implementation can, in particular, strengthen teaching and learning processes in schools and universities. Therefore, new forms of knowledge, based on interactions with objects, contributing game, experimentation and collaborative work. Through the technologies mentioned above, we intend to develop an application that serves as a didactic tool, giving support in the area of Computer Networks. This application aims to stand out in simulated controlled environments to create computer networks, taking into ac-count the necessary physical devices and the different physical and logical topologies. The main goal is to enrich the students’ learning experiences and contrib-ute to teacher-student interaction, through collaborative learning provided by the tool, minimizing the need for expensive equipment in learning environments.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Juncus emmanuelis

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    This species is endemic to a small area in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, with subpopulations scattered in approximately 16 localities. It is assessed as Endangered (EN B2ab(ii,iii,iv)) because it has an Area of Occupancy (AOO) of less than 500 km2 and shows signs of severe fragmentation due to the ongoing transformation of its specific habitat of sandy soils with an impermeable underlayer in temporary pools, as a result of several ongoing major threats associated with intensive agricultural activities. Based on this information, a continuing decline in the AOO, habitat quality and number of subpopulations has been inferred. Additional research and conservation action is needed for this species

    Notes and contributions to the knowledge of the flora of Menorca (V)

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    Zannichellia contorta

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    This species is native to southern, central and eastern Spain, with an old record from the Atlas Mountains in northern Morocco requiring confirmation. The species is very sensitive to eutrophication and deterioration of water quality. The Area of Occupancy (AOO) has been estimated to be less than 500 km2 based on confirmed records and knowledge that its habitat is in continuous decline and at least 40% of the known localities have disappeared, especially in southern Spain. Moreover, an ongoing continuing decline in AOO, habitat quality and number of subpopulations of this species due to the increase in nutrients concentration from waters of the streams where it lives, which stops its growth, has been observed. The same process of habitat deterioration is happening in central and eastern Spain. The population of this species is severely fragmented with more than half of its subpopulations being isolated with no exchange possibilities and suspected to have reached no viable levels. It therefore qualifies to be listed in the category Endangered (EN B2ab(ii,iii,iv)) in the Mediterranean region. Resource and habitat protection and site management are needed. Other recommended conservation measures are ex situ conservation, population and distribution research, and habitat and population monitoring

    Narcissus dubius, Narcisse Douteux

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    This species is endemic to southern France and eastern Spain. It is assessed as Least Concern because it has a widespread distribution, occurs in several protected areas throughout its range and its population is not expected to significantly decline in the near future. Further studies on the genetic structure of its population and trends in population size at global level are needed

    Noticia sobre dos nuevas estelas decoradas: las estelas de La Pedrona y del Mesto (Almadén, Ciudad Real)

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    Damos a conocer dos estelas decoradas halladas en el término municipal de Almadén (Ciudad Real). Aparecieron en sendos majanos, dentro del ámbito de yacimientos arqueológicos romanos, en ambos casos. Se trata de una zona donde tradicionalmente se ha practicado una economía basada en la agricultura (cultivo cerealístico) y la ganadería, además de la explotación de la gran riqueza minera de su subsuelo. Este territorio está surcado por varias vías pecuarias y comerciales. Todo ello está asociado a la presencia de diversos asentamientos humanos desde antiguo. Estos dos ejemplares amplían el conjunto de estelas decoradas hasta ahora conocidas en esta área geográfica, poniendo de manifiesto su relación con las corrientes culturales de la Edad del Bronce y, quizás, del Hierro I.We present two decorated steles found in the municipal term of Almadén (Ciudad Real). They appeared in individual majanos, within the scope of Roman archaeological sites, in both cases. One is a zone where traditionally it's practiced an economy based on agriculture (cerealístico culture) and the cattle ranch, besides the operation of the great mining wealth of its subsoil. This territory is furrowed by several cattle and commercial channels. All this is associate to the presence of diverse settlements from ancient. These two pieces extend the collection of decorated steles until now known in this geographic area, showing their relation with the cultural currents of the Age of Bronze and, perhaps, the Age of Iron I

    In search of the reader: a look at reading habits in Spain

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    [Resumen] Históricamente la lectura ha sido concebida como una de las fuentes principales de acceso al ocio y socialmente se le da tanta importancia que su enseñanza y fomento se ha convertido en uno de los puntos clave en el sistema educativo español. En este sentido en los últimos años distintas generaciones de jóvenes han sido objeto y objetivo de diversas políticas cuyo fin era fomentar los hábitos de lectura. Se da por hecho, por tanto, que el gusto por la lectura se puede adquirir, aprender y depende de condicionantes sociales. El objetivo del presente documento es elaborar una tipología de perfiles cuyo fin es analizar el impacto de variables de índole social (tales como el género, el nivel de estudios, la clase social, etc.) en el gusto por determinado tipo de géneros literarios (ensayo, novela histórica, Sci-fi, etc.) y en la relación, más o menos fuerte, que se tiene con el mundo de la literatura.[Resumo] Historicamente a lectura foi concibida como una das fontes principais de acceso ao ocio e socialmente dáselle tanta importancia que a súa ensinanza e fomento convertéronse nun dos puntos clave no sistema educativo español. Neste senso nos últimos anos distintas xeracións de xente nova foron obxecto e obxectivo de diversas políticas cuxo fin era fomentar os hábitos de lectura. Se da por feito, por tanto, que o gusto pola lectura pódese adquirir, aprender e depende de condicionantes sociais. O obxectivo do presente documento é elaborar unha tipoloxía de perfís cuxo fin e analizar o impacto de variables de índole social (tales coma o xénero, o nivel de estudos, a clase social, etc.) no gusto por determinado tipo de xéneros literarios (ensaio, novela histórica, Sci-fi, etc.) e na relación, máis ou menos forte, que se ten co mundo da literatura.[Abstract] Reading has been historically conceived as one of the main sources of access to leisure. It is given so much socially importance that its teaching and promotion have become some of the key points in the Spanish educative system. In this sense, Recent young generations have been the object and objective of various policies whose purpose was to encourage reading habits. Therefore, it is taken for granted that the taste for reading can be acquired that it depends on social conditions. The objective of this document is to develop a typology of profiles in onder to analyze the impact of variables of social nature (such as gender, level of studies, social class, etc.) on the taste for certain types of literary genres (essay, historical novel, Sci-fi, etc.) and on the relationship, more or less strong, that readers have with the world of literature.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.SOC). Socioloxía. Curso 2018/201

    La transfixión percutánea cúbito-carpiana en las fracturas inestables de la extremidad distal del radio

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    Se expone una alternativa terapéutica para las fracturas inestables de la extremidad distal del radio, consistente en estabilizar la reducción mediante una aguja de Kirschner que atravesando oblícuamente la extremidad distal del cúbito se ancla en el carpo. Se precisan los detalles de la técnica que, en una valoración inicial sobre más de cien casos, aporta resultados constantemente satisfactorios. Se hace énfasis en la sencillez del procedimiento, que al propiciar una ejecución muy rápida, cobra ventaja frente a otras modalidades (fijador externo, osteosíntesis abierta, etc.) y especialmente ante traumatismos asociados del mismo miembro.A therapeutic alternative for the unstable fractures of the distal extremity of the radius is presented. The technique consists in stabilizing the fracture reduction by means of one Kirschner's wire that crosses obliquely the distal extremity of the ulnar and anchors in the carpus. The details of this technique are described. This technique has constantly provided satisfactory results in an initial evaluation on more than one hundred cases. Emphasis is made upon the simplicity of the procedure which surpasses other technical procedures (external fixation, open osteosynthesis, etc.) due to the fact that it propitiates a quicker execution, and it surpasses other technical procedures specially with associated injuries in the same limb

    An Intelligent IoT Wearable for Monitoring and Preventing Asthma Attacks

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    Cursos e Congresos , C-155[Abstract] Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the respiratory tract, inflicting coughing, wheezing and difficulty for breathing. In order to mitigate these problems, this paper introduces an IoT wearable that is able to monitor the state of an asthma patient: breathing frequency, heart rate and oxygen saturation level. It also detects parameters that may worsen the situation of the patient: temperature, humidity and presence of gas or particles. The system also notifies the patient when he/she has to take his/her asthma medication. The value of the parameters is shared in real time by Bluetooth and historic values are stored in a database. The system uses color-based indications to calculate the risk level. With this information, the user can detect an asthma attack before it happens. To illustrate how the system operates, asthma attacks were simulated, showing that the system is able to determine that the attack is happening based on the specified input parametersXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2020/15This work has been funded by the Xunta de Galicia (by grant ED431C 2020/15), and by grants PID2020-118857RA-100 (ORBALLO) and TED2021-129433A-C22 (HELENE) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the EuropeanUnionNextGenerationEU/PRTR. CITIC is funded by the Xunta de Galicia through the collaboration agreement between the Consellería de Cultura, Educación, Formación Profesional eUniversidades and the Galician universities for the reinforcement of the research centres of the Galician University System (CIGUS

    Liquid chromatographic method for quantifying polyphenols in ciders by direct injection

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    An analytical method for the quantitative determination of the principal phenolic compounds (benzoic acids, hydroxycinnamic acids, 3-phenylpropionic acids, flavanols, procyanidins, dihydrochalcones, quercetin glycosides) in ciders, which successfully employs a RP-HPLC and photodiode-array detection system without prior treatment of the sample, is described. Parameters usually examined in the method validation were evaluated. Good linearity was obtained with correlation coefficients exceeding 0.999 and the detection limits ranged from 0.07 mg/L (p-hydroxybenzoic acid) to 2 mg/L (hydrocaffeic acid). Recoveries ranging between 90 and 104% and the reproducibility of the method was always <8% (RSD). The method was applied to a set of commercial samples and the results obtained may be helpful to establish a phenolic profile in Asturian cider