29 research outputs found

    Differential gene expression and gene ontologies associated with increasing water-stress in leaf and root transcriptomes of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)

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    Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is a forage and amenity grass species widely cultivated in temperate regions worldwide. As such, perennial ryegrass populations are exposed to a range of environmental conditions and stresses on a seasonal basis and from year to year. One source of potential stress is limitation on water availability. The ability of these perennial grasses to be able to withstand and recover after periods of water limitation or drought can be a key component of grassland performance. Thus, we were interested in looking at changes in patterns of gene expression associated with increasing water stress. Clones of a single genotype of perennial ryegrass were grown under non-flowering growth room conditions in vermiculite supplemented with nutrient solution. Leaf and root tissue was sampled at 4 times in quadruplicate relating to estimated water contents of 35%, 15%, 5% and 1%. RNA was extracted and RNAseq used to generate transcriptome profiles at each sampling point. Transcriptomes were assembled using the published reference genome sequence and differential gene expression analysed using 3 different programmes, DESeq2, edgeR and limma (with the voom transformation), individually and in combination, deriving Early, Middle and Late stage comparisons. Identified differentially expressed genes were then associated with enriched GO terms using BLAST2GO. For the leaf, up-regulated differentially expressed genes were strongly associated with GO terms only during the Early stage and the majority of GO terms were associated with only down-regulated genes at the Middle or Late stages. For the roots, few differentially expressed genes were identified at either Early or Middle stages. Only one replicate at 1% estimated water content produced high quality data for the root, however, this indicated a high level of differential expression. Again the majority of enriched GO terms were associated with down-regulated genes. The performance of the different analysis programmes and the annotations associated with identified differentially expressed genes is discussed

    Characterization of the novel mitochondrial genome segregation factor TAP110 in Trypanosoma brucei.

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    Proper mitochondrial genome inheritance is important for eukaryotic cell survival. Trypanosoma brucei, a protozoan parasite, contains a singular mitochondrial genome, the kinetoplast (k)DNA. The kDNA is anchored to the basal body via the tripartite attachment complex (TAC) to ensure proper segregation. Several components of the TAC have been described; however, the connection of the TAC to the kDNA remains elusive. Here, we characterize the TAC-associated protein TAP110. We find that both depletion and overexpression of TAP110 leads to a delay in the separation of the replicated kDNA networks. Proteome analysis after TAP110 overexpression identified several kDNA-associated proteins that changed in abundance, including a TEX-like protein that dually localizes to the nucleus and the kDNA, potentially linking replication and segregation in the two compartments. The assembly of TAP110 into the TAC region seems to require the TAC but not the kDNA itself; however, once TAP110 has been assembled, it also interacts with the kDNA. Finally, we use ultrastructure expansion microscopy in trypanosomes for the first time, and reveal the precise position of TAP110 between TAC102 and the kDNA, showcasing the potential of this approach.This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper

    Characterization of two novel proteins involved in mitochondrial DNA anchoring in Trypanosoma brucei.

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    Trypanosoma brucei is a single celled eukaryotic parasite in the group of the Kinetoplastea. The parasite harbors a single mitochondrion with a singular mitochondrial genome that is known as the kinetoplast DNA (kDNA). The kDNA consists of a unique network of thousands of interlocked circular DNA molecules. To ensure proper inheritance of the kDNA to the daughter cells, the genome is physically linked to the basal body, the master organizer of the cell cycle in trypanosomes. The connection that spans, cytoplasm, mitochondrial membranes and the mitochondrial matrix is mediated by the Tripartite Attachment Complex (TAC). Using a combination of proteomics and RNAi we test the current model of hierarchical TAC assembly and identify TbmtHMG44 and TbKAP68 as novel candidates of a complex that connects the TAC to the kDNA. Depletion of TbmtHMG44 or TbKAP68 each leads to a strong kDNA loss but not missegregation phenotype as previously defined for TAC components. We demonstrate that the proteins rely on both the TAC and the kDNA for stable localization to the interface between these two structures. In vitro experiments suggest a direct interaction between TbmtHMG44 and TbKAP68 and that recombinant TbKAP68 is a DNA binding protein. We thus propose that TbmtHMG44 and TbKAP68 are part of a distinct complex connecting the kDNA to the TAC

    A comparison of shared patterns of differential gene expression and gene ontologies in response to water-stress in roots and leaves of four diverse genotypes of Lolium and Festuca spp. temperate pasture grasses

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    Ryegrasses (Lolium spp.) and fescues (Festuca spp.) are closely related and widely cultivated perennial forage grasses. As such, resilience in the face of abiotic stresses is an important component of their traits. We have compared patterns of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in roots and leaves of two perennial ryegrass genotypes and a single genotype of each of a festulolium (predominantly Italian ryegrass) and meadow fescue with the onset of water stress, focussing on overall patterns of DEGs and gene ontology terms (GOs) shared by all four genotypes. Plants were established in a growing medium of vermiculite watered with nutrient solution. Leaf and root material were sampled at 35% (saturation) and, as the medium dried, at 15%, 5% and 1% estimated water contents (EWCs) and RNA extracted. Differential gene expression was evaluated comparing the EWC sampling points from RNAseq data using a combination of analysis methods. For all genotypes, the greatest numbers of DEGs were identified in the 35/1 and 5/1 comparisons in both leaves and roots. In total, 566 leaf and 643 root DEGs were common to all 4 genotypes, though a third of these leaf DEGs were not regulated in the same up/down direction in all 4 genotypes. For roots, the equivalent figure was 1% of the DEGs. GO terms shared by all four genotypes were often enriched by both up- and down-regulated DEGs in the leaf, whereas generally, only by either up- or down-regulated DEGs in the root. Overall, up-regulated leaf DEGs tended to be more genotype-specific than down-regulated leaf DEGs or root DEGs and were also associated with fewer GOs. On average, only 5-15% of the DEGs enriching common GO terms were shared by all 4 genotypes, suggesting considerable variation in DEGs between related genotypes in enacting similar biological processes

    Development of a scoring function for finding differential expression - application to Lolium Perenne

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    Curs 2016-2017RNA-sequencing for detecting changes between expression patterns has emerged as a frequent tool in life sciences stud- ies. However, it is an under-development tool which still lacks a standard procedure. This way, many software pack- ages and approaches could be used when designing an ex- periment. Here we develop and present an approach based on a scoring function. It allows using multiple packages and relies its e ciency on validated data. Thus, the function is adjusted using qPCR veri ed data. Then it is tested on experimental data obtained from a Lolium Perenne drought stress tolerance study yielding positive results with several potential uses in further studies.Director/a: Narcís Fernández Fuente

    A novel SNF2 ATPase complex in Trypanosoma brucei with a role in H2A.Z-mediated chromatin remodelling

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    A cascade of histone acetylation events with subsequent incorporation of a histone H2A variant plays an essential part in transcription regulation in various model organisms. A key player in this cascade is the chromatin remodelling complex SWR1, which replaces the canonical histone H2A with its variant H2A.Z. Transcriptional regulation of polycistronic transcription units in the unicellular parasite Trypanosoma brucei has been shown to be highly dependent on acetylation of H2A.Z, which is mediated by the histone-acetyltransferase HAT2. The chromatin remodelling complex which mediates H2A.Z incorporation is not known and an SWR1 orthologue in trypanosomes has not yet been reported. In this study, we identified and characterised an SWR1-like remodeller complex in T. brucei that is responsible for Pol II-dependent transcriptional regulation. Bioinformatic analysis of potential SNF2 DEAD/Box helicases, the key component of SWR1 complexes, identified a 1211 amino acids-long protein that exhibits key structural characteristics of the SWR1 subfamily. Systematic protein-protein interaction analysis revealed the existence of a novel complex exhibiting key features of an SWR1-like chromatin remodeller. RNAi-mediated depletion of the ATPase subunit of this complex resulted in a significant reduction of H2A.Z incorporation at transcription start sites and a subsequent decrease of steady-state mRNA levels. Furthermore, depletion of SWR1 and RNA-polymerase II (Pol II) caused massive chromatin condensation. The potential function of several proteins associated with the SWR1-like complex and with HAT2, the key factor of H2A.Z incorporation, is discussed

    PAR-TERRA is the main contributor to telomeric repeat-containing RNA transcripts in normal and cancer mouse cells

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    Telomeric repeat-containing RNA (TERRA) molecules play important roles at telomeres, from heterochromatin regulation to telomerase activity control. In human cells, TERRA is transcribed from subtelomeric promoters located on most chromosome ends and associates with telomeres. The origin of mouse TERRA molecules is however unclear, as transcription from the pseudoautosomal PAR locus was recently suggested to account for the vast majority of TERRA in embryonic stem cells (ESC). Here, we confirm the production of TERRA from both the chromosome 18q telomere and the PAR locus in mouse embryonic fibroblasts, ESC and various mouse cancer and immortalized cell lines, and we identify two novel sources of TERRA on mouse chromosome 2 and X. Using various approaches, we show that PAR-TERRA molecules account for the majority of TERRA transcripts, displaying an increase of 2 to 4 orders of magnitude compared to the telomeric 18q transcript. Finally, we present a SILAC-based pull-down screen revealing a large overlap between TERRA-interacting proteins in human and mouse cells, including PRC2 complex subunits, chromatin remodeling factors, DNA replication proteins, Aurora kinases, shelterin complex subunits, Bloom helicase, Coilin and paraspeckle proteins. Hence, despite originating from distinct genomic regions, mouse and human TERRA are likely to play similar functions in cells