295 research outputs found

    Les " serious games " : un outil d'éducation au développement durable ?.

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    De nombreux " serious game " ou " jeux sérieux " se développent sur la thématique du développement durable ou de l'environnement. Ils cherchent à développer chez le joueur, des compétences, des comportements, des connaissances et des valeurs. L'engouement pour ces jeux est tel, que les enseignants commencent à les utiliser en classe. Peut-on les employer dans une perspective d'éducation à l'environnement ou au développement durable ? Cette question amÚne à examiner a priori ces jeux afin d'en cerner le contenu mais également les potentialités pédagogiques et didactiques. Nous avons donc élaboré dans un premier temps, une grille d'analyse qui a permis de construire une typologie des " serious games " environnementaux. Cette derniÚre s'appuie sur une définition de l'éducation à l'environnement ou au développement durable qui ne correspond pas tout à fait avec celle de l'institution scolaire. La seconde partie de cet article tente donc de définir les conceptions de l'éducation à l'environnement ou au développement durable sous-tendues dans nos analyses. Enfin, dans un troisiÚme temps, nous montrerons que ces jeux ont des potentialités inégales. Certains ont un usage trÚs restreint alors que d'autres reposant sur la simulation, offrent des perspectives didactiques et pédagogiques intéressantes

    Adaptation of a Fungal Pathogen to Host Quantitative Resistance

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    Impact of host quantitative resistance on pathogen evolution is still poorly documented. In our study, we characterized the adaptation of the pathogenic fungus Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, to the quantitative resistance of its host, the water yam (Dioscorea alata). Genetic and pathogenic diversities of C. gloeosporioides populations were specified at the field scale. We used nuclear markers to describe fungal population structuring within and between six fields of three cultivars differently susceptible to the fungus. Strain aggressiveness was then quantified in the laboratory through cross-inoculation tests. The high level of genetic diversity and significant linkage disequilibrium revealed a significant influence of clonal reproduction in the C. gloeosporioides evolution. The recorded fungal migration between fields was weak (evidence for a dispersion mode via tubers rather than splashing dispersal), which provides the first molecular evidence for limited C. gloeosporioides migration via yam tuber exchanges. C. gloeosporioides’s populations are adapted to their host resistance. The aggressiveness of the fungal clones seems to have evolved toward an accumulation of components specific to each host cultivar. Despite the remaining marks of adaptation to the former widely cultivated host, adaptation to current cultivars was clearly depicted

    Édito - L’usage du cas et de l’exemple dans l’enseignement supĂ©rieur : objet de recherche

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    Les travaux de recherche sur l’exemple sont peu nombreux tant sur le plan Ă©pistĂ©mologique (Badir, 2011 ; Baetens, 2011) que didactique ou pĂ©dagogique. Il en existe en didactique des mathĂ©matiques et des sciences, ce dont tĂ©moigne le Cahier du laboratoire de didactique AndrĂ© Revuz, n° 7 d’avril 2013 (Khanfour-ArmalĂ© & Vivier, 2013). NĂ©anmoins ces travaux sont rares, voire inexistants, dans d’autres didactiques. Les recherches sur l’usage de l’exemple en situation d’enseignement portent essenti..

    Noda-like RNA viruses infecting Caenorhabditis nematodes: Sympatry, diversity, and reassortment

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    Three RNA viruses related to nodaviruses were previously described to naturally infect the nematod

    Le tourisme, entre ordinaires et extraordinaires de la géographie scolaire

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    Les pratiques ordinaires en classe de gĂ©ographie prĂ©sentent une vision enchantĂ©e des espaces touristiques, bien souvent rĂ©duits Ă  un tourisme balnĂ©aire pratiquĂ© dans quelques Ăźlots du monde et organisĂ© autour d’amĂ©nagements luxueux. Cette vision peut cependant ĂȘtre complexifiĂ©e, en accompagnant cette gĂ©ographie scolaire du tourisme d’une gĂ©ographie par le tourisme, et s’appuyant sur l’expĂ©rience spatiale des Ă©lĂšves. La « cartepostalisation » du monde fait alors place, via une gĂ©ographie expĂ©rientielle, Ă  la mise en Ɠuvre d’un raisonnement gĂ©ographique, mobilisant acteurs, Ă©chelles et dynamiques spatiales.Ordinary practices at school present an enchanted vision of tourist areas, often reduced to seaside tourism practiced in a few small islands around the world and organized around luxurious facilities. This vision, however, can be complicated by accompanying this geography of tourism from a geography through tourism. The postcard image then gives way to the implementation of a geographical reasoning, mobilizing actors, scales and spatial dynamics

    Enhancing Teachers’ Expertise Through Curriculum Leadership—Lessons from the GeoCapabilities 3 Project

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    GeoCapabilities is a distinctive approach to teacher professional development which foregrounds the educational potential of geographical knowledge. This paper examines the effect of GeoCapabilities on geography teachers’ expertise. First, the paper explores a problem of teacher training which privileges technique for classroom effectiveness over geographical thinking. We then introduce the GeoCapabilities 3 project, presenting and discussing findings through teachers’ reflections. We argue that GeoCapabilities 3 offers a model of teacher development, which supports teachers as leaders of curriculum change in an ‘activist profession’. This is needed if geography education is to equip young people with knowledge capabilities for their future

    Teaching powerful geographical knowledge : a matter of social justice : initial findings from the GeoCapabilities 3 project

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    GeoCapabilities offers an approach for unlocking powerful disciplinary knowledge (PDK) for children. In phase three of the project, we are exploring how far GeoCapabilities ‘works’ for teachers serving communities in challenging socio-economic circumstances. We connect GeoCapabilities to social justice in education, theoretically. Then, using the topic of migration, we discuss initial empirical findings of how teachers understand PDK and their challenges for teaching PDK. Collaborative work between teachers and academics suggests that the social justice dimension of GeoCapabilities could be realised, with appropriate support for teachers. We conclude with a set of principles to inform the future work of GeoCapabilities

    L’étude de cas face Ă  l’exemple : pratiques et enjeux dans l’enseignement de la gĂ©ographie et de l’amĂ©nagement Ă  l’universitĂ©

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    L’enseignement de la gĂ©ographie et de l’amĂ©nagement renvoie Ă  l’espace, d’un point de vue gĂ©nĂ©ral et thĂ©orique mais aussi de façon plus spĂ©cifique, appuyĂ© sur des espaces singuliers. Dans cette perspective la mobilisation d’exemples ou d’études de cas semble incontournable dans les pratiques pĂ©dagogiques de l’enseignement en gĂ©ographie. Cette reprĂ©sentation est largement construite dans un hĂ©ritage disciplinaire oĂč une gĂ©ographie empirique s’est construite autour d’études de cas rĂ©gionaux. Alors que la gĂ©ographie a connu diffĂ©rentes Ă©volutions Ă©pistĂ©mologiques, il semble intĂ©ressant d’interroger la rĂ©alitĂ© des pratiques enseignantes de cette gĂ©ographie contemporaine Ă  l’universitĂ©. C’est ce que cet article propose de faire par le biais de l’analyse d’un corpus d’entretiens menĂ©s auprĂšs d’enseignants- chercheurs français de gĂ©ographie ou amĂ©nagement.Geography and Urban planning teaching is focused on space in a general and theoretical point of view but it also deals with specific places. Using examples or case studies to teach geography or urban planning seems to be natural. This fact is largely based on a disciplinary legacy for which empirical geography is built around regional case studies. While geography has experienced different epistemological developments, it seems interesting to question the reality of teaching practices in contemporary geography education in the university. That is what this article proposes to do through the analysis of a corpus of interviews with French teacher-researchers in the geography or urban planning field

    Vers une gĂ©ographie expĂ©rientielle Ă  l’école : l’exemple de l’espace proche

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    Notre recherche est nĂ©e de l’observation du rapport des Ă©lĂšves Ă  leur espace proche. En effet ils possĂšdent une expĂ©rience personnelle de leur espace mais ne l’articulent pas aux savoirs scolaires. Le champ de la didactique nous permet ainsi d’explorer sous la forme d’une recherche collaborative et d’éprouver sur le terrain une dĂ©marche expĂ©rientielle de l’enseignement de la gĂ©ographie de l’espace proche que nous avons modĂ©lisĂ©e. Celle-ci apparait comme un levier pĂ©dagogique pertinent pour permettre l’articulation entre une gĂ©ographie spontanĂ©e et une gĂ©ographie raisonnĂ©e inhĂ©rente Ă  la gĂ©ographie scolaire en renouvellement. Cette gĂ©ographie expĂ©rientielle permet donc Ă  l’élĂšve de penser autrement son espace proche, de donner du sens aux apprentissages rĂ©alisĂ©s, de construire un rĂ©cit gĂ©ographique.Our research was born from the observation of the students' relationship to their close space. Indeed, they have personal experience of their space but do not articulate it with academic knowledge. The field of didactics thus allows us to explore in the form of collaborative research and to test in the field an experiential approach to teaching the geography of the near space that we have modeled. This appeared to be a relevant pedagogical lever to allow the articulation between a spontaneous geography and a reasoned geography inherent in the school geography in renewal. This experiential geography thus allows the student to think differently about his or her immediate space, to give meaning to the learning carried out, to construct a geographically narrative and thus to be part of a conscious citizenship

    Vertical transmission in Caenorhabditis nematodes of RNA molecules encoding a viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase

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    International audienceHere, we report on the discovery in Caenorhabditis nematodes of multiple vertically transmitted RNAs coding for putative RNA-dependent RNA polymerases. Their sequences share similarity to distinct RNA viruses, including bunyaviruses, narnaviruses, and sobemoviruses. The sequences are present exclusively as RNA and are not found in DNA form. The RNAs persist in progeny after bleach treatment of adult animals, indicating vertical transmission of the RNAs. We tested one of the infected strains for transmission to an uninfected strain and found that mating of infected animals with uninfected animals resulted in infected progeny. By in situ hybridization, we detected several of these RNAs in the cytoplasm of the male and female germline of the nematode host. The Caenorhabditis hosts were found defective in degrading exogenous double-stranded RNAs, which may explain retention of viral-like RNAs. Strikingly, one strain, QG551, harbored three distinct virus-like RNA elements. Specific patterns of small RNAs complementary to the different viral-like RNAs were observed, suggesting that the different RNAs are differentially recognized by the RNA interference (RNAi) machinery. While vertical transmission of viruses in the family Narnaviridae, which are known as capsidless viruses, has been described in fungi, these observations provide evidence that multicellular animal cells harbor similar viruses
