32 research outputs found

    Development of Coal Processing Technology in Relation to Customer Requirements

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    V diplomové práci se zabývám vývojem technologie úpravy uhlí ve vztahu k požadavkům odběratele. Na úvod je zmíněná historie vzniku úpravny uhlí Ledvice, pokračuji stručným popisem úpravny pro seznámení s technologickým provozem. Dále se pak věnuji porovnání poptávky v časové ose s ohledem na změnu vývoje požadavků odběratele. Následuje kapitola, kde již rozepisuji podrobný popis pro srovnání původní a současné výrobní technologie. A v závěru diplomové práce se věnuji možným inovacím výrobní technologie, které by přispěly ke zlepšení úpravy uhlí v návaznosti s požadavky odběratele.In my diploma thesis I deal with the development of coal treatment technologies in relation to the following samples. The history of the Ledvice coal treatment plant is mentioned at the beginning, I continue with a brief description of the treatment plant to get acquainted with the technological operation. Then I compare the demands in time intervals with respect to the Change in the development of consumption requirements. It forms a chapter, where I already describe a detailed description, to compare the original and current production technology. And the end of the diploma thesis is devoted to possible innovations in production technology, which could contribute to the improvement of coal treatment in connection with the requirements a customer.542 - Katedra hornického inženýrství a bezpečnostivýborn

    Vliv změny využití krajiny na dostupnost ekosystémových služeb v Česku

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    Katedra sociální geografie a region. rozvojeDepartment of Social Geography and Regional Develop.Přírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    An assessment of soil erosion prevention by vegetation in Mediterranean Europe: Current trends of ecosystem service provision

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    International audienceThe concept of ecosystem services has received increased attention in recent years, and is seen as a useful construct for the development of policy relevant indicators and communication for science, policy and practice. Soil erosion is one of the main environmental problems for European Mediterranean agro-forestry systems, making soil erosion prevention a key ecosystem service to monitor and assess. Here, we present a spatially and temporally explicit assessment of the provision of soil erosion prevention by vegetation in Mediterranean Europe between 2001 and 2013, including maps of vulnerable areas. We follow a recently described conceptual framework for the mapping and assessment of regulating ecosystem services to calculate eight pro cess-based indicators, and an ecosystem service provision profile. Results show a relative increase in the effectiveness of provision of soil erosion prevention in Mediterranean Europe between 2001 and 2013. This increase is particularly noticeable between 2009 and 2013, but it does not represent a general trend across the whole Mediterranean region. Two regional examples describe contrasting trends and illustrate the need for regional assessments and policy targets. Our results demonstrate the strength of having a coherent and complementary set of indicators for regulating services to inform policy and land management decisions. (C) 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Negotiation of deaf identity within community centre Znakovárna

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    Department of Social and Cultural AnthropologyKatedra sociální a kulturní antropologieFakulta humanitních studiíFaculty of Humanitie

    Methodology for assessment of urban ecosystem services in the Czech Republic

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    The methodology was created in response to international and national commitments and strategies, which aim to preserve and improve the quality of ecosystems and ecosystem services in urban areas. The methodology provides a framework and procedures for evaluating the role of green infrastructure in cities have not yet been processed in the Czech Republic. Applying the concept of ecosystem services in the purely urban environment represents in the Czech Republic a unique and innovative approach that will contribute to more effective operations of local public policies, especially in urban planning, sustainable development of society and the environment. The methodology contributes to the implementation of the strategic commitments in the Biodiversity Strategy and Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change in the Czech Republic

    Estimating values of urban ecosystem services in Kladno

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    The benefits provided by urban nature have a substantial capacity to enhance human well-being. We quantify these benefits in the city of Kladno through the concept of ecosystem services by combining a value transfer method with surveys on citizen satisfaction and ecosystem services recognition. The results provide biophysical values of carbon sequestration and run-off and reveal stronger perception of benefits and higher preferences among citizens of Kladno for recreational services. Therefore, recreation is more suitable as a flagship service to encourage public participation than are such expert indicators as tonnes of carbon sequestered and increased run-off

    Preparation and characterization of graphitic C3N4 a BiIO4 based nanocomposites for photocatalysis

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá přípravou a charakterizací nanokompozitů na bázi grafitického C3N4 (g-C3N4) a BiIO4 a sledování jejich vlastností po vystavení teplotám 200, 300 a 400 °C. Pro analýzu byly vybrané dostupné metody, jako je fotokatalytická degradace acid oranž 7, skenovací elektronová mikroskopie (včetně mikroanalýzy EDAX), fyzisorpce dusíku, rentgenová prášková difrakce (pro kvantitativní i kvalitativní vyhodnocení), ultrafialová a viditelná spektroskopie, infračervená spektroskopie a luminiscenční spektroskopie. V teoretické části práce je zpracována problematika vodivosti v pevných látkách, katalýzy a fotokatalýzy včetně kinetiky chemických reakcí. Jsou také popsány výchozí materiály, jejich vlastnosti a základní známé způsoby přípravy. Dále je zpracován stručný úvod do historie nanomateriálů a nanotechnologií, dále pak jejich využití i zdravotní rizika. V neposlední řadě jsou uvedeny základní principy použitých metod. Experimentální část je uvedena použitými chemikáliemi a přístroji a jejich parametry při zmíněných analýzách. Následuje samotný postup přípravy nanostruktur g-C3N4 a BiIO4 a jejich komponentů v hmotnostním poměru 1:1. Nechybí popis výsledků jednotlivých analýz a komentář ke zpracování dat, ať už v tabulkách či grafech. Sledováním fotokatalytické aktivity bylo zjištěno, že nejvyšší hodnotu stupně degradace (resp. nejvyšší hodnotu rychlostní konstanty) mají vzorky čistého BiIO4 a kompozit BiIO4:g-C3N4 vystavený teplotě 300 °C. Difraktogram XRD analýzy a infračervená a luminiscenční spektroskopie u kompozitu vystaveném teplotě 400 °C potvrdily změnu jeho struktury. Dochází zde k transformaci z BiIO4 na BiIO a vyrazné změně jeho vlastností. BET analýzou byl stanoven měrný specifický povrch, a to s nejnižší hodnotou u BiIO4 vystaveného teplotě 400 °C (6 m2g-1) a nejvyšší hodnotou u g-C3N4 vystaveného 300 °C (21 m2g-1). Pomocí DRS spekter (funkce Kubelka-Munk) byly zjištěny hodnoty zakázaných pásů, které opět potvrzují výraznou změnu vlastností kompozitu BiIO4:g-C3N4 400.This bachelor thesis deals with the preparation and characterization of nanocomposites based on the graphitized C3N4 and BiIO4 and their characterization after exposure to temperatures of 200, 300 and 400 °C. Prepared samples were characterized by the photocatalytic degradation of acid orange 7, scanning electron microscopy (including EDAX microanalysis), nitrogen physisorption, X-ray powder diffraction (for both quantitative and qualitative analysis), UV-VIS spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, and luminescence spectroscopy. The theoretical part deals with the conductivity in solids, catalysis and photocatalysis including kinetics of chemical reactions. Further, the properties and basic preparation methods of precursors are discussed. There is also included a brief introduction of the history of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, their use and risks they present to health. Last but not least, the principles of the methods used are presented. The beginning of experimental part deals with used chemicals and instrumentation and parameters in mentioned analyzes. This is followed by description of the preparation of g-C3N4 and BiIO4 nanostructures and their components in a 1:1 weight ratio. There is a discussion of the results of individual analyzes and a commentary on data processing, both in tables or graphs. The measurements of photocatalytic activity showed pure BiIO4 and composite exposed to 300 °C exhibit better photocatalytic activity than other samples (respectively have the highest values of the rate constant). The XRD analysis diffraction pattern and infrared and luminescence spectroscopy of the composite exposed 400 °C showed a change in its structure in comprison with other composites. BiIO4 was transformed to BiIO during heat treatment which caused a significant change in material properties. The specific surface area (SSA) was determined by the BET analysis. BiIO4 exposed to 400 °C exhibited the lowest value of 6 m2g-1 and the highest value of 21 m2g-1 was measured for g-C3N4 exposed to 300 °C. The band-gaps energy (Eg) of materials was determined by applying the Kubelka-Munk method on DRS data and confirm a significant change in the properties of BiIO4:g-C3N4 400 composite.617 - Katedra chemievýborn

    Negotiation of deaf identity within community centre Znakovárna

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    Department of Social and Cultural AnthropologyKatedra sociální a kulturní antropologieFakulta humanitních studiíFaculty of Humanitie