116 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of biogenic gas migration revealed by seep carbonate paragenesis, Panoche Hills, California

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    A comprehensive study of seep carbonates at the top of the organic-rich Maastrichtian to Danian Moreno Formation in the Panoche Hills (California) reveals the mechanisms of generation, expulsion, and migration of biogenic methane that fed the seeps. Two selected outcrops show that seep carbonates developed at the tip of sand dykes intrude up into the Moreno Formation from deeper sandbodies. Precipitation of methane-derived cements occurred in a succession of up to 10 repeated elementary sequences, each starting with a corrosion surface followed by dendritic carbonates, botryoidal aragonite, aragonite fans, and finally laminated micrite. Each element of the sequence reflects three stages. First, a sudden methane pulse extended up into the oxic zone of the sediments, leading to aerobic oxidation of methane and carbonate dissolution. Second, after consumption of the oxygen, anaerobic oxidation of methane coupled with sulfate reduction triggered carbonate precipitation. Third, progressive diminishment of the methane seepage led to the deepening of the reaction front in the sediment and the lowering of precipitation rates. Carbonate isotopes, with δ¹³C as low as −51‰ Peedee belemnite, indicate a biogenic origin for the methane, whereas a one-dimensional basin model suggests that the Moreno Formation was in optimal thermal conditions for bacterial methane generation at the time of seep carbonate precipitation. Methane pulses are interpreted to reflect drainage by successive episodes of sand injection into the gas-generating shale of the Moreno Formation. The seep carbonates of the Panoche Hills can thus be viewed as a record of methane production from a biogenic source rock by multiphase hydraulic fracturing

    Lacustrine microporous micrites of the Madrid Basin (Late Miocene, Spain) as analogues for shallow-marine carbonates of the Mishrif reservoir Formation (Cenomanian to Early Turonian, Middle East)

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    Shallow-marine microporous limestones account for many carbonate reservoirs. Their formation, however, remains poorly understood. Due to the lack of recent appropriate marine analogues, this study uses a lacustrine counterpart to examine the diagenetic processes controlling the development of intercrystalline microporosity. Late Miocene lacustrine microporous micrites of the Madrid Basin (Spain) have a similar matrix microfabric as Cenomanian to Early Turonian shallow-marine carbonates of the Mishrif reservoir Formation (Middle East). The primary mineralogy of the precursor mud partly explains this resemblance: low-Mg calcites were the main carbonate precipitates in the Cretaceous seawater and in Late Miocene freshwater lakes of the Madrid Basin. Based on hardness and petrophysical properties, two main facies were identified in the lacustrine limestones: a tight facies and a microporous facies. The tight facies evidences strong compaction, whereas the microporous facies does not. The petrotexture, the sedimentological content, and the mineralogical and chemical compositions are identical in both facies. The only difference lies in the presence of calcite overgrowths: they are pervasive in microporous limestones, but almost absent in tight carbonates. Early diagenetic transformations of the sediment inside a fluctuating meteoric phreatic lens are the best explanation for calcite overgrowths precipitation. Inside the lens, the dissolution of the smallest crystals in favor of overgrowths on the largest ones rigidifies the sediment and prevents compaction, while partly preserving the primary microporous network. Two factors appear essential in the genesis of microporous micrites: a precursor mud mostly composed of low-Mg calcite crystals and an early diagenesis rigidifying the microcrystalline framework prior to buria

    What do we really know about early diagenesis of non-marine carbonates?

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    Non-marine carbonate rocks including cave, spring, stream, calcrete and lacustrine- palustrine sediments, are susceptible to early diagenetic processes. These can profoundly alter the carbonate fabric and affect paleoclimatic proxies. This review integrates recent insights into diagenesis of non-marine carbonates and in particular the variety of early diagenetic processes, and presents a conceptual framework to address them. With ability to study at smaller and smaller scales, down to nanometers, one can now observe diagenesis taking place the moment initial precipitates have formed, and continuing thereafter. Diagenesis may affect whole rocks, but it typically starts in nano- and micro-environments. The potential for diagenetic alteration depends on the reactivity of the initial precipitate, commonly being metastable phases like vaterite, Ca-oxalates, hydrous Mg‐carbonates and aragonite with regard to the ambient fluid. Furthermore, organic compounds commonly play a crucial role in hosting these early transformations. Processes like neomorphism (inversion and recrystallization), cementation and replacement generally result in an overall coarsening of the fabric and homogenization of the wide range of complex, primary microtextures. If early diagenetic modifications are completed in a short time span compared to the (annual to millennial) time scale of interest, then recorded paleoenvironmental signals and trends could still acceptably reflect original, depositional conditions. However, even compact, non-marine carbonate deposits may behave locally and temporarily as open systems to crystal- fluid exchange and overprinting of one or more geochemical proxies is not unexpected. Looking to the future, relatively few studies have examined the behaviour of promising geochemical records, such as clumped isotope thermometry and (non- conventional) stable isotopes, in well-constrained diagenetic settings. Ongoing and future in-vitro and in-situ experimental approaches will help to investigate and detangle sequences of intermediate, diagenetic products, processes and controls, and to quantify rates of early diagenesis, bridging a gap between nanoscale, molecular lab studies and the fossil field rock record of non-marine carbonates

    Multi-proxy facies analysis of the Opalinus Clay and depositional implications (Mont Terri rock laboratory, Switzerland)

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    Located in NW Switzerland, the Mont Terri rock laboratory is a research facility primarily investigating the Opalinus Clay as potential host rock for deep geological disposal of radioactive waste. In the Mont Terri area, this Jurassic shale formation is characterized by three distinctive lithofacies: a shaly facies, a carbonate-rich sandy facies and a sandy facies. However, the lithological variability at dm- to cm-scale is not yet fully understood and a detailed lithofacies characterization is currently lacking. Within the present study, petrographic descriptions at micro- and macro-scale, geophysical core logging (P-wave velocity and gamma-ray density), geochemical core logging (X-ray fluorescence) and organic matter quantification (Rock-Eval pyrolysis) were combined on a 27.6 m long Opalinus Clay drillcore comprising the three major lithofacies. The high-resolution investigation of the core resulted into a refinement of the three-fold lithofacies classification, and revealed high intra-facies heterogeneity. Five subfacies were defined and linked to distinctive depositional regimes. The studied succession is interpreted as a shallowing-upward trend within a storm-wave- dominated epicontinental sea characterized by relative shallow water depths

    Comparative study of the Pleistocene Cakmak quarry (Denizli Basin, Turkey) and modern Mammoth Hot Springs deposits (Yellowstone National Park, USA)

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    This study compares and contrasts the travertine depositional facies of two of the largest sites of travertine formation, located in very different geological contexts, i.e. the modern Mammoth Hot Spring (MHS) system in the active volcanic complex of Yellowstone National Park (USA) and the Pleistocene Cakmak quarry, a well-exposed example of the Ballık travertines in the extensional Denizli Basin (Turkey). New, 2D to 3D facies maps of both travertine systems, combined with microscopy, assist in proposing an integrated spring depositional model, based on the existing MHS facies model, understanding general controls on meter to kilometer scale travertine deposit architecture and its preservation, and provide quantitative estimates of facies spatial coverage and slope using GIS. The comparison resulted in the distinction of eight facies, grouped in five downstream facies zones from Vent to Distal Slope. Notwithstanding the different geological context of both travertine systems, observations show that several of the facies are strikingly comparable (draping Apron and Channel Facies, top-slope Pond Facies, crystalline Proximal Slope Facies and Distal Slope Facies), whereas other facies do not have a precise, exposed equivalent (Vent Facies, pavement Apron and Channel Facies, extended Pond facies and phyto Proximal Slope Facies). Combining observations of active springs at MHS with the Cakmak vertical travertine quarry exposures demonstrates that lateral and vertical facies transitions are a sensitive record of changes in the spring dynamics (flow intensity and paths) that become well-preserved in the geological record, and can be recognized as prograding, aggrading, retrograding trends or erosive surfaces, traceable over tens to hundreds of meters. Quantification of facies specific coverage at MHS shows that Proximal and Distal Slope Facies deposits cover as much as ∼90% of the total mapped surface area. In addition, only ∼7% of the surface is found to be marked by a waterfilm related to an active flowing spring. Slope statistics reveal that strong slope breaks can often be related to transgressive Apron and Channel Facies belts and that variable, but steep slopes (up to 40°) are dominated by Proximal Slope Facies, in agreement with the Cakmak exposures. Integrating travertine facies and architecture of deposits formed in distinct geological contexts can improve the prediction of general spring facies distributions and controls in other, modern and ancient, subsurface travertine systems

    Environmental boundary conditions of cold-water coral mound growth over the last 3 million years in the Porcupine Seabight, Northeast Atlantic

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    IODP Expedition 307 made it for the first time possible to investigate the entire body of a cold-water coral carbonate mound. Here we provide new insights into the long-term history of Challenger Mound on the European continental margin off Ireland. This study is based on age determinations (230Th/U, 87Sr/86Sr) and geochemical signals (Mg/Li and Ba/Ca) measured in the scleractinian cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa from IODP Site 1317 in the Porcupine Seabight. The paleoceanographic reconstructions reveal that coral growth in the Porcupine Seabight was restricted to specific oceanographic conditions such as enhanced export of primary production and Bottom-Water Temperatures (BWT) between ∼8 and 10 °C, related to the water mass stratification of the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) and Eastern North Atlantic Water (ENAW). The geochemical signals from the coral skeletons can be explained by the close interaction between cold-water coral growth, sea-surface productivity and the surrounding water masses – the boundary layer between MOW and ENAW. Enhanced sea-surface productivity and the build-up of a stable water mass stratification between ENAW and MOW caused enhanced nutrient supply at intermediate water depths and facilitated a steady mound growth between ∼3.0 and 2.1 Ma. With the decrease in sea-surface productivity and related reduced export productivity the food supply was insufficient for rapid coral mound growth between ∼1.7 and 1 Ma. During the late Pleistocene (over the last ∼0.5 Myr) mound growth was restricted to interglacial periods. During glacials the water mass boundary between ENAW/MOW probably was below the mound summit and hence food supply was not sufficient for corals to grow

    Acoustic properties in travertines and their relation to porosity and pore types

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    Sonic velocities of Pleistocene travertines were measured under variable confining pressures. Combined with petrographical characteristics and petrophysical data, i.e. porosity, permeability and density, it was determined that travertine porosity, pore types and cementation control compressional-wave (Vp) and shear-wave velocity (Vs). At 40 MPa confining pressures, Vp ranges between 3695 and 6097 m/s and Vs between 2037 and 3140 m/s. Velocity variations in travertines are, as with all carbonates, primarily linked to sample heterogeneity, i.e. differences in fabric, texture and porosity. They thus not necessarily emanate from changes in mineralogy or composition. Body wave velocities have a positive correlation with sample density and an inverse correlation with porosity. The travertines, sampled in extensional settings with normal faulting activity, define a specific compressional-wave velocity (y-axis) versus porosity (x-axis) equation, i.e. (log(y) = −0.0048x + 3.7844) that differs from the Vp-porosity paths defined by marine carbonates. Acoustic wave velocities are higher for travertines than for marine carbonates. Travertine precipitates form rigid rock frames, often called framestone, with large primary pores. Marine carbonates on the other hand often consist of (cemented) transported sediments, resulting in a rock frame that permits slower wave propagation when compared to the continental limestones.Acoustic velocity variations are linked to variations in pore types. Mouldic pores (macropores) show faster wave propagation than expected from their total porosities. Microporosity, interlaminar and interpeloidal porosity result in slower acoustic velocities. Framework pores and micro-moulds are associated with lowered acoustic velocities, while vug porosity is found above, on and below the general velocity-porosity trend. Not only the pore type, but also pore shapes exert control on body wave velocities. Cuboid-and rod-like pore shapes increase the velocity, while plate-and blade-like pore shapes have a negative effect on the velocity. The study demonstrates how seismic sections in travertine systems can contain seismic reflections that are not caused by non-carbonate intercalations, but relate to geobody boundaries, in which the seismic expression is function of porosity, pore types and shapes. This study provides and relates petrophysical data, i.e. porosity, permeability and acoustic velocities of travertines and is of importance for the interpretation of seismic reflection data in subsurface continental carbonate reservoirs

    Benthic foraminifera in a deep-sea high-energy environment: the Moira Mounds (Porcupine Seabight, SW of Ireland)

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    Cold-water coral ecosystems represent unique and exceptionally diverse environments in the deep-sea. They are well developed along the Irish margin, varying broadly in shape and size. The Moira Mounds, numerous small-sized mounds, are nestled in the Belgica Mound Province (Porcupine Seabight, North-East Atlantic). The investigation of living (Rose Bengal stained) and dead benthic foraminiferal assemblages from these mounds allowed to describe their distribution patterns and to evaluate their response to environmental variability. Quantitative data was statistically treated to define groups of species/genera associated to specific habitats. The Moira Mounds differ from their larger neighbours by the reduced spatial variability of benthic foraminiferal assemblages, living assemblages only distinguishing coral-rich and coral-barren areas. The ecological needs of corals are highlighted by the abundance of Alabaminella weddellensis and Nonionella iridea, phytodetritus-feeding species in coral supporting sediments. Living foraminifera in sediments from the Moira Mounds concentrate in the upper first centimetre. Infaunal species may be affected by bioturbation and/or reworking by the strong currents in the area. Dead foraminiferal assemblages from the Moira Mounds resemble those described for the sandwave facies in adjacent giant mounds, suggesting similar processes in facies deposition