13 research outputs found

    Electronic properties of chlorine, methyl, and chloromethyl as substituents to the ethylene group-viewed from the core of carbon

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    “Substituent effects” is an important and useful concept in organic chemistry. Although there are many approaches to parametrizing the electronic and steric effects of substituents, the physical basis for the parameters is often unclear. The purpose of the present work is to explore the properties of chemical shifts in carbon 1s energies as a well-defined basis for characterizing substituents to an ethylene C═C moiety. To this end, high-resolution carbon 1s photoelectron spectra of six chloro-substituted ethenes and seven chloro-substituted propenes have been measured in the gas phase. Site-specific adiabatic ionization energies have been determined from the spectra using theoretical ab initio calculations to predict the vibrational structures. For two molecules, 3-chloropropene and 2,3-dichloropropene, the spectral analyses give quantitative results for the conformer populations. The observed shifts have been analyzed in terms of initial-state (potential) and relaxation effects, and charge relaxation has also been analyzed by means of natural resonance theory. On the basis of core-level spectroscopy and models, chlorine, methyl, and chloromethyl have been characterized in terms of their effect on the carbon to which they are attached (α site) as well as the neighboring sp2 carbon (β site). The derived spectroscopic substituent parameters are characterized by both inductive (electronegativity) effects and the ability of each substituent to engage in electron delocalization via the π system. Moreover, the adopted approach is extended to include substituent–substituent interaction parameters

    Impact of multiple stressors on sea bed fauna in a warming Arctic

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    The Arctic Barents Sea is experiencing a record temperature increase, a poleward shift in the distributions of commercial fish stocks, and invasion by the snow crab, a new predator. To evaluate benthic community vulnerability when exposed to seawater warming, bottom trawling, and predation from a new predator, we used a trait-based approach and applied this to an extensive dataset of >450 megabenthic taxa, from a 1.5 million km2 area. Taxon rank values were obtained after sorting the taxa by temperature median and temperature range, i.e. the temperature sensitivity trait, and by body height, mean weight, and mobility, i.e. the trawl vulnerability trait, and were given as a size-based prey classification, i.e. the predation trait. The taxon rank values were then used to calculate the mean community sensitivity. Our study showed a recent significant increase in community mean temperature ranks, indicating an increased importance of species with affinity for warmer waters and a reduced importance of coldwater species. Commercial fish stocks and snow crabs are expanding into the western part of the Barents Sea, thereby simultaneously increasing the exposure of large immobile species to trawling and of small prey species to crab predation. Overall, we found a high level of vulnerability to the 3 investigated stressors in the northwestern Barents Sea, which may lead to alterations in community structure and diversity. Mapping vulnerability to multiple stressors enables authorities managing human activities to identify vulnerable areas that warrant special measures, including protection from trawling and reduction of the snow crab stock

    Impact of multiple stressors on sea bed fauna in a warming Arctic

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    The Arctic Barents Sea is experiencing a record temperature increase, a poleward shift in the distributions of commercial fish stocks, and invasion by the snow crab, a new predator. To evaluate benthic community vulnerability when exposed to seawater warming, bottom trawling, and predation from a new predator, we used a trait-based approach and applied this to an extensive dataset of >450 megabenthic taxa, from a 1.5 million km2 area. Taxon rank values were obtained after sorting the taxa by temperature median and temperature range, i.e. the temperature sensitivity trait, and by body height, mean weight, and mobility, i.e. the trawl vulnerability trait, and were given as a size-based prey classification, i.e. the predation trait. The taxon rank values were then used to calculate the mean community sensitivity. Our study showed a recent significant increase in community mean temperature ranks, indicating an increased importance of species with affinity for warmer waters and a reduced importance of coldwater species. Commercial fish stocks and snow crabs are expanding into the western part of the Barents Sea, thereby simultaneously increasing the exposure of large immobile species to trawling and of small prey species to crab predation. Overall, we found a high level of vulnerability to the 3 investigated stressors in the northwestern Barents Sea, which may lead to alterations in community structure and diversity. Mapping vulnerability to multiple stressors enables authorities managing human activities to identify vulnerable areas that warrant special measures, including protection from trawling and reduction of the snow crab stock

    Successive extreme climatic events lead to immediate, large-scale, and diverse responses from fish in the Arctic

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    The warming trend of the Arctic is punctuated by several record-breaking warm years with very low sea ice concentrations. The nature and reversibility of marine ecosystem responses to these multiple extreme climatic events (ECEs) are poorly understood. Here, we investigate the ecological signatures of three successive bottom temperature maxima concomitant with surface ECEs between 2004 and 2017 in the Barents Sea across spatial and organizational scales. We observed community-level redistributions of fish concurrent with ECEs at the scale of the whole Barents Sea. Three groups, characterized by different sets of traits describing their capacity to cope with short-term perturbations, reacted with different timing and intensity to each ECE. Arctic species co-occurred more frequently with large predators and incoming boreal taxa during ECEs, potentially affecting food web structures and functional diversity, accelerating the impacts of long-term climate change. On the species level, responses were highly diversified, with different ECEs impacting different species, and species responses (expansion, geographical shift) varying from one ECE to another, despite the environmental perturbations being similar. Past ECEs impacts, with potential legacy effects, lagged responses, thresholds, and interactions with the underlying warming pressure, could constantly set up new initial conditions that drive the unique ecological signature of each ECE. These results highlight the complexity of ecological reactions to multiple ECEs and give prominence to several sources of process uncertainty in the predictions of climate change impact and risk for ecosystem management. Long-term monitoring and studies to characterize the vertical extent of each ECE are necessary to statistically link demersal species and environmental spatial–temporal patterns. In the future, regular monitoring will be crucial to detect early signals of change and understand the determinism of ECEs, but we need to adapt our models and management to better integrate risk and stochasticity from the complex impacts of global change

    Successive extreme climatic events lead to immediate, large-scale, and diverse responses from fish in the Arctic

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    The warming trend of the Arctic is punctuated by several record-breaking warm years with very low sea ice concentrations. The nature and reversibility of marine ecosystem responses to these multiple extreme climatic events (ECEs) are poorly understood. Here, we investigate the ecological signatures of three successive bottom temperature maxima concomitant with surface ECEs between 2004 and 2017 in the Barents Sea across spatial and organizational scales. We observed community-level redistributions of fish concurrent with ECEs at the scale of the whole Barents Sea. Three groups, characterized by different sets of traits describing their capacity to cope with short-term perturbations, reacted with different timing and intensity to each ECE. Arctic species co-occurred more frequently with large predators and incoming boreal taxa during ECEs, potentially affecting food web structures and functional diversity, accelerating the impacts of long-term climate change. On the species level, responses were highly diversified, with different ECEs impacting different species, and species responses (expansion, geographical shift) varying from one ECE to another, despite the environmental perturbations being similar. Past ECEs impacts, with potential legacy effects, lagged responses, thresholds, and interactions with the underlying warming pressure, could constantly set up new initial conditions that drive the unique ecological signature of each ECE. These results highlight the complexity of ecological reactions to multiple ECEs and give prominence to several sources of process uncertainty in the predictions of climate change impact and risk for ecosystem management. Long-term monitoring and studies to characterize the vertical extent of each ECE are necessary to statistically link demersal species and environmental spatial–temporal patterns. In the future, regular monitoring will be crucial to detect early signals of change and understand the determinism of ECEs, but we need to adapt our models and management to better integrate risk and stochasticity from the complex impacts of global change