92 research outputs found

    Sistema di controllo per l'automatizzazione di un cambio di derivazione motociclistica

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    La tesi tratta l'automatizzazione di un cambio di derivazione motociclistica montato in una vettura di Fomula SAE con un sistema elettro-pneumaticoope

    Complementary Degradation of Fuel Oil in Superficial Waters and in Axenic Cultures of Aerobic Gram-negative Bacteria Isolated from Venice Lagoon

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    The percentages of bacteria degrading fuel oil (n-paraffins from C*2 to C28) were determined in three stations in the northern part of Venice Lagoon. Concentrations of paraffin-degrading bacteria ranged from 8 to 70 bacteria per 100 mL in the least polluted station close to the sea, and from 33 to 345 bacteria per 100 mL in the most polluted station near Porto Marghera. Biological oxygen demand with fuel oil additions was higher in this station, where oxygen was totally depleted in 7 and 5 days in November and June respectively. Twenty-five bacterial strains were isolated from agar plates amended with fuel oil as the sole carbon and energy source; only two were Acinetobacter spp. strains. Strain VE-C3 grew in the presence of n-paraffins. Growth was inducible with a generation time of 2.77 h and an oxygen consumption rate of 53 pL h-1 mg-1 of cells (d.w.). Five other strains thrived on intermediate oxidation products of n-paraffin

    O PIBIC_em/CNPQ na formação inicial de pesquisadores e os processos de gestão democrática desde o âmbito da universidade até as instituições escolares

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    Esse trabalho tem por objetivo analisar as implicações e as contribuições do PIBIC_EM/CNPq na formação inicial de pesquisadores na Educação Básica, objetivando fortalecer os processos de Gestão Democrática desde o âmbito da Universidade até as instituições escolares de Ensino Médio. A metodologia é de caráter qualitativo com enfoque bibliográfico e de campo. Os participantes da pesquisa são estudantes que atuaram como bolsistas no Programa PIBIC_EM/CNPq, gestores de escolas públicas que participaram do programa e os professores da universidade orientadores do projeto executado no período entre 2012 e 2015. Os dados foram coletados mediante entrevistas, a partir de formulário semiestruturado, aos gestores das escolas participantes e aplicação de questionários aos alunos bolsistas e professores orientadores. Os principais resultados evidenciaram que o Programa PIBIC_EM/CNPq constituiu, a partir dos sujeitos, práticas de gestão democrática nos processos formativos durante a sua aplicação e a qualificação dos jovens na iniciação científica. Observou-se ainda, porém, um distanciamento nas práticas de gestão entre a Universidade e as Escolas. Palavras-chave: PIBIC_EM. Gestão escolar. Gestão universitária.   The Pibic-Em / CNPQ in the initial training of researchers and the democratic management processes from the university to the school institutionsAbstractThis paper aims to analyze the implications and contributions of PIBIC_EM / CNPq in the initial training of researchers in Basic Education, aiming to strengthen the processes of Democratic Management from the scope of the University to the institutions of high school. The methodology is qualitative with a bibliographical and field approach. Participants in the survey are students who served as fellows in the PIBIC_EM / CNPq Program, public school managers who participated in the program and the university's teachers guiding the project run in the period between 2012 and 2015. Data were collected through interviews, from semi-structured form, the managers of the participating schools and the application of questionnaires to scholarship students and guiding teachers. The main results showed that the PIBIC_EM / CNPq Program constituted, from the subjects, practices of democratic management in the formative processes during its application and the qualification of the young people in the scientific initiation. However, there was a lack of focus on management practices between the University and the Schools.Keywords: PIBIC_EM. School management. University management

    Oral exposure to methylmercury modifies the prostatic microenvironment in adult rats

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    Methylmercury (MeHg) is an environmental pollutant that is highly toxic to the central nervous system. As its effects on male reproductive system are poorly understood, this study was carried out to analyse the effects of MeHg on the rat prostate. To evaluate the MeHg toxicity on ventral prostate, three groups of adult male Wistar rats received oral doses of 0.5, 1.0 and 3.0mg/kg MeHg, respectively, on a daily basis for 14days. A fourth group was used as a control. The prostate weight was decreased in rats treated orally with 0.5mg/kg MeHg compared to controls. Also, Hg concentration increased significantly in the prostate after treatments. There were reductions in serum testosterone levels and androgen receptor immunoreactivity in animals receiving 3.0mgMeHg/kg. The stereological data showed changes in the prostatic epithelial, stromal and luminal compartments which varied according to the different doses. Histopathological alterations, such as chronic inflammation, stratified epithelial hyperplasia and epithelial inflammatory reactive atypia, were observed in the 0.5mg/kg MeHg-treated group. Epithelial atrophy was observed in the 3.0mg/kg MeHg-treated group. In conclusion, the MeHg affects prostatic homoeostasis resulting in histopathological changes that may be relevant in the pathogenesis of prostatic disease.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [2007/56458-4

    Democracy, protest and public sphere in Russia after the 2011–2012 anti-government protests: digital media at stake

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    The 2011–2012 Russian protest mobilisations were largely enabled by the rise of social networks. Social and technological advancements paired to pave the way for the ‘biggest protests since the fall of USSR’. Ubiquitous and uncensored social media facilitated the networking and mobilisation for this protest activity: Liberal masses were able to share and discuss their grievances, unite and coordinate online for the offline protest. The digitally savvy protest public developed to confront the government, which appeared to be astonished by the scale of protest. Those mobilisations marked an important gap between the government’s conception of the society and the real state of resistance. This article studies three main hypotheses regarding the potential of the protest movement in Russia. The hypotheses were drawn from recent sociological, political and media studies on Russian resistance. Current research aims to contribute to the debate from the digital media perspective. It therefore evaluates three main assumptions: Digital media have the potential to empower, dependent upon the relevant political, social and economic factors; digital media isolates protest publics and therefore may be more useful for the government than the resistance; and recent censorship of digital media communication signals a tightening of both formal and informal restrictions against opposition and protest politics. This article uses theoretical and factual evidence on the limitations of democracy and the public sphere and conceptualises the government’s management of resistance in Russia during and after the 2011–2012 protests. It studies how the hybrid political regime in Russia balances restrictions on freedom of speech with strengthened state propaganda and how it mediates media oppression and invites self-censorship. Finally, it examines how the state communication watchdog has recently focused its attention at the digital realm. This move confirms the importance of the online protest communication for the Russian political environment. Yet the state’s acknowledgement of digital political resistance may lead to further oppression and curbing of this emerging component of Russian politics

    A Comparative Cyberconflict Analysis of Digital Activism Across Post-Soviet Countries

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    This article analyses digital activism comparatively in relation to three Post-Soviet regions: Russian/anti-Russian in Crimea and online political deliberation in Belarus, in juxtaposition to Estonia’s digital governance approach. The authors show that in civil societies in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, cultural forms of digital activism, such as internet memes, thrive and produce and reproduce effective forms of political deliberation. In contrast to Estonia, in authoritarian regimes actual massive mobilization and protest is forbidden, or is severely punished with activists imprisoned, persecuted or murdered by the state. This is consistent with use of cultural forms of digital activism in countries where protest is illegal and political deliberation is restricted in government-controlled or oligarchic media. Humorous political commentary might be tolerated online to avoid mobilization and decompress dissent and resistance, yet remaining strictly within censorship and surveillance apparatuses. The authors’ research affirms the potential of internet memes in addressing apolitical crowds, infiltrating casual conversations and providing symbolic manifestation to resistant debates. Yet, the virtuality of the protest undermines its consistency and impact on offline political deliberation. Without knowing each other beyond social media, the participants are unlikely to form robust organisational structures and mobilise for activism offline

    Loss estimation in a voltage source inverter for electrical drives

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    This thesis deals with the design and realization of an inverter with a nominal power of 9KW for electrical drives. In particular, the losses have been estimated with two different models in order to predict the efficiency and the temperature and, consequently, to be able to estimate which heat sink to use

    L'anticipazione in interpretazione simultanea dal tedesco in italiano: L'approccio degli studenti in fase di apprendimento

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    Настоящая защитная работа касается вероятностное прогнозирование в синхронном переводе с немецкого на итальянский. В первой главе речь идет об особенностиях синхронного перевода. В частности говорится о стратегиях, которые помогают переводчику правильно переводить синхронно, то есть когда он должен одновременно слушать речь на одном языке и передавать смысль на другом языке. Во второй главе представляются разные исследования в литературе, выделяя особое внимане на исследованиях, посвещенных синхронному переводу с немецкого. В третьей главе предаставляется провоженное исследование, которое фокузирует на то, как студенты в течение тренировки относятся к антиципации в синхронном переводе с немецкого на итальянский. В последной главе обсуждаются результаты провеженного исследования, которые показывают, что студенты антиципируют правильно но совершенно редко. Это значит, что они используют такую стратегию только тогда, когда они чувствуют себя уверенными, что их ожидания – правильны. В итоге делаются выводы и дается несколько советов, чтобы улучшить подход к этой стратеге во время тренировки

    Sistema di controllo per l'automatizzazione di un cambio di derivazione motociclistica

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    La tesi tratta l'automatizzazione di un cambio di derivazione motociclistica montato in una vettura di Fomula SAE con un sistema elettro-pneumatic