34 research outputs found

    The S enantiomer of 2-hydroxyglutarate increases central memory CD8 populations and improves CAR-T therapy outcome

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    Cancer immunotherapy is advancing rapidly and gene-modified T cells expressing chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) show particular promise. A challenge of CAR-T cell therapy is that the ex vivo-generated CAR-T cells become exhausted during expansion in culture, and do not persist when transferred back to patients. It has become clear that naive and memory CD8 T cells perform better than the total CD8 T-cell populations in CAR-T immunotherapy because of better expansion, antitumor activity, and persistence, which are necessary features for therapeutic success and prevention of disease relapse. However, memory CAR-T cells are rarely used in the clinic due to generation challenges. We previously reported that mouse CD8 T cells cultured with the S enantiomer of the immunometabolite 2-hydroxyglutarate (S-2HG) exhibit enhanced antitumor activity. Here, we show that clinical-grade human donor CAR-T cells can be generated from naive precursors after culture with S-2HG. S-2HG-treated CAR-T cells establish long-term memory cells in vivo and show superior antitumor responses when compared with CAR-T cells generated with standard clinical protocols. This study provides the basis for a phase 1 clinical trial evaluating the activity of S-2HG-treated CD19-CAR-T cells in patients with B-cell malignancies

    Hypoxia-induced SETX links replication stress with the unfolded protein response.

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    Tumour hypoxia is associated with poor patient prognosis and therapy resistance. A unique transcriptional response is initiated by hypoxia which includes the rapid activation of numerous transcription factors in a background of reduced global transcription. Here, we show that the biological response to hypoxia includes the accumulation of R-loops and the induction of the RNA/DNA helicase SETX. In the absence of hypoxia-induced SETX, R-loop levels increase, DNA damage accumulates, and DNA replication rates decrease. Therefore, suggesting that, SETX plays a role in protecting cells from DNA damage induced during transcription in hypoxia. Importantly, we propose that the mechanism of SETX induction in hypoxia is reliant on the PERK/ATF4 arm of the unfolded protein response. These data not only highlight the unique cellular response to hypoxia, which includes both a replication stress-dependent DNA damage response and an unfolded protein response but uncover a novel link between these two distinct pathways

    Lactate exposure shapes the metabolic and transcriptomic profile of CD8+ T cells

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    IntroductionCD8+ T cells infiltrate virtually every tissue to find and destroy infected or mutated cells. They often traverse varying oxygen levels and nutrient-deprived microenvironments. High glycolytic activity in local tissues can result in significant exposure of cytotoxic T cells to the lactate metabolite. Lactate has been known to act as an immunosuppressor, at least in part due to its association with tissue acidosis.MethodsTo dissect the role of the lactate anion, independently of pH, we performed phenotypical and metabolic assays, high-throughput RNA sequencing, and mass spectrometry, on primary cultures of murine or human CD8+ T cells exposed to high doses of pH-neutral sodium lactate.ResultsThe lactate anion is well tolerated by CD8+ T cells in pH neutral conditions. We describe how lactate is taken up by activated CD8+ T cells and can displace glucose as a carbon source. Activation in the presence of sodium lactate significantly alters the CD8+ T cell transcriptome, including the expression key effector differentiation markers such as granzyme B and interferon-gamma.DiscussionOur studies reveal novel metabolic features of lactate utilization by activated CD8+ T cells, and highlight the importance of lactate in shaping the differentiation and activity of cytotoxic T cells

    Molecular and functional variation in iPSC-derived sensory neurons

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    Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), and cells derived from them, have become key tools for modeling biological processes, particularly in cell types that are difficult to obtain from living donors. Here we present a map of regulatory variants in iPSC-derived neurons, based on 123 differentiations of iPSCs to a sensory neuronal fate. Gene expression was more variable across cultures than in primary dorsal root ganglion, particularly for genes related to nervous system development. Using single-cell RNA-sequencing, we found that the number of neuronal versus contaminating cells was influenced by iPSC culture conditions before differentiation. Despite high differentiation-induced variability, our allele-specific method detected thousands of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that influenced gene expression, chromatin accessibility, and RNA splicing. On the basis of these detected QTLs, we estimate that recall-by-genotype studies that use iPSC-derived cells will require cells from at least 20-80 individuals to detect the effects of regulatory variants with moderately large effect sizes

    The two enantiomers of 2-hydroxyglutarate differentially regulate cytotoxic T cell function

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    2-Hydroxyglutarate (2HG) is a byproduct of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and is readily detected in the tissues of healthy individuals. 2HG is found in two enantiomeric forms: S-2HG and R-2HG. Here, we investigate the differential roles of these two enantiomers in cluster of differentiation (CD)8+ T cell biology, where we find they have highly divergent effects on proliferation, differentiation, and T cell function. We show here an analysis of structural determinants that likely underlie these differential effects on specific α-ketoglutarate (αKG)-dependent enzymes. Treatment of CD8+ T cells with exogenous S-2HG, but not R-2HG, increased CD8+ T cell fitness in vivo and enhanced anti-tumor activity. These data show that S-2HG and R-2HG should be considered as two distinct and important actors in the regulation of T cell function. Proteomic

    Hypoxia-induced p53 modulates both apoptosis and radiosensitivity via AKT

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    Contains fulltext : 153027.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Restoration of hypoxia-induced apoptosis in tumors harboring p53 mutations has been proposed as a potential therapeutic strategy; however, the transcriptional targets that mediate hypoxia-induced p53-dependent apoptosis remain elusive. Here, we demonstrated that hypoxia-induced p53-dependent apoptosis is reliant on the DNA-binding and transactivation domains of p53 but not on the acetylation sites K120 and K164, which, in contrast, are essential for DNA damage-induced, p53-dependent apoptosis. Evaluation of hypoxia-induced transcripts in multiple cell lines identified a group of genes that are hypoxia-inducible proapoptotic targets of p53, including inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase (INPP5D), pleckstrin domain-containing A3 (PHLDA3), sulfatase 2 (SULF2), B cell translocation gene 2 (BTG2), cytoplasmic FMR1-interacting protein 2 (CYFIP2), and KN motif and ankyrin repeat domains 3 (KANK3). These targets were also regulated by p53 in human cancers, including breast, brain, colorectal, kidney, bladder, and melanoma cancers. Downregulation of these hypoxia-inducible targets associated with poor prognosis, suggesting that hypoxia-induced apoptosis contributes to p53-mediated tumor suppression and treatment response. Induction of p53 targets, PHLDA3, and a specific INPP5D transcript mediated apoptosis in response to hypoxia through AKT inhibition. Moreover, pharmacological inhibition of AKT led to apoptosis in the hypoxic regions of p53-deficient tumors and consequently increased radiosensitivity. Together, these results identify mediators of hypoxia-induced p53-dependent apoptosis and suggest AKT inhibition may improve radiotherapy response in p53-deficient tumors

    Vitamin B6 Metabolism Determines T Cell Anti-Tumor Responses.

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    Funder: Knut och Alice Wallenbergs StiftelseFunder: VetenskapsrådetFunder: BarncancerfondenFunder: CancerfondenTargeting T cell metabolism is an established method of immunomodulation. Following activation, T cells engage distinct metabolic programs leading to the uptake and processing of nutrients that determine cell proliferation and differentiation. Redirection of T cell fate by modulation of these metabolic programs has been shown to boost or suppress immune responses in vitro and in vivo. Using publicly available T cell transcriptomic and proteomic datasets we identified vitamin B6-dependent transaminases as key metabolic enzymes driving T cell activation and differentiation. Inhibition of vitamin B6 metabolism using the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) inhibitor, aminoxyacetic acid (AOA), suppresses CD8+ T cell proliferation and effector differentiation in a dose-dependent manner. We show that pyridoxal phosphate phosphatase (PDXP), a negative regulator of intracellular vitamin B6 levels, is under the control of the hypoxia-inducible transcription factor (HIF1), a central driver of T cell metabolism. Furthermore, by adoptive transfer of CD8 T cells into a C57BL/6 mouse melanoma model, we demonstrate the requirement for vitamin B6-dependent enzyme activity in mediating effective anti-tumor responses. Our findings show that vitamin B6 metabolism is required for CD8+ T cell proliferation and effector differentiation in vitro and in vivo. Targeting vitamin B6 metabolism may therefore serve as an immunodulatory strategy to improve anti-tumor immunotherapy

    Modified Hypoxia-Inducible Factor Expression in CD8+ T Cells Increases Antitumor Efficacy.

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    Adoptive transfer of antitumor cytotoxic T cells is an emerging form of cancer immunotherapy. A key challenge to expanding the utility of adoptive cell therapies is how to enhance the survival and function of the transferred T cells. Immune-cell survival requires adaptation to different microenvironments and particularly to the hypoxic milieu of solid tumors. The hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) transcription factors are an essential aspect of this adaptation. In this study, we undertook experiments to define structural determinants of HIF that potentiate antitumor efficacy in cytotoxic T cells. We first created retroviral vectors to deliver ectopic expression of HIF1α and HIF2α in mouse CD8+ T cells, together or individually and with or without sensitivity to the oxygen-dependent HIFα inhibitors Von Hippel-Lindau and factor-inhibiting HIF (FIH). HIF2α, but not HIF1α, drove broad transcriptional changes in CD8+ T cells, resulting in increased cytotoxic differentiation and cytolytic function against tumor targets. A specific mutation replacing the hydroxyl group-acceptor site for FIH in HIF2α gave rise to the most effective antitumor T cells after adoptive transfer in vivo In addition, codelivering an FIH-insensitive form of HIF2α with an anti-CD19 chimeric antigen receptor greatly enhanced cytolytic function of human CD8+ T cells against lymphoma cells both in vitro and in a xenograft adoptive transfer model. These experiments point to a means to increase the antitumor efficacy of therapeutic CD8+ T cells via ectopic expression of the HIF transcription factor.See related Spotlight on p. 364