18 research outputs found

    Short communication: Establishment and maintenance of donkey-in-mule pregnancy after embryo transfer in a non-cycling mule treated with oestradiol benzoate and long-acting progesterone

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    Female mules are considered as infertile; however, they could be used as recipients in interspecific embryo transfer. This study reports for the first time how it is possible to obtain the birth of a live Andalusian donkey foal after transfer a donkey embryo to a non-cycling mule. Two non-cycling mules were used as recipients, oestradiol benzoate was administered when donors showed oestrus and long-acting progesterone after ovulation. The mules also received long-acting progesterone every 7 days until 120 days of gestation. One embryo was collected from the two donor jennies and transferred to one of the mules after 5 days of progesterone treatment. Pregnancy was established and maintained after embryo transfer. The pregnant mule carried to term and delivered a live donkey foal after 375 days of pregnancy. In conclusion, non-cycling mules treated with oestradiol benzoate and long-acting progesterone can be successfully used as recipients of donkey embryos, which open new ways for the conservation of endangered donkey species

    Elderly as digital immigrants and access and use of digital information technologies and social networks

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    O presente trabalho é um estudo sobre o comportamento de idosos em relação ao uso das redes sociais. O início da internet e a evolução da Web trouxe a necessidade de adaptação dos idosos que antes lidavam apenas com mídias receptivas, como jornal, que não demandavam interação e, ainda, que não exigiam uma dinâmica de uso em tempo real. Nos dias atuais, os idosos são considerados imigrantes digitais, aqueles que nasceram antes da evolução tecnológica e que tem que se adaptar a essa constante mudança. A partir disso, foi realizado um estudo de caso, com o objetivo de identificar como os idosos acessam as redes sociais, quais são as redes mais utilizadas por eles e se teriam interesse em se capacitar no uso das Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e de Comunicação (TDIC). Evidenciou-se que a maioria utiliza o celular para ter acesso a internet e o Whatsapp é a rede social mais usada, seguida pelo Facebook. Muitos idosos demonstraram interesse em se capacitar no letramento informacional visando reduzir o sentimento de vulnerabilidade e fragilidade perante as redes sociais e aumentando sua inserção na era digital.The present work is a study on the behavior of the elderly in relation to the use of social networks. The beginning of the Internet and the evolution of the Web brought the need to adapt the elderly, which previously was only with receptive media, such as newspapers, which do not require interaction and, still, do not require real-time use. Nowadays, the elderly are considered digital immigrants, those who were born before technological evolution and who can adapt to this constant change. From this, a case study was carried out, with the objective of identifying how the elderly access as social networks, which are the networks most used by them and are interested in interests in enabling the use of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC). It became clear that most users use their cell phones to access the Internet and WhatsApp is a more widely used social network, followed by Facebook. Many elderly people showed interest in not allowing personal information to reduce the feeling of vulnerability and fragility observed as social networks and changes in the digital insertion of the era


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    Com os avanços das tecnologias e as transformações que elas sugerem no mercado, o presente artigo tem o intuito de abordar os modelos registrais imobiliários norte-americano e brasileiro, respectivamente, o registro de documentos e o registro de direitos. Nesse sentido, são apresentadas as características e conformações desses modelos, tanto no aspecto de proteção do terceiro adquirente quanto no modo de transmissão da propriedade. Posteriormente, vislumbra-se o impacto que a tecnologia blockchain terá frente a esses modelos registrais, questionando o seu ideal disruptivo ou meramente auxiliar. Ademais, são apresentados os reflexos que a inserção da rede blockchain trará em cada modelo, discutindo-se a sua viabilidade diante dos modelos registrais com características diametralmente opostas. Por fim, busca-se analisar a introdução da blockchain nos modelos registrais sob à ótica da Análise Econômica do Direito, concluindo-se que a depender do modelo utilizado a blockchain pode auxiliar ou não como um redutor das falhas de mercado

    In-hospital outcomes of Infective Endocarditis from 1978 to 2015: analysis through machine-learning techniques

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    © 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of the Canadian Cardiovascular Society. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC- ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)Background: Early identification of patients with infective endocarditis (IE) at higher risk for in-hospital mortality is essential to guide management and improve prognosis. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted of a cohort of patients followed up from 1978 to 2015, classified according to the modified Duke criteria. Clinical parameters, echocardiographic data, and blood cultures were assessed. Techniques of machine learning, such as the classification tree, were used to explain the association between clinical characteristics and in-hospital mortality. Additionally, the log-linear model and graphical random forests (GRaFo) representation were used to assess the degree of dependence among in-hospital outcomes of IE. Results: This study analyzed 653 patients: 449 (69.0%) with definite IE; 204 (31.0%) with possible IE; mean age, 41.3 ± 19.2 years; 420 (64%) men. Mode of IE acquisition: community-acquired (67.6%), nosocomial (17.0%), undetermined (15.4%). Complications occurred in 547 patients (83.7%), the most frequent being heart failure (47.0%), neurologic complications (30.7%), and dialysis-dependent renal failure (6.5%). In-hospital mortality was 36.0%. The classification tree analysis identified subgroups with higher in-hospital mortality: patients with community-acquired IE and peripheral stigmata on admission; and patients with nosocomial IE. The log-linear model showed that surgical treatment was related to higher in-hospital mortality in patients with neurologic complications. Conclusions: The use of a machine-learning model allowed identification of subgroups of patients at higher risk for in-hospital mortality. Peripheral stigmata, nosocomial IE, absence of vegetation, and surgery in the presence of neurologic complications are predictors of fatal outcomes in machine learning-based analysis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Establishment and maintenance of donkey-in-mule pregnancy after embryo transfer in a non-cycling mule treated with oestradiol benzoate and long-acting progesterone

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    Female mules are considered as infertile; however, they could be used as recipients in interspecific embryo transfer. This study reports for the first time how it is possible to obtain the birth of a live Andalusian donkey foal after transfer a donkey embryo to a non-cycling mule. Two non-cycling mules were used as recipients, oestradiol benzoate was administered when donors showed oestrus and long-acting progesterone after ovulation. The mules also received long-acting progesterone every 7 days until 120 days of gestation. One embryo was collected from the two donor jennies and transferred to one of the mules after 5 days of progesterone treatment. Pregnancy was established and maintained after embryo transfer. The pregnant mule carried to term and delivered a live donkey foal after 375 days of pregnancy. In conclusion, non-cycling mules treated with oestradiol benzoate and long-acting progesterone can be successfully used as recipients of donkey embryos, which open new ways for the conservation of endangered donkey species

    Determinantes morfológicos de prognóstico em pneumonia nosocomial: um estudo em autópsias

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    OBJETIVO: Determinar a prevalência de pneumonia nosocomial nas autópsias em um hospital público universitário; identificar os fatores de risco relacionados à pneumonia nosocomial e os potenciais fatores prognósticos relacionados à ocorrência de pneumonia nosocomial fatal; e correlacionar os achados anatomopatológicos com a ocorrência de pneumonia nosocomial e/ou pneumonia aspirativa. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo de 199 pacientes autopsiados, maiores de 1 ano de idade, internados no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu da Universidade Estadual Paulista entre 1999 e 2006, cuja causa de morte (causa básica ou associada) foi pneumonia nosocomial. Testou-se a associação dos dados demográficos, clínicos e anatomopatológicos com os desfechos pneumonia nosocomial fatal e pneumonia aspirativa fatal. As variáveis significativas entraram na análise multivariada. RESULTADOS: A idade média foi de 59 ± 19 anos. A prevalência de pneumonia nosocomial em autópsias foi 29%, e essa foi a causa mortis de 22,6% dos pacientes autopsiados. A pneumonia nosocomial fatal correlacionou-se com os achados anatomopatológicos de alterações estruturais tabágicas (OR = 3,23; IC95%: 1,26-2,95; p = 0,02) e acometimento pulmonar bilateral (OR = 3,23; IC95%: 1,26-8,30; p = 0,01). Não houve associações significativas entre as variáveis e pneumonia aspirativa fatal. CONCLUSÕES: em nossa amostra, a pneumonia nosocomial teve prevalência elevada e foi responsável por quase 25% das mortes. A mortalidade é favorecida por alterações estruturais tabágicas e pneumonia bilateral. Esses achados corroboram os resultados de diversos estudos clínicos sobre pneumonia nosocomial.OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence of nosocomial pneumonia in autopsies at a public university hospital; to identify the risk factors for nosocomial pneumonia and the potential prognostic factors associated with fatal nosocomial pneumonia and with fatal aspiration pneumonia; and to determine whether anatomopathological findings correlate with nosocomial pneumonia or aspiration pneumonia. METHODS: A retrospective study involving 199 autopsied patients, older than 1 year of age, who had been admitted to the São Paulo State University Botucatu School of Medicine Hospital das Clínicas and died of nosocomial pneumonia (underlying or contributing cause), between 1999 and 2006. Demographic, clinical and anatomopathological variables were tested regarding their association with the outcomes (fatal nosocomial pneumonia and fatal aspiration pneumonia). The significant variables were analyzed using multivariate analysis. RESULTS: The mean age was 59 ± 19 years. The prevalence of nosocomial pneumonia in autopsies was 29%, and the disease was the cause of death in 22.6% of the autopsied patients. Fatal nosocomial pneumonia correlated with the following anatomopathological findings: tobacco-associated structural lesions (OR = 3.23; 95% CI: 1.26-2.95; p = 0.02) and bilateral pneumonia (OR = 3.23; 95% CI: 1.26-8.30; p = 0.01). None of the variables were found to be significantly associated with fatal aspiration pneumonia. CONCLUSIONS: In our sample, there was a high prevalence of nosocomial pneumonia, which was responsible for almost 25% of all of the deaths. Smoking-related structural lesions and bilateral pneumonia all favored mortality. These findings corroborate the results of various clinical studies on nosocomial pneumonia

    Frailty identification and management among Brazilian healthcare professionals: a survey

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    BackgroundNational and international guidelines on frailty assessment and management recommend frailty screening in older people. This study aimed to determine how Brazilian healthcare professionals (HCPs) identify and manage frailty in practice.MethodsAn anonymous online survey on the assessment and management of frailty was circulated virtually through HCPs across Brazil.ResultsMost of the respondants used non-specific criteria such as gait speed (45%), handgrip strength (37.6%), and comprehensive geriatric assessment (33.2%). The use of frailty-specific criteria was lower than 50%. The most frequently used criteria were the Frailty Index (19.1%), Frailty Phenotype (13.2%), and FRAIL (12.5%). Only 43.5% felt confident, and 40% had a plan to manage frailty. In the multivariate-adjusted models, training was the most crucial factor associated with assessing frailty, confidence, and having a management plan (p < 0.001 for all). Those with fewer years of experience were more likely to evaluate frailty (p = 0.009). Being a doctor increased the chance of using a specific tool; the opposite was true for dietitians (p = 0.03). Those who assisted more older people had a higher likelihood of having a plan (p = 0.011).ConclusionFrailty assessment was heterogeneous among healthcare professions groups, predominantly using non-specific criteria. Training contributed to frailty assessment, use of specific criteria, confidence, and having a management plan. This data informs the need for standardized screening criteria and management plans for frailty, in association with increasing training at the national level for all the HCPs who assist older people