199 research outputs found

    Plasmatic E-selectin levels were decreased in young women with metabolic syndrome after exercise training

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    Cellular adhesion molecules (CAMs) such as E-selectin are involved in the rolling, adhesion and extravasation of monocytes into the atherosclerotic plaque. Fortunately regular exercise may improve pro-inflammatory status in individuals with metabolic syndrome. Accordingly, this study was designed to determine the influence of exercise on soluble plasmatic E-selectin levels in women with metabolic syndrome. Sixty adult women with metabolic syndrome according to the criteria reported by the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III volunteered for this study. Fourty-five were randomly included in experimental group to perform a 12-weeks aerobic training program, 3 days/week, consisting of warm up (10-min), main part (20-35-min [increasing 5 minutes each 3 weeks]) at a work intensity of 60-75% of peak heart rate (increasing 5% each 3 weeks) and cool-down(10-min). Control group included 15 age, sex and BMI-matched women with metabolic syndrome that will not perform any program. Written informed consent was obtained. Further the protocol was approved by an institutional ethic committee. Plasmatic E-Selectin levels was measured by ELISA, using a commercially available kit (Parameter, R&D Systems) twice: 72-hours before starting the program (pre-test) and after its ending (post-test).Results: When compared to baseline soluble E-Selectin concentration was significantly decreased after the 6-weeks protocol (76.4±7.2 vs 57.1±6.4 ng/ml; p\u3c0.05). No changes were reported in controls. A 12-weeks aerobic training program decreased plasmatic E-Selectin concentration in women with metabolic syndrome

    José Echegaray: neorromanticismo y libre cambio

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    José Echegaray destacó a finales del XIX en el teatro, la política, la ciencia y la economía. Por este motivo, su obra debe ser abordada con un enfoque interdisciplinar. Los críticos del momento señalaron a veces que sus obras eran el resultado de una imaginación desaforada. Sin embargo, Echegaray argumentó justo lo contrario y afirmó que utilizaba procedimientos deductivos rigurosos y que no se apartaba de las corrientes artísticas y científi cas que denunciaban los problemas sociales del momento La influencia del economista francés Frédéric Bastiat se advierte claramente en sus obras y puede ayudarnos a comprender y a explicar algunos de los procedimientos y de los razonamientos que Echegaray emplea en sus obras dramáticas para justifi carlas. Este artículo analiza principalmente El gran Galeoto y Cómo empieza y cómo acaba.José Echegaray was a notable politician, scientist, economist and playwright at the end of the 19th Century. For this reason, his literary work requires an interdisciplinary approach. The critics of his time considered his plays to be the result of an unlimited or extreme imagination. However, Echegaray argues that he uses rigorous deductive procedures in his plays and that he does not deviate from the artistic and scientifi c trends of his time that sought to explore social issues. In fact, the infl uence of the French economist Frédéric Bastiat and the literature on Free Trade of the time are clearly present in his plays and can help us to understand and explain some of the procedures and reasoning that Echegaray uses in his plays. This paper deals with El gran Galeoto and Cómo empieza y cómo acaba in particular

    Exercise improves endothelial dysfunction in young women with metabolic syndrome

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    Recent studies have reported that regular exercise reduces pro-inflammatory biomarkers in women with metabolic syndrome. However, to date little information is available on the influence of exercise on endothelial dysfunction, despite its important role during the development of atherosclerotic plaque. Accordingly, this study was designed to determine the influence of exercise on soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM-1) in women with metabolic syndrome. Sixty adult women with metabolic syndrome according to the criteria reported by the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III volunteered for this study. Fourty-five were randomly included in experimental group to perform a 12-weeks aerobic training program, 3 days/week, consisting of warm up (10-min), main part (20-35-min [increasing 5 minutes each 3 weeks]) at a work intensity of 60-75% of peak heart rate (increasing 5% each 3 weeks) and cool-down (10-min). Control group included 15 age, sex and BMI-matched women with metabolic syndrome who did not perform any program. Written informed consent was obtained. Further the protocol was approved by an institutional ethic committee. Serum soluble VCAM-1 concentration was measured by ELISA, using a commercially available kit (Parameter, R&D Systems) twice: 72-hours before starting the program (pre-test) and after its ending (post-test). When compared to baseline soluble VCAM-1 concentration was significantly decreased after the 6-week protocol (448.3±26.7 vs 372.2±24.7 ng/ml; p\u3c0.05). No changes were reported in controls. A 12-weeks training program decreased soluble VCAM-1 concentration in women with metabolic syndrome. Further studies on this topic are required

    Total serum cholesterol levels and suicide attempts in child and adolescent psychiatric inpatients

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    Associations between cholesterol and suicidal behavior in adolescent patients have not been explored in depth. In this study, 66 patients consecutively admitted to a psychiatric inpatient unit following attempted suicide were compared with a control group of 54 patients with no history of suicide attempts. The age range of the sample was from 8 to 18 years old. Cholesterol levels were significantly lower in attempted suicide patients than in controls (p < 0.02), supporting the hypothesis that lower cholesterol levels might be associated with suicidal behavior in patients with similar acute phase of their disorder

    Verbal Memory and IQ Predict Adaptive Behavior in Children and Adolescents with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders

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    Adaptive deficits are commonly found in high functioning autism spectrum disorders (HF-ASD) despite of cognitive potential. Most studies have focused on the relationships between adaptive behavior and intellectual quotient (IQ) and have used correlations to study relationships between them. Few studies have analyzed cognitive variables other than IQ as potential predictors of adaptive behavior in HF-ASD using regression methods. This study aimed to analyze the impact of several cognitive variables on adaptive behavior in a sample of children and adolescents with HF-ASD. METHODS: Sample included 16 child and adolescent boys with HF-ASD (age between 7-17 years). Cognitive assessment included measures of general intelligence, visual memory, verbal memory, working memory and problem solving/flexibility tests. Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS) was used to evaluate adaptive behavior. To establish the predictive capacity of the cognitive variables for adaptive functioning, linear regression models were fitted for each adaptive domain using a stepwise method. RESULTS: Verbal memory and IQ emerged as the main independent predictors for VABS adaptive scores. The 41% of the variance in Communication was predicted by IQ. The 35% of the variance in Daily Living Skills was predicted by verbal memory. Almost half of the variance in Socialization was predicted by both, verbal memory and IQ (49%). No other cognitive functions were associated with adaptive scores. CONCLUSIONS: The results highlight the strong impact of IQ and verbal memory on adaptive behavior in HF-ASD patients. These findings could contribute to identify potential targets of intervention

    Incidence of hypohidration in athletes and sedentary male adults with intellectual disability

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    El presente estudio descriptivo de tipo transversal se diseñó para determinar el nivel de hidratación de deportistas con discapacidad intelectual y su comparación con adultos sedentarios con la misma discapacidad. Participaron 22 deportistas federados que realizan el mismo programa de entrenamiento además de 22 adultos sedentarios ajustados en sexo, edad y cociente de inteligencia. Los parámetros ensayados fueron la densidad urinaria determinada mediante refractómetro así como la ingesta diaria de líquido adlibitum. Este protocolo fue aprobado por un Comité de Ética Institucional. Tan solo 6 deportistas (21,6%) presentaron valores de euhidratación frente a 9 (40,9%) de los participantes sedentarios incluidos en el grupo control. Las únicas diferencias significativas respecto a la ingesta de líquidos se estableció precisamente entre deportistas y sedentarios con euhidratación. Se concluye que los deportistas con discapacidad intelectual se encuentran en riesgo de deshidratación que podría explicarse, al menos en parte, por una insuficiente ingesta hídricaThe current study was designed to determine hydration status of well-trained, male athletes with ID. A secondary purpose was to compare these results with hydration status of sedentary young adults with ID. A total of 22 athletes with ID volunteered for this cross-sectional, descriptive study. The control group included 22, age, sex and IQ-matched sedentary adults with ID. Main outcome measurements were urine specific gravity (USG) and daily fluid intake for three consecutive days. With regard to athletes with ID, it was found that 5 participants (21,7%) stayed significantly hypohydrated, 12 athletes (52,2%) appeared hypohydrated and 6 participants (26,1%) stayed euhydrated. In fact, a significantly lower percentage of athletes was euhydrated when compared to sedentary matched adults with ID (26,1vs.40,9%;χ2=5,67;p<001). In conclusion, athletes with ID are at increased risk of dehydration that may be explained, at least in part, given that ad-libitum fluid consumption was insufficien

    8-weeks of aerobic training program decreases Malondialdehyde concentration in stressed rats

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    In recent years it has been shown that psychological stress induced by immobilization changes the balance between pro-oxidant and antioxidant factors inducing oxidative damage. Fortunately several studies have reported that regular exercise may reduce oxidative damage. Consequently, the present work was designed to assess the influence of an 8-week moderate intensity swimming training program in psychological stressed rats. To get this goal, sixty 6-8-weeks-old male albino Wistar rats weighing 145-155 g were used in this experimental study. They were divided into three groups: control (lot A; n=20), stressed (lot B; n=20) and stressed & exercised (lot C; n=20). Rats were stressed by placing animals in a 25x7 cm plastic bottle 1 h/day, 5 day/week for 8 weeks. The policy statement of the American College of Sports Medicine on Research with Experimental Animals was followed. Malondialdehyde (MDA) content values in liver homogenates were significantly decreased in stressed & exercised animals (29.4±3.6 vs 21.8±2.7; p\u3c0.001) when compared with stressed rats. It can be concluded that an 8-week moderate intensity training program reduced lipoperoxidation induced by psychological stress

    Trigo 2021: el virus del mosaico estriado del trigo (WSMV), también presente en el sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires.

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    Mediante este reporte se informa el diagnóstico del virus del mosaico estriado del trigo causado por el Wheat Streak Mosaic Virus (WSMV) en un lote de producción del sur de la provincia de Buenos Aires, en la localidad de Carmen de Patagones.EEA BalcarceFil: Montoya, Marina Rosa Alejandra. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible; Argentina.Fil: Alemandri, Vanina María. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Patología Vegetal; Argentina.Fil: Zabaleta, Mauro. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Instituto de Innovación para la Producción Agropecuaria y el Desarrollo Sostenible; Argentina.Fil: Fornieles, J. Actividad Privada; ArgentinaFil: Cantera, G. Actividad Privada; Argentin