762 research outputs found

    I paesi lontani e lo straniero nelle Lettere curiose

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    The Lettere curiose translate into Italian a selection of texts from the Marquis d'Argens' Lettres Juives, a work that had great success throughout Europe. The Italian version, attributed to the Venetian Ponziano Conti, succeeds in a difficult undertaking: to offer the public of Italian readers a text that can not only overcome the barriers of the national censorships and the obstacles of the cultural differences, but also preserve the elements the caused the success of the French text

    Cross-Language Question Re-Ranking

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    We study how to find relevant questions in community forums when the language of the new questions is different from that of the existing questions in the forum. In particular, we explore the Arabic-English language pair. We compare a kernel-based system with a feed-forward neural network in a scenario where a large parallel corpus is available for training a machine translation system, bilingual dictionaries, and cross-language word embeddings. We observe that both approaches degrade the performance of the system when working on the translated text, especially the kernel-based system, which depends heavily on a syntactic kernel. We address this issue using a cross-language tree kernel, which compares the original Arabic tree to the English trees of the related questions. We show that this kernel almost closes the performance gap with respect to the monolingual system. On the neural network side, we use the parallel corpus to train cross-language embeddings, which we then use to represent the Arabic input and the English related questions in the same space. The results also improve to close to those of the monolingual neural network. Overall, the kernel system shows a better performance compared to the neural network in all cases.Comment: SIGIR-2017; Community Question Answering; Cross-language Approaches; Question Retrieval; Kernel-based Methods; Neural Networks; Distributed Representation

    Production of n-propyl acetate by reactive distillation : experimental and theoretical study

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    First steps of the development of a catalytic reactive distillation process for the production of n-propyl acetate based on experiments and simulations are proposed. The kinetics for homogeneously (sulphuric acid) and heterogeneously (Amberlyst 15) catalysed reaction were investigated and the constants for a pseudo-homogeneous model are presented. Pilot plant experiments were performed using a homogeneous strong acid catalyst in a packed column. A top-column decanter is used to withdraw the aqueous phase and to reflux the organic phase. Simulation results are in good agreement with experimental data. Thermodynamics nonidealities are taken into account using VLE and LLE NRTL interaction parameters. Alcohol conversion and n-propyl acetate purity may be dramatically increased just by adding to the pilot plant a stripping section in an additional column: six different configurations are identified to achieve such a production. The startup is studied in order to determine the best strategy to achieve steady-state conditions. The strong influence of the composition of the initial charging in the decanter can be seen and an initial charging of the two-phase top product leads to the fastest startup

    Effects of water and CMA in mitigating industrial road dust resuspension

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    Water spraying and/or chemical suppressants such as salts and polymers have been suggested to reduce road dust resuspension due to their capability to increase adhesion, and therefore the effective size and weight of particles, but contrasting results have been obtained so further testing are needed. This study presents the first results of street washing and Calcium Magnesium Acetate (CMA) efficiencies at two industrial roads (paved and unpaved) in the Mediterranean region where the high solar radiation, warm climate, and scarce precipitation, may play a key role in determining the efficiency of mitigation techniques Results show that, at both sites, street washing (water only) was more effective than CMA. Street washing made observe 18% (daily basis) and >90% (first hour) reductions of kerbside PM10 concentrations for the paved and unpaved road respectively, while with CMA PM10 decrease was generally lower and with less statistical significance.his work was funded by AIRUSE LIFE+ ENV/ES/584 project. The study was also partially funded by Spanish Ministry of Environment through the Fundación Biodiversidad, with project acronym EMIDIF. The logistic support from the City Hall of L'Alcora, and the Cantera La Torreta (grupo ORIGEN MATERIALES) company is also acknoweldged. Fulvio Amato is beneficiary of the Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral grant (JCI-2012-13473). Support is acknowledged to Generalitat de Catalunya 2014 SGR33 and to AXA Research Fund

    The Prognosis of Root Canal Therapy: a 20-year Follow-up Ambispective Cohort Study on 411 Patients With 1169 Endodontically Treated Teeth

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    PURPOSE To evaluate the 20-year prognosis of endodontically treated/re-treated teeth in a population with multiple patient/tooth/site risk factors, and to investigate the prognostic factors that could predict the long-term outcome of endodontic therapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS This ambispective cohort study included patients who received primary/secondary root canal therapy from 1986 to 1998 performed by a single operator in a private practice. Outcomes measures were: tooth survival; clinical and radiographic success, as assessed by the treating clinician and an independent outcome assessor; and complications, as evaluated 20 years after treatment. Descriptive statisti-cs, life table and Cox regression analyses for survival were fitted. RESULTS Four hundred and eleven patients (59% affected by advanced periodontitis) with 1169 endodontically treated teeth were identified (703 treatment, 466 retreatment). Drop-outs at 20-year follow-up were 128 patients (31.1%) with 388 (33.2%) teeth. Forty teeth (3.4%) in 30 patients experienced endodontic complications, subsequently successfully treated. Clinical and radiographic evaluation revealed: complete clinical success in 542 teeth (69.7%), partial success in 10 (1.3%), partial failure in 75 (9.6%), and failure in 151 (19.4%) (10 extracted for endodontic reasons, 58 due to periodontitis, and 58 vertical fracture). Life table analysis revealed 86% tooth survival at 20-year follow-up. The chance of survival decreased with increasing patient age (P = 0.006). Re-treated teeth had better survival than treated teeth (P = 0.024) Canines and premolars had better chances of survival than incisors (P = 0.002 and P = 0.015, respectively). Teeth treated at two sittings (with intermediate medication) had reduced chances of survival as compared to teeth treated at one sitting (P = 0.027). Teeth treated for the first time for endodontic reasons exhibited a better chance of survival than teeth treated for periodontal and prosthetic reasons (P = 0.012). CONCLUSIONS The 20-year prognosis of endodontically treated/re-treated teeth as part of multidisciplinary rehabilitation of patients affected by advanced periodontitis is good. Aging, two-stage endodontic treatment, and endodontic treatment for non-endodontic reasons are important predictors of failure

    Identificação do gene pccB A partir da varredura de uma biblioteca genômica de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis visando uma vacina contra linfadenite caseosa.

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    Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis é o agente etiológico da linfadenite caseosa (LC), que acomete principalmente ovinos e caprinos. Esta doença é causadora de grandes problemas na ovinocaprinocultura. Diversas pesquisas tem sido realizadas na busca de uma vacina eficaz contra a LC. Estudos recentes utilizando um gene reporter em C. pseudotuberculosis, identificou a expressão do gene pccB (cadeia β da propionil CoA carboxilase) em macrófagos, indicando um possível envolvimento na virulência deste patógeno e um bom antígeno a ser explorado no desenvolvimento de uma nova estratégia vacinal. Como a sequência deste gene ainda não está disponível em banco de dados, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar varredura em uma biblioteca genômica de C. pseudotuberculosis para identificação completa da sequência do gene pccB. Uma sonda foi gerada a partir de um fragmento parcial do gene pccB marcado com [α32P]dCTP. A biblioteca genômica foi plaqueada em placas de lise para obter 2X103 pfu/placa e em seguida transferida para membranas de nylon previamente tratadas com soluções desnaturante, neutralizante e de pré-hibridização, a fim de, posteriormente, reagir com a sonda radioativa seguido da exposição das membranas a um filme de raio X. Dois clones positivos foram isolados e utilizados como template em reação de PCR, utilizando primers específicos da biblioteca genômica, gerando produtos de 3 Kb que foram sequenciados e analisados por BlastX, verificando-se 82% de identidade com o gene pccB2 de C. diphtheriae. Acreditando que haja sintenia entre as duas espécies mencionadas, foram desenhados primers com genes que flanqueiam o gene pccB2 de C. diphtheriae. Esses foram utilizados como iniciadores em reação de PCR, tendo como molde o DNA genômico de C. Pseudotuberculosis, gerando um fragmento de 2,1 Kb que foi clonado no vetor pGEM-T easy, sequenciado e analisado por BlastX. Resultados preliminares indicam que novos primers precisam ser desenhados para concluir a sequência deste gene

    Evaluación de daños y actuaciones de rehabilitación en la iglesia de San Nicolás de Eduardo Torroja (Gandía, 1962)

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    The church of San Nicolas in Gandia (1962), is the posthumous work of Eduardo Torroja Miret, engineer, in collaboration with Gonzalo Echegaray Comba, architect. The temple is characterized by its unique structure: two folded sheets of post-tensioned concrete, supported on the side walls, with 29 meters span. In 1996, the detection of cracks in the concrete and spalling, made it advisable an inspection and evaluation of the damages detected in the building, mostly caused by the corrosion of reinforcement concrete, and concluded by recommending repair them. This paper explains the structural system of the temple, describes the identified damages in the structure, exposes the refurbishment project and displays the works executed during the intervention. The work was completed just in time for the 50th anniversary of its construction in 2012.La iglesia de San Nicolás de Gandía (1962), es la obra póstuma del ingeniero Eduardo Torroja Miret, en colaboración con el arquitecto Gonzalo Echegaray Comba. El templo se caracteriza por su singular estructura: dos láminas plegadas de hormigón armado postesado, apoyadas en los testeros, salvando una luz de 29 m. En el año 1996, la detección de fisuras en el hormigón y desprendimientos de recubrimientos de las armaduras, hicieron aconsejable una inspección y evaluación exhaustiva de las lesiones que presentaba el edificio, mayormente producidas por la corrosión de las armaduras del hormigón, y que concluyó recomendando la reparación de las mismas. El presente trabajo explica el sistema estructural del templo, describe los daños detectados en la estructura, expone el proyecto de rehabilitación que se elaboró y muestra las obras que se ejecutaron durante la intervención. Las obras finalizaron justo para la celebración del 50 aniversario de su construcción en 2012

    Soluble RAGE in COPD, with or without coexisting obstructive sleep apnoea

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    Background: Hypoxia can reduce the levels of soluble receptor for advanced glycation end-products (sRAGE), a new anti-inflammatory biomarker of COPD. We assessed sRAGE in patients with hypoxia-related diseases such as COPD, OSA and OSA-COPD overlap. Methods: Plasma levels of sRAGE were measured in 317 subjects at baseline (57 heathy nonsmokers HNS], 84 healthy smokers HS], 79 OSA, 62 COPD and 35 OSA-COPD overlap patients) and in 294 subjects after one year of follow-up (50 HNS, 74 HS, 77 OSA, 60 COPD and 33 overlap). Results: After adjusting for age, sex, smoking status and body mass index, sRAGE levels showed a reduction in OSA (- 12.5%, p = 0.005), COPD (- 14.8%, p < 0.001) and OSA-COPD overlap (- 12.3%, p = 0.02) compared with HNS. There were no differences when comparing sRAGE plasma levels between overlap patients and those with OSA or COPD alone. At follow-up, sRAGE levels did not change significantly in healthy subjects, COPD and OSA or OSA-COPD overlap nontreated with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Moreover, in patients with OSA and OSA-COPD overlap who were treated with CPAP, sRAGE increased significantly. Conclusions: The levels of sRAGE are reduced in COPD and OSA. Treatment with CPAP appears to improve sRAGE levels in patients with OSA who also had COPD

    Análise da variabilidade intra-espécie dos genes pld e rpoB de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis por meio de marcadores PCR-RFLP.

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    Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis é o agente etiológico da linfadenite caseosa em ovinos e caprinos, uma doença infectocontagiosa crônica caracterizada por abscessos em linfonodos superficiais ou internos. Os animais acometidos podem apresentar lesões internas ou externas, o que representa perdas econômicas graves na caprinovinocultura, como o comprometimento da produção de lã em ovinos, deficiência reprodutiva, condenação da carne ou morte do animal. Uma vez estabelecida a infecção no rebanho, torna-se difícil sua erradicação. Com o objetivo de avaliar a variabilidade genética intra-espécie em C. pseudotuberculosis, 31 isolados provenientes de seis municípios do Estado de Pernambuco, sendo 23 de caprinos e oito de ovinos, tiveram os seus DNAs genômicos extraídos e analisados por reação em cadeia da polimerase e análise de polimorfismos por tamanho de fragmentos de restrição (PCR-RFLP). Os locis escolhidos foram os genes pld e rpoB, cujas seqüências dos oligonucleotídeos amplificaram fragmentos de 924 e 447 pares de bases (pb), respectivamente. Os produtos da amplificação foram digeridos com as enzimas Pst I e Msp I (gene pld) e HpyCh4 IV e Msp I (gene rpoB). Os fragmentos de restrição foram corridos em gel de poliacrilamida a 15%, os quais foram corados com brometo de etídeo. Para o gene pld, digerido com a enzima Pst I, foram obtidos fragmentos de 566, 195, 91 e 72 pb; e com a enzima Msp I, fragmentos de 395, 369, 108 e 52 pb. O gene rpoB digerido com a enzima HpyCh4 IV apresentou fragmentos de 235, 126 e 86 pb; e com a enzima Msp I apresentou fragmentos de 222, 93, 78 e 54 pb. O padrão de bandas obtido para os 31 isolados de C. pseudotuberculosis, analisados neste estudo, foi monomórfico, não havendo, portanto, polimorfismo entre os diferentes isolados, independentes da espécie hospedeira ou da área geográfica estudada, o que corrobora com o padrão homogêneo da infecção para a região.bitstream/CNPGC-2009-09/12402/1/DOC167.pd