450 research outputs found

    The smectitic minerals in a bentonite deposit from melo (Uruguay)

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    International audienceA nearly monomineralic 1.5 m thick bentonite bed sampled in Melo (Uruguay) appears to be a pure high-charge montmorillonite: [Si3.94 Al0.06] (Al1.40 Fe 3+ 0.11 Ti0.02 Mg0.49 Mn0.01) O10 (OH)2 Na0.01 K0.08 Ca0.18. However, contrasting swelling behaviors have been evidenced by fitting the experimental X-ray diffraction patterns recorded on oriented preparations of the same sample in different saturation states. According to the expandability of the layers in the Ca-, K- and K-Ca-saturated (that is saturated first with K + and subsequently with Ca2+) states, three "layer types" were defined. Low-, intermediate-, and high-charge layers are fully, partly, and not expandable, respectively, after K-saturation. Collapse of high-charge layers is not reversible after subsequent Ca-saturation, most likely because of tetrahedral substitutions. These three different layer types are segregated in two distinct randomly interstratified mixedlayer phases. TSA and CEC are shown to depend on the interlayer cation composition

    The Impact of Religion and Social Support on Self-Reported Happiness in Latin American Immigrants in Spain

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    The Latin American immigrant population in Spain is growing year after year. The aim of this study is to describe how religious coping mechanisms, religiosity, acculturation and social support act in the prediction of happiness within the group of Latin American immigrants with Christian beliefs in Spain. Previous studies indicate that religious practice can be a factor that favors the perception of well-being and happiness in people. It is considered that the existence of close sources of support act as a key resource in facing stressful situations. A questionnaire consisting of 36 items was administered to a sample made up of 206 subjects of different Latin American nationalities who were going through a migration process. It was observed that religiosity, social support, religious coping mechanisms and gender were related to the perception of happiness. The results underline the importance of considering religiosity and social support together while intervening to improve the perception of happiness of Latin American immigrants in Spain.Depto. de Psicología Social, del Trabajo y DiferencialFac. de PsicologíaTRUEpu

    Morphometry, body weight, and winter diet of least seedsnipe <i>Thinocorus rumicivorus</i> in Buenos Aires Province

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    La subespecie del sur de la Agachona Chica (<i>Thinocorus rumicivorus rumicivorus</i>) es un ave de estepas, vegas y lagunas que, en Argentina, habita en la Patagonia. Durante la época invernal migra al centro de Chile y noreste de Argentina y Uruguay. Los productores consideran que las bandadas migratorias de esta ave utilizan sus cultivos de invierno y recurren a métodos de control químico. Como la información sobre su biología es escasa, se presenta información de ocho individuos capturados en un cultivo de colza (<i>Brassica napus</i>) de la localidad de Chillar, provincia de Buenos Aires en julio de 2004. El peso promedio de los individuos fue de 54.3 g. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en la morfometría entre los sexos. El contenido estomacal tuvo un peso promedio de 0.42 g, variando el contenido vegetal entre 11–67% del total. El resto estuvo formado por fragmentos de origen mineral. En orden decreciente de predominancia se encontraron semillas de las familias Polygonaceae, Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Fabaceae, Convolvulaceae, Chenopodiaceae y Asteraceae. No se hallaron restos de colza en ninguno de los contenidos analizados. La Agachona Chica parece alimentarse principalmente de la vegetación que crece como maleza en los cultivos. Se recomienda desarrollar estudios más detallados sobre su dieta y hábitos de alimentación, dado que la especie es blanco de control químico entre los agricultores de Buenos Aires.The southern subspecies of the Least Seedsnipe (<i>Thinocorus rumicivorus rumicivorus</i>) inhabits steppes, water meadows and lagoons, and in Argentina it occurs in Patagonia. During the winter it migrates to central Chile and northeastern Argentina and Uruguay. Farmers believe that these migrating birds feed on their winter crops and apply chemical control methods on them. Since information on the biology of the Least Seedsnipe is scarce, we analyzed eight specimens captured in an oilseed rape (<i>Brassica napus</i>) crop in Chillar, Buenos Aires Province, in July 2004. Mean body weight of the specimens was 54.3 g. No significant morphometric differences were noted between sexes. Mean stomach content weight was 0.42 g, and vegetal contents ranged between 11–67%. The remaining stomach contents were mineral fragments. In decreasing order of predominance, seeds of the following families were found: Polygonaceae, Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Fabaceae, Convolvulaceae, Chenopodiaceae, and Asteraceae. No rests of oilseed rape were found in any of the analyzed stomach contents. We infer that Least Seedsnipe feeds mostly on vegetation growing as weeds in crops. Being this species a target of chemical control by Buenos Aires farmers, we recommend that more thorough diet and foraging studies should be carried out

    An accurate record of volcanic ash fall deposition as characterized by dispersed organic matter in a Lower Permian tonstein bed (Faxinal Coalfield, Paraná Basin, Brazil)

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    For the first time, the dispersed organic matter in the tonstein layer interbedded with a coal seam in the Faxinal Coalfield (Sakmarian, Southern Paraná Basin, Brazil) is characterized. The deposition of clusters of pollen grains was highly influenced by the intense ash fall process that probably occurred during seasonal dehiscence of reproductive structures. The well-preserved phytoclasts with their upper and lower leaf cuticles stuck together indicate that the rapid fall of ash on this material hindered organic biodegradation. The preservation of seemingly autochthonous Botryococcus colonies at the top of the tonstein layer is evidence of the subaqueous deposition of this layer. The darkening in cuticles and xylem phytoclasts can be attributed to different causes: the thermal influence of ash fall during deposition, chemical effects of the ash, prolonged oxidation of organic matter in low water level conditions or the burning of plant organs by wildfires. Analyses of dispersed organic matter along the tonstein layer showed that the organic matter succession reflects the composition of different plant strata (herbaceous pteridophytes and arboreal glossopterids-cordaitaleans) around the deposition site

    An accurate record of volcanic ash fall deposition as characterized by dispersed organic matter in a lower Permian tonstein layer (Faxinal Coalfield, Paraná Basin, Brazil)

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    For the first time, the dispersed organic matter in the tonstein layer interbedded with a coal seam in the Faxinal Coalfield (Sakmarian, Southern Paraná Basin, Brazil) is characterized. The deposition of clusters of pollen grains was highly influenced by the intense ash fall process that probably occurred during seasonal dehiscence of reproductive structures. The well-preserved phytoclasts with their upper and lower leaf cuticles stuck together indicate that the rapid fall of ash on this material hindered organic biodegradation. The preservation of seemingly autochthonous Botryococcus colonies at the top of the tonstein layer is evidence of the subaqueous deposition of this layer. The darkening in cuticles and xylem phytoclasts can be attributed to different causes: the thermal influence of ash fall during deposition, chemical effects of the ash, prolonged oxidation of organic matter in low water level conditions or the burning of plant organs by wildfires. Analyses of dispersed organic matter along the tonstein layer showed that the organic matter succession reflects the composition of different plant strata (herbaceous pteridophytes and arboreal glossopterids-cordaitaleans) around the deposition site

    Multiple scattering approach to DAFS

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    In this article we outline a general approach to the anomalous correction to the atomic scattering factor ab initio calculation based on the multiple scattering theory. This approach can be used for structural determination in any system and in particular in the surfaces where symmetry conditions make usual analysis impossible. We show as an application of the formalism calculations related to experimental data of bulk Ge

    Use of Green Sulla Forage for Feeding. 1. Effects on Lamb Growth and Gastrointestinal Nematode Parasite Infestation

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    Recent studies have shown that some forage legumes containing condensed tannins (CT), such as sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.), can reduce the gastrointestinal nematode burden in sheep (Niezen et al., 1998) and increase post-ruminal protein availability (Waghorn et al., 1994). This study aimed to evaluate the anthelmintic and nutritional properties of sulla forage in relation to its CT content. Thus, the growth performance and the level of nematode infestation of lambs fed sulla were compared with those of lambs fed ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam. subsp. wersterwoldicum), lacking in CT

    Respuesta reproductiva de conejas alimentadas con dietas enriquecidas con aceite de salmón

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    Un total de 136 conejas luníparasse alimentaron ad libitum desde las 10 semanas de edad con dos piensos isofibrosos, isoenergéticos e isoproteicos formulados con dos fuentes de grasa diferentes: manteca (grupo C; n=68) y un suplemento a base de aceite de salmón rico en ácidos grasos poliinsaturados (PUFA) n=3 (grupo P, n=68) con un nivel de inclusión de 1,5% (7,5g/kg) hasta el primer parto y de 3% (15g/kg) hasta el 2º destete. El peso y la composición corporal de las conejas a lo largo del estudio fueron similares entre grupos a pesar de que las conejas del grupo P redujeron el consumo al incrementar el nivel de inclusión de PUFA n-3. La prolificidad, el peso de los gazapos al nacimiento y el número de destetados fue similar en los dos grupos pero en los gazapos del grupo C la ganancia media diaria tendió a ser mayo, así como su peso al destete. No obstante, la fertilidad media fue más de un 12% superior en las conejas del grupo P, por lo que, el número estimado de gazapos destetados por coneja y año resultó mayor en ellas. En conclusión, el incremento en los niveles de inclusión de ácidos grasos poliisaturados n-3 de 7,5 a 15 g/kg después del primer parto disminuyó el consumo de las madres reduciendo el crecimiento de sus camadas pero incidiendo positivamente sobre su fertilidad