9 research outputs found

    Structure of BRCA1-BRCT/Abraxas Complex Reveals Phosphorylation-Dependent BRCT Dimerization at DNA Damage Sites.

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    BRCA1 accumulation at DNA damage sites is an important step for its function in the DNA damage response and in DNA repair. BRCA1-BRCT domains bind to proteins containing the phosphorylated serine-proline-x-phenylalanine (pSPxF) motif including Abraxas, Bach1/FancJ, and CtIP. In this study, we demonstrate that ionizing radiation (IR)-induces ATM-dependent phosphorylation of serine 404 (S404) next to the pSPxF motif. Crystal structures of BRCT/Abraxas show that phosphorylation of S404 is important for extensive interactions through the N-terminal sequence outside the pSPxF motif and leads to formation of a stable dimer. Mutation of S404 leads to deficiency in BRCA1 accumulation at DNA damage sites and cellular sensitivity to IR. In addition, two germline mutations of BRCA1 are found to disrupt the dimer interface and dimer formation. Thus, we demonstrate a mechanism involving IR-induced phosphorylation and dimerization of the BRCT/Abraxas complex for regulating Abraxas-mediated recruitment of BRCA1 in response to IR.We thank beamline scientists at Diamond Light Source for help during data collection of crystal and SAXS. The crystallization experiments were performed in the Crystallographic X-ray facility at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge. We are grateful to the Facility Manager, Dr. Dimitri Chirgadze, for his assistance in using these facilities and advice during crystal structure determination. We also thank Dr. Yanfen Hu (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonia) for the pFlag-BRCA1 plasmid and Dr. Angela Pacitto (University of Cambridge) for reading the manuscript. We thank Dr. Adriana Paulucci-Holthanuzen (Department of Genetics-MD Anderson Microscopy Core Facility) for assistance with images and analysis. Q.W., T.O. and T.L.B. are funded by the Wellcome Trust (Grant 093167/Z/10/Z). A.P. is an awardee of the Schissler Foundation Fellowship, the Center for Cancer Epigenetics Scholarship and the Andrew Sowell-Wade Huggins Scholarship. This work is supported by the National Institutes of Health grant (CA155025 to B.W) with funds from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (IRG, Center for Cancer Epigenetics, Center for Genetics and Genomics Pilot Award). S.M. is funded by the Medical Research Council (grant 98101 to C.V.R.) and C.V.R. is a Royal Society Research Professor. T.K.F and B.X. are supported by National Institutes of Health grant (R01CA138804 to B.X).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Cell Press via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.molcel.2015.12.01

    BRCA2 associates with MCM10 to suppress PRIMPOL-mediated repriming and single-stranded gap formation after DNA damage.

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    The BRCA2 tumor suppressor protects genome integrity by promoting homologous recombination-based repair of DNA breaks, stability of stalled DNA replication forks and DNA damage-induced cell cycle checkpoints. BRCA2 deficient cells display the radio-resistant DNA synthesis (RDS) phenotype, however the mechanism has remained elusive. Here we show that cells without BRCA2 are unable to sufficiently restrain DNA replication fork progression after DNA damage, and the underrestrained fork progression is due primarily to Primase-Polymerase (PRIMPOL)-mediated repriming of DNA synthesis downstream of lesions, leaving behind single-stranded DNA gaps. Moreover, we find that BRCA2 associates with the essential DNA replication factor MCM10 and this association suppresses PRIMPOL-mediated repriming and ssDNA gap formation, while having no impact on the stability of stalled replication forks. Our findings establish an important function for BRCA2, provide insights into replication fork control during the DNA damage response, and may have implications in tumor suppression and therapy response

    BRCA1 frameshift variants leading to extended incorrect protein C termini

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    Summary: Carriers of BRCA1 germline pathogenic variants are at substantially higher risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer than the general population. Accurate identification of at-risk individuals is crucial for risk stratification and the implementation of targeted preventive and therapeutic interventions. Despite significant progress in variant classification efforts, a sizable portion of reported BRCA1 variants remain as variants of uncertain clinical significance (VUSs). Variants leading to premature protein termination and loss of essential functional domains are typically classified as pathogenic. However, the impact of frameshift variants that result in an extended incorrect terminus is not clear. Using validated functional assays, we conducted a systematic functional assessment of 17 previously reported BRCA1 extended incorrect terminus variants (EITs) and concluded that 16 constitute loss-of-function variants. This suggests that most EITs are likely to be pathogenic. However, one variant, c.5578dup, displayed a protein expression level, affinity to known binding partners, and activity in transcription and homologous recombination assays comparable to the wild-type BRCA1 protein. Twenty-three additional carriers of c.5578dup were identified at a US clinical diagnostic lab and assessed using a family history likelihood model providing, in combination with the functional data, a likely benign interpretation. These results, consistent with family history data in the current study and available data from ClinVar, indicate that most, but not all, BRCA1 variants leading to an extended incorrect terminus constitute loss-of-function variants and underscore the need for comprehensive assessment of individual variants