529 research outputs found

    Onkruidbeheersing in biologisch kleinfruit, een probleem met vele gezichten

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    Gedurende een periode van twee jaar werden oplossingen gezocht voor enkele vragen die de biologische kleinfruitsector ons voorlegde bij het ontstaan van dit project. Er wordt hier bewust over onkruidbeheersing gesproken, niet over onkruidbestrijding. Door de diversiteit van de sector werden de acties op maat uitgewerkt. Verschillende teeltwijzen en verschillende technieken en toepassingen werden gedemonstreerd of in proef aangelegd. Daarnaast werd de problematiek per type bedrijf in kaart gebracht en werden ook de belangrijkste onkruiden in de biologische kleinfruitteelt bij elkaar gezet. De grote diversiteit aan methodes gecombineerd met de verscheidenheid aan bedrijven, teelten, teeltsystemen en visies maken dat onkruidbeheersing op 1001 manieren aangepakt kan worden. Onder andere verschillende afdekkingsmaterialen en de inzet van pluimvee in de strijd tegen onkruid werden proefmatig onderzocht. De 10 meest voorkomende en meest problematische onkruiden die geïnventariseerd werden bij 10 bezochte bedrijven, werden in overzichtelijke fiches gegoten met informatie over de groeiwijze en de beste manieren voor het aanpakken van het onkrui

    Modelling of electronic textiles

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    Learning to Read Country: Bruce Pascoe’s Earth, an Indigenous Ecological Allegory

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    Allegories contain specific forms and techniques which define a text as an allegory, including an intention written into the text. The reader is required to make an effort to determine that intention if they are to uncover the allegory. Also, allegories function didactically to educate the reader in a certain way, and, through that education, transform the reader. This is the traditional function of allegory.In this paper, I read Bruce Pascoe’s 2001 novel, Earth, as an example of what I term an ‘Indigenous ecological allegory’. The novel encodes in allegorical form an Indigenous worldview of the natural world. Many theorists agree that such a worldview can broadly be termed ecological. The didactic principle is to educate the reader about this Indigenous worldview of Country. As the reader comes to an understanding of Country, the narrative events, which describe a colonial (1880s) war between non-indigenous and indigenous people, as well as the language that encodes those events, become re-interpreted through this alternative metaphysics. What emerges is a possibility for the overturning of incipient dualism. The growth in the reader’s knowledge of Country opens the way to mutual acceptance. Country makes welcome all people to its land on the provision of respect and a commitment to its care.Pascoe’s novel utilises medieval allegorical forms, techniques and strategies in order to expose the narratives and language of the Australian Tradition to the language of the ‘other’ of Indigenous Country, that is (more specifically) the Wathaurong language and worldview that it encodes. The allegorical techniques include a cyclic narrative structure involving a Threshold scene followed by related scenes and commentary, direct address to the reader, narrative digression, debate, allegorical names and puns. Using these techniques, Pascoe uncovers a polysemy that has developed within the English language in its encounter with the Indigenous people. Finally, while allegory has yet to be studied in ecocrticisim as a form for writing nature, I argue that it is an ideal literary form in which Nature and an ecological worldview may be portrayed in a written text. 


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    Targeting vulnerable populations : a synthetic review on alcohol use and risky sexual behaviour among migrant populations

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    Background: Research has demonstrated a link between alcohol use and risky sexual behaviour among different types of migrant populations. Therefore, research investigating risk factors associated with alcohol consumption among them is a public health priority. This review aimed to explore the intersection between migration, alcohol consumption and risky sexual behaviour. Methods: This article is a synthetic review of empirical studies on the association of alcohol and high-risk sexual behaviour among different types of the migrant populations, focusing on measurable outcomes generated from quantitative data. A descriptive analysis generated from global and situational studies was used to interpret the reviewed research and to discuss critically the factors that drive migrants to engage in alcohol consumption and high-risk behaviour. Results: This review found out that there is a significant and positive association between global and situational alcohol use and several outcomes of risky sexual behaviour among different types of migrant populations. This association was however mainly observed at high quantities and frequencies of alcohol use, mainly among male migrants, and was often tied to a specific situation or context, for instance the type of sexual partner, the level of mobility and to environmental factors such as living arrangements and entertainment venues. Conclusions: The study supports previous research that alcohol use is associated with risky sexual behaviour among different types of migrant populations. Therefore, future interventions should target mobile, male migrant heavy drinkers. Additional research is needed using more event-level and longitudinal methodologies that overcome prior methodological limitations

    The different levels of magneto-mechanical coupling in energy conversion machines and devices

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    This paper reviews the methods for coupling the magnetic and mechanical problems in magnetic materials and their application to electrical machines. The reviewed methods include both the material models and the computing methods as well as the methods for computing the magnetic forces. The paper shows that there are different levels of coupling the magnetic system with the mechanical one and that the use of a method or another depends on the application and the level of accuracy aimed at. The paper also clarifies some terms and concepts related to the coupling terminology such as strong, weak, local, global, direct and indirect coupling and put these terms in a coherent context. Most of the examples are related to the two dimensional analysis but some three dimensional ones are also shown

    Review of Brinton, L. English historical linguistics: approaches and perspectives

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    Language Use in Past and Presen

    A corpus-based view on the (aspectual-)semantics of Modern English nominalizations

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    In this response article, I will challenge some of the claims presented by Iordăchioaia & Werner by suggesting that English ing-nominals were not entirely prevented from completing the ‘cycle of categorial shift’, and questioning the actual impact of the competition with Romance derived nominals on the development of ing-nominals with event denotation (i.e. nominal gerunds). The response is based on a detailed corpus-based analysis of Penn corpora of Modern English (PPCEME & PPCMBE, time span: 1500–1920), and consists of three components: (i) a summary of a recent study by Fonteyn and Hartmann (2016), in which it is argued that many nominal ing-forms did complete the full nominalization cycle from eventive to concrete object meanings, (ii) a more fine-grained aspectual-semantic analysis of eventive ing-nominals (or nominal gerunds), and (iii) a detailed comparison between ing-nominals and Romance derived nominals in -age, -al, -ance, -ion, and -ment, mapping out the areas of overlap and the effect of competition on the semantic development of the different nominalization strategies. In the conclusion, it is argued that the intriguingly versatile usage profile of English ing-nominals in Modern English is shaped by a constant diachronic interaction with their neighbouring constructions.Language Use in Past and Presen
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