597 research outputs found

    Ensaio Sobre Os Nós Das Redes Logísticas

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    O objetivo deste ensaio é discutir, sob o prisma epistemológico e em alguns aspectos ontológicos, os nós das redes logísticas. Analisando-se a literatura técnica e a pratica relacionada a este tema nos últimos 70 anos percebe-se algumas mudanças de paradigmas na definição e na função destes nós. Nesta discussão são considerados três elementos indicativos de rupturas epistemológicas. Serão eles mudanças nos aspectos semióticos, nas relações causais e no contexto. Em termos semióticos, os pontos de término ou de início de um movimento de mercadorias e pessoas sempre foi objeto de estudo e de atenção dos acadêmicos e dos práticos da área de transportes e de logística. Diversas relações causais e modelos explicativos para entendimento e representação de operações logísticas tratam os nós das redes logísticas como componente essencial das cadeias de suprimentos e vem se alterando ao longo do tempo. Em termos de contexto duas são as grandes alterações que condicionam a logística e consequentemente os nós de suas redes. São elas: as diferentes eras econômicas e a alteração do objeto movimentado. Porto, aeroporto, terminal, centro logístico ou plataforma logística: Qual o termo mais adequado? Depende do contexto de sua utilização e do papel exercido pelos mesmos na rede logística, todos são pontos fixos das redes sócio técnica informacionais que garantem os fluxos locais e globais..104353

    The contribution of second primary cancers to the mortality of patients with a first primary breast cancer

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    Purpose: Second primary cancers (SPCs) are estimated to affect nearly 5% of patients with breast cancer within 10 years of their diagnosis. This study aimed to estimate the contribution of SPCs to the mortality of patients with a breast first primary cancer (FPC). Methods: A population-based cohort of 17,210 patients with a breast FPC diagnosed between 2000 and 2010 was followed for SPCs (31/12/2015) and vital status (30/06/2021). Patients diagnosed with an SPC (265 synchronous and 897 metachronous, ≤ 1 and > 1 year after the FPC, respectively) were matched (1:3, by five-year age group and year of breast FPC diagnosis) to those without an SPC and alive when the corresponding SPC was diagnosed. Results: Significantly higher hazards of death were found among patients with an SPC [hazard ratio of 1.56, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.29–1.89 for synchronous SPCs; and 2.85, 95%CI 2.56–3.17 for metachronous SPCs] compared to patients with a breast FPC only. Estimates were higher for synchronous lung, stomach, non-Hodgkin lymphoma and breast SPCs, and metachronous liver, stomach, ovary, lung, rectum, corpus uteri, colon, breast, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma SPCs. The 15-year cumulative mortality was 59.5% for synchronous SPCs and 68.7% for metachronous SPCs, which was higher than in patients with a breast FPC only (43.6% and 44.8%, respectively). Conclusions: In Northern Portugal, patients with an SPC following a breast FPC have a higher mortality compared with patients with a breast FPC only. © The Author(s) 2024.Open access funding provided by FCT|FCCN (b-on). This work was supported by national funds from the Foundation for Science and Technology – FCT (Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education), under the Unidade de Investigação em Epidemiologia – Instituto de Saúde Pública da Universidade do Porto (EPIUnit; UIDB/04750/2020; DOI identifier https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.54499/UIDB/04750/2020) and the Laboratory for Integrative and Translational Research in Population Health (ITR; LA/P/0064/2020; DOI identifier https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.54499/LA/P/0064/2020). SM was funded by FEDER through the Operational Program Competitiveness and Internationalization, and national funding from FCT under the scope of the project "NEON-PC—Neuro-oncological complications of prostate cancer: longitudinal study of cognitive decline" (POCI-01–0145-FEDER-032358; ref. PTDC/SAU-EPI/32358/2017), and received funding from the EPIUnit – Junior Research – Prog Financing (UIDP/04750/2020). The funding sources had no role in study design; in the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; and in the decision to submit the article for publication

    Parâmetros biomecânicos derivados da forma da curva do ORA para discriminar olhos normais de ceratocones

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the ability of the Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA; Reichert Ophthalmic Instruments, Buffalo, NY) to distinguish between normal and keratoconic eyes, by comparing pressure and waveform signal-derived parameters. METHODS: This retrospective comparative case series study included 112 patients with normal corneas and 41 patients with bilateral keratoconic eyes. One eye from each subject was randomly selected for analysis. Keratoconus diagnosis was based on clinical examinations, including Placido disk-based corneal topography and rotating Scheimpflug corneal tomography. Data from the ORA best waveform score (WS) measurements were extracted using ORA software. Corneal hysteresis (CH), corneal resistance factor (CRF), Goldman-correlated intraocular pressure (IOPg), cornea-compensated intraocular pressure (IOPcc), and 37 parameters derived from the waveform signal were analyzed. Differences in the distributions among the groups were assessed using the Mann-Whitney test. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were calculated. RESULTS: Statistically significant differences between keratoconic and normal eyes were found in all parameters (p<0.05) except IOPcc and W1. The area under the ROC curve (AUROC) was greater than 0.85 for 11 parameters, including CH (0.852) and CRF (0.895). The parameters related to the area under the waveform peak during the second and first applanations (p2area and p1area) had the best performances, with AUROCs of 0.939 and 0.929, respectively. The AUROCs for CRF, p2area, and p1area were significantly greater than that for CH. CONCLUSION: There are significant differences in biomechanical metrics between normal and keratoconic eyes. Compared with the pressure-derived parameters, corneal hysteresis and corneal resistance factor, novel waveform-derived ORA parameters provide better identification of keratoconus.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a capacidade do Ocular Response Analyzer (ORA; Reichert Ophthalmic Instruments, Buffalo, NY) em discriminar olhos com ceratocone de olhos normais e comparar parâmetros derivados da pressão dos parâmetros derivados da forma da curva. MÉTODOS:Estudo comparativo retrospectivo série de casos que incluiu 112 pacientes com olhos normais e 41 pacientes com ceratocone bilateral. Um olho de cada indivíduo foi randomicamente selecionado para análise. O diagnóstico de ceratocone foi baseado em exame clínico, incluindo topografia de Plácido e tomografia Scheimpflug. Informação do melhor waveform score foi extraída do software do ORA. Histerese corneana (CH), fator de resistência corneana (CRF), pressão intraocular correlacionada com Goldman (IOPg), pressão intraocular compensada pela córnea (IOPcc) e 37 novos parâmetros derivados da forma da curva do sinal do ORA foram analisados. Diferenças nas distribuições dos grupos foram avaliadas pelo teste Mann-Whitney. Curvas ROC foram calculadas. RESULTADOS: Diferenças estatisticamente significantes foram encontradas entre os olhos normais e ceratocones em todos os parâmetros (p<0,05) salvo IOPcc e W1. A área sob a curva ROC (AUROC) foi maior que 0.85 em 11 parâmetros, incluindo CH (0,852) a CRF (0,895). Os parâmetros relacionados com a área sob o pico da forma de onda durante a segunda e primeira aplanação (p2area e p1area) obtiveram as melhores performances, com AUROCs de 0,939 e 0,929, respectivamente. Os valores de AUROCs do fator de resistência corneana, p2area e p1area foram significativamente maiores que os valores de histerese corneana. CONCLUSÃO: Existem diferenças significantes nas medidas biomecânicas entre olhos normais e com ceratocone. Comparados com os parâmetros derivados da pressão, histerese corneana e fator de resistência corneana, os parâmetros derivados da forma da curva proporcionaram melhor identificação dos ceratocones.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department for OphthalmologyHospital de Olhos de SergipeInstituto de Olhos Renato AmbrósioUNIFESP, Department for OphthalmologySciEL

    Process capability index Cpk for monitoring the thermal performance in the distribution of refrigerated products

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    The temperature of refrigerated products along the cold chain must be kept within pre-defined limits to ensure adequate safety levels and high product quality. Because temperature largely influences microbial activities, the continuous monitoring of the time-temperature history over the distribution process usually allows for the adequate control of the product quality along both short- and medium-distance distribution routes. Time-Temperature Indicators (TTI) are composed of temperature measurements taken at various time intervals and are used to feed analytic models that monitor the impacts of temperature on product quality. Process Capability Indices (PCI), however, are calculated using TTI series to evaluate whether the thermal characteristics of the process are within the specified range. In this application, a refrigerated food delivery route is investigated using a simulated annealing algorithm that considers alternative delivery schemes. The objective of this investigation is to minimize the distance traveled while maintaining the vehicle temperature within the prescribed capability level261546

    Higher Education Teaching and Learning Support Areas Differences in England and Brazil: A Case Study / Áreas de Apoio ao Ensino e Aprendizagem no Ensino Superior Diferenças na Inglaterra e no Brasil: um estudo de caso

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    Teaching and Learning processes have been relevant in higher education institutions. There have been a wide range of skills provided by the universities teaching and learning support areas. This paper shows a comparative analysis of these areas from University of Bath and the State University of Campinas-Unicamp. To show the strengths and weaknesses of each university, this paper shows their ranking data used within The Times Higher Education World University Rankings. Data gathered from both universities websites show their support areas with specific skills. While the University of Bath has high scores in international outlook and citations, Unicamp has its strength in teaching, research, and industry income. Unicamp has more than the double of students. Similar teaching and learning support areas in both universities are shown. Most skills listed for the University of Bath are present in the State university of Campinas-Unicamp. Three support areas under the School of Civil Engineering from Unicamp are shown. Data from other league tables were not considered. These support areas exist to help academic and professional staff when teaching, and planning to teach, and students when learning to learn. It might be relevant to run some scales, questionnaires, surveys among the undergraduate and graduate students, concerning motivation, procrastination, learning strategies, learning styles, and feedback from them about their needs and solutions they believe could help. These might lead to reinforcement or upgrade of these teaching and learning support areas bringing a more appropriate range of skills needed by the students and staff

    A isquemia/reperfusão intestinal provoca hiper-reatividade brônquica e aumento do TNF-alfa sérico em ratos

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    INTRODUCTION: Intestinal or hepatic ischemia/reperfusion induces acute lung injury in animal models of multiple organ failure. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- alpha is involved in the underlying inflammatory mechanism of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Although the inflammatory cascade leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome has been extensively investigated, the mechanical components of acute respiratory distress syndrome are not fully understood. Our hypothesis is that splanchnic ischemia/reperfusion increases airway reactivity and serum TNF-alpha levels. OBJECTIVE: To assess bronchial smooth muscle reactivity under methacholine stimulation, and to measure serum TNF-alpha levels following intestinal and/or hepatic ischemia/reperfusion in rats. METHOD: Rats were subjected to 45 minutes of intestinal ischemia, or 20 minutes of hepatic ischemia, or to both (double ischemia), or sham procedures (control), followed by 120 minutes of reperfusion. The animals were then sacrificed, and the bronchial response to increasing methacholine molar concentrations (10-7 to 3 x 10-4) was evaluated in an ex-vivo bronchial muscle preparation. Serum TNF-alpha was determined by the L929-cell bioassay. RESULTS: Bronchial response (g/100 mg tissue) showed increased reactivity to increasing methacholine concentrations in the intestinal ischemia and double ischemia groups, but not in the hepatic ischemia group. Similarly, serum TNF-alpha (pg/mL) concentration was increased in the intestinal ischemia and double ischemia groups, but not in the hepatic ischemia group. CONCLUSION: Intestinal ischemia, either isolated or associated with hepatic ischemia, increased bronchial smooth muscle reactivity, suggesting a possible role for bronchial constriction in respiratory dysfunction following splanchnic ischemia/reperfusion. This increase occurred in concomitance with serum TNF-alpha increase, but whether the increase in TNF-alpha caused this bronchial contractility remains to be determined.INTRODUCÃO: A isquemia/reperfusão intestinal ou hepática induz lesão pulmonar aguda em modelos animais de falência de múltiplos órgãos. O fator de necrose tumoral (TNF-alfa) está envolvido no mecanismo inflamatório da síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda. Embora a cascata inflamatória que leva à síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda tenha sido extensamente investigada, os componentes mecânicos desta ainda não são completamente compreendidos. Nós levantamos a hipótese de que a isquemia/reperfusão esplâncnica provoca aumento da reatividade contráctil das vias aéreas, bem como aumento do TNF-alfa sérico. OBJETIVO: avaliar a reatividade da musculatura lisa brônquica sob estimulação com metacolina, e medir os níveis séricos de TNF-alfa após isquemia/reperfusão intestinal e/ou hepática em ratos. MÉTODO: Ratos Wistar foram submetidos a 45 min de isquemia intestinal, ou 20 minutos de isquemia hepática, ou a ambas (isquemia dupla), ou controle, seguidos por 120 min de reperfusão. A resposta brônquica a concentrações molares (10-7 to 3x10-4) de metacolina foi avaliada usando-se uma preparação ex-vivo de musculatura brônquica. RESULTADOS: A resposta brônquica (g/100mg de tecido) mostrou reatividade aumentada a concentrações crescentes de metacolina na isquemia intestinal e isquemia dupla, mas não na isquemia hepática. Similarmente, o TNF-alfa sérico aumentou na isquemia intestinal e isquemia dupla, mas não na isquemia hepática. CONCLUSÃO: Isquemia intestinal, quer isolada ou associada à hepática, provocou hiper-reatividade da musculatura brônquica, sugerindo um possível papel da constrição brônquica na disfunção respiratória conseqüente à isquemia/reperfusão esplâncnica. Este aumento foi simultâneo ao do TNF-alfa sérico, porém o possível efeito causal do TNF-alfa na contractilidade brônquica permanece a ser determinado

    Determination Of Fluid Viscosity And Femto Newton Forces Of Leishmania Amazonensis Using Optical Tweezers

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    The displacements of a polystyrene microsphere trapped by an optical tweezers (OT) can be used as a force transducer for mechanical measurements in life sciences such as the measurement of forces of living microorganisms or the viscosity of local fluids. The technique we used allowed us to measure forces on the 200 femto Newtons to 4 pico Newtons range of the protozoa Leishmania amazonensis, responsible for a serious tropical disease. These observations can be used to understand the infection mechanism and chemotaxis of these parasites. The same technique was used to measure viscosities of few microliters sample with agreement with known samples better than 5%. To calibrate the force as a function of the microsphere displacement we first dragged the microsphere in a fluid at known velocity for a broad range of different optical and hydrodynamical parameters. The hydrodynamical model took into account the presence of two walls and the force depends on drag velocity, fluid viscosity and walls proximities, while the optical model in the geometric optics regime depends on the particle and fluid refractive indexes and laser power. To measure the high numerical (NA) aperture laser beam power after the objective we used an integration sphere to avoid the systematic errors of usual power meters for high NA beams. After this careful laser power measurement we obtained an almost 45 degrees straight line for the plot of the optical force (calculated by the particle horizontal displacement) versus hydrodynamic force (calculated by the drag velocity) under variation of all the parameters described below. This means that hydrodynamic models can be used to calibrate optical forces, as we have done for the parasite force measurement, or vice-versa, as we did for the viscosity measurements.593017Ashkin, A., Dziedzic, J.M., Bjorkholm, J.E., Chu, S., Observation of a single-beam gradient force optical trap for dieletric particles (1986) Optics Letters, 11, pp. 288-290Ashkin, A., Dziedzic, J.M., Optical trapping and manipulation of viruses and bacteria (1987) Science, 235, pp. 1517-1520Greulich, K.O., (1999) Micromanipulation by Light in Biology and Medicine, , Basel, Boston, Berlin: BirkhäuserSakata-Sogawa, K., Direct measurement of DNA molecular length in solution using optical tweezers: Detection of looping due to binding protein interactions (1998) Eur. Biophys. J., 27, pp. 55-61Konig, K., Determination of motility forces of human spermatozoa using an 800 nm optical trap (1996) Cell. Mol. Biol., 42, pp. 501-509Barjas-Castro, M.L., Elastic properties of irradiated RBCs measured by optical tweezers (2002) Transfusion, 42, pp. 1196-1199Huruta, R.R., Mechanical properties of stored red blood cells using optical tweezers (1998) Blood, 92, pp. 2975-2977Felgner, H., Muller, O., Schliwa, M., Calibration of light forces in optical tweezers (1995) Appl. Optics, 34, pp. 977-982Svoboda, K., Block, S., Biological applications of optical forces (1994) Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomolec. Struct., 23, pp. 247-285Henon, S., Lenormand, G., Richert, A., Gallet, F., A new determination of the shear modulus of the human erythrocyte membrane using optical tweezers (1999) Biophys. J., 76, pp. 1145-1151Konig, K., Determination of motility forces of human spermatozoa using an 800nm optical trap (1996) Cell. Mol. Biol., 42, pp. 501-509Who, Whorld Health Organization, 2001Herwaldt, B.L., Leishmanias (1999) Lancet, 354, pp. 1191-1199Killick-Kendrick, R., The life-cycle of Leishmania in the sandfly with special reference to the form infective to the vertebrate host (1990) Ann. Parasitol. Hum. Comp., 65 (1 SUPPL.), pp. 37-42Handman, E., Cell biology of Leishmania (2000) Adv. Parasitol, 44, pp. 1-39Happel, J., Brenner, H., (1991) Low Reynolds Number Hydrodynamics with Special Applications to Particulate Media, , Klumer, Dordrecht(1971) Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, , Chemical Rubber, ClevelandPurcell, E.M., Life at low Reynolds number (1977) Am. J. Phys., 45, pp. 124-13

    A isquemia/reperfusão intestinal provoca hiper-reatividade brônquica e aumento do TNF-alfa sérico em ratos

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    INTRODUCTION: Intestinal or hepatic ischemia/reperfusion induces acute lung injury in animal models of multiple organ failure. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)- alpha is involved in the underlying inflammatory mechanism of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Although the inflammatory cascade leading to acute respiratory distress syndrome has been extensively investigated, the mechanical components of acute respiratory distress syndrome are not fully understood. Our hypothesis is that splanchnic ischemia/reperfusion increases airway reactivity and serum TNF-alpha levels. OBJECTIVE: To assess bronchial smooth muscle reactivity under methacholine stimulation, and to measure serum TNF-alpha levels following intestinal and/or hepatic ischemia/reperfusion in rats. METHOD: Rats were subjected to 45 minutes of intestinal ischemia, or 20 minutes of hepatic ischemia, or to both (double ischemia), or sham procedures (control), followed by 120 minutes of reperfusion. The animals were then sacrificed, and the bronchial response to increasing methacholine molar concentrations (10-7 to 3 x 10-4) was evaluated in an ex-vivo bronchial muscle preparation. Serum TNF-alpha was determined by the L929-cell bioassay. RESULTS: Bronchial response (g/100 mg tissue) showed increased reactivity to increasing methacholine concentrations in the intestinal ischemia and double ischemia groups, but not in the hepatic ischemia group. Similarly, serum TNF-alpha (pg/mL) concentration was increased in the intestinal ischemia and double ischemia groups, but not in the hepatic ischemia group. CONCLUSION: Intestinal ischemia, either isolated or associated with hepatic ischemia, increased bronchial smooth muscle reactivity, suggesting a possible role for bronchial constriction in respiratory dysfunction following splanchnic ischemia/reperfusion. This increase occurred in concomitance with serum TNF-alpha increase, but whether the increase in TNF-alpha caused this bronchial contractility remains to be determined.INTRODUCÃO: A isquemia/reperfusão intestinal ou hepática induz lesão pulmonar aguda em modelos animais de falência de múltiplos órgãos. O fator de necrose tumoral (TNF-alfa) está envolvido no mecanismo inflamatório da síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda. Embora a cascata inflamatória que leva à síndrome da angústia respiratória aguda tenha sido extensamente investigada, os componentes mecânicos desta ainda não são completamente compreendidos. Nós levantamos a hipótese de que a isquemia/reperfusão esplâncnica provoca aumento da reatividade contráctil das vias aéreas, bem como aumento do TNF-alfa sérico. OBJETIVO: avaliar a reatividade da musculatura lisa brônquica sob estimulação com metacolina, e medir os níveis séricos de TNF-alfa após isquemia/reperfusão intestinal e/ou hepática em ratos. MÉTODO: Ratos Wistar foram submetidos a 45 min de isquemia intestinal, ou 20 minutos de isquemia hepática, ou a ambas (isquemia dupla), ou controle, seguidos por 120 min de reperfusão. A resposta brônquica a concentrações molares (10-7 to 3x10-4) de metacolina foi avaliada usando-se uma preparação ex-vivo de musculatura brônquica. RESULTADOS: A resposta brônquica (g/100mg de tecido) mostrou reatividade aumentada a concentrações crescentes de metacolina na isquemia intestinal e isquemia dupla, mas não na isquemia hepática. Similarmente, o TNF-alfa sérico aumentou na isquemia intestinal e isquemia dupla, mas não na isquemia hepática. CONCLUSÃO: Isquemia intestinal, quer isolada ou associada à hepática, provocou hiper-reatividade da musculatura brônquica, sugerindo um possível papel da constrição brônquica na disfunção respiratória conseqüente à isquemia/reperfusão esplâncnica. Este aumento foi simultâneo ao do TNF-alfa sérico, porém o possível efeito causal do TNF-alfa na contractilidade brônquica permanece a ser determinado