43 research outputs found

    Plagiarism detection: A tool survey and comparison

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    We illustrate the state of the art in software plagiarism detection tools by comparing their features and testing them against a wide range of source codes. The source codes were edited according to several types of plagiarism to show the tools accuracy at detecting each type. The decision to focus our research on plagiarism of programming languages is two fold: on one hand, it is a challenging case-study since programming languages impose a structured writing style; on the other hand, we are looking for the integration of such a tool in an Automatic-Grading System (AGS) developed to support teachers in the context of Programming courses. Besides the systematic characterisation of the underlying problem domain, the tools were surveyed with the objective of identifying the most successful approach in order to design the aimed plugin for our AGS.(undefined

    Caracterização Sociodemográfica dos Doentes Internados por Tentativas de Suicídio e Comportamentos Autolesivos em Psiquiatria

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    Introduction: Suicidal behaviors lead unequivocally consequences both in society and in the family environment. These behaviors can be divided into suicidal acts (suicide attempts and completed suicide) and self‑injurious behaviors, which are important predictors of risk for suicide. This study is based on socio‑demographic characteristics of the hospitalized patient by suicide attempts and self‑injurious behaviors in a period of six years (2008‑2013), the comparison of these behaviors by gender and in assessing the evolution of admissions over these six years. Methods: It was used as a data source records of clinical processes. Results: During the study period the suicide attempts accounted for 13.1% of all admissions while self‑injurious behavior were the source of 0.9%. Most remains hospitalized for a relatively short period. Both predominantly females, aged between 31‑40 years and in Viana do Castelo. It appears that the majority of hospitalizations for suicide attempts occurs in February and spring, the result of a disturbance of adaptation. Self‑injurious behaviors occurs especially in April and October, in the summer, with most affective psychosis. In both cases, the poisoning is the predominant method, psychotropic agents being the most used. In 2013 recorded the highest number of admissions for suicide attempts without evidence of any hospitalization for self‑injurious behaviors. Conclusion: This study confirms the importance of suicide attempts and self‑injurious behaviors in public health.Introdução: Os comportamentos suicidas acarretam de forma inequívoca consequências tanto a nível da sociedade como no seio familiar. Estes comportamentos podem dividir‑se em atos suicidas (tentativas de suicídio e suicídio consumado) e comportamentos autolesivos, sendo estes importantes preditores de risco para o suicídio. O objetivo deste trabalho baseia‑se na caracterização sociodemográfica do doente internado por tentativas de suicídio e comportamentos autolesivos num período de seis anos (2008‑2013), na comparação destes comportamentos em função do sexo e na avaliação da evolução desses internamentos ao longo desses seis anos. Métodos: Utilizou‑se como fonte de dados os registos dos processos clínicos. Resultados: No período em estudo as tentativas de suicídio foram responsáveis por 13,1% de todos os internamentos enquanto os comportamentos autolesivos estiveram na origem de 0,9%. A maioria permanece internada por um período relativamente curto. Ambos predominam no sexo feminino, na faixa etária dos 31‑40 anos e no concelho de Viana do Castelo. Constata‑se que a maioria dos internamentos por tentativa de suicídio ocorre no mês de fevereiro e na Primavera, fruto de uma perturbação de adaptação. Os comportamentos autolesivos verificam‑se sobretudo em abril e outubro, no Verão, apresentando a maioria psicose afetiva. Em ambos os casos, a intoxicação é o método predominante, sendo os agentes psicotrópicos os mais usados. Em 2013 regista‑se o maior número de internamentos por tentativa de suicídio, não se registando nenhum internamento por comportamentos autolesivos. Conclusão: O presente estudo permite confirmar a importância das tentativas de suicídio e comportamentos autolesivos na saúde pública

    Insights into nanomedicine for head and neck cancer diagnosis and treatment

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    Head and neck cancers rank sixth among the most common cancers today, and the survival rate has remained virtually unchanged over the past 25 years, due to late diagnosis and ineffective treatments. They have two main risk factors, tobacco and alcohol, and human papillomavirus infection is a secondary risk factor. These cancers affect areas of the body that are fundamental for the five senses. Therefore, it is necessary to treat them effectively and non-invasively as early as possible, in order to do not compromise vital functions, which is not always possible with conventional treatments (chemotherapy or radiotherapy). In this sense, nanomedicine plays a key role in the treatment and diagnosis of head and neck cancers. Nanomedicine involves using nanocarriers to deliver drugs to sites of action and reducing the necessary doses and possible side effects. The main purpose of this review is to give an overview of the applications of nanocarrier systems to the diagnosis and treatment of head and neck cancer. Herein, several types of delivery strategies, radiation enhancement, inside-out hyperthermia, and theragnostic approaches are addressed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    High-performance bioceramics such as zirconia, alumina, and their composites, are attractive materials for the fabrication of load-bearing bone implants because of their outstanding mechanical properties, biocompatibility, corrosion resistance, and aesthetic quality. A suitable level of porosity and pore sizes with a few hundred microns are required for a good bone integration of the scaffolds. This requirement can be achieved through additive manufacturing, like robocasting. For this purpose, the optimization of colloidal inks is one of paramount importance as the rheological properties of the inks determine the quality of the three-dimensional structures. This target has not been satisfactorily accomplished in previous research works. The present study aims at closing this gap by carrying out a systematic investigation about the influence of the most important parameters that determine the printing ability of zirconia inks. The dispersing ability of the zirconia powder was studied in order to maximize the solids loading while keeping a high degree of homogeneity of the starting suspensions. The viscoelastic properties of the suspensions were then altered by adding suitable doses of a coagulating agent to obtain easily extrudable pastes for the robocasting process. The green samples were dried and sintered at the heating rate of 1ºC/min up to 600ºC, an holding at this temperature for 1 h, followed by an heating rate of 5ºC/min up to 1350ºC and holding for 1 h at this temperature, and then cooling down to room temperature. Zirconia inks with high fraction of solids (48 vol.%) could be successfully prepared. The extruded cylinders exhibited an excellent shape retention in scaffolds with different macropore sizes (200, 300, 400 and 500 mm)

    Program analysis and evaluation using QUIMERA

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    During last years, a new challenge rose up inside the programming communities: the programming contests. Programming contests can vary slightly in the rules but all of them are intended to assess the competitor skills concerning the ability to solve problems using a computer. These contests raise up three kind of challenges: to create a nice problem statement (for the members of the scientific committee); to solve the problem in a good way (for the programmers); to find a fair way to assess the results (for the judges). This paper presents a web-based application, QUIMERA intended to be a full programming-contest management system, as well as an automatic judge. Besides the traditional dynamic approach for program evaluation, QUIMERA still provides static analysis of the program for a more fine assessment of solutions. Static analysis takes profit from the technology developed for compilers and language-based tools and is supported by source code analysis and software metrics.(undefined

    Desenvolvimento e avaliação de novos (foto)catalisadores

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    Trabalho final de mestrado para obtenção do grau de mestre em Engenharia Química e BiológicaNeste projeto, pretendeu-se desenvolver novas macromoléculas (foto)ativas tendo por base compostos porfirínicos e metaloporfirínicos bem como avaliar a sua performance na promoção de reações de oxidação por irradiação da luz (idealmente solar) e por irradiação micro-ondas. Com estes novos (foto)catalisadores esperávamos desenvolver processos químicos mais eficientes e limpos. A oxidação de álcoois e de hidrocarbonetos aromáticos sem adição de solvente com espécies doadoras de oxigénio como o oxigénio singleto e os peróxidos são um exemplo de um processo limpo e verde. Neste trabalho, foi estudada a oxidação de álcool benzílico, 1-feniletanol e tolueno na presença e na ausência de um agente oxidante (tertbutilhidroperóxido, 70% aq.), utilizando como (foto)catalisadores as metaloporfirinas e Por-PCs contendo metais de transição Cu(II) e Zn(II). Foi também avaliada a influência de diferentes parâmetros, tais como a temperatura, o tempo de reação, a quantidade de catalisador e a adição de aditivos. Nas reações de foto-oxidação dos álcoois com as porfirinas base livre e as metaloporfirinas de Zn(II), obtiveram-se baixas taxas de conversão, ca. 2.5%, utilizando uma lâmpada LED 5.5 W, oxigénio atmosférico e sem adição de solventes. Nas reações de oxidação por irradiação micro-ondas sem adição de solvente do 1- feniletanol e do tolueno com um agente oxidante (TBHP), obtiveram-se rendimentos máximos de 96% para o 1-feniletanol com o catalisador [Cu2(AcO)4(CuTPyP)1/2] e um rendimento total máximo de 14% para o tolueno com o catalisador CuTPyP.In this project, we intended to develop new (photo)active macromolecules based on porphyrin and metalloporphyrin compounds and to evaluate their performance in the promotion of oxidation reactions by light irradiation (ideally solar) and by microwave irradiation. With these new (photo)catalyst we pretended to develop more efficient and cleaner chemical processes. Solvent free oxidation of alcohols and aromatic hydrocarbons with oxygen donors such as single oxygen and peroxides, are an example of a cleaner and greener process. In this work, the oxidation of benzyl alcohol, 1-phenylethanol and toluene with or without the oxidizing agent (tert-butylhydroperoxide, 70% aq.) was studied using metalloporphyrins and Por-PCs containing Cu(II) and Zn(II) as (photo)catalysts. In order to optimize the results, the influence of different parameters, such as temperature, reaction time, amount of catalyst and additives were investigated. In the (photo)oxidation reactions of the alcohols with base porphyrins and Zn (II) metalloporphyrins, a conversion rate of about 2.5% was obtained using LED lamp 5.5 W and atmospheric oxygen without addition of solvents. In the solvent free microwave assisted peroxidative oxidation of 1-phenylethanol and toluene, were obtained the maximum yields of 96% for the 1-phenylethanol with the [Cu2(AcO)4(CuTPyP)1/2] catalyst and a maximum total yield of 14% for the toluene with the CuTPyP catalyst.N/

    Partial correctness and continuous integration in computer supported education

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    In this paper we support the idea that students and teachers will benefit from a computer-based system that assesses programming exercises and provide immediate and detailed feedback: students would be able to evolve in the right direction and teachers would follow and assess more fairly their students. This assessment should outperform the typical right/wrong evaluation returned by existing tools, allowing for a flexible partial evaluation. Moreover, we adopt a concept from Agile Development, the Continuous Integration (CI), to improve students’ effectiveness. The applicability of CI reflects a better monitoring by the teams and their individual members, also providing the ability to improve the speed of the development. Besides the description of the capabilities that we require from an Automatic Grading System (AGS), we discuss iQuimera, an improved AGS that we are working on, that implements our teaching/learning principles.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Contribuições da Terapia do Esquema em relacionamentos conjugais abusivos: uma revisão narrativa

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    The violence against women is a complex phenomenon that results in health problems. From a narrative review of the literature, this study aims to review the Schema Therapy (ST) contributions in romantic relationships that present violence against women perpetrated by an intimate partner. In the case of conjugal violence, the basic needs not supplied are identified, as well as the enabled early maladaptive schemas (EMSs), the coping styles and the schematic cycles of the couple, as well as recognizing the cultural aspects that permeate the lives of intimate partners. ST offers theoretical support for analyzing the influence of schematic patterns on abusive relationships. Therefore, the knowledge of psychological issues that contribute for the woman to remain in relationships with the presence of violence is broadened, in the same way that therapeutic interventions are available that help to modify the destructive interaction pattern established by the couple. and contribution. The study addresses the complexity of the phenomenon of violence in affective-marital relationships and lists individual and collective factors that interfere in the problem. Staying in an abusive marital relationship and even choosing an intimate partner can be associated with maintaining a scheme. Psychological intervention aimed at modifying EMSs in association with the establishment of legal protection measures is necessary. The need for greater production of research in the area is evidenced, mainly to enable preventive psychological practices and specific treatment protocol for situations of affective-marital violence.A violência contra a mulher é um fenômeno complexo que pode resultar em agravos à saúde. A partir de uma revisão narrativa da literatura, este estudo busca revisar as contribuições da Terapia do Esquema (TE) nos relacionamentos amorosos que apresentam violência contra a mulher perpetrada pelo parceiro íntimo. Em caso de violência conjugal, identifica-se as necessidades básicas não supridas, os Esquemas Iniciais Desadaptativos (EIDs), os estilos de enfrentamento e os modos esquemáticos do casal, como também, reconhece os aspectos culturais que permeiam a vida dos parceiros íntimos. A TE oferece sustentação teórica para analisar a influência de padrões esquemáticos nos relacionamentos abusivos. Amplia-se, portanto, o conhecimento de questões psicológicas que contribuem para que a mulher permaneça em relacionamentos com presença de violência, da mesma forma que se disponibilizam intervenções terapêuticas que auxiliam na modificação do padrão de interação destrutivo estabelecido pelo casal, sendo este principal foco e contribuição. O estudo aborda a complexidade do fenômeno da violência nos relacionamentos afetivo-conjugais e elenca fatores individuais e coletivos que interferem na problemática. A permanência em um relacionamento conjugal abusivo e mesmo a escolha do parceiro íntimo podem estar associados à manutenção de um esquema. Faz-se necessário intervenção psicológica direcionada à modificação dos EIDs em associação ao estabelecimento de medidas legais de proteção. Evidencia-se a necessidade de maior produção de pesquisas na área, principalmente para viabilizar práticas psicológicas preventivas e protocolo de tratamento específico para situações de violência afetivo-conjugal

    Dermoscopy Clues in Pigmented Bowen's Disease

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    Pigmented tumors have similar clinical features that overlap and hamper diagnosis. Dermoscopy increases the diagnostic accuracy of doubtful melanocytic lesions and has been used as a noninvasive tool in the detection of pigmented lesions (PLs) like melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and pigmented Bowen's disease (pBD). Our objective was to show the dermoscopic features of 2 cases of pBD and compare with the findings reported in the literature. Two dermoscopic images of biopsy proven pBD were retrospectively analyzed for dermoscopic patterns. Both cases showed brown regular globules, structureless brown and blue pigmentation, glomerular vessels, hypopigmented regression-like areas, and keratosis. These findings were similar to the cases reported previously. The dermoscopic diagnosis of pBD is based on the absence of criteria for a melanocytic lesion in the presence of glomerular vessels, regular brown globules and keratosis. Although pBD is rare, it should be included in the differential diagnosis of PLs, especially melanoma

    Identificación de las características definidoras de miedo y ansiedad en pacientes programadas para cirugía ginecológica

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    OBJECTIVES: To identify defining characteristics of fear and anxiety during the immediate preoperative period in patient scheduled for gynecological surgery, and to diagnose preoperative anxiety syndrome. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study with 50 patients from the gynecological unit of the São Paulo hospital. Data was collected in May 2007. RESULTS: Preoperative anxiety syndrome was diagnosed in 48 of the participants (96.0%). CONCLUSION: Participants had clinical symptoms leading to the diagnosis of preoperative anxiety syndrome.OBJETIVOS: Identificar la presencia de las características definidoras de Miedo y Ansiedad en el pre-operatorio inmediato de 50 pacientes sometidas a cirugía ginecológica, y verificar el Síndrome de Ansiedad Perioperatoria. MÉTODOS: Este estudio de cohorte de carácter transversal tuvo como objetivo fue realizado en la Unidad de Ginecología del Hospital São Paulo en mayo del 2007. RESULTADOS: Se confirmó la presencia de los diagnósticos de interés en 48 pacientes (96,0%) de un total de 50 mujeres (100,0%). El Síndrome de Ansiedad Perioperatoria fue identificada en 48 (96,0%) de las pacientes. CONCLUSIÓN: Con la investigación se comprobó la presencia de los diagnósticos Miedo y Ansiedad, debido a las manifestaciones clínicas, también contribuyentes para evidenciar el Síndrome de Ansiedad Perioperatoria.OBJETIVOS: Identificar a presença das características definidoras Medo e Ansiedade no pré-operatório imediato de 50 pacientes submetidas à cirurgia ginecológica, e verificar a Síndrome da Ansiedade Perioperatória. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte de caráter transversal teve como objetivo Realizado na Unidade de Ginecologia do Hospital São Paulo em maio de 2007. RESULTADOS: Confirmou-se a presença dos diagnósticos de interesse em 48 pacientes (96,0%) do total de 50 mulheres (100,0%). A Síndrome da Ansiedade Perioperatória foi identificada em 48 (96,0%) das pacientes. CONCLUSÃO: A pesquisa comprovou a presença dos diagnósticos Medo e Ansiedade, devido às manifestações clínicas, também contribuintes para evidenciar a Síndrome da Ansiedade PerioperatóriaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Enfermagem Departamento de EnfermagemUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Enfermeira do Hospital São PauloUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de EnfermagemUNIFESP, EPE Depto. de EnfermagemUNIFESP, Enfermeira do Hospital São PauloUNIFESP, Depto. de EnfermagemSciEL