37 research outputs found

    Thermal Nature of Mantle Upwellings Below the Ibero-Western Maghreb Region Inferred From Teleseismic Tomography

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    ©2019. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. Independent models of P wave and S wave velocity anomalies in the mantle derived from seismic tomography help to distinguish thermal signatures from those of partial melt, volatiles, and compositional variations. Here we use seismic data from SW Europe and NW Africa, spanning the region between the Pyrenees and the Canaries, in order to obtain a new S-SKS relative arrival-time tomographic model of the upper mantle below Iberia, Western Morocco, and the Canaries. Similar to previous P wave tomographic results, the S wave model provides evidence for (1) subvertical upper-mantle low-velocity structures below the Canaries, Atlas Ranges, and Gibraltar Arc, which are interpreted as mantle upwellings fed by a common lower-mantle source below the Canaries; and (2) two low-velocity anomalies below the eastern Rif and Betics that we interpret as the result of the interaction between quasi-toroidal mantle flow induced by the Gibraltar slab and the mantle upwelling behind it. The analysis of teleseismic P wave and S wave arrival-time residuals and the conversion of the low-velocity anomalies to temperature variations suggest that the upwellings in the upper mantle below the Canaries, Atlas Ranges, and Gibraltar Arc system may be solely thermal in nature, with temperature excesses in the range ~100–350 °C. Our results also indicate that local partial melting can be present at lithospheric depths, especially below the Atlas Ranges. The locations of thermal mantle upwellings are in good agreement with those of thinned lithosphere, moderate to high heat-flow measurements, and recent magmatic activity at the surface

    Estudio petrológico de las rocas volcánicas del Pérmico de Gréixer (Pirineo catalán)

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    [EN] A large body of volcanic rocks of Permian age croping out along the southem borderof the Pyrenean Axial Zone near Gréixer has been surveyed. Microscopical study, chemical analyses and field data supply further results on datation of these rocks, their genesis and their relationships regional geological frame and evolution. The very significant pafiicipation of ignimbrites in the surveyed volcanic material is underlined. Conspicuous peralkaline composition of most rocks is emphasized, and the hypotheses for explaining this characteristic are discussed.[ES] Se presenta un estudio sobre las rocas volcánicas de edad permica que afloran extensamente cerca de Greker. a lo lareo del borde de la Zona Axial oirenaica. El estudio al microscopio y los análisis quimicos de las muestras recogidas, junto con los datos de campo, han proporcionado nuevos resultados sobre ladatación y génesis de estas rocas, y sobre sus relaciones en el marco geológico regional y su evolución. Se pone de relieve la muy notable proporción de las ignimbritas en el material volcánico objeto de éste estudio. Igualmente, la predominante composici4n peralcalina de este material. Las hipótesis que pueden explicar tal composición son discutidas.Peer reviewe

    Estudio petrológico de las rocas volcánicas del Pérmico de Gréixer (Pirineo catalán)

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    Se presenta un estudio sobre las rocas volcánicas de edad permica que afloran extensamente cerca de Greker. a lo largo del borde de la Zona Axial pirenaica. El estudio al microscopio y los análisis quimicos de las muestras recogidas, junto con los datos de campo, han proporcionado nuevos resultados sobre la datación y génesis de estas rocas, y sobre sus relaciones en el marco geológico regional y su evolución. Se pone de relieve la muy notable proporción de las ignimbritas en el material volcánico objeto de este estudio. Igualmente, la predominante composición peralcalina de este material. Las hipótesis que pueden explicar tal composición son discutidas

    Mapa geológico de Padul

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    42 páginas.-- Características: Formato 21x15 cm.La cartografía geológica está considerada como parte esencial de la cartografía del país: tanto por la influencia en la investigación y desarrollo de los recursos naturales, como por el conocimiento profundo del suelo y el subsuelo, necesario para acometer tanto las obras de ingeniería civil como de las relativas en la ordenación del territorio.Peer reviewe

    Estudio petrológico de las rocas volcánicas del Pérmico de Gréixer (Pirineo catalán)

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    Se presenta un estudio sobre las rocas volcánicas de edad permica que afloran extensamente cerca de Greker. a lo largo del borde de la Zona Axial pirenaica. El estudio al microscopio y los análisis quimicos de las muestras recogidas, junto con los datos de campo, han proporcionado nuevos resultados sobre la datación y génesis de estas rocas, y sobre sus relaciones en el marco geológico regional y su evolución. Se pone de relieve la muy notable proporción de las ignimbritas en el material volcánico objeto de este estudio. Igualmente, la predominante composición peralcalina de este material. Las hipótesis que pueden explicar tal composición son discutidas

    Polyphase vein mineralization in the Fennoscandian Shield at Åkerlandet, Järvsand, and Laisvall along the erosional front of the Caledonian orogen, Sweden

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    The Åkerlandet, Järvsand, and Laisvall deposits in Sweden are calcite-fluorite-sulfide vein deposits and occurrences located close to the current erosional front of the Caledonian orogen and hosted by crystalline basement rocks in the Fennoscandian Shield. At Laisvall, basement-hosted veinlets occur beneath Ediacaran to Cambrian sandstones that host a strata-bound Pb-Zn deposit. The mineralized fractures at Åkerlandet and Järvsand occur along fault systems oriented N–S to NNW–SSE. Veins or veinlets strike NNW–SSE and NW–SE at Åkerlandet, NNE–SSW at Järvsand, and NNW–SSE and NNE–SSW to NE–SW at Laisvall. At Åkerlandet and Järvsand, fractures acted as conduits for hydrothermal fluids of variable composition and formed during separate tectonic events. At Åkerlandet, the fault zone with NNW–SSE strike shows kinematic indicators consistent with ~NE–SW bulk horizontal extension. At Järvsand, the calcite-fluorite-galena veins formed along R-Riedel shears related to the host N–S to NNW–SSE fault system. The kinematic indicators are consistent with ~NW–SE bulk horizontal extension, similar to the extensional deformation during the later part of the Caledonian orogeny (Silurian to Devonian). At Åkerlandet, adularia-quartz deposition was followed by sphalerite ± galena and finally by precipitation of fluorite and calcite. 40Ar-39Ar thermochronology of a single adularia sample did not yield a well-defined plateau age but the gas released at higher temperatures suggests an early Tonian (980 to 950 Ma) crystallization age, i.e., during the later part of the Sveconorwegian orogeny, although the data do not exclude other less likely interpretations. Previous fluid inclusion microthermometry and geochronological studies and new petrographic and geochemical results suggest that sphalerite ± galena mineralization formed from saline, relatively oxidizing, moderate-temperature, and slightly acidic hydrothermal fluids, either during the Ediacaran or the Middle Ordovician. Metals and H2S were derived from local basement rocks. Based on petrographic evidence, rare earth element composition, and S, C, and O isotope data, fluorite and calcite precipitated under near neutral and relatively reducing conditions. Occurrence of solid bitumen in veins at Åkerlandet and C and O isotope data of calcite at Åkerlandet and in the Laisvall basement veinlets suggest that the precipitation of calcite and fluorite was triggered by interaction of hot and evolved hydrothermal fluids (87Sr/86Sr = 0.718–0.732) with organic matter. Structural, petrographic, and geochemical data at Laisvall suggest that the basement structures hosting calcite-fluorite ± pyrite veinlets were utilized in the Middle Ordovician as the plumbing system for the oxidizing, slightly acidic, metal-bearing brines that caused the economic Pb-Zn mineralization in the overlying sandstones

    Mapa geológico de Algeciras

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    45 páginas.-- Mapas editados entre 1971 y 1972, que recogen la síntesis de la cartografía realizada.-- Características: Formato 21 x 15 cm.Peer reviewe

    Mapa geológico de Cádiz

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    29 páginas.-- Mapas editados entre 1971 y 1972, que recogen la síntesis de la cartografía realizada.-- Características: Formato 21 x 15 cm.Peer reviewe