15 research outputs found

    In Vivo Detection of Succinate by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy as a Hallmark of SDHx Mutations in Paraganglioma

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    International audiencePurpose: Germline mutations in genes encoding mitochon-drial succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) are found in patients with paragangliomas, pheochromocytomas, gastrointestinal stromal tumors, and renal cancers. SDH inactivation leads to a massive accumulation of succinate, acting as an oncometabolite and which levels, assessed on surgically resected tissue are a highly specific biomarker of SDHx-mutated tumors. The aim of this study was to address the feasibility of detecting succinate in vivo by magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Experimental Design: A pulsed proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1 H-MRS) sequence was developed, optimized, and applied to image nude mice grafted with Sdhb À/À or wild-type chromaffin cells. The method was then applied to patients with paraganglioma carrying (n ¼ 5) or not (n ¼ 4) an SDHx gene mutation. Following surgery, succinate was measured using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry, and SDH protein expression was assessed by immunohistochemistry in resected tumors. Results: A succinate peak was observed at 2.44 ppm by 1 H-MRS in all Sdhb À/À-derived tumors in mice and in all paragangliomas of patients carrying an SDHx gene mutation, but neither in wild-type mouse tumors nor in patients exempt of SDHx mutation. In one patient, 1 H-MRS results led to the identification of an unsus-pected SDHA gene mutation. In another case, it helped define the pathogenicity of a variant of unknown significance in the SDHB gene. Conclusions: Detection of succinate by 1 H-MRS is a highly specific and sensitive hallmark of SDHx mutations. This non-invasive approach is a simple and robust method allowing in vivo detection of the major biomarker of SDHx-mutated tumors. Clin Cancer Res; 22(5); 1120–9. Ó2015 AACR

    Treatment of Chronic Refractory Pain by Combined Deep Brain Stimulation of the Anterior Cingulum and Sensory Thalamus (EMOPAIN Study): Rationale and Protocol of a Feasibility and Safety Study

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    Background: Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) of the sensory thalamus has been proposed for 40 years to treat medically refractory neuropathic pain, but its efficacy remains partial and unpredictable. Recent pilot studies of DBS targeting the ACC, a brain region involved in the integration of the affective, emotional, and cognitive aspects of pain, may improve patients suffering from refractory chronic pain. ACC-DBS could be complementary to thalamic DBS to treat both the sensory-discriminative and the affective components of chronic pain, but the safety of combined DBS, especially on cognition and affects, has not been studied. Methods: We propose a prospective, randomized, double-blind, and bicentric study to evaluate the feasibility and safety of bilateral ACC-DBS combined with unilateral thalamic DBS in adult patients suffering from chronic unilateral neuropathic pain, refractory to medical treatment. After a study period of six months, there is a cross-over randomized phase to compare the efficacy (evaluated by pain intensity and quality of life) and safety (evaluated by repeated neurological examination, psychiatric assessment, cognitive assessment, and assessment of affective functions) of combined ACC-thalamic DBS and thalamic DBS only, respectively. Discussion: The EMOPAIN study will show if ACC-DBS is a safe and effective therapy for patients suffering from chronic unilateral neuropathic pain, refractory to medical treatment. The design of the study will, for the first time, assess the efficacy of ACC-DBS combined with thalamic DBS in a blinded way

    PI4K-beta and MKNK1 are regulators of hepatitis C virus IRES-dependent translation

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    Cellular translation is down-regulated by host antiviral responses. Picornaviridae and Flaviviridae including hepatitis C virus (HCV) evade this process using internal ribosomal entry sequences (IRESs). Although HCV IRES translation is a prerequisite for HCV replication, only few host factors critical for IRES activity are known and the global regulator network remains largely unknown. Since signal transduction is an import regulator of viral infections and the host antiviral response we combined a functional RNAi screen targeting the human signaling network with a HCV IRES-specific reporter mRNA assay. We demonstrate that the HCV host cell cofactors PI4K and MKNK1 are positive regulators of HCV IRES translation representing a novel pathway with a functional relevance for the HCV life cycle and IRES-mediated translation of viral RNA

    Deep impact of the inactivation of the SecA2-only protein export pathway on the proteosurfaceome of Listeria monocytogenes

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    Listeria monocytogenes presents a dimorphism associated to the SecA2 activity with cells having a normal rod shape or a dysmorphic elongated filamentous form. Besides variation of the cell and colony morphotype, this cell differentiation has profound ecophysiological and physiopathological implications with collateral effects on virulence and pathogenicity, biotope colonisation, bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation. This suggests the SecA2-only protein export could influence the listerial cell surface, which was investigated first by characterising its properties in L. monocytogenes wt and secA2. The degree of hydrophilicity and Lewis acid-base properties appeared significantly affected upon SecA2 inactivation. As modification of electrostatic properties would owe to modification in the composition of cell-surface proteins, the proteosurfaceome was further investigated by shotgun label-free proteomic analysis with a comparative relative quantitative approach. Following secretomic analysis, the protein secretion routes of the identified proteins were mapped considering the cognate transport and post-translocational maturation systems, as well as protein categories and subcellular localisation. Differential protein abundance profiles coupled to network analysis revealed the SecA2 dependence of 48 proteins, including some related to cell envelope biogenesis, translation and protein export, which could account for modifications of adhesion and cell properties of L. monocytogenes upon SecA2 inactivation. This investigation unravelled the profound influence of SecA2 activity on the cell surface properties and proteosurfaceome of L. monocytogenes, which provides advanced insights about its ecophysiopathology. Significance L. monocytogenes is a foodborne zoonotic pathogen and etiological agent of human listeriosis. This species presents a cellular dimorphism associated to the SecA2 activity that has profound physiopathological and ecophysiological implications with collateral effects on bacterial virulence and colonisation. To explore the influence of the SecA2-only protein export on the listerial cell, the surface properties of L. monocytogenes expressing or depleted of SecA2 was characterised by microelectrophoresis, microbial affinity to solvents and contact angles analyses. As modifications of hydrophilicity and Lewis acid-base electrostatic properties would owe to modification in the composition of cell-surface proteins, the proteinaceous subset of the surfaceome, i.e. the proteosurfaceome, was investigated further by shotgun label-free proteomic analysis. This subproteome appeared quite impacted upon SecA2 inactivation with the identification of proteins accounting for modifications in the cell surface properties. The profound influence of SecA2 activity on the cell surface of L. monocytogenes was unravelled, which provides advanced insights about its ecophysiopathology.INRAE (“Institut National de Recherche pour l'Agriculture, l'Alimentation et l'Environnement”, previously called INRA, “Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique”), NCN (“Narodowe Centrum Nauki”) National Science Centre Poland (n°2013/09/B/NZ6/00710), ANR (“Agence National de la Recherche”) PathoFood project (n°ANR-17-CE21-0002), COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action FA1202 BacFoodNet, RMT (“Réseau Mixte Technologique”) CHLEAN (“Conception Hygiénique des Lignes et Equipements et Amélioration de la Nettoyabilité pour une alimentation saine et sure”) and France-Poland CampusFrance EGIDE PHC (“Programme Hubert Curien”) POLONIUM 2013 (n°28298ZE)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Succinate detection using in vivo 1H-MR spectroscopy identifies germline and somatic SDHx mutations in paragangliomas

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    International audiencePurpose: Germline mutations in genes encoding succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) are frequent in patients with pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma (PPGL). They lead to SDH inactivation, mediating a massive accumulation of succinate, which constitutes a highly specific biomarker of SDHx-mutated tumors when measured in vitro. In a recent pilot study, we showed that magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) optimized for succinate detection (SUCCES) could detect succinate in vivo in both allografted mouse models and PPGL patients. The objective of this study was to prospectively assess the diagnostic performances of 1H-MRS SUCCES sequence for the identification of SDH deficiency in PPGL patients.Methods: Forty-nine patients presenting with 50 PPGLs were prospectively enrolled in our referral center for 1H-MRS SUCCES. Two observers blinded to the clinical characteristics and genetic status analyzed the presence of a succinate peak and confronted the results to a composite gold standard combining PPGL genetic testing and/or in vitro protein analyses in the tumor.Results: A succinate peak was observed in 20 tumors, all of which had proven SDH deficiency using the gold standard (17 patients with germline SDHx mutations, 2 with a somatic SDHD mutation, and 1 with negative SDHB IHC and SDH loss of function). A false negative result was observed in 3 tumors. Sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy of 1H-MRS SUCCES were respectively 87%, 100%, 100%, 90%, and 94%.Conclusions: Detection of succinate using 1H-MRS is a highly specific and sensitive hallmark of SDH-deficiency in PPGLs

    Integument-Specific Transcriptional Regulation in the Mid-Stage of Flax Seed Development Influences the Release of Mucilage and the Seed Oil Content

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    International audienceFlax (Linum usitatissimum L.) seed oil, which accumulates in the embryo, and mucilage, which is synthesized in the seed coat, are of great economic importance for food, pharmaceutical as well as chemical industries. Theories on the link between oil and mucilage production in seeds consist in the spatio-temporal competition of both compounds for photosynthates during the very early stages of seed development. In this study, we demonstrate a positive relationship between seed oil production and seed coat mucilage extrusion in the agronomic model, flax. Three recombinant inbred lines were selected for low, medium and high mucilage and seed oil contents. Metabolite and transcript profiling (1H NMR and DNA oligo-microarrays) was performed on the seeds during seed development. These analyses showed main changes in the seed coat transcriptome during the mid-phase of seed development (25 Days Post-Anthesis), once the mucilage biosynthesis and modification processes are thought to be finished. These transcriptome changes comprised genes that are putatively involved in mucilage chemical modification and oil synthesis, as well as gibberellic acid (GA) metabolism. The results of these integrative biology approach, suggest that transcriptional regulations of seed oil and fatty acid (FA) metabolism could occur in the seed coat during the mid-stage of seed development, once the seed coat carbon supplies have been used for mucilage biosynthesis and mechanochemical properties of the mucilage secretory cells

    miR-135a-5p-mediated downregulation of protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor delta is a candidate driver of HCV-associated hepatocarcinogenesis

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    Background and aims HCV infection is a leading risk factor of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, even after viral clearance, HCC risk remains elevated. HCV perturbs host cell signalling to maintain infection, and derailed signalling circuitry is a key driver of carcinogenesis. Since protein phosphatases are regulators of signalling events, we aimed to identify phosphatases that respond to HCV infection with relevance for hepatocarcinogenesis. Methods: We assessed mRNA and microRNA (miRNA) expression profiles in primary human hepatocytes, liver biopsies and resections of patients with HCC, and analysed microarray and RNA-seq data from paired liver biopsies of patients with HCC. We revealed changes in transcriptional networks through gene set enrichment analysis and correlated phosphatase expression levels to patient survival and tumour recurrence. Results: We demonstrate that tumour suppressor protein tyrosine phosphatase receptor delta (PTPRD) is impaired by HCV infection in vivo and in HCC lesions of paired liver biopsies independent from tissue inflammation or fibrosis. In liver tissue adjacent to tumour, high PTPRD levels are associated with a dampened transcriptional activity of STAT3, an increase of patient survival from HCC and reduced tumour recurrence after surgical resection. We identified miR-135a-5p as a mechanistic regulator of hepatic PTPRD expression in patients with HCV. Conclusions: We previously demonstrated that STAT3 is required for HCV infection. We conclude that HCV promotes a STAT3 transcriptional programme in the liver of patients by suppressing its regulator PTPRD via upregulation of miR-135a-5p. Our results show the existence of a perturbed PTPRD–STAT3 axis potentially driving malignant progression of HCV-associated liver disease