81 research outputs found

    La gestion des connaissances chez Capgemini Consulting

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    Projecte final de carrera fet en col.laboració amb Capgemini Consulting.English: In spite of its short history, knowledge management attracks the interest and takes the energies from the top management of many companies. Through Knowledge Management (KM), companies try to capture knowldge produced in them, to make it available to other employees within the organisation. Of course, motivation, time and confidentiality issues must be taken into account. In Capgemini Consulting, KM is realized trhough a tool: KM 2.0. This consists of a formal process and a responsible team. However, it is human and social factors which lead knowledge management, in the end.Castellano: A pesar de su corta historia, la problemática de la gesión de conocimiento suscita hoy el interés y solicita la energía del top management de muhas empresas. A través del Knowledge Management (KM) las empresas inentan capturar los conocimientos producidos en su seno, para ponerlos a disposición de los otros empleados de la organización. Evidentemente, deben tenerse en cuenta cuestiones de confidencialidad, motivación y gestión de tiempo, entre otras. En Capgemini Consulting, el KM se realiza a través de un util: el KM 2.0. Consiste en un proceso formalizado y un equipo responsable. Sin embargo, son factores humanos y sociales lo que dirigen, in fine, la gestión de los conocimientos

    Anàlisi dels factors determinants en la rebrotada del bruc boal (Erica arborea L.) després de l’incendi de l’Alt Empordà del 2012

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    S’han analitzat els factors determinants en el procés de rebrotada del bruc boal (Erica arborea) entre quatre i nou mesos després de l’incendi de l’Alt Empordà del 2012.Mitjançant models lineals generalitzats mixtos (GLMM) s’han analitzat quines variables (severitat del foc i altres variables biològiques) han influït en els indicadors de la rebrotada: la biomassa i el creixement dels rebrots. D’una banda, la biomassa s’ha vist influïda pels efectes de l’àrea de la rabassa i pel nombre i l’alçada dels rebrots. De l’altra, una severitat més gran del foc ha promogut el creixement dels rebrots en els primers quatre mesos després de l’incendi, tot i que en els cinc mesos següents s’ha donat l’efecte contrari. En canvi, a baixes severitats, el creixement inicial ha estat menor, incrementant-se en el segon període. La capacitat de resposta d’una espècie dominant, com el bruc, facilita la recuperació de l’ecosistema i s’ha de tenir en compte en la gestió postincendi.This study analyses the key factors in the resprouting process of the tree heath (Erica arborea) between four and nine months after a huge wildfire in Alt Empordà (Catalonia, Spain) in 2012. Generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) were used to analyse which variables (fire severity and other biological variables) affected the biomass and growth of resprouts, indicators of resprouting vigour. On the one hand, biomass was influenced by the lignotuber area and by the number and height of resprouts. On the other hand, a greater fire severity promoted the growth of resprouts in the first four months after the fire, although in the following five months it produced the opposite effect. However, at low severity, initial growth was lower, and it increased in the following period. The response capacity of a dominant species like the tree heath facilitates the recovery of the ecosystem and should be taken into account in post-fire management

    Nou disseny de l’espai al CRAI Biblioteca de Biologia de la Universitat de Barcelona

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    [cat] L’Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior junt amb els canvis de les tecnologies de la informació, obliguen a adaptar espais i serveis amb l'objectiu de satisfer les noves necessitats de la comunitat universitària. El CRAI Biblioteca de Biologia Universitat de Barcelona estudia, redissenya i reestructura els seus espais per donar resposta al nou escenari, creant espais més flexibles i multifuncionals, amortitzant i donant una major utilitat. Es detecten beneficis, barreres i actuacions futures.[eng] The European Higher Education Area, together with the information technology changes, make it necessary to adapt spaces and services in order to meet the new needs of the university community. The CRAI Biology Library of the University of Barcelona studies, redesigns and restructures its spaces to respond to the new scenario, creating more flexible and multifunctional spaces, amortizing and giving a greater utility. Benefits, barriers and future actions are detected

    Nou disseny de l’espai al CRAI Biblioteca de Biologia de la Universitat de Barcelona

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    [cat] L’Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior junt amb els canvis de les tecnologies de la informació, obliguen a adaptar espais i serveis amb l'objectiu de satisfer les noves necessitats de la comunitat universitària. El CRAI Biblioteca de Biologia Universitat de Barcelona estudia, redissenya i reestructura els seus espais per donar resposta al nou escenari, creant espais més flexibles i multifuncionals, amortitzant i donant una major utilitat. Es detecten beneficis, barreres i actuacions futures.[eng] The European Higher Education Area, together with the information technology changes, make it necessary to adapt spaces and services in order to meet the new needs of the university community. The CRAI Biology Library of the University of Barcelona studies, redesigns and restructures its spaces to respond to the new scenario, creating more flexible and multifunctional spaces, amortizing and giving a greater utility. Benefits, barriers and future actions are detected

    Immediate placement of single implant simultaneously with immediate loading in a fresh socket associated to periapical infection: a clinical case report

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    Early restoration of the masticatory function, phonatory and aesthetics is some of the current goals of the therapy based on endosseous implants. Facing the classic protocols of implant insertion, which recommend a period of several months between extraction and implant placement, alternatives have been developed that demonstrate that immediate implant placement after tooth extraction permits adequate osseointegration, even in those cases where there is a periapical disease. The immediate restoration of implants after placement is a possibility where aesthetic requirements are high. This article presents a case with immediate implant placement and immediate loading of a first upper premolar with prior periapical pathology due to a vertical fracture. The immediate prosthetic was performed using the extracted crown, which is adapted to be attached to a titanium temporary abutment using a resin cement. After a 4 month healing period work began on the final prosthetic crown. The screw crown was made of zirconium oxide with a covering feldspathic ceramic. At the 12-month follow-up, there were no mechanical or biological complications. The patient gave high satisfaction marks for the overall treatment, giving visual analogue scale score of nine. Immediate post-extraction implants have arisen as an alternative to traditional implants on completely healed bone. Their main aim is to reduce treatment time and number of surgical procedures, along with other objectives such as reduced bone re-absorption and improved aesthetics

    Una taula per a quatre veus

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    Azimuthal distinguishability of entangled photons generated in spontaneous parametric down-conversion

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    We experimentally demonstrate that paired photons generated in different sections of a down-conversion cone, when some of the interacting waves show Poynting vector walk-off, carry different spatial correlations, and therefore a different degree of spatial entanglement. This is shown to be in agreement with theoretical results. We also discuss how this azimuthal distinguishing information of the down-conversion cone is relevant for the implementation of quantum sources aimed at the generation of entanglement in other degrees of freedom, such as polarization.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Opt. Expres

    Descobrint el paper del farmacèutic en persones amb discapacitat visual

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    Treballs d'Educació Farmacètica als ciutadans. Unitat Docent d'Estades en Pràctiques Tutelades. Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2014/2015, Tutores: Dolors Soy i Marian March Pujol.Com a professionals farmacèutics que realitzem atenció centrada als pacients hem d’entendre els reptes als que s’enfronten les persones invidents/amb visió reduïda i realitzar una atenció farmacèutica d’acord a les seves necessitats. L’adherència a la pauta de medicació és difícil per molts pacients, i és fàcil imaginar que es complica encara més quan la visió està afectada. La majoria de pacients invidents no poden distingir el color, el nom, el text de l’embalatge dels medicaments, la graduació d’una xeringa o no poden llegir el prospecte. Com a farmacèutics hem de aprendre a valorar a tots els pacients i veure i desenvolupar estratègies per ajudar-los a millorar el maneig de la medicació

    Salivary cardiac-enriched FHL2-interacting protein is associated with higher diastolic-to-systolic-blood pressure ratio, sedentary time and center of pressure displacement in healthy 7-9 years old school-children

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    IntroductionCardiac-enriched FHL2-interacting protein (CEFIP) is a recently identified protein, first found in the z-disc of striated muscles, and related to cardiovascular diseases. Our objectives are: 1) to quantify CEFIP in saliva in healthy 7-9 years old school-children; and 2) to assess the associations of salivary CEFIP concentration and blood pressure, physical (in)activity and physical fitness in these children.MethodsA total of 72 children (7.6 ± 0.3 years) were included in the study, recruited in primary schools in Girona (Spain). A sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used (abx506878; Abbexa, United Kingdom) to quantify CEFIP in saliva. Anthropometric evaluation was performed [body mass, height and body mass index (BMI)]. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure were measured by means of an electronic oscillometer and the diastolic-to-systolic blood pressure ratio (D/S BP ratio) was calculated. Physical (in)activity [sedentary time and time spent in physical activity (PA)] were assessed by means of a triaxial Actigraph GT3X accelerometer (Actigraph, Pensacola, FL, USA) that children were instructed to wear for 24h during 7 conssecutive days. Finally, physical fitness (speed and agility, explosive power of legs, handgrip strength, flexibility and balance) were assessed through validated and standardized testing batteries.ResultsCEFIP was easily detected and measured in all saliva samples (mean concentration: 0.6 ± 0.2 pg/ml). Salivary CEFIP was positively associated with D/S BP ratio (r=0.305, p=0.010) and sedentary time (r=0.317, p=0.012), but negatively associated with PA in 7-9 years old school-children (r=-0.350, p=0.002). Furthermore, salivary CEFIP was related to lower level of balance i.e., higher center of pressure (CoP) displacement in these children (r=0.411, p<0.001). The associations of salivary CEFIP with D/S BP ratio (Beta=0.349, p=0.004), sedentary time (Beta=0.354, p=0.009) and CoP displacement (Beta=0.401, p=0.001), were maintained significant after adjustment for potential confounding variables such as age, gender and BMI in linear regression analyses.ConclusionCEFIP can be easily assessed in saliva as a promising biomarker associated with cardiovascular health in 7-9 years old school-children. Interestingly, higher salivary CEFIP concentration was related to higher D/S BP ratio, more sedentary time and higher CoP displacement i.e., lower level of balance in these children

    Eliminación de peces introducidos como medida de restauración de lagos de alta montaña

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    E. Carrillo, J. Ninot, T. Buchaca and M. Ventura. Blanes, LIFE+ LIMNOPIRINEUS Technical OfficeEntre los objetivos del proyecto LIFE+ LimnoPirineus (2014-2019) figuraban la restauración ecológica de ocho lagos pirenaicos y la recuperación o mejora de las poblaciones de diversas especies de interés comunitario de estos lagos, mediante la erradicación o el control intensivo de peces introducidos de hasta cuatro especies. En la mayor parte de lagos el objetivo operativo ha sido la erradicación, mientras que tan solo en uno de ellos el objetivo pasaba simplemente por llevar a cabo un control intensivo hasta alcanzar al menos una reducción del 75 % de la población inicial. A finales de 2019, estos objetivos se han alcanzado completamente para cinco de los lagos de actuación, mientras que en los otros tres lagos están cerca de alcanzarse, cosa que sucederá probablemente antes de finales de 2020. Se han puesto a punto métodos de extracción de peces basados en la combinación de hasta tres técnicas de captura principales: redes, trampas y pesca eléctrica. Se demuestra que la erradicación de los peces es factible en muchos lagos de alta montaña con una inversión suficiente en medios materiales y humanos, y con una adecuada planificación de las operaciones. Cuando no es factible la erradicación, el control intensivo mediante un esfuerzo sostenible en el tiempo es también una alternativa que cabe considerar a medio plazo.Peer reviewe