1,955 research outputs found

    Cumulative measure of correlation for multipartite quantum states

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    The present article proposes a measure of correlation for multiqubit mixed states. The measure is de?ned recursively, accumulating the correlation of the subspaces, making it simple to calculate without the use of regression. Unlike usual measures, the proposed measure is continuous additive and re?ects the dimensionality of the state space, allowing to compare states with di?erent dimensions. Examples show that the measure can signal critical points (CPs) in the analysis of Quantum Phase Transitions (QPTs) in Heisenberg models

    Una experiencia nacional en la formación de profesores: Scratch y Robótica en Uruguay

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    En 2007, the Uruguayan government launched the “Basic Information Educational Program for Online Learning” (“CEIBAL”). The project’s immediate objective is to provide all public primary school students and teachers with free laptop access. CEIBAL’s longer-term objective is to promote social justice. It combines the distribution of computers with a program to train teachers. In 2011 a specific program was launched to train all Informatics teachers (1600 people) in Programming and Robotics. The school of Engineering of Universidad ORT Uruguay was selected to train 800 of those teachers. In this article, we describe the characteristics of the courses and participant’s opinions. Categories and Subject Descriptors: Computers and EducationEn 2007, the Uruguayan government launched the “Basic Information Educational Program for Online Learning” (“CEIBAL”). The project’s immediate objective is to provide all public primary school students and teachers with free laptop access. CEIBAL’s longer-term objective is to promote social justice. It combines the distribution of computers with a program to train teachers. In 2011 a specific program was launched to train all Informatics teachers (1600 people) in Programming and Robotics. The school of Engineering of Universidad ORT Uruguay was selected to train 800 of those teachers. In this article, we describe the characteristics of the courses and participant’s opinions. Categories and Subject Descriptors: Computers and Educatio

    Order of Grover's search algorithm with both total and local depolarizing channel error

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    Noise is an inherent part of quantum computation. Although there exists a fault-tolerant approach to quantum computing, this requires many computational resources. Hence, it is important to analyze how noise affects well-known algorithms. In this paper the effect of noise in Grover?s search algorithm is studied. The noise is modeled as both total depolarizing channel (TDCh), and local depolarizing channel (LDCh) in every qubit. An analysis of the order has been made analytically for the TDCh, and an approximation has been done for the LDCh

    Enfoque alternativo al análisis de errores de despolarización en el algoritmo de Grover

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    En este artículo, se analizó el efecto de introducir ruido al algoritmo de Grover, modelado como ruido total de despolarización de canal (TDCh) y como ruido local de despolarización de canal (LDCh), utilizando un índice que caracteriza la propagación de errores en estados cuánticos. Los resultados son comparados con los obtenidos anteriormente por Vrana et. al. [1] y Cohn et. al. [2], concluyendo que la degradación del algoritmo de Grover con error local (LDCh) es aún peor que con error total (TDCh)

    Caracterización de errores en circuitos cuánticos: índice de isotropía para estados de n-qubits

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    Desde los inicios de la computación cuántica se han investigado diversas formas de trabajar con los circuitos cuánticos en ambientes con errores. Usualmente se asume la hipótesis de que los errores en cada qubit son independientes, según Shor, simplemente por analogía con el modelo clásico. Aunque en algunos casos esta hipótesis pueda ser realista, no está justificada para errores de decoherencia de un estado de n-qubits y errores en puertas cuánticas de más de un qubit. En este trabajo se introduce una fora de caracterizar errores más generales en circuitos cuánticos mediante un índice de isotropía

    Implementación del algoritmo de Grover utilizando un modelo de computación cuántico discreto

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    Los estados resultantes de la aplicación del algoritmo de Grover son un subconjunto de estados que se enmarcan dentro de un modelo de computación cuántica discreto. Estudiando este modelo es posible extraer algunas conclusiones del conocido algoritmo

    QuantumLab: simulador de código abierto para computación cuántica

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    Resumen :En este trabajo, se presenta un simulador para computación cuántica desarrollado en el ambiente de cálculo numérico Scilab. Está construido como una colección de bibliotecas de funciones ordenadas de forma temática con el objetivo de permitir una ampliación del mismo de manera sencilla. Se da una breve descripción de las rutinas implementadas y un ejemplo de uso. Abstract: In this article we introduce a quantum computer simulator implemented in the numerical computation environment Scilab. It is developed as a collection of libraries arranged thematically, in order to simplify future extensions. A brief description of implemented routines is given as well as an example of us

    “Mailbox” patents: a counterintuitive analysis of the brazilian system of industrial property

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    This article presents an analysis of the Brazilian system of industrial property, taking as sample 241 “mailbox” patents. The first conclusion of this study is that, over twenty years after the creation of the Organization World Trade Organization (WTO), Brazil still pays the price for a disordered adoption of multilateral treaties. This data baseline survey also concluded that, from the date of filing the request until the granting of patents, INPI took on average 12.64 years to examine applications and, consequently, the duration of market exclusivity rights has shifted to 22.64 years on average. It was also possible to identify a trend of increase of the technical examination deadlines applicable to patents, although the dispersion around the mean presented a reduction in the sample period. Still, the sample data suggest a trend of increase with relation to the time spent in the examination of applications

    Perfil sensorial de bebidas de café conilon do Estado do Espírito Santo

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    The objective of this work was to present a sensory description of conilon coffee (Coffea canephora) brews produced from genotypes developed for the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The genotypes 'Diamante ES8112', 'ES8122', and 'Centenária ES8132' were evaluated. Nine samples from three clones (genotypes) of each cultivar, from two different regions of the state, were analyzed. A panel of tasters for coffee sensory evaluation was trained to obtain a descriptive profile and to select terms. Beverages were described as showing a higher intensity of powder fragrance, characteristic aroma of coffee brew, body, characteristic flavor and aftertaste, and a lower intensity of bitterness, acidity, astringency, and defects. The terms bitterness, strong, body, astringency, and coffee aftertaste were the most relevant in the characterization of the beverages of the studied C. canephora cultivars. Acidity is the attribute with the greatest impact on the overall quality of C. canephora brew. The coffee brews of the clones of 'Diamante ES8112', 'ES8122', and 'Centenária ES8132' are classified as of traditional quality, but near the superior category.O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar uma descrição sensorial de bebidas de café conilon (Coffea canefora) produzidas a partir de genótipos desenvolvidos para o Estado do Espírito Santo. Foram avaliados os genótipos 'Diamante ES8112', 'ES8122' e 'Centenária ES8132'. Nove amostras oriundas de três clones (genótipos) de cada cultivar, procedentes de duas regiões distintas do estado, foram analisadas. Uma equipe de testadores para a avaliação sensorial de café foi treinada para a obtenção do perfil descritivo e a seleção de termos. As bebidas de café foram descritas como apresentando uma maior intensidade dos atributos fragrância do pó de café, aroma característico da bebida, corpo, sabor característico e sabor residual, e uma menor intensidade de amargor, acidez, adstringência e defeitos. Os termos amargor, forte, encorpado, adstringência e sabor residual característico de café foram os mais relevantes na caracterização das bebidas das cultivares de C. canephora estudadas. A acidez é o atributo com maior impacto sobre a qualidade global da bebida de C. canephora. As bebidas dos clones das cultivares 'Diamante', 'ES8122' e 'Centenária ES8132' classificam-se como na faixa de qualidade tradicional, porém próxima à categoria superior