14 research outputs found

    Para quem não quer ler: uma análise das cartas de estudantes do Complexo da Maré para juízes cariocas

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    No ano de 2019, quando Wilson Witzel era governador do estado do Rio de Janeiro, a justiça encerrou um caso coletivo, em que a Defensoria Pública pleiteava a fixação de regras mínimas, que pautassem a ocorrência de operações policiais nas favelas que compõem o Complexo da Maré. Na tentativa de sensibilizar os juízes fluminenses, crianças e adolescentes, alunos da rede pública de educação, foram provocados a escrever cartas para o Tribunal, nas quais se manifestavam sobre o fim do processo, sem o julgamento do pedido. Em 2005, Machado, Leite e Fridman, ao estudarem a segurança pública no Rio de Janeiro, no período posterior à ditadura, diagnosticaram como desafio para a pasta, a tarefa de civilizar a polícia e os favelados. O presente artigo pretende, a partir da manifestação dos estudantes, testar se, de fato, quinze anos após o trabalho que nos serve de referência, a tarefa foi cumprida, amparando o estudo nos conceitos de necropolítica e vida nua

    A criação do monstro: sobre milicianos, sujeição criminal e corpo

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    O trabalho tem por objeto avaliar, a partir da representação dos profissionais da Defensoria Pública do Rio de Janeiro, se a expansão das milícias- enquanto fenômeno criminal no território fluminense- guarda relação com a participação de agentes do Estado nesses grupos criminosos e se, em alguma medida, a atuação dos atores do sistema de justiça, a partir do sentido de corpo, colabora com o aumento do poder dessas organizações. Para atingir a finalidade da pesquisa foram realizadas trinta entrevistas semiestruturadas e a análise qualitativa das respostas possibilitou desvendar que, uma dicotomia entre os grupos milicianos e as facções criminosas do varejo das drogas deu aos primeiros o discurso inicial pacificador em confronto com os bandidos, inimigos sociais a serem combatidos. Dentro dessa lógica de guerra às drogas, a sujeição criminal não atingiu os milicianos nos primeiros vinte anos do século XXI, de modo que puderam, abrigados por uma atuação protetora do Estado a algumas práticas autoritárias dos agentes da repressão, expandir os seus negócios, em verdadeira confusão dos papéis de outsiders e insiders.    The objective of this work is to assess, based on the representation of professional from Public Defender’s Office of Rio de Janeiro, whether the expansion of militias, as a criminal phenomenon in these territory, is related to the participation of State agentes in these criminal groups and whether, in to some extent, the performance of actors in the justice system, based on the sense of body, collaborates with the increase in the power of these organizations. In order to reach the purpose of the research, thirty semi-structured interviews were carried out and the qualitative analysis of the answers made it possible to reveal that a dichotomy between the militia groups ante the criminal factions of the drug retail gave the former the initial pacifying speech in confrontation with the bandits, social enemies to be fought. Whitin this logic of the war on drugs, criminal subjection did not affect the militiamen in the firt twenty years of the 21st century, so that thet could, sheltered by a protective action by the State against some authoritarian practices of the agents of represssion, expand their businesses, in real confusion of the roles of outsiders and insiders

    Descalços e pés de chinelo: sobre tráfico de drogas e controle penal

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.Localização na estante: 343.575(81) F676

    Pelos tribunais da vida

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    The paper seeks to relate the limits imposed on the exercise of citizenship by residents of conflicted areas and the action of criminal groups, presenting an alternative created to offer a public service of legal guidance and access to justice, having as its object of study the embryonic initiative of the Public Defender's Office of the State of Rio de Janeiro called “Defensoria em Ação nas Favelas”. The aim is to demonstrate the need for public institutions to occupy their space and provide quality public service in areas under the control of armed gangs, disputing with militias and drug trafficking factions this hypervulnerable population, residing on the outskirts of cities, from of the experience in the territory of Rio de Janeiro. The hypothesis is that through active search it is possible to rescue a significant portion of the population of the State of Rio de Janeiro, constantly excluded from exercising their citizenship, guaranteeing their access to Justice. The problem is highlighted because it is estimated that one third of the residents of Rio de Janeiro live in risk areas controlled by the militias, while another 24% are exposed to the domain of drug trafficking factions. Aware of the various forms of vilification of the basic rights of this significant portion of the population, we seek to find out if, at least in relation to access to Justice, the action has been successful. To do so, a bibliographical review and case study presentation will be used.O paper procura relacionar os limites impostos ao exercício da cidadania aos moradores de áreas conflagradas e a ação de grupos criminosos, apresentando alternativa criada para oferta de serviço público de orientação jurídica e acesso à justiça, tendo como objeto de estudo a iniciativa embrionária da Defensoria Pública do Estado do Rio de Janeiro denominada “Defensoria em Ação nas Favelas”. O objetivo é demonstrar a necessidade de as instituições públicas ocuparem seu espaço e prestarem serviço público de qualidade nas áreas sob o domínio de quadrilhas armadas, disputando com as milícias e facções do tráfico de drogas a população hipervulnerável, residente nas periferias das cidades, a partir da experiência no território fluminense. A hipótese é que através da busca ativa é possível resgatar uma parcela significativa da população do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, constantemente alijada do exercício de sua cidadania, garantindo-lhe o acesso à justiça. O problema ganha relevo porque se estima que um terço dos moradores da capital fluminense more em áreas de risco controladas pelas milícias, ao passo que outros 24% são expostos ao domínio das facções do tráfico de drogas. Cientes das diversas formas de vilipêndio aos direitos basilares desta expressiva parcela da população, busca-se averiguar se, ao menos em relação ao acesso à justiça, a ação tem obtido êxito. Para tanto, será utilizada a revisão bibliográfica e apresentação de estudo de cas

    Shearless transport barriers in magnetically confined plasmas

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    Shearless transport barriers appear in confined plasmas due to non-monotonic radial profiles and cause localized reduction of transport even after they have been broken. In this paper we summarize our recent theoretical and experimental research on shearless transport barriers in plasmas confined in toroidal devices. In particular, we discuss shearless barriers in Lagrangian magnetic field line transport caused by non-monotonic safety factor profiles. We also discuss evidence of particle transport barriers found in the TCABR Tokamak (University of Sao Paulo) and the Texas Helimak (University of Texas at Austin) in biased discharges with non-monotonic plasma flows.US Department of Energy [DE-FG05-80ET-53088

    Observation of WWWWWW Production in pppp Collisions at s\sqrt s =13  TeV with the ATLAS Detector

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    International audienceThis Letter reports the observation of WWWWWW production and a measurement of its cross section using 139 fb1^{-1} of proton-proton collision data recorded at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Events with two same-sign leptons (electrons or muons) and at least two jets, as well as events with three charged leptons, are selected. A multivariate technique is then used to discriminate between signal and background events. Events from WWWWWW production are observed with a significance of 8.0 standard deviations, where the expectation is 5.4 standard deviations. The inclusive WWWWWW production cross section is measured to be 820±100(stat)±80(syst)820 \pm 100\,\text{(stat)} \pm 80\,\text{(syst)} fb, approximately 2.6 standard deviations from the predicted cross section of 511±18511 \pm 18 fb calculated at next-to-leading-order QCD and leading-order electroweak accuracy

    Observation of WWWWWW Production in pppp Collisions at s\sqrt s =13  TeV with the ATLAS Detector

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    International audienceThis Letter reports the observation of WWWWWW production and a measurement of its cross section using 139 fb1^{-1} of proton-proton collision data recorded at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Events with two same-sign leptons (electrons or muons) and at least two jets, as well as events with three charged leptons, are selected. A multivariate technique is then used to discriminate between signal and background events. Events from WWWWWW production are observed with a significance of 8.0 standard deviations, where the expectation is 5.4 standard deviations. The inclusive WWWWWW production cross section is measured to be 820±100(stat)±80(syst)820 \pm 100\,\text{(stat)} \pm 80\,\text{(syst)} fb, approximately 2.6 standard deviations from the predicted cross section of 511±18511 \pm 18 fb calculated at next-to-leading-order QCD and leading-order electroweak accuracy

    Observation of WWWWWW Production in pppp Collisions at s\sqrt s =13  TeV with the ATLAS Detector

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    International audienceThis Letter reports the observation of WWWWWW production and a measurement of its cross section using 139 fb1^{-1} of proton-proton collision data recorded at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Events with two same-sign leptons (electrons or muons) and at least two jets, as well as events with three charged leptons, are selected. A multivariate technique is then used to discriminate between signal and background events. Events from WWWWWW production are observed with a significance of 8.0 standard deviations, where the expectation is 5.4 standard deviations. The inclusive WWWWWW production cross section is measured to be 820±100(stat)±80(syst)820 \pm 100\,\text{(stat)} \pm 80\,\text{(syst)} fb, approximately 2.6 standard deviations from the predicted cross section of 511±18511 \pm 18 fb calculated at next-to-leading-order QCD and leading-order electroweak accuracy

    Observation of WWWWWW Production in pppp Collisions at s\sqrt s =13  TeV with the ATLAS Detector

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    International audienceThis Letter reports the observation of WWWWWW production and a measurement of its cross section using 139 fb1^{-1} of proton-proton collision data recorded at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Events with two same-sign leptons (electrons or muons) and at least two jets, as well as events with three charged leptons, are selected. A multivariate technique is then used to discriminate between signal and background events. Events from WWWWWW production are observed with a significance of 8.0 standard deviations, where the expectation is 5.4 standard deviations. The inclusive WWWWWW production cross section is measured to be 820±100(stat)±80(syst)820 \pm 100\,\text{(stat)} \pm 80\,\text{(syst)} fb, approximately 2.6 standard deviations from the predicted cross section of 511±18511 \pm 18 fb calculated at next-to-leading-order QCD and leading-order electroweak accuracy

    Observation of WWWWWW Production in pppp Collisions at s\sqrt s =13  TeV with the ATLAS Detector

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    International audienceThis Letter reports the observation of WWWWWW production and a measurement of its cross section using 139 fb1^{-1} of proton-proton collision data recorded at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. Events with two same-sign leptons (electrons or muons) and at least two jets, as well as events with three charged leptons, are selected. A multivariate technique is then used to discriminate between signal and background events. Events from WWWWWW production are observed with a significance of 8.0 standard deviations, where the expectation is 5.4 standard deviations. The inclusive WWWWWW production cross section is measured to be 820±100(stat)±80(syst)820 \pm 100\,\text{(stat)} \pm 80\,\text{(syst)} fb, approximately 2.6 standard deviations from the predicted cross section of 511±18511 \pm 18 fb calculated at next-to-leading-order QCD and leading-order electroweak accuracy