21 research outputs found

    Mercado secundário de títulos públicos: análise da liquidez (2005-2010)

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    Analisa a liquidez da dívida pública durante os últimos seis anos através da observação conjunta de diferentes indicadores de liquidez para três de seus principais títulos (LTN, NTN-F e NTN-B). Ao observar as oscilações simultâneas entre os indicadores e os títulos, pode-se concluir que a liquidez do mercado como um todo é função de variáveis macroeconômicas, enquanto as características micro (mercado e estrutura do título específico) são responsáveis pelo quanto a liquidez varia

    Effect of light sources and curing mode techniques on sorption, solubility and biaxial flexural strength of a composite resin

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    Adequate polymerization plays an important role on the longevity of the composite resin restorations. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of light-curing units, curing mode techniques and storage media on sorption, solubility and biaxial flexural strength (BFS) of a composite resin. Material and Methods: Two hundred and forty specimens were made of one composite resin (Esthet-X) in a stainless steel mold (2 mm x 8 mm 0), and divided into 24 groups (n=10) established according to the 4 study factors: light-curing units: quartz tungsten halogen (QTH) lamp and light-emitting diodes (LED); energy densities: 16 J/cm(2) and 20 J/cm(2); curing modes: conventional (CM) and pulse-delay (PD); and permeants: deionized water and 75% ethanol for 28 days. Sorption and solubility tests were performed according to ISO 4049:2000 specifications. All specimens were then tested for BFS according to ASTM F394-78 specification. Data were analyzed by three-way ANOVA followed by Tukey, Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (alpha=0.05). Results: In general, no significant differences were found regarding sorption, solubility or BFS means for the light-curing units and curing modes (p>0.05). Only LED unit using 16 J/cm(2) and PD using 10 s produced higher sorption and solubility values than QTH. Otherwise, using CM (16 J/cm(2)), LED produced lower values of BFS than QTH (p<0.05). 75% ethanol permeant produced higher values of sorption and solubility and lower values of BFS than water (p<0.05). Conclusion: Ethanol storage media produced more damage on composite resin than water. In general the LED and QTH curing units using 16 and 20 J/cm(2) by CM and PD curing modes produced no influence on the sorption, solubility or BFS of the tested resin

    O urbanismo conveniente luso-brasileiro na formação de povoações em Minas Gerais no século XVIII

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    The settlement of villages in the old colonial province of Minas Gerais obeyed certain principles of what was considered decent, convenient and adequate. Such principles were based on rules, doctrines and habits inherent to the Luso-Brazilian architecture of that time. The historical analysis of these aspects leads to a critical review of some consolidated assumptions in historiography, such as the one for which the settlements aforementioned would have appeared in a spontaneous, irregular and disordered fashion. Because they are evident in the remaining settlements and period art treatises and documents, these aspects lead to the consideration of a true art of populating, based on certain values and habits, which we call convenient Luso-Brazilian urbanism.A formação de povoações na capitania de Minas Gerais no século XVIII estava condicionada a preceitos de decoro, conveniência e adequação. Esses preceitos constituíam regras, doutrinas e costumes muito relevantes à arte luso-brasileira de edificar arquiteturas e cidades naquele tempo. A consideração histórica desses aspectos nos conduz à revisão crítica de uma série de compreensões consolidadas na historiografia, como, por exemplo, a de que essas povoações seriam espontâneas, irregulares e desordenadas. Pela importância com que se evidenciam nas povoações remanescentes, nos tratados artísticos e nos documentos coevos, tais aspectos nos levam a cogitar em uma verdadeira arte de povoar fundamentada nesses valores e costumes, arte a que denominamos urbanismo conveniente luso-brasileiro

    Repercussões e manejo relacionados a Distúrbios Hidroeletroliticos nos pacientes graves: uma revisão sistemática com metanálise

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    Os distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos são eventos comumente observados na prática médica, inclusive em situações de emergência, podendo representar risco de vida ou possibilidade de sequelas para o paciente a depender da magnitude do caso. Independentemente da etiologia, a desidratação tem sua importância definida pela intensidade das perdas líquidas e pela proporção de perdas salinas em relação à perda de água. Isto evidencia a importância de se avaliar corretamente o quadro para se desenvolver um tratamento adequado. Este estudo tem como objetivo explorar o tema das repercussões e manejo de distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos nos pacientes graves a partir de uma revisão sistemática com meta análise com o emprego das palavras chave “unidade de terapia intensiva”, “gerenciamento hidroeletrolítico”, “distúrbios hidroeletrolíticos” e “controle de líquidos e eletrólitos” nos bancos de dados PubMed, BVS, Lilacs, Medline e Scielo objetivando acessar artigos publicados entre 2015 e 2022. A equipe de enfermagem está diretamente responsável pelo manejo de pacientes de alta complexidade, o que pode envolver casos que exigem o gerenciamento hidroeletrolítico, isto requer um conhecimento aprofundado dos mecanismos envolvidos no metabolismo da água e dos eletrólitos. O monitoramento diário da função renal pela equipe de enfermagem é um cuidado importante para se evitar o quadro de insuficiência renal aguda

    ATLANTIC EPIPHYTES: a data set of vascular and non-vascular epiphyte plants and lichens from the Atlantic Forest

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    Epiphytes are hyper-diverse and one of the frequently undervalued life forms in plant surveys and biodiversity inventories. Epiphytes of the Atlantic Forest, one of the most endangered ecosystems in the world, have high endemism and radiated recently in the Pliocene. We aimed to (1) compile an extensive Atlantic Forest data set on vascular, non-vascular plants (including hemiepiphytes), and lichen epiphyte species occurrence and abundance; (2) describe the epiphyte distribution in the Atlantic Forest, in order to indicate future sampling efforts. Our work presents the first epiphyte data set with information on abundance and occurrence of epiphyte phorophyte species. All data compiled here come from three main sources provided by the authors: published sources (comprising peer-reviewed articles, books, and theses), unpublished data, and herbarium data. We compiled a data set composed of 2,095 species, from 89,270 holo/hemiepiphyte records, in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, recorded from 1824 to early 2018. Most of the records were from qualitative data (occurrence only, 88%), well distributed throughout the Atlantic Forest. For quantitative records, the most common sampling method was individual trees (71%), followed by plot sampling (19%), and transect sampling (10%). Angiosperms (81%) were the most frequently registered group, and Bromeliaceae and Orchidaceae were the families with the greatest number of records (27,272 and 21,945, respectively). Ferns and Lycophytes presented fewer records than Angiosperms, and Polypodiaceae were the most recorded family, and more concentrated in the Southern and Southeastern regions. Data on non-vascular plants and lichens were scarce, with a few disjunct records concentrated in the Northeastern region of the Atlantic Forest. For all non-vascular plant records, Lejeuneaceae, a family of liverworts, was the most recorded family. We hope that our effort to organize scattered epiphyte data help advance the knowledge of epiphyte ecology, as well as our understanding of macroecological and biogeographical patterns in the Atlantic Forest. No copyright restrictions are associated with the data set. Please cite this Ecology Data Paper if the data are used in publication and teaching events. © 2019 The Authors. Ecology © 2019 The Ecological Society of Americ

    Evaluation of the influence of natural and antrhopogenic processes on water quality in karstic region

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    This paper presents a comprehensive study on the quality of surface and groundwater in an environmentally sensitive karstic watershed strongly pressed by urban growth. The objective of the study was to assess the integrated effects of human activities and natural characteristics of karstic environments on the quality of surface and groundwater using multivariate statistical techniques. Data from 18 physical, chemical, and microbiological water quality variables obtained throughout a hydrological year were analyzed using principal components analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis. The PCA was carried out individually for surface water and groundwater. Our goal was to study the behavior of the water quality variables at each of these systems, as well as to infer the importance of these variables on the dynamics of the water resources in the region. Our results for surface water showed that the 18 original variables could be reduced to five principal components which together accounted for 69% of the total variation in the data, whereas for groundwater, 70% of the total variation in the data was explained by five principal components. In order to evaluate the impacts of anthropic activities on the water quality at the monitoring locations, the cluster analysis was applied to the ten sampling points. The analysis identified five clusters, two of which are formed by points with low contamination levels and three where the anthropic interference is noticeable. The results suggest the existence of specific contamination sources in many points, including in the groundwater, and highlight the natural vulnerability of the karstic environments

    A Potential SARS-CoV-2 Variant of Interest (VOI) Harboring Mutation E484K in the Spike Protein Was Identified within Lineage B.1.1.33 Circulating in Brazil

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    The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) epidemic in Brazil was dominated by two lineages designated as B.1.1.28 and B.1.1.33. The two SARS-CoV-2 variants harboring mutations at the receptor-binding domain of the Spike (S) protein, designated as lineages P.1 and P.2, evolved from lineage B.1.1.28 and are rapidly spreading in Brazil. Lineage P.1 is considered a Variant of Concern (VOC) because of the presence of multiple mutations in the S protein (including K417T, E484K, N501Y), while lineage P.2 only harbors mutation S:E484K and is considered a Variant of Interest (VOI). On the other hand, epidemiologically relevant B.1.1.33 deriving lineages have not been described so far. Here we report the identification of a new SARS-CoV-2 VOI within lineage B.1.1.33 that also harbors mutation S:E484K and was detected in Brazil between November 2020 and February 2021. This VOI displayed four non-synonymous lineage-defining mutations (NSP3:A1711V, NSP6:F36L, S:E484K, and NS7b:E33A) and was designated as lineage N.9. The VOI N.9 probably emerged in August 2020 and has spread across different Brazilian states from the Southeast, South, North, and Northeast regions

    Neotropical freshwater fisheries : A dataset of occurrence and abundance of freshwater fishes in the Neotropics

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    The Neotropical region hosts 4225 freshwater fish species, ranking first among the world's most diverse regions for freshwater fishes. Our NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES data set is the first to produce a large-scale Neotropical freshwater fish inventory, covering the entire Neotropical region from Mexico and the Caribbean in the north to the southern limits in Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, and Uruguay. We compiled 185,787 distribution records, with unique georeferenced coordinates, for the 4225 species, represented by occurrence and abundance data. The number of species for the most numerous orders are as follows: Characiformes (1289), Siluriformes (1384), Cichliformes (354), Cyprinodontiformes (245), and Gymnotiformes (135). The most recorded species was the characid Astyanax fasciatus (4696 records). We registered 116,802 distribution records for native species, compared to 1802 distribution records for nonnative species. The main aim of the NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES data set was to make these occurrence and abundance data accessible for international researchers to develop ecological and macroecological studies, from local to regional scales, with focal fish species, families, or orders. We anticipate that the NEOTROPICAL FRESHWATER FISHES data set will be valuable for studies on a wide range of ecological processes, such as trophic cascades, fishery pressure, the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation, and the impacts of species invasion and climate change. There are no copyright restrictions on the data, and please cite this data paper when using the data in publications