1,209 research outputs found

    Effects of Cadmium on the Activity of Matrix Metalloproteinases and Metallothionein Level in the Rat Brain

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    We studied the effects of long-lasting treating with cadmium in two different doses (0.1 and 1.0 μg/kg) on the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP2 and MMP9) and metallothionein level in the rat brain. Cadmium in a higher dose (1 μg/kg) caused a decrease in MMP2 activity but increased that of proMMP9 in the brain. The level of MT in the hippocampus and cerebellum dropped with both Cd doses. Thus, even small Cd doses exert specific effects on the MMP activity and MT level in the brain

    The investigation of technological parameters of the process control the direction split stone block when using unexplosive destructive compounds

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    Виконано теоретичні дослідження технології керування напрямом розколу блочного каменю за використання пластин-вставок у шпурах з невибуховими руйнуючими сумішами. Керування передбачає поворот пластини-вставки навколо осі шпуру. Наведені дослідження дають можливість розколювати блочні каміння у заданому напрямку. Вирішення такого завдання дає змогу збільшити відстань між шпурами і за рахунок цього зменшити обсяги бурових робіт.It has performed theoretical studies of technology management direction of the split block of stone, using plates, inserts in boreholes with unexplosive destroying mixtures. Management provides for rotation about an axis plate holes. Hover studies allow split stone block in a given direction. Solving this problem will increase the distance between boreholes and thus reduce the amount of drilling operations.Выполнены теоретические исследования технологии управления направлением раскола блочного камня, при использовании пластин-вставок в шпурах с невзрывчатыми разрушающими составами. Управление предусматривает поворот пластины-вставки вокруг оси шпура. Проведенные исследования позволяют обеспечить раскол блочного камня в заданном направлении. Решение поставленной задачи позволит увеличить расстояние между шпурами и за счет этого уменьшить объем буровых работ

    The changes of matrix metalloproteinase 2, 9 activity and hyaluronic acid level in rat’s heartand serum under cadmium influence

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    The changes in the molecular mechanisms of the extracellular matrix degradation under toxic factors are not well known. The main goal of work was the investigation of the MMP2 and MMP9 activity and hyaluronic acid level in the heart and blood serum under cadmium influence at different doses

    Synthesis and Characterization of Electro-Explosive Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications

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    Nowadays there are new magnetic nanostructures based on bioactive metals with low toxicity and high efficiency for a wide range of biomedical applications including drugs delivery, antimicrobial drugs design, cells' separation and contrasting. For such applications it is necessary to develop highly magnetic particles with less than100 nm in size. In the present study magnetic nanoparticles Fe, Fe[3]O[4] and bimetallic Cu/Fe with the average size of 60- 90 nm have been synthesized by electrical explosion of wire in an oxygen or argon atmosphere. The produced nanoparticles have been characterized with transmission electron microscopy, X-ray phase analysis, and nitrogen thermal desorption. The synthesized particles have shown antibacterial activity to gram-positive (S. aureus, MRSA) and gramnegative (E. coli, P. aeruginosa) bacteria. According to the cytological data Fe, Fe[3]O[4]and Cu/Fe nanoparticles have effectively inhibited viability of cancer cell lines Neuro-2a and J774. The obtained nanoparticles are promising for new antimicrobial drugs and antitumor agents' developmen

    Synthesis and Characterization of Electro-Explosive Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications

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    Nowadays there are new magnetic nanostructures based on bioactive metals with low toxicity and high efficiency for a wide range of biomedical applications including drugs delivery, antimicrobial drugs design, cells' separation and contrasting. For such applications it is necessary to develop highly magnetic particles with less than100 nm in size. In the present study magnetic nanoparticles Fe, Fe[3]O[4] and bimetallic Cu/Fe with the average size of 60- 90 nm have been synthesized by electrical explosion of wire in an oxygen or argon atmosphere. The produced nanoparticles have been characterized with transmission electron microscopy, X-ray phase analysis, and nitrogen thermal desorption. The synthesized particles have shown antibacterial activity to gram-positive (S. aureus, MRSA) and gramnegative (E. coli, P. aeruginosa) bacteria. According to the cytological data Fe, Fe[3]O[4]and Cu/Fe nanoparticles have effectively inhibited viability of cancer cell lines Neuro-2a and J774. The obtained nanoparticles are promising for new antimicrobial drugs and antitumor agents' developmen

    Анализ рисков предприятий в процессе аутсорсинга маркетинговых функций

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню ризиків, що виникають при аутсорсингу маркетингових функцій, розглянуті теоретичні засади визначення маркетингових ризиків.The article is devoted the risk of marketing functions outsourcing, the theoretical base of definition of marketing risks is considered.Статья посвящена изучению рисков, которые возникают при аутсорсинге маркетинговых функций, рассмотрена теоретическая база определения маркетинговых рисков

    Dielectric Conductivity of Cross-Linked Polyurethanes Modified with Heteropolynuclear Cu3Mn Complexes

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    The dielectric and relaxation properties of cross-linked polyurethane, modified with heteropolynuclear Cu3Mn(L4) complexes with various ligands in outer coordination sphere were analyzed by dielectric relaxation spectroscopy. It was shown, that the modifier introduction in polyurethane leads to conductivity level increasing due to: i) complex formation between functional groups of polyurethane and heteropolynuclear compounds and ii) increase in the macrochain mobility

    Chemical behaviour of Al/Cu nanoparticles in water

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    Bimetallic Al/Cu nanoparticles with Al/Cu composition 10:90, 20:80, 40:60 were produced by method of simultaneous electrical explosion of metal pairs in the argon atmosphere. Nanopowders containing 20% and 40% (mass) of aluminum interacted with water at 40–70 °C and formed composite particles that were porous structures of nanopetal pseudoboehmite with nanosized copper-containing inclusions inside. Aluminum in nanopowder with Al/Cu composition 10:90 did not react with water, as far as it is in the phase of intermetallic compounds СuAl2 and Сu4Al9. Nanocomposite produced can be used as an active component of antibacterial agents


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    The paper explores the peculiarities of arterial blood supply of Italian goose’s esophagus. The authors applied methods of general and fine-scale section and angiography for conducting the research. The researchers investigated five carcasses of geese. The authors found out that ascending and descending esophageal arteries and branches of esophageal and tracheobronchial artery are the sources of esophageal vascularization. The authors outline the areal segmentation of esophagus and extremely high vessel compliance with high compensation abilities. Additional links between ascending and descending esophageal arteries with arcs and anastomoses contribute to normalization of blood pressure inside the paries. Ascending and descending esophageal arteries are directed towards each other and anastomose with each other. Arteries root from them on the dorsal surface of esophagus and join esophagus at an acute or obtuse angles to the adventitia at the bone segment level. Ascending and descending esophageal arteries are the sources of vascularization of the primary and secondary parts of esophagus; abdominothoracic part receives blood from the branch rooting from esophageal and tracheobronchial artery. The authors highlight extremely high vessel flexibility with compensation abilitites, additional links between ascending and descending esophageal arteries with arcs and anastomoses contribute to normalization of arterial blood pressure inside the paries. The research contributes to detail classification of arteries branching peculiarities in Italian goose’s esophagus.Изучены особенности артериального кровоснабжения пищевода у гуся итальянского. Для проведения исследования использовался метод обычного и тонкого препарирования, рентгенография сосудов. Всего исследовано пять гусей. Установлено, что источниками васкуляризации пищевода служат восходящая и нисходящая пищеводные артерии и ветви от пищеводно- трахеобронхиальной артерии. В результате проведенных исследований нами отмечена зональная сегментация пищевода. Отмечена исключительно высокая пластичность сосудов с формированием высоких компенсаторных возможностей. Наличие дополнительных связей между восходящей и нисходящей пищеводными артериями с образованием дуг и анастомозов способствует выравниванию артериального давления внутри стенки органа. Восходящая и нисходящая пищеводные артерии направляются навстречу друг другу и анастомозируют между собой. От них отходят по дорсальной поверхности пищевода артерии, вступая в него под острым или тупым углами в адвентицию на уровне каждого костного сегмента. Источниками васкуляризации начального и среднего отделов пищевода являются восходящие и нисходящие пищеводные артерии, а грудобрюшной отдел получает кровь от ветви, отходящей от пищеводно-трахеобронхиальной артерии. Проведённые исследования позволяют детализировать и уточнить особенности ветвления артерий в пищеводе у гуся итальянского.

    Principal forms X^2 + nY^2 representing many integers

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    In 1966, Shanks and Schmid investigated the asymptotic behavior of the number of positive integers less than or equal to x which are represented by the quadratic form X^2+nY^2. Based on some numerical computations, they observed that the constant occurring in the main term appears to be the largest for n=2. In this paper, we prove that in fact this constant is unbounded as n runs through positive integers with a fixed number of prime divisors.Comment: 10 pages, title has been changed, Sections 2 and 3 are new, to appear in Abh. Math. Sem. Univ. Hambur