87 research outputs found

    Effective Mitigation of Anchoring Bias, Projection Bias, and Representativeness Bias from Serious Game-based Training

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    AbstractAlthough human use of heuristics can result in ‘fast and frugal’ decision-making, those prepotent tendencies can also impair our ability to make optimal choices. Previous work had suggested such cognitive biases are resistant to mitigation training. Serious games offer a method to incorporate desirable elements into a training experience, and allow the use of mechanisms that enhance learning and retention. We developed a game to train recognition and mitigation of three forms of cognitive bias: anchoring, a tendency to be inordinately influenced by one piece of information; projection, an implicit assumption that others think or know what you do; and representativeness, judging the likelihood of a hypothesis by how much the available data resembles it. Participants were randomly assigned to play the training game once, twice spaced by 10 to 12 days, or a control condition that used a training video. External questionnaire-based assessments were given immediately post-training and 12 weeks later. Superior training was seen from the game. An independent group using our training game with their own novel bias assessment instruments (to which the researchers and game-developers had no access or content information) validated the key finding. These results demonstrate the viability and high value of using serious computer games to train mitigation of cognitive biases

    Music listening in everyday life: Devices, selection methods, and digital technology

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    Two studies considered whether psychological variables could predict everyday music listening practices more than those demographic and technology-related variables studied predominantly hitherto. Study 1 focused on music-listening devices, while Study 2 focused on music selection strategies (e.g. playlists). Study 1 indicated the existence of a one-dimensional identity based on music technology. Further, psychological variables (such as innovativeness and self-efficacy) predicted whether individuals possess such an identity. Moreover, while psychological variables predicted whether individuals preferred ‘familiarized’ advantages inherent to listening devices, a preference for ‘progressive’ advantages was predicted by technological behaviors. Study 2 supported the first study in terms of identity, and demonstrated that a different pattern of variables predicted playlist listening from listening to music via shuffle. More generally, the findings suggest the utility of applying constructs from consumer psychology to everyday music-listening behaviors

    Long‐term selenium‐yeast supplementation does not affect bone turnover markers: a randomized placebo‐controlled trial

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    Higher selenium status has been associated with lower bone turnover markers (BTM) in epidemiological studies. However, the long-term impact of selenium supplementation on BTMs has not been studied. We investigated the effects of selenium supplementation on BTMs including osteocalcin (OC), procollagen type I N-terminal propeptide (PINP), collagen type I cross-linked C-telopeptide (CTX), and bone alkaline phosphatase (BALP) in the short (6 months) and long term (5 years). A total of 481 Danish men and women (60–74 years) were randomized to receive placebo-yeast versus 100, 200, or 300 μg selenium as selenium-enriched yeast daily for 5 years. Plasma selenium concentration was measured using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and BTMs were measured in nonfasted samples at baseline, 6 months, and 5 years. Data were analyzed by ANCOVA to investigate the shape of the dose-response relationships. Covariates included age, body mass index, baseline selenium status, baseline BTM, smoking, alcohol, supplement use, and medication. Plasma selenium concentration (mean 86.5 μg/d at baseline) increased significantly with increasing selenium supplementation to 152.6, 209.1, and 253.7 μg/L after 6 months and remained elevated at 5 years (158.4, 222.4, and 275.9 μg/L for 100, 200, and 300 μg supplemental selenium/d, respectively (p < 0.001)). There was no change in plasma selenium concentration in the placebo-treated group. There was no significant effect of selenium supplementation on OC (6 months p = 0.37; 5 years p = 0.63), PINP (6 months p = 0.37; 5 years p = 0.79), CTX (6 months p = 0.91; 5 years p = 0.58) or BALP (6 months p = 0.17; 5 years p = 0.53). The relatively replete baseline selenium status in the study participants may explain this lack of effect. Testing in more deficient populations may provide further insights into the impact of selenium supplementation on bone health. © 2022 The Authors. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR)

    Processes and experiences of creative cognition in seven Western classical composers

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    In a qualitative study, we explored the range of reflections and experiences involved in the composition of score-based music by administering a 15-item, open-ended, questionnaire to seven professional composers from Europe and North America. Adopting a grounded theory approach, we organized six different codes emerging from our data into two higher-order categories ( the act of composing and establishing relationships). Our content analysis, inspired by the theoretical resources of 4E cognitive science, points to three overlapping characteristics of creative cognition in music composition: it is largely exploratory, it is grounded in bodily experience, and it emerges from the recursive dialogue of agents and their environment. More generally, such preliminary findings suggest that musical creativity may be advantageously understood as a process of constant adaptation – one in which composers enact their musical styles and identities by exploring novel interactivities hidden in their contingent and historical milieux

    Gene Expression Profiling of Soft and Firm Atlantic Salmon Fillet

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    Texture of salmon fillets is an important quality trait for consumer acceptance as well as for the suitability for processing. In the present work we measured fillet firmness in a population of farmed Atlantic salmon with known pedigree and investigated the relationship between this trait and gene expression. Transcriptomic analyses performed with a 21 K oligonucleotide microarray revealed strong correlations between firmness and a large number of genes. Highly similar expression profiles were observed in several functional groups. Positive regression was found between firmness and genes encoding proteasome components (41 genes) and mitochondrial proteins (129 genes), proteins involved in stress responses (12 genes), and lipid metabolism (30 genes). Coefficients of determination (R2) were in the range of 0.64–0.74. A weaker though highly significant negative regression was seen in sugar metabolism (26 genes, R2 = 0.66) and myofiber proteins (42 genes, R2 = 0.54). Among individual genes that showed a strong association with firmness, there were extracellular matrix proteins (negative correlation), immune genes, and intracellular proteases (positive correlation). Several genes can be regarded as candidate markers of flesh quality (coiled-coil transcriptional coactivator b, AMP deaminase 3, and oligopeptide transporter 15) though their functional roles are unclear. To conclude, fillet firmness of Atlantic salmon depends largely on metabolic properties of the skeletal muscle; where aerobic metabolism using lipids as fuel, and the rapid removal of damaged proteins, appear to play a major role

    The ever-expanding conundrum of primary osteoporosis: aetiopathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment

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    A world of music education research: Proceedings of the 19th ISME research seminar

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    Basisovervåking av kystvann – Trøndelag. Foreløpige resultater etter ett års undersøkelser i 2011

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    Basisovervükingen av kystvann innen Vannforskriften ble iverksatt i 2011 i Trøndelag. Det er gjennomført fullstendige undersøkelser i hht. Vannforskriften for de biologiske kvalitetselementene fastsittende alger og bløtbunnsfauna. Planteplankton og støtteparametere ble startet med prøvetaking i april 2011 og pügür fremdeles. Satellittbilder fra ENIVSAT er ogsü vurdert mot planteplankton og støtteparametere. Resultatene er foreløpige ettersom en samlet vurdering bare kan foretas etter min. 3 ürs innsamling av pelagiske data, men vannkvaliteten basert pü fastsittende alger klassifiserer alle undersøkte vannforekomster som enten MEGET GOD eller GOD. Basert pü indekser for bløtbunnfauna, som ogsü inneholdt noen eldre datasett, ble de fleste vannforekomstene ogsü klassifisert i de to beste kategoriene, foruten en vannforekomst som ble klassifisert som MODERAT (pü grensen til GOD). Det var god overenstemmelse i klassifisering mellom de to biologiske kvalitetselementene. Ulik innsamlingsmetodikk for planteplankton og støtteparametre er vurdert mot hverandre. Analyser av satellittbilder er i tillegg sammenlignet med data fra de pelagiske innsamlete datasett. Midlertidige resultat viser at ytre strøk er i MEGET GOD tilstand mens tilstand i fjordene vanligvis er GOD

    ArtDoc - an Experimental Archive and a Tool for Artistic Research

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    ArtDoc is an experimental database and archive for primarily documentation of artistic content. It attempts to address the question of the diculty of documenting artistic practice in a manner that makes visible the processes in action. The background to this project is discussed and the theory behind the development of open works. Though ArtDoc is still under construction the foundation of the archive is presented. Finally some thoughts on the future of digital documentation systems is discussed
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