3,187 research outputs found

    Sinus-preserving modification of eversional carotid endarterectomy: early and late results

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină de Sud Ural, Spitalul Clinic Regional, Celiabinsk, Federația Rusă, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Endarterectomia carotidiană (EAEC) și-a demonstrat avantajul în tratamentul stenozelor hemodinamic semnificative ale arterei carotide interne (ACI). Tehnica prin eversiune este cea mai populară, însă în versiunea sa standard se asociază cu traumatizarea frecventă a sinusului carotidian, cu impact negativ asupra reglării vegetative a tonusului vascular și hemodinamicii. Scopul: Evaluarea eficacității EAEC prin eversiune cu prezervarea nervilor sinusului carotid, comparând rezultatele precoce și la distanță cu cele ale unui lot de control. Material și metode: Studiul a inclus 375 pacienți supuși tratamentului chirurgical în Spitalul Clinic Regional Celiabinsk în perioada anilor 2012-2018. În lotul I (208 bolnavi) EAEC prin eversiune s-a efectuat conform tehnicii standard. În lotul II (167 pacienți) s-a practicat EAEC modificată, cu prezervarea sinusului. Loturile au fost comparabile în funcție de vârstă, gen, statutul neurologic și hipertensiv inițial, utilizarea șuntului temporar, timpul de clampaj al ACI și gradul leziunii arteriale carotidiene contralaterale. Pe lângă înregistrarea parametrilor hemodinamici comuni, a fost evaluată și activitatea vegetativă în baza analizei prospective a variabilității frecvenței cardiace utilizând ritmocardiografia. La etapa de follow-up, parametrii hemodinamici au fost evaluați la 103 pacienți: cu păstrarea nervilor sinusului carotidian (39) și după secționarea acestora (64). Rezultate: În prima zi atât presiunea sistolică, diastolică, cât și presiunea pulsului, precum și frecvența cardiacă au fost mai reduse la bolnavii după EAEC cu prezervarea sinusului în comparație cu lotul de control. În plus, diminuarea influenței simpatice asupra ritmului conform ritmocardiografiei a fost notabilă. La pacienții operați cu prezervarea nervilor sinusului carotidian elevarea tensiunii arteriale s-a atestat mai rar, iar doza necesară de remedii antihipertensive a fost mai mică. Concluzii: S-au constatat diferențe semnificative dintre parametrii, evaluați precoce și la distanță, ai hemodinamicii arteriale postoperatorii și reglării vegetative a tonusului vascular, în funcție de prezervarea nervilor sinusului carotidian. Practicarea EAEC prin eversiune cu prezervarea sinusului carotid reduce riscul complicațiilor postoperatorii cauzate de dereglările vegetative.Introduction: Carotid endarterectomy (CEAE) has proven its advantage in correcting hemodynamically significant stenoses of the internal carotid arteries (ICA). The eversion technique is the most popular, but with its standard procedure, traumatization of carotid sinus nerves occurs, which has a negative effect on the vegetative regulation of vascular tonus and hemodynamics. Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness of eversional CEAE with preservation of carotid sinus nerves, by comparing of early and long-term results with a control group of patients. Materials and methods: The study included 375 patients treated surgically at the Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Hospital from 2012 to 2018. In the first group (208 patients), eversional CEAE was performed according to standard technique. In the second group (167 patients), a sinus-preserving modification of CEAE was applied. The groups were comparable by age, sex, baseline neurological status, baseline hypertension, use of a temporary shunt, ICA cross-clamping time, and degree of contralateral lesion of the carotid arteries. In addition to common hemodynamic parameters, mediator vegetative activity evaluated based on a prospective analysis of heart rate variability using rhythmocardiography. In the follow-up period, hemodynamic parameters assessed in 103 patients: with preservation of the carotid sinus nerves (39) and after their transection (64). Results: On the 1st day, systolic, diastolic and pulse blood pressure, as well as a heart rate were lower in patients after sinuspreserving CEAE as compared with the control group. In addition, a decrease in sympathetic pressure effect on the rhythm according to rhythmocardiography was noticeable. In patients operated with the preservation of carotid sinus nerves, an increased blood pressure is less common and they require a lower dosage of antihypertensive drugs. Conclusions: There are significant differences between early and distant parameters of postoperative arterial hemodynamics and vegetative regulation of vascular tonus, depending on preservation of the carotid sinus nerves. Practical application of sinus- preserving eversional CEAE reduces the risk of postoperative complications due to vegetative dysregulation

    Thermal deformation of concentrators in an axisymmetric temperature field

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    Axisymmetric thermal deformations of paraboloid mirrors, due to heating, are examined for a mirror with a optical axis oriented toward the Sun. A governing differential equation is derived using Mushtari-Donnel-Vlasov simplifications, and a solution is presented which makes it possible to determine the principal deformation characteristics

    Deep learning-based fully automatic segmentation of wrist cartilage in MR images

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    The study objective was to investigate the performance of a dedicated convolutional neural network (CNN) optimized for wrist cartilage segmentation from 2D MR images. CNN utilized a planar architecture and patch-based (PB) training approach that ensured optimal performance in the presence of a limited amount of training data. The CNN was trained and validated in twenty multi-slice MRI datasets acquired with two different coils in eleven subjects (healthy volunteers and patients). The validation included a comparison with the alternative state-of-the-art CNN methods for the segmentation of joints from MR images and the ground-truth manual segmentation. When trained on the limited training data, the CNN outperformed significantly image-based and patch-based U-Net networks. Our PB-CNN also demonstrated a good agreement with manual segmentation (Sorensen-Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) = 0.81) in the representative (central coronal) slices with large amount of cartilage tissue. Reduced performance of the network for slices with a very limited amount of cartilage tissue suggests the need for fully 3D convolutional networks to provide uniform performance across the joint. The study also assessed inter- and intra-observer variability of the manual wrist cartilage segmentation (DSC=0.78-0.88 and 0.9, respectively). The proposed deep-learning-based segmentation of the wrist cartilage from MRI could facilitate research of novel imaging markers of wrist osteoarthritis to characterize its progression and response to therapy

    Автоматизация управления электроприводом обитаемого подводного аппарата

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    Currently, there is an intensive development of manned and unmanned submersibles due to development of offshore oil and gas fields, development of underwater archaeology and exploration activities in transit zones regarding seabed mineral extraction. The depth of immersion and the nature of the underwater technical works performed determine not only the design of the underwater vehicle, its power-to-weight ratio and technical equipment, but also impose high requirements on reliability, survivability, and habitability, if the underwater vehicle implies that the operator is on board inside a pressure hull. The main objectives of the study carried out by the authors were to achieve high reliability and survivability of the main elements of the propulsion-steering complex, which ensure movement of a human-occupied vehicle in the water column, its positioning and retention at a given point in the water area.For this purpose, it was proceeded to development of an automated control system for the electric drive of the propulsive device of manned immersible. The proposed developments include a flowchart of the movement control system, circuitry engineering solutions using power semiconductor devices to maintain operability of the electric drive in extreme and emergency operating conditions, and movement control algorithms. Electromagnetic calculations of the active part of the electric machine were performed by the finite element method, considering the geometric features of the dental zone of the rotor and stator. The proposed mathematical apparatus served to calculate optimal control actions of the electric drive and to quantitatively assess the reduction in electrical losses once optimal control was applied. The calculation of the optimal control parameters was carried out using the maximum principle. The initial conditions for auxiliary functions are determined by the Newton‒ Raphson method. A comparison of various modes of operation of the electric drive was made regarding their influence on duration of the campaign, and other parameters.The calculations did not consider the parameters and geometry of the propulsive device (the propeller) since the developers of electric propulsion systems for manned and unmanned underwater vehicles of various classes often deliberately reduce the efficiency of the propeller to increase speed of the electric motor shaft, resulting in a decrease in the dimensions and weight of the latter.В настоящее время происходит интенсивное развитие обитаемых и необитаемых подводных аппаратов благодаря освоению шельфовых нефтегазовых месторождений, развитию подводной археологии и геологоразведочной деятельности в транзитных зонах относительно добычи полезных ископаемых с морского дна. Глубина погружения и характер выполняемых подводно-технических работ определяют не только конструктивное исполнение подводного аппарата, его энерговооруженность и техническую оснащенность, но и предъявляют высокие требования по надёжности, живучести и обитаемости в случае, если подводный аппарат подразумевает нахождение оператора на борту внутри прочного корпуса. Основные цели проведённого авторами исследования – это достижение высоких показателей надёжности и живучести основных элементов движительно-рулевого комплекса, обеспечивающих движение обитаемого подводного аппарата в толще воды, его позиционирование и удержание в заданной точке акватории.Для этого была проведена разработка автоматизированной системы управления электроприводом движителей обитаемого подводного аппарата. Предложена блок-схема системы управления движением, разработаны схемотехнические решения с использованием силовых полупроводниковых приборов для поддержания работоспособности электропривода в экстремальных и аварийных условиях эксплуатации, разработаны алгоритмы управления движением. Электромагнитные расчёты активной части электрической машины выполнены методом конечных элементов с учётом геометрических особенностей зубцовой зоны ротора и статора. На основе предложенного математического аппарата рассчитаны оптимальные управляющие воздействия электроприводом и дана количественная оценка по снижению электрических потерь при оптимальном управлении. Расчёт оптимальных параметров управления осуществлялся с помощью принципа максимума. Начальные условия для вспомогательных функций определены методом Ньютона–Рафсона. Проведено сравнение различных режимов работы электропривода с их влиянием на продолжительность кампании и другие показатели.В проведённых расчётах не учитывались параметры и геометрия движителя – гребного винта, потому как разработчики систем электродвижения обитаемых и необитаемых подводных аппаратов различного класса часто намеренно идут на снижение коэффициента полезного действия винта в угоду увеличению частоты вращения вала электродвигателя, следствием чего является снижение габаритов и массы последнего

    An In-Depth Spectroscopic Analysis of the Blazhko Star RR Lyr. I. Characterisation of the star: abundance analysis and fundamental parameters

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    The knowledge of accurate stellar parameters is a keystone in several fields of stellar astrophysics, such as asteroseismology and stellar evolution. Although the fundamental parameters can be derived both from spectroscopy and multicolour photometry, the results obtained are sometimes affected by systematic uncertainties. In this paper, we present a self-consistent spectral analysis of the pulsating star RR Lyr, which is the primary target for our study of the Blazhko effect. We used high-resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio spectra to carry out a consistent parameter determination and abundance analysis for RR Lyr. We provide a detailed description of the methodology adopted to derive the fundamental parameters and the abundances. Stellar pulsation attains high amplitudes in RR Lyrae stars, and as a consequence the stellar parameters vary significantly over the pulsation cycle. The abundances of the star, however, are not expected to change. From a set of available high-resolution spectra of RR Lyr we selected the phase of maximum radius, at which the spectra are least disturbed by the pulsation. Using the abundances determined at this phase as a starting point, we expect to obtain a higher accuracy in the fundamental parameters determined at other phases. The set of fundamental parameters obtained in this work fits the observed spectrum accurately. Through the abundance analysis, we find clear indications for a depth-dependent microturbulent velocity, that we quantified. We confirm the importance of a consistent analysis of relevant spectroscopic features, application of advanced model atmospheres, and the use of up-to-date atomic line data for the determination of stellar parameters. These results are crucial for further studies, e.g., detailed theoretical modelling of the observed pulsations.Comment: 12 pages, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    High-latitude supergiants: anomalies in the spectrum of LN Hya in 2010

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    High-resolution echelle spectra taken with the 6-m telescope in 2003-2011 are used to study features of the optical spectrum and the velocity field in the atmosphere of the semiregular variable LN Hya in detail. The weak symmetric photospheric absorptions indicate radial velocity variations from night to night (by as much as 3 km/s), resulting from small pulsations. Peculiarities and profile variations were found for strong lines of FeI, FeII, BaII, SiII, etc. The profiles of these lines were asymmetric: their short-wave wings were extended and their cores were either split or distorted by emission. During the 2010 observing season, the position and depth of the Halpha absorption component, the intensities of the short and long-wave emission components, and the intensity ratio of the latter components varied from spectrum to spectrum. Weak emissions of neutral atoms (VI, MnI, CoI, NiI, FeI) appeared in the spectrum of June 1, 2010. All these spectral peculiarities, recorded for the first time, suggest that we have detected rapid changes in the physical conditions in the upper atmospheric layers of LN Hya in 2010.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Donor DBH excitons and magnetism of Mn doped ZnO

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    In this paper the results of the study of optical absorption, photo-EPR signals and magnetic measurements of hydrothermal single crystals of zinc oxide doped with manganese were presented. Several lines were detected in optical absorption spectra at the temperature of 4.2 K and 77.3 K for σ- and π- polarizations of light in a 1.72-2.3 eV spectral range. These lines are attributed to a donor exciton [(d5 + h)e] that emerges as a result of the Coulomb binding of a free s electron and a hole, which is localized on p-d hybridized states. Properties of these lines are significantly different from the properties of lines of donor and acceptor excitons in II-VI:3d compounds. In EPR-spectra of Zn1-xMnxO crystals the intensity of allowed and forbidden EPR-signals of Mn2+ (d 5)-ions does not change under the illumination while the intensity of EPR-signals of unintentional Fe3+ (d 5)-ions decreases by 70 %. The value of the magnetic susceptibility of Zn1-xMnxO (x = 0.0009) is in linear dependence with temperature, which agrees with the Curie equation. Temperature dependence of the inverse value of the Mn2+ magnetic susceptibility indicates that the exchange interaction in ZnO:Mn crystals is absent. New experimental results allow us to assume that investigated Zn1-xMnxO (x = 0.0009) samples are semiconductors in the forbidden gap of which the donor level of d5/d4 does not exist. The hybridization of d5 states of Mn2+ and p states of the nearest four oxygen ions O2- leads to pushing out the antibonding DBH-states (d 5 + p) into the forbidden gap. The transitions of electrons from DBH-states to the conduction band provide a broad band of the impurity absorption in ZnO:Mn. Below this band we observed a, b, c and d lines, which are called dbh-donor excitons [(d5+h)e]. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, RAMS: 18-10-2-6.Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, MinobrnaukaThe research was carried out within the state assignment of Minobrnauki of Russia (theme “Magnet” No.АААА-А18-118020290129-5, theme “Electron” No. АААА-А18-118020190098-5) and within the state assignment no. 3.6115.2017/8.9 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for the Ural Federal University, with the support of the grant of Ural branch of Russian Academy of Science № 18-10-2-6