49 research outputs found

    Simultaenous Retrieval of Surface Roughness Parameters from Combined Active-Passive SMAP Observations

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    Soil roughness strongly influences processes like erosion, infiltration, moisture and evaporation of soils as well as growth of agricultural plants. An approach to soil roughness based on active-passive microwave covariation is proposed in order to simultaneously retrieve the vertical RMS height (s) and horizontal correlation length (l) of soil surfaces from simultaneously measured radar and radiometer microwave signatures. The approach is based on a retrieval algorithm for active-passive covariation including the improved Integral Equation Method (I2EM). The algorithm is tested with the global active-passive microwave observations of the SMAP mission. The developed roughness retrieval algorithm shows independence of permittivity for > 10 [-] due to the covariation formalism. Results reveal that s and l can be estimated simultaneously by the proposed approach since surface patterns of non-vegetated areas become evident on global scale. In regions with sandy deserts, like the Sahara or the outback in Australia, determined and confirm rather smooth to semi-rough surface roughness patterns with small vertical RMS heights and corresponding higher horizontal correlation lengths

    Physics-Based Retrieval of Surface Roughness Parameters for Bare Soils from Combined Active-Passive Microwave Signatures

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    In the past the effect of soil roughness was often considered secondary within the determination of soil moisture from remote sensing data. Several studies showed that accurate determination of soil roughness leads to an improved estimation of soil moisture. Two default parameters to describe the surface roughness are the standard deviation of the surface height variation and the surface correlation length with its corresponding autocorrelation function. Both parameters (,) affect the emissivity measured by radiometers as well as the backscattering observed by radars. In this study, we develop a physics-based approach to retrieve and by combining both microwave signals based on active-passive microwave covariation. To test the approach, containing a forward model and a retrieval algorithm, we used active/passive microwave data measured with the ComRAD truck-based SMAP simulator at L-band. Results and validations with corresponding field measurements on ground show that and can be estimated simultaneously when using this approach. The physics-based retrieval algorithm works robustly for two investigated test fields having an RMS-Error of 0.68 cm and 0.69 cm between the microwave-based and field-measured -values, and of 3.13 cm and 3.04 cm for -values. The first validation of the results reveals that the influence of the autocorrelation function, needed within the retrieval, is distinct

    Toward estimation of seasonal water dynamics of winter wheat from ground-based L-band radiometry: a concept study

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    peer reviewedThe vegetation optical depth (VOD) variable contains information on plant water content and biomass. It can be estimated alongside soil moisture from currently operating satellite radiometer missions, such as SMOS (ESA) and SMAP (NASA). The estimation of water fluxes, such as plant water uptake (PWU) and transpiration rate (TR), from these earth system parameters (VOD, soil moisture) requires assessing water potential gradients and flow resistances in the soil, the vegetation and the atmosphere. Yet water flux estimation remains an elusive challenge especially on a global scale. In this concept study, we conduct a field-scale experiment to test mechanistic models for the estimation of seasonal water fluxes (PWU and TR) of a winter wheat stand using measurements of soil moisture, VOD, and relative air humidity (RH) in a controlled environment. We utilize microwave L-band observations from a tower-based radiometer to estimate VOD of a wheat stand during the 2017 growing season at the Selhausen test site in Germany. From VOD, we first extract the gravimetric moisture of vegetation and then determine the relative water content (RWC) and vegetation water potential (VWP) of the wheat field. Although the relative water content could be directly estimated from VOD, our results indicate this may be challenging for the phenological phases, when rapid biomass and plant structure development take place within the wheat canopy. We estimate water uptake from the soil to the wheat plants from the difference between the soil and vegetation potentials divided by the flow resistance from soil into wheat plants. The TR from the wheat plants into the atmosphere was obtained from the difference between the vegetation and atmosphere water potentials divided by the flow resistances from plants to the atmosphere. For this, the required soil matric potential (SMP), the vapor pressure deficit (VPD), and the flow resistances were obtained from on-site observations of soil, plant, and atmosphere together with simple mechanistic models. This pathfinder study shows that the L-band microwave radiation contains valuable information on vegetation water status that enables the estimation of water dynamics (up to fluxes) from the soil via wheat plants into the atmosphere, when combined with additional information of soil and atmosphere water content. Still, assumptions have to be made when estimating the vegetation water potential from relative water content as well as the water flow resistances between soil, wheat plants, and atmosphere. Moreover, direct validation of water flux estimates for the assessment of their absolute accuracy could not be performed due to a lack of in situ PWU and TR measurements. Nonetheless, our estimates of water status, potentials, and fluxes show the expected temporal dynamics, known from the literature, and intercompare reasonably well in absolute terms with independent TR estimates of the NASA ECOSTRESS mission, which relies on a Priestly-Taylor type of retrieval model. Our findings support that passive microwave remote-sensing techniques qualify for the estimation of vegetation water dynamics next to traditionally measured stand-scale or plot-scale techniques. They might shed light on future capabilities of monitoring water dynamics in the soil-plant-atmosphere system including wide-area, remote-sensing-based earth observation data

    Remote Sensing of Complex Permittivity and Penetration Depth of Soils Using P-Band SAR Polarimetry

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    A P-band SAR moisture estimation method is introduced for complex soil permittivity and penetration depth estimation using fully polarimetric P-band SAR signals. This method combines eigen- and model-based decomposition techniques for separation of the total backscattering signal into three scattering components (soil, dihedral, and volume). The incorporation of a soil scattering model allows for the first time the estimation of complex soil permittivity and permittivity-based penetration depth. The proposed method needs no prior assumptions on land cover characteristics and is applicable to a variety of vegetation types. The technique is demonstrated for airborne P-band SAR measurements acquired during the AirMOSS campaign (2012–2015). The estimated complex permittivity agrees well with climate and soil conditions at different monitoring sites. Based on frequency and permittivity, P-band penetration depths vary from 5 cm to 35 cm. This value range is in accordance with previous studies in the literature. Comparison of the results is challenging due to the sparsity of vertical soil in situ sampling. It was found that the disagreement between in situ measurements and SAR-based estimates originates from the discrepancy between the in situ measuring depth of the top-soil layer (0–5 cm) and the median penetration depth of the P-band waves (24.5–27 cm)

    Simultaenous Retrieval of Surface Roughness Parameters from Combined Active-Passive SMAP Observations

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    Soil roughness strongly influences processes like erosion, infiltration, moisture and evaporation of soils as well as growth of agricultural plants. An approach to soil roughness based on active-passive microwave covariation is proposed in order to simultaneously retrieve the vertical RMS height (s) and horizontal correlation length (l) of soil surfaces from simultaneously measured radar and radiometer microwave signatures. The approach is based on a retrieval algorithm for active-passive covariation including the improved Integral Equation Method (I2EM). The algorithm is tested with the global active-passive microwave observations of the SMAP mission. The developed roughness retrieval algorithm shows independence of permittivity for e_s > 10 [-] due to the covariation formalism. Results reveal that s and l can be estimated simultaneously by the proposed approach since surface patterns of non-vegetated areas become evident on global scale. In regions with sandy deserts, like the Sahara or the outback in Australia, determined s and l confirm rather smooth to semi-rough surface roughness patterns with small vertical RMS heights and corresponding higher horizontal correlation lengths

    Feuchte-bedingte Befahrbarkeit der Landoberfläche im Gelände basierend auf Fernerkundungsdaten

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    In Zeiten von globalen Krisen und Umweltveränderungen ist die unmittelbare Evaluierung und Einschätzung zur Befahrbarkeit von wesentlicher Infrastruktur (Stadt, Gelände) unabdingbar. Beispielsweise führen Kriege und Umweltkatastrophen zur Zerstörung oder Beschädigung von Straßen oder Gebäuden. Weiterhin kommt es durch natürliche oder herbeigeführte Ereignisse zu Überflutungen, Waldbränden oder Bodenerosionen und Hangrutschungen, welche die Passierbarkeit beeinträchtigen können. In dieser Studie wird die Befahrbarkeit der Landoberfläche anhand von hochaufgelösten (wenige Meter), aktiven Mikrowellendaten (Radar mit synthetischer Apertur (SAR)) sowie optischen Fernerkundungsdaten analysiert und bewertet. Hierbei wird nach urbanen Gebieten sowie offenem Gelände ohne befestigte Bebauung unterschieden, da diese unterschiedliche Anforderungen an die Bewertung der Befahrbarkeit stellen. In dieser Studie liegt der Fokus auf offenem, unbebautem Gelände, da hier basierend auf extrahierter Topographie und ermittelter Bodenfeuchte aus den Fernerkundungsdaten eine Einschätzung zur Befahrbarkeit gegeben werden kann. Auf Basis verschiedener abgeleiteter Kriterien aus den Fernerkundungsdaten kann das Gelände in mehrere Befahrbarkeitsklassen unterteilt werden. Beispielsweise kann bei einer Bodenfeuchte von mehr als 50% keine Gewährleistung mehr gegeben werden, dass Fahrzeuge das Gelände ohne Probleme (Einsinken, Versacken) passieren können. Ziel ist es, aktuelle Karten mit unterschiedlichen Klassen zur Befahrbarkeit oder Passierbarkeit (von unbefahrbar/unpassierbar bis problemlos befahrbar/passierbar) zu erstellen. Vor allem in Krisenregionen oder im Verteidigungsfall sollen sie dazu dienen, die bestmöglichen Routen zur Fortbewegung von Fahrzeugen im Gelände zu finden