98 research outputs found

    Interpreting and Translation - Two Sides of the Same Coin?

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    This paper discusses an umbrella project which compares the end results of interpreting and translation in order to chart similarities and dissimilarities between the two crafts. The article places the project in context, presents its objectives and describes the corpus of the empirical data for specific studies which will, in turn, allow for assessment of differences and similarities between interpreting and translation

    Dial Legibility as a Function of Scale Graduation and Dial Shape

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    The study of dial legibility in terms of accuracy of reading has been carried on from two approaches. In one of these the dial shape is varied, while the graduations are held constant. The other approach is to hold shape constant and to vary the number of graduations. The present study presents a combination of the two earlier approaches, with shapes and graduations both being varied. Sixty dials were presented in booklets to forty Ss, who read them to the nearest 0.1 cm. while being timed. The results indicate that in dial reading situations where exposure time is not limited there is a significant difference among graduations but not among dials

    El programa FormAR, como política pública en el campo de la economía popular

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    La presente ponencia se enmarca en las I Jornadas de Economía Popular, Social y Solidaria de la Facultad de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Su objetivo es abordar el eje de “Políticas Públicas” dando a conocer el Programa FormAR perteneciente al Patronato de Liberados Bonaerense, que depende a su vez, del Ministerio de Justicia y Derechos Humanos de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Dicho programa, en tanto estrategia institucional pública, fue creado a los fines de intervenir en la creación, el acompañamiento y fortalecimiento de procesos de organización colectiva de la población en conflicto con la Ley Penal, considerando la articulación con otros actores de la comunidad que se desarrollan en el marco de la Economía Popular. En este sentido, el presente documento desarrollará tres apartados a través de los cuales pretendemos situar, dar a conocer y reflexionar sobre una incipiente política pública en acción y los desafíos que tiene el Estado para fortalecerla. 1. El Patronato de Liberados Bonaerense: ¿Qué hace y cuáles son sus políticas públicas? 2. El programa FormAR: de la demanda colectiva, a la respuesta institucional. Breve historización y presentación del programa 3. La importancia de la articulación multiagencial público, privada, social y comunitaria en el acompañamiento a los procesos de organización colectiva que se inscriben en el marco de la Economía Popular. Datos y reflexiones sobre la presentación de proyectos 2019-2022.Facultad de Trabajo Socia

    Wolbachia in butterflies and moths: geographic structure in infection frequency.

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    INTRODUCTION: Butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera) constitute one of the most diverse insect orders, and play an important role in ecosystem function. However, little is known in terms of their bacterial communities. Wolbachia, perhaps the most common and widespread intracellular bacterium on Earth, can manipulate the physiology and reproduction of its hosts, and is transmitted vertically from mother to offspring, or sometimes horizontally between species. While its role in some hosts has been studied extensively, its incidence across Lepidoptera is poorly understood. A recent analysis using a beta-binomial model to infer the between-species distribution of prevalence estimated that approximately 40 % of arthropod species are infected with Wolbachia, but particular taxonomic groups and ecological niches seem to display substantially higher or lower incidences. In this study, we took an initial step and applied a similar, maximum likelihood approach to 300 species of Lepidoptera (7604 individuals from 660 populations) belonging to 17 families and 10 superfamilies, and sampled from 36 countries, representing all continents excluding Antarctica. RESULTS: Approximately a quarter to a third of individuals appear to be infected with Wolbachia, and around 80 % of Lepidoptera species are infected at a non-negligible frequency. This incidence estimate is very high compared to arthropods in general. Wolbachia infection in Lepidoptera is shown to vary between families, but there is no evidence for closely related groups to show similar infection levels. True butterflies (Papilionoidea) are overrepresented in our data, however, our estimates show this group can be taken as a representative for the other major lepidopteran superfamilies. We also show substantial variation in infection level according to geography - closer locations tend to show similar infection levels. We further show that variation in geography is due to a latitudinal gradient in Wolbachia infection, with lower frequencies towards higher latitudes. CONCLUSIONS: Our comprehensive survey of Wolbachia infection in Lepidoptera suggests that infection incidence is very high, and provides evidence that climate and geography are strong predictors of infection frequency.We thank the McGuire Center for Lepidoptera and Biodiversity, Florida Museum of Natural History for their continued support. This study was supported by the University of Florida Research Opportunity Seed Fund (ROSF) and the National Science Foundation grant number DEB-1354585 to AYK.This is the final published version. It first appeared at http://link.springer.com/article/10.1186%2Fs12983-015-0107-z

    Uv-Vis, Ir And Xps Analysis Of Uv Induced Changes In Pvc Composites

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    PVC undergoes a high degree of dehydrochlorination when exposed to energetic photons. The released HCl (acid), however, can be trapped if a suitable trapping material (base) is also enclosed within the solid matrix as a result of formation an acid-base adduct. Color changes or electrical conductivity changes can easily be obtained if suitable acid-base indicators or conducting polymers in their basic (nonconducting) form are enclosed in the matrix as trapping materials. We used bromcresol green and polyaniline for inducing color and electrical conductivity changes, respectively, within the PVC matrix as a result of exposure to UV light at 254 nm. Both changes can to some extent be reversed by further exposure of the films to NH(3) vapour. The color and electrical conductivity changes and their reversibility were followed by using W-Vis, IR and XPS spectroscopic techniques. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.Wo