139 research outputs found

    DMBT1 Inhibition of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Twitching Motility Involves its N-glycosylation and cannot be Conferred by the Scavenger Receptor Cysteine-Rich Bacteria-Binding Peptide Domain.

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    The scavenging capacity of glycoprotein DMBT1 helps defend mucosal epithelia against microbes. DMBT1 binding to multiple bacterial species involves its conserved Scavenger Receptor Cysteine-Rich (SRCR) domains, localized to a 16-mer consensus sequence peptide, SRCRP2. Previously, we showed that DMBT1 bound Pseudomonas aeruginosa pili, and inhibited twitching motility, a pilus-mediated movement important for virulence. Here, we determined molecular characteristics required for twitching motility inhibition. Heat-denatured DMBT1 lost capacity to inhibit twitching motility and showed reduced pili binding (~40%). Size-exclusion chromatography of Lys-C-digested native DMBT1 showed that only high-Mw fractions retained activity, suggesting involvement of the N-terminal containing repeated SRCR domains with glycosylated SRCR-Interspersed Domains (SIDs). However, individual or pooled consensus sequence peptides (SRCRPs 1 to 7) showed no activity and did not bind P. aeruginosa pili; nor did recombinant DMBT1 (aa 1-220) or another SRCR-rich glycoprotein, CD163. Enzymatic de-N-glycosylation of DMBT1, but not de-O-glycosylation, reduced its capacity to inhibit twitching motility (~57%), without reducing pili binding. Therefore, DMBT1 inhibition of P. aeruginosa twitching motility involves its N-glycosylation, its pili-binding capacity is insufficient, and it cannot be conferred by the SRCR bacteria-binding peptide domain, either alone or mixed with other unlinked SRCRPs, suggesting an additional mechanism for DMBT1-mediated mucosal defense

    Elevated baseline salivary protease activity may predict the steadiness of gingival inflammation during periodontal healing:a 12-week follow-up study on adults

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Aim was to profile salivary total protease, Porphyromonas gingivalis gingipain, and neutrophil elastase activities in relation to the resolution of periodontal inflammation, salivary macrophage-derived chemokine (MDC), and macrophage inflammatory protein-1α concentrations. Nonsurgical periodontal treatment was performed in 24 periodontitis patients in a prospective interventional study design. Periodontal clinical parameters were recorded, and stimulated saliva samples were collected at baseline and 2, 6, and 12 weeks after treatment. Salivary total protease and gingipain activities were determined using fluorogenic substrates, elastase activity by chromogenic substrates, and cytokine concentrations by Luminex immunoassay. For statistical analyses, generalized linear mixed models for repeated measures were used. Salivary total protease activity elevated, while gingival inflammation and plaque accumulation decreased 2 and 6 weeks after periodontal therapy. Salivary MDC concentration was elevated 12 weeks after periodontal treatment. Patients with elevated protease activities at baseline in comparison to patients with low baseline total protease activities, had higher levels of gingival inflammation before and after periodontal treatment. In conclusion, elevations in salivary total protease activity seem to be part of periodontal healing at its early phases. Higher levels of salivary total protease activities before periodontal treatment may predict the severity and steadiness of unresolved gingival inflammation

    Evaluation of a FRET-peptide substrate to predict virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa produces a number of proteases that are associated with virulence and disease progression. A substrate able to detect P. aeruginosa-specific proteolytic activity could help to rapidly alert clinicians to the virulence potential of individual P. aeruginosa strains. For this purpose we designed a set of P. aeruginosa-specific fluorogenic substrates, comprising fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-labeled peptides, and evaluated their applicability to P. aeruginosa virulence in a range of clinical isolates. A FRET-peptide comprising three glycines (3xGly) was found to be specific for the detection of P. aeruginosa proteases. Further screening of 97 P. aeruginosa clinical isolates showed a wide variation in 3xGly cleavage activity. The absence of 3xGly degradation by a lasI knock out strain indicated that 3xGly cleavage by P. aeruginosa could be quorum sensing (QS)-related, a hypothesis strengthened by the observation of a strong correlation between 3xGly cleavage, LasA staphylolytic activity and pyocyanin production. Additionally, isolates able to cleave 3xGly were more susceptible to the QS inhibiting antibiotic azithromycin (AZM). In conclusion, we designed and evaluated a 3xGly substrate possibly useful as a simple tool to predict virulence and AZM susceptibility

    Тоталітарні режими: ідеологічне обґрунтування цілей, форм і методів володарювання

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    Розглянуто теоретичні аспекти взаємовпливу ідеології та конкретно-історичних форм володарювання на прикладі фашизму і націонал-соціалізму. Проаналізована сутність праворадикальної ідеології, причини її виникнення, форми впливу та можливі загрози у контексті демократичного розвитку.The article researches the theoretical aspects of the mutual influence of an ideology and particular-historical forms of reigning on the Fascism's and the National-Socialism's example. The author analyzes the essence of right- radical ideology, the reasons of its appearance, forms of its influence as well as probable threats in the context of democratic development

    Rapid Colorimetric Detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Clinical Isolates Using a Magnetic Nanoparticle Biosensor

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    A rapid, sensitive, and specific colorimetric biosensor based on the use of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) was designed for the detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in clinical samples. The biosensing platform was based on the measurement of P. aeruginosa proteolytic activity using a specific protease substrate. At the N-terminus, this substrate was covalently bound to MNPs and was linked to a gold sensor surface via cystine at the C-terminus of the substrates. The golden sensor appears black to naked eyes because of the coverage of the MNPs. However, upon proteolysis, the cleaved peptide-MNP moieties will be attracted by an external magnet, revealing the golden color of the sensor surface, which can be observed by the naked eye. In vitro, the biosensor was able to detect specifically and quantitatively the presence of P. aeruginosa with a detection limit of 102 cfu/mL in less than 1 min. The colorimetric biosensor was used to test its ability to detect in situ P. aeruginosa in clinical isolates from patients. This biochip is anticipated to be useful as a rapid point-of-care device for the diagnosis of P. aeruginosa-related infections

    Staphylococcus aureus sortase a-mediated incorporation of peptides: Effect of peptide modification on incorporation

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    The endogenous Staphylococcus aureus sortase A (SrtA) transpeptidase covalently anchors cell wall-anchored (CWA) proteins equipped with a specific recognition motif (LPXTG) into the peptidoglycan layer of the staphylococcal cell wall. Previous in situ experiments have shown that SrtA is also able to incorporate exogenous, fluorescently labelled, synthetic substrates equipped with the LPXTG motif (K(FITC)LPETG-amide) into the bacterial cell wall, albeit at high concentrations of 500 μM to 1 mM. In the present study, we have evaluated the effect of substrate modification on the incorporation efficiency. This revealed that (i) by elongation of LPETG-amide with a sequence of positively charged amino acids, derived from the C-terminal domain of physiological SrtA substrates, the incorporation efficiency was increased by 20-fold at 10 μM, 100 μM and 250 μM; (ii) Substituting aspartic acid (E) for methionine increased the incorporation of the resulting K(FITC)LPMTG-amide approximately three times at all concentrations tested; (iii) conjugation of the lipid II binding antibiotic vancomycin to K(FITC)LPMTG-amide resulted in the same incorporation levels as K(FITC)LPETG-amide, but much more efficient at an impressive 500-fold lower substrate concentration. These newly developed synthetic substrates can potentially find broad applications in for example the in situ imaging of bacteria; the incorporation of antibody recruiting moieties; the targeted delivery and covalent incorporation of antimicrobial compounds into the bacterial cell wall

    Effects of Escherichia coli LPS Structure on Antibacterial and Anti-Endotoxin Activities of Host Defense Peptides.

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    The binding of Host Defense Peptides (HDPs) to the endotoxin of Gram-negative bacteria has important unsolved aspects. For most HDPs, it is unclear if binding is part of the antibacterial mechanism or whether LPS actually provides a protective layer against HDP killing. In addition, HDP binding to LPS can block the subsequent TLR4-mediated activation of the immune system. This dual activity is important, considering that HDPs are thought of as an alternative to conventional antibiotics, which do not provide this dual activity. In this study, we systematically determine, for the first time, the influence of the O-antigen and Lipid A composition on both the antibacterial and anti-endotoxin activity of four HDPs (CATH-2, PR-39, PMAP-23, and PMAP36). The presence of the O-antigen did not affect the antibacterial activity of any of the tested HDPs. Similarly, modification of the lipid A phosphate (MCR-1 phenotype) also did not affect the activity of the HDPs. Furthermore, assessment of inner and outer membrane damage revealed that CATH-2 and PMAP-36 are profoundly membrane-active and disrupt the inner and outer membrane of Escherichia coli simultaneously, suggesting that crossing the outer membrane is the rate-limiting step in the bactericidal activity of these HDPs but is independent of the presence of an O-antigen. In contrast to killing, larger differences were observed for the anti-endotoxin properties of HDPs. CATH-2 and PMAP-36 were much stronger at suppressing LPS-induced activation of macrophages compared to PR-39 and PMAP-23. In addition, the presence of only one phosphate group in the lipid A moiety reduced the immunomodulating activity of these HDPs. Overall, the data strongly suggest that LPS composition has little effect on bacterial killing but that Lipid A modification can affect the immunomodulatory role of HDPs. This dual activity should be considered when HDPs are considered for application purposes in the treatment of infectious diseases