939 research outputs found

    Cartografía del deseo en la novela el amor es hambre de Ana Clavel

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    To read the writer Ana Clavel is not a simple task, it is to plunge into the terrain of uncertainty, transgression and eroticism. uncertainty, transgression and eroticism. There are no certainties in her work, but rather transformations that are born from a playful experience through words. Everything revolves around the insinuation, the mysterious, when the author builds intrigues with her novels intrigues with her novels, short stories, essays and articles, which form the representation of the darker side of her the representation of the darkest side of the human being, the desire, which is veiled in the shadows, the which is veiled in the shadows, those very close to crime. Desire cannot be or perceive with the naked eye, but it is present in each of his novels, guiding the will of the reader novels, it guides the will of her characters and, in the same way, that of the reader when presenting a character such as Artemisa. character like Artemis, who is an ambiguous being and, at the same time, the protagonist of the protagonist of El amor es hambre, the text on which I will base this research. present research.Leer a la escritora Ana Clavel no es una tarea sencilla, es hundirse en el terreno de la incertidumbre, la transgresión y el erotismo. No hay certezas en su obra, sino transformaciones que nacen de una experiencia lúdica a través de las palabras. Todo gira alrededor de la insinuación, de lo misterioso, cuando la autora va construyendo intrigas con sus novelas, cuentos, ensayos y artículos, los cuales configuran la representación del lado más oscuro del ser humano, el deseo, el cual queda velado entre las sombras, aquellas muy cercanas al crimen. El deseo no se puede palpar o percibir a simple vista, pero está presente en cada una de sus novelas, va guiando la voluntad de sus personajes y, de igual forma, la del lector al presentar a un personaje como Artemisa, quien es un ser ambiguo y, al mismo tiempo, la protagonista de El amor es hambre, texto con el cual sustentaré la presente investigación

    Conducta Alimentaria de los Universitarios de la UAQ por Confinamiento COVID-19 en Querétaro

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    Introducción. El confinamiento por COVID-19 debido a la pandemia, provocó impactos en diferentes ámbitos, uno de ellos fue la alimentación. Objetivo. Describir los hábitos alimenticios de los universitarios de la UAQ en relación al confinamiento por COVID-19 del año 2022 mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios, con la finalidad de obtener información actual del fenómeno de estudio. Metodología. Estudio cuantitativo de tipo transversal descriptivo, aplicado por conveniencia a 50 estudiantes sin distinción de sexo de la Licenciatura en Educación Física y Ciencias del Deporte (LEFyCD), de una población de 315 personas. Se utilizó el “Cuestionario de Comportamiento Alimentario” de Márquez, 2014, que consta de 56 ítems, con Alfa de Cronbach 0.98. Los datos se analizaron mediante el programa estadístico SPSS v.26, obteniendo porcentajes, frecuencias, promedios y moda. Se cuidaron los aspectos éticos de la investigación. Resultados. De los 50 universitarios, se obtuvo que el 54% son hombres con una media de edad de 21.3 ± 2.6. el 62% consume bebidas alcohólicas. La mayoría de los participantes realizan actividad física todos los días; más de la mitad consideró que su peso cambió durante los últimos meses. Durante la pandemia el 40% cuido de su salud física y su alimentación respectivamente. Conclusión. Se puede apreciar que la mayoría de los estudiantes mantuvieron durante la pandemia una adecuada alimentación y actividad física. Sin embargo, esta conducta no aplica en toda la población universitaria, por lo que habría que realizar más estudios.   Introduction. The confinement by COVID-19 due to the pandemic caused impacts in different areas, one of them was food. General objective. To describe the eating habits of UAQ university students in relation to the COVID-19 confinement of the year 2022 through the application of questionnaires, in order to obtain current information of the study phenomenon. Methodology. Quantitative descriptive cross-sectional study, applied by convenience to 50 students without distinction of sex of the “Licenciatura de Educacion Fisica y Ciencias del Deporte” (LEFyCD), from a population of 315 people. The "Eating Behavior Questionnaire" of Márquez, 2014, consisting of 56 items, with Cronbach's Alpha 0.98, was used. The data were analyzed using the SPSS v.26 statistical program, obtaining percentages, frequencies, averages and mode. Results. Of the 50 university students, 54% were men with a mean age of 21.3 ± 2.6. 62% consumed alcoholic beverages. Most of the participants are physically active every day; more than half of them considered that their weight changed during the last months. During the pandemic 40% took care of their physical health and diet respectively. Conclusion. It can be seen that most of the students maintained adequate nutrition and physical activity during the pandemic. However, this behavior does not apply to the entire university population, so further studies should be conducted

    Conducta Alimentaria de los Universitarios de la UAQ por Confinamiento COVID-19 en Querétaro

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    Introducción. El confinamiento por COVID-19 debido a la pandemia, provocó impactos en diferentes ámbitos, uno de ellos fue la alimentación. Objetivo. Describir los hábitos alimenticios de los universitarios de la UAQ en relación al confinamiento por COVID-19 del año 2022 mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios, con la finalidad de obtener información actual del fenómeno de estudio. Metodología. Estudio cuantitativo de tipo transversal descriptivo, aplicado por conveniencia a 50 estudiantes sin distinción de sexo de la Licenciatura en Educación Física y Ciencias del Deporte (LEFyCD), de una población de 315 personas. Se utilizó el “Cuestionario de Comportamiento Alimentario” de Márquez, 2014, que consta de 56 ítems, con Alfa de Cronbach 0.98. Los datos se analizaron mediante el programa estadístico SPSS v.26, obteniendo porcentajes, frecuencias, promedios y moda. Se cuidaron los aspectos éticos de la investigación. Resultados. De los 50 universitarios, se obtuvo que el 54% son hombres con una media de edad de 21.3 ± 2.6. el 62% consume bebidas alcohólicas. La mayoría de los participantes realizan actividad física todos los días; más de la mitad consideró que su peso cambió durante los últimos meses. Durante la pandemia el 40% cuido de su salud física y su alimentación respectivamente. Conclusión. Se puede apreciar que la mayoría de los estudiantes mantuvieron durante la pandemia una adecuada alimentación y actividad física. Sin embargo, esta conducta no aplica en toda la población universitaria, por lo que habría que realizar más estudios.   Introduction. The confinement by COVID-19 due to the pandemic caused impacts in different areas, one of them was food. General objective. To describe the eating habits of UAQ university students in relation to the COVID-19 confinement of the year 2022 through the application of questionnaires, in order to obtain current information of the study phenomenon. Methodology. Quantitative descriptive cross-sectional study, applied by convenience to 50 students without distinction of sex of the “Licenciatura de Educacion Fisica y Ciencias del Deporte” (LEFyCD), from a population of 315 people. The "Eating Behavior Questionnaire" of Márquez, 2014, consisting of 56 items, with Cronbach's Alpha 0.98, was used. The data were analyzed using the SPSS v.26 statistical program, obtaining percentages, frequencies, averages and mode. Results. Of the 50 university students, 54% were men with a mean age of 21.3 ± 2.6. 62% consumed alcoholic beverages. Most of the participants are physically active every day; more than half of them considered that their weight changed during the last months. During the pandemic 40% took care of their physical health and diet respectively. Conclusion. It can be seen that most of the students maintained adequate nutrition and physical activity during the pandemic. However, this behavior does not apply to the entire university population, so further studies should be conducted

    Conducta Alimentaria de Estudiantes de una Universidad Pública durante el Confinamiento COVID-19 en Querétaro

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    Introducción. El confinamiento por COVID-19 debido a la pandemia, provocó impactos en diferentes ámbitos, uno de ellos fue la alimentación. Objetivo. Describir los hábitos alimenticios de estudiantes de una Universidad Pública en relación al confinamiento por COVID-19 del año 2022 mediante la aplicación de cuestionarios, con la finalidad de obtener información actual del fenómeno de estudio. Metodología. Estudio cuantitativo de tipo transversal descriptivo, aplicado por conveniencia a 50 estudiantes sin distinción de sexo de la Licenciatura en Educación Física y Ciencias del Deporte (LEFyCD), de una población de 315 personas. Se utilizó el “Cuestionario de Comportamiento Alimentario” de Márquez, 2014, que consta de 56 ítems, con Alfa de Cronbach 0.98. Los datos se analizaron mediante el programa estadístico SPSS v.26, obteniendo porcentajes, frecuencias, promedios y moda. Se cuidaron los aspectos éticos de la investigación. Resultados. De los 50 universitarios, se obtuvo que el 54% son hombres con una media de edad de 21.3 ± 2.6. el 62% consume bebidas alcohólicas. La mayoría de los participantes realizan actividad física todos los días; más de la mitad consideró que su peso cambió durante los últimos meses. Durante la pandemia el 40% cuido de su salud física y su alimentación respectivamente. Conclusión. Se puede apreciar que la mayoría de los estudiantes mantuvieron durante la pandemia una adecuada alimentación y actividad física. Sin embargo, esta conducta no aplica en toda la población universitaria, por lo que habría que realizar más estudios. Introduction. The confinement by COVID-19 due to the pandemic caused impacts in different areas, one of them was feeding. Objective. To describe the eating habits of students in a public university in relation to the COVID-19 confinement of the year 2022 through the application of questionnaires, in order to obtain current information of the study phenomenon. Methodology. Quantitative descriptive cross-sectional study, applied by convenience to 50 students without distinction of sex of the “Licenciatura de Educacion Fisica y Ciencias del Deporte” (LEFyCD), from a population of 315 people. The "Eating Behavior Questionnaire" of Márquez, 2014, consisting of 56 items, with Cronbach's Alpha 0.98, was used. The data were analyzed using the SPSS v.26 statistical program, obtaining percentages, frequencies, averages and mode. Results. Of the 50 university students, 54% were men with a mean age of 21.3 ± 2.6. 62% consumed alcoholic beverages. Most of the participants are physically active every day; more than half of them considered that their weight changed during the last months. During the pandemic 40% took care of their physical health and diet respectively. Conclusion. It can be seen that most of the students maintained adequate nutrition and physical activity during the pandemic. However, this behavior does not apply to the entire university population, so further studies should be conducted

    Acute myelocytic leukemia in pregnancy case report and literature review: a case report

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    Leukemia is a rare entity in pregnant women, when it occurs it is usually of myeloid origin and acute course, its diagnosis and management remains a challenge because of the limited availability of information resources due to the low frequency of this pathology, the management decision will be carried out by a multidisciplinary team that includes obstetricians, hematologists, psychologists, involving ethical issues always seeking to improve the maternal and fetal prognosis and never forgetting the wishes of the patient and her family. We present the case of a woman in the fourth decade of life, with pregnancy in the third trimester in which acute myeloid leukemia was diagnosed and where it was decided by a consensus of specialists in hematology, gynecology and pediatrics, to prolong the pregnancy until 32 weeks and then start chemotherapy

    Brain immune interactions and air pollution: macrophage inhibitory factor (MIF), prion cellular protein (PrPC), Interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin 1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), and interleukin-2 (IL-2) in cerebrospinal fluid and MIF in serum differentiate urban children exposed to severe vs. low air pollution

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    Mexico City Metropolitan Area children chronically exposed to high concentrations of air pollutants exhibit an early brain imbalance in genes involved in oxidative stress, inflammation, innate and adaptive immune responses along with accumulation of misfolded proteins observed in the early stages of Alzheimer and Parkinson's diseases. A complex modulation of serum cytokines and chemokines influences children's brain structural and gray/white matter volumetric responses to air pollution. The search for biomarkers associating systemic and CNS inflammation to brain growth and cognitive deficits in the short term and neurodegeneration in the long-term is our principal aim. We explored and compared a profile of cytokines, chemokines (Multiplexing LASER Bead Technology) and Cellular prion protein (PrP(C)) in normal cerebro-spinal-fluid (CSF) of urban children with high vs. low air pollution exposures. PrP(C) and macrophage inhibitory factor (MIF) were also measured in serum. Samples from 139 children ages 11.91 ± 4.2 years were measured. Highly exposed children exhibited significant increases in CSF MIF (p = 0.002), IL6 (p = 0.006), IL1ra (p = 0.014), IL-2 (p = 0.04), and PrP(C) (p = 0.039) vs. controls. MIF serum concentrations were higher in exposed children (p = 0.009). Our results suggest CSF as a MIF, IL6, IL1Ra, IL-2, and PrP(C) compartment that can possibly differentiate air pollution exposures in children. MIF, a key neuro-immune mediator, is a potential biomarker bridge to identify children with CNS inflammation. Fine tuning of immune-to-brain communication is crucial to neural networks appropriate functioning, thus the short and long term effects of systemic inflammation and dysregulated neural immune responses are of deep concern for millions of exposed children. Defining the linkage and the health consequences of the brain / immune system interactions in the developing brain chronically exposed to air pollutants ought to be of pressing importance for public health

    La psicomotricidad educativa – preventiva como nuevo planteamiento en el quehacer pedagógico de los profesionales de la educación parvularia de Chile

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    La siguiente investigación aspira dar a conocer la coherencia existente entre las Bases Curriculares de Educación Parvularia frente al núcleo de Corporalidad y Movimiento que tomaron vigencia a partir del año 2019 y las estrategias metodológicas que se desarrolla por parte de los profesionales de jardines educativos de la ciudad de Talca. Intenta dar cuenta de los cambios que se han producido en el desarrollo del núcleo corporalidad y movimiento, cómo se debiera entender el cuerpo de los niños y niñas y lo que realmente se presenta en las aulas infantiles respecto a la psicomotricidad, concluyendo que tantos las tareas dirigidas como las clases de mando directo de cierto modo coartan la libertad, creatividad y espontaneidad del alumno

    Metabolomic Phenotype of Hepatic Steatosis and Fibrosis in Mexican Children Living with Obesity

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    Background and Objectives: Metabolic-dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease or MASLD is the main cause of chronic liver diseases in children, and it is estimated to affect 35% of children living with obesity. This study aimed to identify metabolic phenotypes associated with two advanced stages of MASLD (hepatic steatosis and hepatic steatosis plus fibrosis) in Mexican children with obesity. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional analysis derived from a randomized clinical trial conducted in children and adolescents with obesity aged 8 to 16 years. Anthropometric and biochemical data were measured, and targeted metabolomic analyses were carried out using mass spectrometry. Liver steatosis and fibrosis were estimated using transient elastography (Fibroscan® Echosens, Paris, France). Three groups were studied: a non-MASLD group, an MASLD group, and a group for MASLD + fibrosis. A partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) was performed to identify the discrimination between the study groups and to visualize the differences between their heatmaps; also, Variable Importance Projection (VIP) plots were graphed. A VIP score of \u3e1.5 was considered to establish the importance of metabolites and biochemical parameters that characterized each group. Logistic regression models were constructed considering VIP scores of \u3e1.5, and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were estimated to evaluate different combinations of variables. Results: The metabolic MASLD phenotype was associated with increased concentrations of ALT and decreased arginine, glycine, and acylcarnitine (AC) AC5:1, while MASLD + fibrosis, an advanced stage of MASLD, was associated with a phenotype characterized by increased concentrations of ALT, proline, and alanine and a decreased Matsuda Index. Conclusions: The metabolic MASLD phenotype changes as this metabolic dysfunction progresses. Understanding metabolic disturbances in MASLD would allow for early identification and the development of intervention strategies focused on limiting the progression of liver damage in children and adolescents

    Serum albumin level as a risk factor for mortality in burn patients

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    OBJECTIVE: Hypoalbuminemia is a common clinical deficiency in burn patients and is associated with complications related to increased extravascular fluid, including edema, abnormal healing, and susceptibility to sepsis. Some prognostic scales do not include biochemical parameters, whereas others consider them together with comorbidities. The purpose of this study was to determine whether serum albumin can predict mortality in burn patients. METHODS: We studied burn patients ≥16 years of age who had complete clinical documentation, including the Abbreviated Burn Severity Index, serum albumin, globulin, and lipids. Sensitivity and specificity analyses were performed to determine the cut-off level of albumin that predicts mortality. RESULTS: In our analysis of 486 patients, we found that mortality was higher for burns caused by flame (p = 0.000), full-thickness burns (p = 0.004), inhalation injuries (p = 0.000), burns affecting >;30% of the body surface area (p = 0.001), and burns associated with infection (p = 0.008). Protein and lipid levels were lower in the patients who died (