9,686 research outputs found

    Simple approach to the mesoscopic open electron resonator: Quantum current oscillations

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    The open electron resonator, described by Duncan et.al, is a mesoscopic device that has attracted considerable attention due to its remarkable behaviour (conductance oscillations), which has been explained by detailed theories based on the behaviour of electrons at the top of the Fermi sea. In this work, we study the resonator using the simple quantum quantum electrical circuit approach, developed recently by Li and Chen. With this approach, and considering a very simple capacitor-like model of the system, we are able to theoretically reproduce the observed conductance oscillations. A very remarkable feature of the simple theory developed here is the fact that the predictions depend mostly on very general facts, namely, the discrete nature of electric charge and quantum mechanics; other detailed features of the systems described enter as parameters of the system, such as capacities and inductances

    Jamaica Kincaid and the West Indian diaspora: Women, islands and cages

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    Partiendo de la obra de la escritora antiguano/estadounidense Jamaica Kincaid, se desarrollará una reflexión interseccional en torno a la identidad antillana. Por una parte, se intentarán rescatar los elementos que construyen dicha identidad como identidad diaspórica, marcada por una migración forzada en sus inicios y luego por otras migraciones, aparentemente voluntarias, de las antiguas colonias a las viejas metrópolis y los nuevos imperios. Por otra parte, se intentará poner sobre la mesa la significación cultural y epistemológica del fenómeno diaspórico. El artículo sostiene que los procesos migratorios han sido y son la condición de posibilidad de dos orientaciones ineludibles para las ciencias sociales actuales, a saber, las teorías poscoloniales ―o decoloniales― e interseccionales, cuyo contenido básico se desplegará. El objetivo es mostrar que la discusión a la que nos confrontan las desconocidas mujeres de Jamaica Kincaid es la discusión fundamental a la que se enfrentan las ciencias sociales hoy en general, y el feminismo en particular. Más allá del caso de estudio, y siguiendo el eco de otras voces migrantes antillanas, se intentará dar cuenta del modo en que la condición migrante, racial, económica, genérica o sexual intersectan en la identidadAn intersectional reflection about West Indian identity will be developed, taking as its starting point the work of the US/Antiguan writer Jamaica Kincaid. On the one hand, this paper will try to highlight the different elements that make this identity a diasporic identity, which was marked by a forced migratory process in its origins, and then by other migrations —which were apparently free— from the former Caribbean colonies to the old European mother countries and the new empires. On the other hand, this paper will attempt to draw the attention to the sociocultural and epistemological significance of the diaspora phenomenon. It is here argued that migratory phenomenon is the condition of possibility of the two unavoidable guidelines of current Social Sciences: post-colonial and intersectionality theories, whose core content will be displayed. The aim of this paper is to show that the discussion that Jamaica Kincaid’s unknown women make us face is the main discussion that nowadays social theory, in general, and feminism, in particular, has to deal with. Far from a case study, and following the echoes of other West Indian migrants’ voices, the study will provide a detailed analysis of the way in which migrant, racial, economic, gender or sexual condition intersects in identit

    H2_2 dissociation over Au-nanowires and the fractional conductance quantum

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    The dissociation of H2_2 molecules on stretched Au nanowires and its effect on the nanowire conductance are analyzed using a combination of Density Functional (DFT) total energy calculations and non-equilibrium Keldish-Green function methods. Our DFT simulations reproduce the characteristic formation of Au monoatomic chains with a conductance close to % the conductance quantum G0=2e2/hG_0 = 2e^2/h. These stretched Au nanowires are shown to be better catalysts for H2_2 dissociation than Au surfaces. This is confirmed by the nanowire conductance evidence: while not affected practically by molecular hydrogen, atomic hydrogen induces the appearance of fractional conductances (G0.5G0G \sim 0.5 G_0) as observed experimentally.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Mapas conceptuales como una manera de repensar la enseñanza

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    Las transformaciones que se dan constantemente en las sociedades originan reflexiones en las organizaciones sobre su papel, su compromiso y la manera como se afrontan nuevas necesidades. En el caso de las instituciones educativas la reflexión en el ámbito pedagógico es importante ofrecer una mejor formación a los estudiantes. Cuando aparecen cambios en el ámbito de la vida cotidiana, es previsible que también surjan en las instituciones educativas de cualquier nivel. Por otra parte, ante la información y las variaciones de los modelos económicos, es fundamental impulsar acciones diferentes en las aulas que permitan apreciar la evolución de los aprendizajes. Hablar de cambios para coadyuvar en la formación del estudiante exige poner especial atención en el proceso del aprendizaje y de la enseñanza e impulsar la actividad cognitiva del estudiante; se trata de lograr una autonomía metacognitiva que le facilite su integración al contexto social actual, caracterizado por la información, el conocimiento y una gran diversidad de actividades. Las reflexiones sobre la contemporaneidad originan cambios que se concretan en reformas a los modelos educativos pero las reflexiones sobre el pasado también deben nutrir las transformaciones. Los cambios educativos también surgen de reflexiones sobre el gran valor desatendido o desconocido de las metodologías tradicionales. Frente a este panorama, el presente trabajo pretende proporcionar elementos que orienten sobre posibles propuestas para la labor formativa del aprendiz en el aula. Lo anterior, en un marco en el que se busque armonizar las ideas.The transformations in societies constantly give rise to reflections in organizations on their role, their commitment and how new needs are tackled. In the case of educational institutions reflection in the educational field is important to provide better training to students. When changes in the field of daily life appear, it is foreseeable that also arise in educational institutions of all levels. Moreover, given the information and changes in economic models, it is essential to promote various activities in classrooms from which to judge the evolution of learning. Talk of changes to assist in training the student requires pay special attention to the process of learning and teaching and promote student cognitive activity; it is metacognitive achieve autonomy that facilitates their integration into the current social context, characterized by information, knowledge and a wide variety of activities. Reflections on contemporaneity cause changes that are specified in educational reform models but reflections on the past should also nurture transformations. Educational changes also arise from reflections on the great neglected or unknown value of traditional methodologies. Against this background, this paper aims to provide elements to guide on possible proposals for apprentice training work in the classroom. This, in a context in which seek to harmonize ideas

    Behaviors in public, private and university environments

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloBackground: In contemporary democracies, rules of conduct, in public places, are established by law and in private places, by morality. Between both, there is a middle area or interface given by community consensus. In the Community area, rules are consensual among its members. Institutions are an example of such situation. The University, as an institution, without contradicting the law, regulates and requires a behavior that is consistent with its purpose, beyond the private sphere, especially in the Schools of Medicine. We analyze what happens and the underlying purposes that represent the concept of University and Medicine. Special importance is given to ethical, social and cultural analyses.http://ref.scielo.org/ctrmn

    Valoración económica de la demanda del servicio ambiental hídrico del bosque de la micro cuenca Madriguera, Siuna Nicaragua

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    This study estimated the willingness to pay (DAP) of the families residing in the urban area of ​​the municipality of Siuna, who receive water for daily consumption from the Madriguera micro-watershed, due to the improvement in the water supply, through the contingent valuation method and the use of binary format. Measures of change in welfare were estimated through parametric estimates in the linear functional form. Likewise, the components of the total economic value that the beneficiaries assign to the water resource from the forest of the micro-watershed were calculated. The results of the willingness to pay (DAP), have revealed that the houses that have alternative water source, have a lower willingness to pay and vice versa. A high proportion of the population is willing to pay and they do so according to the types of economic value of direct use and inheritance. Those who are not willing to pay is because they do not have economic resources. The minimum value as a measure of welfare change is C116.29(Onehundredandsixteenwith29cents).ThisimpliestheamountofC 116.29 (One hundred and sixteen with 29 cents). This implies the amount of C 74, 890.76 monthly for a total of C 898, 689.12 annually. The beneficiaries recognize the importance of the good and their assessment is justified in that the environmental service of the micro-watershed generates well-being and favors the idea of ​​implementing protection and conservation projects to avoid an unfavorable change.Este estudio estimó la disponibilidad a pagar (DAP) de las familias residentes en el área urbana del municipio de Siuna, que reciben agua para consumo diario de la microcuenca Madriguera, por la mejora en la oferta hídrica, mediante el método de valoración contingente y el uso de formato binario. Se estimaron medidas de cambio en el bienestar a través de estimaciones paramétricas en la forma funcional lineal. Asimismo, se calcularon los componentes del valor económico total que los beneficiarios asignan al recurso hídrico proveniente del bosque de la microcuenca. Los resultados de la disposición a pagar (DAP), han revelado que las viviendas que tienen fuente hídrica alterna, tienen una menor disposición a pagar y viceversa. Una alta proporción de la población está dispuesta a pagar y lo hacen de acuerdo a los tipos de valor económico de uso directo y de herencia. Quienes no están dispuestos a pagar es porque no tienen recursos económicos. El valor mínimo  como medida de cambio de bienestar es de C116.29 (Ciento dieciséis con 29córdobas). Ello implica la cantidad de C 74, 890.76 mensuales para un total de   C 898, 689.12 anualmente. Los beneficiarios reconocen la importancia del bien y se justifica su valoración en cuanto a que el servicio ambiental de la microcuenca les genera bienestar y favorecen la idea de implementar proyectos de protección y conservación para evitar un cambio desfavorable

    Comparative study between United Kingdom education system and Spain education system

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    In this paper, I have made a comparative study of educational systems in the UK and Spain, with regard to Early Childhood Education. In addition, there is research on the different educational theories that emerged about education for younger, as functionalism or Progressivism among others. Moreover, I have done a search about the first pedagogical currents that emerged in relation to children's education and how each of them proposed work with children. To better understand the education system of these European countries, I have drawn the most important moments of early childhood education throughout the English-and Spanish history. With regard to the study of both educational systems, it has been divided into two sections for better understanding: first, I compared the organization of the stages of early childhood education between the two countries and secondly I have written the curriculum with these countries work early childhood education.En este trabajo, se hace un estudio comparativo entre los sistemas educativos de Reino Unido y España, en lo que respecta a la Educación Infantil. Además, se hace una investigación sobre las diferentes corrientes educativas que surgieron conforme la educación para los más pequeños, tales como el Funcionalismo o el Progresismo entre otros. Por otra parte, he realizado una búsqueda sobre las primeras corrientes pedagógicas que surgieron con relación a la educación infantil y como cada una de ellas proponía el trabajo con los niños. Para comprender lo mejor posible las educaciones de estos países europeos, se encuentran redactados los momentos más importantes de la educación infantil a lo largo de la historia inglesa y española. Con lo que respecta al estudio de ambos sistemas educativos, se ha dividido en dos apartados para su mejor comprensión: en primer lugar, he comparado la organización de las etapas de la educación infantil entre ambos países y en segundo lugar he redactado los curriculum con los que estos países trabajan la educación infantil.Universidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Grado en Educación Infanti

    Monitoring human right to water in rural areas: a Nicaraguan case study

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    Much effort has gone into the recognition of the hu man right to water. Without doubt, this milestone influences governance and decision making processes at different scales. Now it is essential to shift discussion from legal and conceptual framework to p ractice. Taking this idea into account, the article proposes a methodology for monitoring the implement ation of the right. The work takes the legal and conceptual framework of the right, agreed by intern ational consensus, as a starting point. Moreover, l essons learnt from other indicators and indexes constructi on are considered. It is based on a water & sanitat ion rural services case study carried out in Nicaragua and pa rticularly in Jinotega and Matagalpa -rural departm ents from the north-central region-. The different categ ories of the right to water were included in survey s and structured interviews design that were conducted in rural households and water comities, respectively. Ingeniería sin Fronteras-ApD, an Spanish NGDO, prom oted the study in cooperation with local organizati ons -La Cuculmeca and Coalición de Organizaciones por e l Derecho al Agua (CODA)-. Results show how the inclusion of right to water dimensions gives pertin ent insights both as regards knowledge about the re al situation of rural communities as for improving gov ernance in rural water supply.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Factors that affect the development of the reading skills of English in the students of 9th grade of the National Institute Eliseo Picado in the afternoon shift during the second semester of 2014

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    This monograph describes the principal factors that affect the learning process of Reading to develop English skills in the students of 9th grade of the National Institute Eliseo Picado in the afternoon shift, BY identifying the main techniques and strategies used by the teachers and students in the teaching and learning process. The purpose of this monograph is to determine the principal factors that affect the learning process of Reading skills in the students of 9th grade of the National Institute Eliseo Picado in the afternoon shift and share with the teachers some activities which can be apply in the classroom and students can enjoy. These activities make students practice their oral skills with more interesting topics that allow them to read and talk about themselves and others and to express their points of view. In this research relevant elements and actions to improve the learning level in the students are defined. Also there are didactic strategies that support the educational process where the quality will be the most important. In addition in this monograph, there are several strategies and actions to be developed in the educational environment with social and cultural behavior pattern based on the person as a center of the formative and educational process. To get the goal of this research and answer the questions to this monograph the instruments applied were class observation of two English teachers, interview for teachers and students to determine the factors that affect the acquisition of English reading skills. The results demonstrate that the teacher´s motivation along with the best strategies improve all formative and Educational process; teacher and students considered and they agreed that motivation is the main element in the teaching and learning process. The principal recommendation is referred to provide valuable information to determine possible gaps in the reading skills. Also, if the students face problems in reading the teacher will need to intervene with an effective lesson plan according to the student’s necessities. 5 This monograph will help us as a reference point for the educational community and it will consider the best elements that can help in the teaching and learning process of the English Language in secondary school. Another purpose of this research is to increase the students` independence by having them take greater responsibility for their learning also to encourage them to cooperate and respect each other. The use of reading activities has a definite place in the classroom. Such activities provide meaningful and enjoyable language practice, and the students encourage learners to explore the wonderful world of the English language through the reading process. Reading is a vital skill required to develop students’ understanding of the English language, it is very important to develop in our students reading ability as soon as possible, when we live in an environment where they practiced daily the English language, this process takes place easily