58 research outputs found

    Disputas del territorio rural: la Cholula prehispánica frente a la expansión de la Puebla colonial

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    This essay exposes the territorial recomposition that suburbanmunicipalities in the Cholula region, in the state of Puebla,México, have suffered as a result of their connection withthe state’s capital. We start from the conceptualization ofthe Cholula territory, conceiving it as a space that has beenconstituted historically. Social relations and domination patternsprevalent in successive historical stages of its development areexamined, which finally derived in the current conformation ofthe territory.En este ensayo se expone la recomposición territorial que hansufrido los municipios conurbados de la región de Cholula, enel estado de Puebla, México, como resultado de su vinculacióncon la capital del estado. Se parte de la conceptualización delterritorio cholulteca, concibiéndolo como un espacio históricamenteconstituido. Se examinan relaciones sociales y patrones dedominación imperantes en las sucesivas etapas históricas de sudesarrollo, que finalmente derivaron en la conformación actualdel territorio


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    Se caracterizan las estrategias de reproducción de los grupos domésticos de San Mateo Ozolco, comunidad rural con antecedentes indígenas, la cual registra una alta incidencia migratoria desde hace ya varias décadas. Para ello se llevaron a cabo visitas de campo, entrevistas a profundidad, entrevistas grupales y talleres; así como la aplicación de un cuestionario aplicado a una muestra de 49 familias. El trabajo enfatiza los aspectos de orden productivo, social y cultural, vinculados a las prácticas migratorias de los pobladores de esta comunidad. Se constata que el fenómeno migratorio no sólo se ha intensificado y extendido con rapidez en San Mateo Ozolco, sino que además ha propiciado cambios en las formas de organización y en las estrategias de reproducción que emprenden las familias de esta localidad, trastocando la identidad de sus habitantes. Entre las principales conclusiones destaca el hecho de que si bien la migración representa, junto con la agricultura, la principal fuente de ingresos de los grupos domésticos, ésta actividad no parece configurarse como una práctica central que articule al resto de las actividades que emprenden los grupos domésticos. En el caso de la comunidad de San Mateo Ozolco, esta centralidad corresponde todavía a las prácticas agrícolas, pecuarias y forestales, depositarias no sólo de la identidad de los habitantes de Ozolco, sino de los recursos económicos provenientes de las remesas y otras actividades no agropecuarias que se llevan a cabo, de manera complementaria, al interior de los grupos domésticos pluriactivos que habitan en esta localidad

    Sex Hormone Receptor Expression in Craniopharyngiomas and Association with Tumor Aggressiveness Characteristics

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    Craniopharyngiomas (CPs) are rare tumors of the sellar and suprasellar regions of embryonic origin. The primary treatment for CPs is surgery but it is often unsuccessful. Although CPs are considered benign tumors, they display a relatively high recurrence rate that might compromise quality of life. Previous studies have reported that CPs express sex hormone receptors, including estrogen and progesterone receptors. Here, we systematically analyzed estrogen receptor α (ERα) and progesterone receptor (PR) expression by immunohistochemistry in a well-characterized series of patients with CP (n = 41) and analyzed their potential association with tumor aggressiveness features. A substantial proportion of CPs displayed a marked expression of PR. However, most CPs expressed low levels of ERα. No major association between PR and ERα expression and clinical aggressiveness features was observed in CPs. Additionally, in our series, β-catenin accumulation was not related to tumor recurrence. View Full-TextThis work was supported by grants from the ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación co-funded with Fondos FEDER (PI16/00175 to A.S-M. and D.A.C.) and the Sistema Andaluz de Salud (A-0006-2017 and A-0055-2018 to A.S-M, RC-0006-2018 to D.A.C.)

    Long-term follow-up of certolizumab pegol in uveitis due to immune-mediated inflammatory diseases : multicentre study of 80 patients

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    Objectives To evaluate effectiveness and safety of certolizumab pegol (CZP) in uveitis due to immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMID). Methods Multicentre study of CZP-treated patients with IMID uveitis refractory to conventional immunosuppressant. Effectiveness was assessed through the following ocular parameters: best-corrected visual acuity, anterior chamber cells, vitritis, macular thickness and retinal vasculitis. These variables were compared between the baseline, and first week, first, third, sixth months, first and second year. Results We studied 80 (33 men/47 women) patients (111 affected eyes) with a mean age of 41.6±11.7 years. The IMID included were: spondyloarthritis (n=43), Behçet's disease (n=10), psoriatic arthritis (n=8), Crohn's disease (n=4), sarcoidosis (n=2), juvenile idiopathic arthritis (n=1), reactive arthritis (n=1), rheumatoid arthritis (n=1), relapsing polychondritis (n=1), Conclusions CZP seems to be effective and safe in uveitis related to different IMID, even in patients refractory to previous biological drugs

    Guía de práctica clínica para el manejo de covid-19 en el seguro social del Perú (EsSalud)

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    Introduction: Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, different drugs and medications have been used for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infection. Likewise, various investigations have been carried out to evaluate the efficacy and safety of these interventions, many of which have been shown to generate more harm than benefit for the patient, for this reason it is necessary to standardize the management of adult patients with COVID-19 in our context. Objective: To provide evidence-based clinical recommendations for the management of adults with COVID-19. Methods: A guideline development group (GEG) was formed that included medical specialists and methodologists. For its elaboration, GEG decided to carry out a rapid adaptation of the Guide for the care of critical adult patients with COVID-19 in the Americas of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) as well as to carry out searches for novo questions. For the formulation of the recommendations, the evidence frameworks for the decision (EtD) of the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) methodology were developed. Results: This CPG addressed 28 clinical questions, divided into three topics: prevention, diagnosis and management. Based on these questions, 33 recommendations (16 strong and 17 conditional), 26 good clinical practices (GCP) and 2 flowcharts were formulated. This CPG was published in its third version in December 2021 Conclusion: This article summarizes the methodology and evidence-based conclusions of the CPG for the management of adults with COVID 19 in EsSalud.Introducción: Desde el inicio de la pandemia por el COVID-19 se han utilizado distintos fármacos y medicamentos para la prevención y tratamiento de la infección por COVID-19. Asimismo, se han desarrollado diversas investigaciones que evalúan la eficacia y seguridad de estas intervenciones, muchas de las cuales han demostrado generar más daño que beneficio para el paciente, por tal motivo es necesario estandarizar el manejo del paciente adulto con COVID-19 en nuestro contexto. Objetivo: Proveer recomendaciones clínicas basadas en evidencia para el manejo del adulto con COVID-19. Métodos: Se conformó un grupo elaborador de la guía (GEG) que incluyó médicos especialistas y metodólogos. El Para su elaboración se GEG decidió realizar una adaptación rápida de la Guía para el cuidado de pacientes adultos críticos con COVID-19 en las Américas de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) así como realizar búsquedas para preguntas de novo. Para la formulación de las recomendaciones se elaboró los marcos de evidencia para la decisión (EtD) de la metodología Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE). Resultados: La presente GPC abordó 28 preguntas clínicas, divididas en tres temas: prevención, diagnóstico y manejo. En base a dichas preguntas se formularon 33 recomendaciones (16 fuertes y 17 condicionales), 26 buenas prácticas clínicas (BPC) y 2 flujogramas. Esta GPC se publicó en su tercera versión en diciembre del 2021 Conclusión: El presente artículo resume la metodología y las conclusiones basadas en evidencias de la GPC para el manejo del adulto con COVID 19 en EsSalud


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    Este volumen incluye trabajos que abordan temáticas que demuestran que el campo es una construcción sociocultural, por lo tanto, el medio rural es diferenciado y está en constante cambio y adaptación a los procesos globales y locales. Son 19 trabajos divididos en dos secciones, la primera, denominada Nuevas dinámicas sociales, económicas y culturales en el medio rural, está compuesta por 8 capítulos, en esta sección se incluyen aquellos trabajos que analizan de manera concreta los cambios perceptibles en las relaciones rurales y en las actividades económicas; procesos como desagrarización y nuevas actividades económicas son abordados aquí, así como propuestas metodológicas para el estudio de lo rural considerando los cambios y adaptaciones que se registran en los territorios. La segunda sección, Resistencias y alternativas al modelo neoliberal en la producción agrícola y alimentaria, está integrada por 11 trabajos que abordan las diversas formas en que los campesinos y productores agrícolas resisten y se adaptan a los cambios globales y a las modificaciones de política pública, desde los mercados alternativos hasta la producción de nuevos cultivos que generan un mercado nuevo a su producción, hasta las resistencias y defensa de la milpa, las reflexiones que nos ofrecen dan idea de la diversidad de formas en que la vida campesina se mantiene a pesar de todos los embates.INSTITUTO DE CIENCIAS AGROPECUARIAS Y RURALES (ICAR), UNIVERSIDAD DE GUADALAJARA, EL COLEGIO DE MICHOACÁN A.C., CUCOSTA SUR GRANA, FACULTAD DE ESTUDIOS SUPERIORES ACATLÁN-UNAM, ECOSU

    Clonal chromosomal mosaicism and loss of chromosome Y in elderly men increase vulnerability for SARS-CoV-2

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    The pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19) had an estimated overall case fatality ratio of 1.38% (pre-vaccination), being 53% higher in males and increasing exponentially with age. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, we found 133 cases (1.42%) with detectable clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations (mCA) and 226 males (5.08%) with acquired loss of chromosome Y (LOY). Individuals with clonal mosaic events (mCA and/or LOY) showed a 54% increase in the risk of COVID-19 lethality. LOY is associated with transcriptomic biomarkers of immune dysfunction, pro-coagulation activity and cardiovascular risk. Interferon-induced genes involved in the initial immune response to SARS-CoV-2 are also down-regulated in LOY. Thus, mCA and LOY underlie at least part of the sex-biased severity and mortality of COVID-19 in aging patients. Given its potential therapeutic and prognostic relevance, evaluation of clonal mosaicism should be implemented as biomarker of COVID-19 severity in elderly people. Among 9578 individuals diagnosed with COVID-19 in the SCOURGE study, individuals with clonal mosaic events (clonal mosaicism for chromosome alterations and/or loss of chromosome Y) showed an increased risk of COVID-19 lethality

    Prospective individual patient data meta-analysis of two randomized trials on convalescent plasma for COVID-19 outpatients

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    Data on convalescent plasma (CP) treatment in COVID-19 outpatients are scarce. We aimed to assess whether CP administered during the first week of symptoms reduced the disease progression or risk of hospitalization of outpatients. Two multicenter, double-blind randomized trials (NCT04621123, NCT04589949) were merged with data pooling starting when = 50 years and symptomatic for <= 7days were included. The intervention consisted of 200-300mL of CP with a predefined minimum level of antibodies. Primary endpoints were a 5-point disease severity scale and a composite of hospitalization or death by 28 days. Amongst the 797 patients included, 390 received CP and 392 placebo; they had a median age of 58 years, 1 comorbidity, 5 days symptoms and 93% had negative IgG antibody-test. Seventy-four patients were hospitalized, 6 required mechanical ventilation and 3 died. The odds ratio (OR) of CP for improved disease severity scale was 0.936 (credible interval (CI) 0.667-1.311); OR for hospitalization or death was 0.919 (CI 0.592-1.416). CP effect on hospital admission or death was largest in patients with <= 5 days of symptoms (OR 0.658, 95%CI 0.394-1.085). CP did not decrease the time to full symptom resolution

    Mitochondrial genetic diversity, selection and recombination in a canine transmissible cancer.

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    Canine transmissible venereal tumour (CTVT) is a clonally transmissible cancer that originated approximately 11,000 years ago and affects dogs worldwide. Despite the clonal origin of the CTVT nuclear genome, CTVT mitochondrial genomes (mtDNAs) have been acquired by periodic capture from transient hosts. We sequenced 449 complete mtDNAs from a global population of CTVTs, and show that mtDNA horizontal transfer has occurred at least five times, delineating five tumour clades whose distributions track two millennia of dog global migration. Negative selection has operated to prevent accumulation of deleterious mutations in captured mtDNA, and recombination has caused occasional mtDNA re-assortment. These findings implicate functional mtDNA as a driver of CTVT global metastatic spread, further highlighting the important role of mtDNA in cancer evolution.Wellcome Trust Investigator Award, 102942/Z/13/A Elizabeth P Murchison Leverhulme Trust Philip Leverhulme Prize Elizabeth P Murchison Royal Society Research Grant, RG130615 Elizabeth P Murchiso

    The Helicobacter pylori Genome Project : insights into H. pylori population structure from analysis of a worldwide collection of complete genomes

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    Helicobacter pylori, a dominant member of the gastric microbiota, shares co-evolutionary history with humans. This has led to the development of genetically distinct H. pylori subpopulations associated with the geographic origin of the host and with differential gastric disease risk. Here, we provide insights into H. pylori population structure as a part of the Helicobacter pylori Genome Project (HpGP), a multi-disciplinary initiative aimed at elucidating H. pylori pathogenesis and identifying new therapeutic targets. We collected 1011 well-characterized clinical strains from 50 countries and generated high-quality genome sequences. We analysed core genome diversity and population structure of the HpGP dataset and 255 worldwide reference genomes to outline the ancestral contribution to Eurasian, African, and American populations. We found evidence of substantial contribution of population hpNorthAsia and subpopulation hspUral in Northern European H. pylori. The genomes of H. pylori isolated from northern and southern Indigenous Americans differed in that bacteria isolated in northern Indigenous communities were more similar to North Asian H. pylori while the southern had higher relatedness to hpEastAsia. Notably, we also found a highly clonal yet geographically dispersed North American subpopulation, which is negative for the cag pathogenicity island, and present in 7% of sequenced US genomes. We expect the HpGP dataset and the corresponding strains to become a major asset for H. pylori genomics