230 research outputs found

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la instalación y funcionamiento de una empresa dedicada a la comercializacion de equipos de proteccion personal en la ciudad de Chiclayo

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    La finalidad del presente proyecto es evaluar la factibilidad económica, financiera, técnica, legal y ambiental para la instalación de una empresa dedicada a la comercialización de equipos de protección personal en la ciudad de Chiclayo - Lambayeque. Para el presente proyecto de investigación se realizó un estudio de mercado, enfocándonos en las empresas existentes en Lambayeque, específicamente en aquellas empresas del sector manufactura, el cual será inicialmente nuestro mercado objetivo. A través de este estudio se determinó que en la ciudad de Chiclayo son pocas las empresas que se dedican a la comercialización de equipos de protección personal, resultando ser muy ventajoso para la viabilidad del presente proyecto y que nuestra empresa logre posicionarse en el mercado aplicando ciertas estrategias descritas en el análisis comercial de la propuesta de investigación, ofreciendo productos de calidad y un buen servicio al cliente. Se realizó el estudio técnico, donde se determinó la localización del negocio tomando en cuenta ciertos criterios favorables como cercanía al mercado, disponibilidad de mano de obra, la infraestructura, el clima, etc. Además se consideraron aspectos legales a tomar en cuenta para la conformación de la empresa y el tipo de sociedad. En cuanto al análisis económico y financiero, se pudo determinar que el presente proyecto en estudio para la comercialización de EPP´s es viable de acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos: VANE igual a S/. 4, 040,208.49, resultando un proyecto atractivo para invertir. TIRE (%) igual a 186.49%, devolviendo la inversión con un porcentaje de ganancia. Ratio Beneficio – Costo igual a 2.82; interpretando esto que por cada 01 nuevo sol invertido, la empresa obtendrá una ganancia de 1.82 nuevos soles. Determinando así, la viabilidad económica del presente proyecto, recomendando la ejecución del mismo.Tesi

    Multivalued synchronization by Poincar coupling

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    "This work presents multivalued chaotic synchronization via coupling based on the Poincaré plane. The coupling is carried out by an underdamped signal, triggered every crossing event of the trajectory of the master system through a previously defined Poincaré plane. A master–slave system is explored, and the synchronization between the systems is detected via the auxiliary system approach and the maximum conditional Lyapunov exponent. Due to the response to specific conditions two phenomena may be obtained: univalued and multivalued synchronization. Since the Lyapunov exponent is not enough to detect these two phenomena, the distance between the pieces of trajectories of the slave and auxiliary systems with different initial conditions is also used as a tool for the detection of multivalued synchronization. Computer simulations using the benchmark chaotic systems of Lorenz and Rössler are used to exemplify the approach proposed.

    Efficacy and safety of the metformin-mazindol anorectic combination in rat

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    The current study investigates the anorectic interaction and safety of the mazindol-metformin combination in rats. Isobologram and interaction index were used to determine anorectic interaction between mazindol and metformin in the sweetened milk model. The safety profile of the mazindol-metformin combination was determined by measuring anxiety, blood pressure, hematic biometry and blood chemistry. An acute dose of mazindol and metformin administered per os, individually or as a mixture, has reduced the milk consumption in rats in a dose-dependent manner. Theoretical effective dose 40 (ED40t) did not differ from the experimental effective dose 40 (ED40e) obtained with the mazindol-metformin mixture in the anorexia experiments, by Student´s t-test. In addition, the interaction index confirmed the additive anorectic effect between both drugs. A single oral dose of ED40e mazindol-metformin mixture induced anxiolysis in the elevated plus-maze test. Moreover, oral administration of mazindol-metformin combination for 3 months significantly decreased glycemia, but not blood pressure nor other parameters of hematic biometry and blood chemistry. Results suggest that mazindol-metformin combination exerts an additive anorectic effect, as well as anxiolytic and hypoglycemic properties. Mazindol-metformin combination might be useful in obese patients with anxiety disorders or diabetes risk factors

    Engineered rHDL Nanoparticles as a Suitable Platform for Theranostic Applications

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    Reconstituted high-density lipoproteins (rHDLs) can transport and specifically release drugs and imaging agents, mediated by the Scavenger Receptor Type B1 (SR-B1) present in a wide variety of tumor cells, providing convenient platforms for developing theranostic systems. Usually, phospholipids or Apo-A1 lipoproteins on the particle surfaces are the motifs used to conjugate molecules for the multifunctional purposes of the rHDL nanoparticles. Cholesterol has been less addressed as a region to bind molecules or functional groups to the rHDL surface. To maximize the efficacy and improve the radiolabeling of rHDL theranostic systems, we synthesized compounds with bifunctional agents covalently linked to cholesterol. This strategy means that the radionuclide was bound to the surface, while the therapeutic agent was encapsulated in the lipophilic core. In this research, HYNIC-S-(CH2)3-S-Cholesterol and DOTA-benzene-p-SC-NH-(CH2)2-NH-Cholesterol derivatives were synthesized to prepare nanoparticles (NPs) of HYNIC-rHDL and DOTA-rHDL, which can subsequently be linked to radionuclides for SPECT/PET imaging or targeted radiotherapy. HYNIC is used to complexing 99mTc and DOTA for labeling molecules with 111, 113mIn, 67, 68Ga, 177Lu, 161Tb, 225Ac, and 64Cu, among others. In vitro studies showed that the NPs of HYNIC-rHDL and DOTA-rHDL maintain specific recognition by SR-B1 and the ability to internalize and release, in the cytosol of cancer cells, the molecules carried in their core. The biodistribution in mice showed a similar behavior between rHDL (without surface modification) and HYNIC-rHDL, while DOTArHDL exhibited a different biodistribution pattern due to the significant reduction in the lipophilicity of the modified cholesterol molecule. Both systems demonstrated characteristics for the development of suitable theranostic platforms for personalized cancer treatment.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT, Mexico), through Grant SEP-CONACyT-CB-2016-01-287217. the financing program for female scientists EDOMEX, Grant Number FICDTEM-2021-015

    Neurophysiology of learning in basic skills of laparoscopic surgery in undergraduate students

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    Background: The development and progress in laparoscopic surgery requires greater emphasis on surgical skills, developing skills in undergraduate students allows them to be at the forefront in health demands.Methods: An experimental and descriptive study of a group of 30 undergraduate students of the Faculty of Medicine. They attended 30 hours of theoretical and practical sessions distributed by 10 sessions, supported by basic simulators minimally invasive, being evaluated by checklist. Their brain activity was monitored with an electroencephalography before and after the development of skills.Results: It was observed that the average necessary for the acquisition of skills is 5 sessions. The competition in which further progress was observed is video assistance. There is an increase in the activity of the prefrontal cortex on the electroencephalography.Conclusions: A series of neurophysiologic processes involved in learning of laparoscopic surgery are described. Laparoscopic skills development lies in keeping them updated on the teaching-learning, where the use of simulators is growing

    Comparison of early complications using regular mesh versus Atramat® Neoflex 25 mesh in inguinal, umbilical and post incisional hernias

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    Background: Hernias are one of the most common reasons of primary health care with subsequent surgery and this has led to search new techniques to approach them. Comparing traditional techniques with polypropylene mesh versus one bioabsorbible mesh there has been a decrease in postoperative complications.Methods: 100 patients with inguinal hernia, umbilical and post incisional were surgically intervened and divided into two groups according to mesh material used. The patients were tracked for two months after surgery.Results: Traditional mesh was used to repair hernias in 50 patients and Atramat® Neoflex 25 mesh was used in the other half.  Two patients developed infection with traditional mesh and one patient using Atramat® Neoflex 25 mesh (p 0.558). Hernias recurred in 4 patients with traditional mesh compared with 0 patients with Atramat® Neoflex 25 mesh ( p.041 ) , seroma formation was found with a 6: 1 ratio, traditional mesh: Atramat® Neoflex 25 mesh ( p.050 ) and hematoma in a 2:1 ratio (p .558). The total of complications showed a total of 14 using traditional mesh and 3 with Atramat® Neoflex 25 mesh. The use of mesh made from absorbable materials is a better alternative to reduce chronic pain and recurrence due to its high biocompatibility.Conclusions: Using Atramat® Neoflex 25 mesh demonstrated a significant reduction of complications (recurrence and seroma formation) and length of hospital stay (2 days vs 1 day in abdominoplasty after surgery).   

    Preparation and in vitro evaluation of 177Lu-iPSMA-RGD as a new heterobivalent radiopharmaceutical

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    This study aimed to synthesize a new 177Lu-iPSMA-RGD heterobivalent radiopharmaceutical, as well as to assess the in vitro radiopharmaceutical potential to target cancer cells overexpressing PSMA and a(v) b(3) integrins. The radiotracer prepared with a radiochemical purity of 98.8 ± 1.0% showed stability in human serum, specific recognition with suitable affinity to PSMA and a(v)b(3) integrins, and capability to inhibit cancer cell proliferation and VEGF signaling (antiangiogenic effect). Results warrant further preclinical studies to establish the 177Lu-iPSMA-RGD potential as a dual therapeutic radiopharmaceutical.CONACyT-CB-2016-01-28152

    Acute abdomen secondary to dependent rectus sheath hematoma: a case report

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    The rectus sheath hematoma as a rare clinical entity and self-limited, resulting from the accumulation of blood within the sheath of the rectus abdominis, secondary to breakage the epigastric artery higher or lower, or direct damage by fiber tear of rectus abdominis muscle. Female patient, 37 years old, enters the service of emergencies by refer abdominal pain of sudden onset, diffuse, with 5 hours of evolution with irradiation to lumbar region ipsilateral. In the CT scan in single stage and with IV contrast, it was reported an asymmetry in the thickness of the muscles of the anterior wall at the expense of a lesion of occupying space dependent anterior rectus muscle, as diagnostic impression is concluded a intramuscular injury dependent of the right anterior abdominal straight; likely bruising of the sheath of the straight abdominal by what is being decided its income to operating room to perform surgical drainage and epigastric vessel ligation. for the general doctor, specialist and it is important to take into account the pathology, symptoms, diagnostic and therapeutic strategy for a hematoma dependent of the rectus abdominis muscle, due to the high percentage of error diagnosis in patients who are admitted to the emergency department with acute abdominal pain, because you can Confused with other abdominal pathologies, which shows the importance of an appropriate differential diagnosis, and treatment prescribed, which optimize and reduce unnecessary intervention as well as morbidity and mortality of this disease

    Análisis técnico-económico sobre la decisión de reforzamiento o construcción nueva de la estructura de un centro educativo

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    La siguiente investigación se realiza por la necesidad de conocer alternativas que cambien la situación de distintos centros educativos que en los últimos años se han visto muy afectados a causa de los sismos ocurridos en nuestro país. Es de suma importancia conocer si los distintos centros educativos resistirán a sismos de grandes magnitudes y si necesitan un reforzamiento estructural para que presenten un buen desempeño o será necesario su demolición y una posterior reconstrucción de acuerdo a las nuevas normas de diseño sismorresistente. El objetivo general del presente proyecto de investigación consiste en definir la opción óptima en términos técnico-económicos entre las dos alternativas planteadas; la demolición y posterior reconstrucción de la estructura, o el reforzamiento de la estructura. Se usan como base en el siguiente proyecto distintas investigaciones de reforzamiento sísmico de los centros educativos en el Perú, investigaciones que persisten en evaluar la vulnerabilidad sísmica. En el presente trabajo se analizan de manera técnica y económica dos alternativas de reforzamiento en sentido longitudinal que serán la colocación de aletas de concreto armado y el cierre de paños con albañilería, métodos que serán aplicados en un pabellón típico considerando parámetros más desfavorables para posteriormente determinar la mejor opción respecto al costo de reparación o de construcción de un nuevo centro educativo. Finalmente, en esta investigación se concluye que es necesario tener no solo un análisis técnico sino también económico ya que en los proyectos de gran envergadura, en el país, cada nuevo sol (S/.) es vital para la elección de la mejor alternativa de mejoramiento o saneamiento de infraestructuras y se recomienda que las futuras edificaciones de centros educativos sean construidas bajo el sistema de pórticos duales, además de aislar la tabiquería de las columnas a fin de evitar la falla de columna corta que es tan recurrente.Trabajo de investigació

    Physical and mechanical properties of Guadua lynnclarkiae, Guadua weberbaueri and Guadua superba in Ucayali, Peru

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    El objetivo fue determinar las propiedades físicas y mecánicas de Guadua lynnclarkiae, Guadua weberbaueri y Guadua superba. De cada especie fueron colectados tres culmos, posteriormente fueron seccionados en tres niveles: cepa (C), basa (B) y sobrebasa (SB). El experimento fue conducido en diseño de completamente al azar (DCA) en esquema factorial (3E x 3N), siendo el factor E: especies de bambú con tres niveles: a) Guadua lynnclarkiae, b) Guadua weberbaueri y c) Guadua superba; y el factor N: nivel de culmo con tres secciones a) cepa, b) basa y c) sobrebasa, todos distribuidos en tres repeticiones y 4 probetas para las propiedades físicas. Para las propiedades mecánicas fue utilizado el mismo diseño experimental y número de repeticiones, no obstante, fueron utilizados 5 probetas por parcela experimental. Así, la mayor contracción de la pared de culmo fue de 23,0% en Guadua lynnclarkiae en el nivel basa. La densidad básica en las tres especies fue de 0,71 g cm-3. En flexión, el mayor módulo de ruptura fue registrado en Guadua superba en cepa, basa y sobrebasa con 55,15; 84,49 y 73,97 MPa, respectivamente. En compresión paralela el MoE y MoR fue de 11454.35 MPa y 39,50 MPa en las tres especies y niveles. Por ello, Guadua lynnclarkiae y Guadua weberbaueri poseen propiedades físicas y mecánicas adecuadas para diferentes usos incluyendo la construcción civil. No obstante, en Guadua superba se recomienda realizar estudios posteriores de rigidez y resistencia para su uso en la construcción de viviendas en zonas rurales y urbanas.The objective was to determine the physical and mechanical properties of Guadua lynnclarkiae, Guadua weberbaueri and Guadua superba. Three culms were collected from each species, later they were sectioned into three levels: stump (S), base (B) and over base (O). The experiment was conducted in a completely randomized design (DCA) in a factorial scheme (3E x 3N), being factor E: bamboo species with three levels: a) Guadua lynnclarkiae, b) Guadua weberbaueri and c) Guadua superba; and the N factor: culm level with three sections a) stump, b) base and c) over base, all distributed in three repetitions and 4 test tubes for physical properties. For the mechanical properties, the same experimental design and number of repetitions were used, however, 5 test tubes were used per experimental plot. Thus, the greatest contraction of the culm wall was 23.0% in Guadua lynnclarkiae at the base level. The basic density in the three species was 0.71 g cm-3. In bending, the highest modulus of rupture was recorded in Guadua superba in stump, base and over base with 55.15; 84.49 and 73.97 MPa, respectively. In parallel compression, the MoE and MoR were 11454.35 MPa and 39.50 MPa in the three species and levels. Therefore, Guadua lynnclarkiae and Guadua weberbaueri have adequate physical and mechanical properties for different uses, including civil construction. However, in Guadua superba it is recommended to carry out subsequent studies of rigidity and resistance for its use in the construction of houses in rural and urban areas