3,335 research outputs found

    The Fisherman

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    Entornos virtuales en asignaturas del área de las tecnologías educativas: estudio de casos múltiples y marco de análisis TPACK

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    Comunicamos resultados seleccionados de una investigación en torno del Conocimiento Didáctico Tecnológico del Contenido en docentes universitarios, específicamente sobre los niveles de integración curricular de las TIC y su articulación a procesos de innovación didáctica en tres materias vinculadas al campo de las Tecnologías Educativas. Recientemente Koehler, Mishra y Cain aportan la dimensión tecnológica al Conocimiento Didáctico del Contenido, programa iniciado por Shulman a mediados de la decada del 80, cuya incorporación en las aulas universitarias supone considerar su potencialidad en la transformación del contenido de enseñanza, la cognición, entre otros. Adoptamos la estrategia de estudios de casos múltiples, a los que construimos con narrativas docentes y Entornos Virtuales de Enseñanza y Aprendizaje. Las primeras aproximaciones ponen en evidencia que en la mayoría de los proyectos se otorga a las TIC un nivel de uso en el que el aprendizaje y la cognición tienen un papel periférico. Uno, muestra un nivel de integración curricular con visibilidad en el aprender, donde el entorno virtual constituye un potenciador de la propuesta pedagógico-didáctica en lugar de banalizarla, pues los contextos de uso de las TIC generan dinámicas de innovación y mejora en los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje.We communicate preliminary results of an investigation around the Didactic Technological Knowledge of the Content in university teachers, specifically on the levels of ICT curricular integration and its articulation to processes of didactic innovation in three subjects related to the field of Educational Technologies. Recently Koehler, Mishra and Cain provide the technological dimension to the Didactic Knowledge of Content, program initiated by Shulman in the mid-1980s, whose incorporation in the university classrooms means considering its potential in the transformation of teaching content, cognition, among others. We adopted the multi-case study strategy, to those we build with teaching narratives and Virtual Environments of Teaching and Learning. The first approximations show that in most projects ICT is given a level of use in which learning and cognition have a peripheral role. One, shows a level of curricular integration with visibility in learning, where the virtual environment is an enhancer of the pedagogical-didactic proposal instead of trivializing it, since the contexts of ICT use generate dynamics of innovation and improvement in the teaching and learning processes.Fil: Flores, Fernando Agustin Santiago. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Humanidades. Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentin

    Análisis de una cartera de extensión agrícola para el cultivo de maíz en el estado Portuguesa, Venezuela

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    Con el fin de evaluar el rendimiento y riesgo que presenta el cultivo de maíz de la cartera de fincas adscritas al Programa de Extensión Agrícola Italven S.A. (PEAISA), se muestrearon 127 fincas localizadas en dos municipios del estado Portuguesa (Venezuela), donde se sembró maíz en época de lluvias durante el ciclo 2006. Se consideró el rendimiento y riesgo función de las variables municipio, área cosechada e híbridos cultivados. Se utilizaron las pruebas de t, análisis de varianza y de homogeneidad de varianzas. Entre los resultados más importantes destacan: 1) la cartera de productores, conformada por siembras pequeñas y medianas, con un promedio de 15,1 ha por finca, no presentó riesgo de concentración en determinados rangos de superficie, 2) el rendimiento del maíz (4.202,0 kg/ha) superó la media nacional, y 3) tanto el rendimiento como el riesgo de producción de maíz fueron similares en los municipios San Genaro y Guanar

    Toxoplasmosis congénita

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    ResumenIntroducciónLa toxoplasmosis causada por el Toxoplasma gondii se transmite a los humanos de manera transplacentaria, entre otras. Se estima que infecta a un tercio de la población mundial y está asociado con infección congénita y abortos. Solo son sintomáticos del 10 al 20% de los casos.Caso clínicoSe presenta el caso de un recién nacido pretérmino referido a un hospital de mayor complejidad. Durante la hospitalización se realiza el diagnóstico de toxoplasmosis congénita con diversas manifestaciones sistémicas.ConclusionesLa mayor parte de los casos de toxoplasmosis congénita suelen ser asintomáticos. Es necesario realizar pruebas diagnósticas y un examen físico completo ante la sospecha de la infección para detectar tempranamente todas las manifestaciones posibles.AbstractBackgroundToxoplasmosis, caused by Toxoplasma gondii, is transmitted to humans in several ways, such as transplacental spread. It is estimated that this parasite infects a third of the world population and it is associated with congenital infection and fetal loss. Only 10 to 20% of the cases are symptomatic.Case reportWe present the case of a pre-term newborn that had been referred to a tertiary care center. During the in-hospital period, diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis with many systemic manifestations was performed.ConclusionsMost cases of congenital toxoplasmosis are asymptomatic. Diagnosis tests and a complete physical examination should be performed on all newborns with suspicion of infection to detect all possible manifestations as in the case reported

    Multiple approaches for assessing mangrove biophysical and biochemical variables using in situ and remote sensing techniques

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    Mangrove forests are important ecosystems and play a key role in maintaining the equilibrium in coastal lagoons and estuaries. However, in recent years, there has been a considerable loss of mangrove extension due to anthropogenic activities. Recent studies suggest that multiple in situ and remote sensing approaches must be carried out to understand the dynamics in these complex ecosystems. Therefore, the objective for this PhD dissertation is to develop multiple techniques for monitoring the seasonal biophysical and biochemical conditions of the mangrove forests. Particular objectives will include: i. Test the feasibility of using a Chlorophyll Content Index from a CCM-200 unit as an estimator of the variation of leaf pigments (chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b) content for a range of mangrove species. ii. Assess changes in chlorophyll-a, leaf area, leaf length, and Leaf Area Index between the dry and rainy seasons in a variety of mangrove classes. iii. Assess the seasonal importance of in situ hyperspectral measurements (e.g. 450-1000 nm) for chlorophyll-a determination in a variety of mangrove species. And finally, iv. Determine whether an object-based image analysis approach can provide an accurate classification of mangroves from spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar data. The results from these studies could provide reliable information regarding seasonal ecological assessments of mangrove forests using in situ and remote sensing methods

    Infecção por riquétsias em carrapatos de aves silvestres em duas ecorregiões da Argentina

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    Several tick-borne Rickettsia species are recognized human pathogens in Argentina. Here we evaluated rickettsial infection in ticks collected on passerine birds during 2011-2012 in two eco-regions of Argentina. The ticks were processed by molecular analysis through polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection and DNA sequencing of fragments of two rickettsial genes, gltA and ompA. A total of 594 tick specimens (532 larvae and 62 nymphs), representing at least 4 species (Amblyomma tigrinum, Ixodes pararicinus, Haemaphysalis juxtakochi, Haemaphysalis leporispalustris), were evaluated. At least one A. tigrinum larva, collected on Coryphospingus cucullatus in Chaco Seco, was infected with Rickettsia parkeri, whereas at least 12 larvae and 1 nymph of I. pararicinus, collected from Troglodytes aedon, Turdus amaurochalinus, Turdus rufiventris, C. cucullatus and Zonotrichia capensis, were infected with an undescribed Rickettsia agent, genetically related to several rickettsial endosymbionts of ticks of the Ixodes ricinus complex. R. parkeri is a recognized human pathogen in several American countries including Argentina, where a recent study incriminated A. tigrinum as the potential vector of R. parkeri to humans. Birds could play an important role in dispersing R. parkeri-infected A. tigrinum ticks. Additionally, we report for the first time a rickettsial agent infecting I. pararicinus ticks.Algumas espécies de Rickettsia transmitidas por carrapatos são reconhecidos como patógenos humanos na Argentina. Este presente trabalho avaliou a infecção por Rickettsia em carrapatos coletados em aves passeriformes, durante 2011-2012, em duas ecorregiões da Argentina. Os carrapatos foram processados pela reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) e sequenciamento de DNA de dois genes de Rickettsia: gltA e ompA. Ao todo, 594 amostras de carrapatos (532 larvas e 62 ninfas), representando pelo menos 4 espécies (Amblyomma tigrinum, Ixodes pararicinus, Haemaphysalis juxtakochi, Haemaphysalis leporispalustris), foram avaliadas. Pelo menos uma larva de A. tigrinum, coletada de Coryphospingus cucullatus no Chaco Seco, estava infectada com Rickettsia parkeri, enquanto pelo menos 12 larvas e 1 ninfa de I. pararicinus, coletadas de Troglodytes aedon, Turdus amaurochalinus, Turdus rufiventris, C. cucullatus e Zonotrichia capensis estavam infectadas com Rickettsia sp., geneticamente relacionada a vários endossimbiontes riquetsiais de carrapatos do complexo Ixodes ricinus. R. parkeri é reconhecidamente um patógeno humano em alguns países americanos, incluindo a Argentina, onde um estudo recente incriminou A. tigrinum como um provável vetor. Aves poderiam desempenhar um papel importante na dispersão de carrapatos A. tigrinum infectados por R. parkeri. Em adição, relata-se pela primeira vez a infecção por Rickettsia em I. pararicinus.Fil: Flores, Fernando Sebastián. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Virología “Dr. J. M. Vanella”; ArgentinaFil: Borges Costa, Francisco. Universidade de Sao Paulo; BrasilFil: Nava, Santiago. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria. Centro Regional Santa Fe. Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Rafaela; ArgentinaFil: Diaz, Luis Adrian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas y Tecnológicas. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigaciones Biológicas y Tecnológicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Medicina. Instituto de Virología “Dr. J. M. Vanella”; ArgentinaFil: Labruna, Marcelo Bahía. Universidade de Sao Paulo; Brasi

    Designing tailored spaces for Alzheimer’s patients, an architectural perspective

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    Cuando el alzhéimer entra en un hogar, una serie de cambios se desencadenan en la vida diaria de sus moradores, su forma de habitar cambia inevitablemente. Ante algunos comportamientos de usuarios con problemas de memoria cabe preguntarse si están condicionados por su estado o por su entorno; si es esto último, ¿cómo proyectar para la ausencia de memoria? La forma de abordar este problema desde la arquitectura requiere una nueva perspectiva. Supone ver a la persona no como un enfermo con un conjunto de síntomas sino como un habitante que vive en un entorno físico que puede ser proyectado o modificado para adecuarlo a sus peculiares y cambiantes necesidades. El propósito del artículo es exponer cómo la arquitectura, como arte y como técnica, aborda este problema, aportando una metodología de investigación que busca conocer las demandas concretas de estos habitantes en su experiencia diaria del espacio doméstico, desde la seguridad, la accesibilidad y la personalización como estimulación sensorial y estabilizadora emocional; generando además un conocimiento que permita desarrollar mecanismos y elementos de composición necesarios para proyectar, construir y humanizar un entorno que complete carencias del enfermo, se adapte a la evolución de la dolencia y mejore su calidad de vida.When Alzheimers afflicts a person it also has a major impact on the home. This inevitably means that significant changes must be made. As architects, we have pondered how we can better design living spaces for those affected by various degrees of memory impairment. How to design for the absence of memory? The approach to this challenge, from an architectural standpoint, needs a new perspective that requires focusing on the specific necessities of an inhabitant, as opposed to the effects of the disease itself. We are looking more at the specific implications on the living environments and how they could be designed or modified to adapt to the subjects constantly changing conditions. The purpose of this article is to show how architecture, from its duality as an art/technical discipline, is tackling this problem developing research methodology which involves looking at the concrete needs of the users in their daily domestic space, analyzing its security, accessibility and the customization of space as a sensory stimulus and emotional stabilizer. Additionally, we seek to generate a body of knowledge in order to develop composition elements and mechanisms to design, build and humanize the environment to fulfill their necessities, adapting it to the evolution of the disease and improving quality of life

    ¿Racionalidad económica versus sustentabilidad ecológica?

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    Sustainable agriculture production systems aim to maintain the stock of natural capital, but cropping in the Pampean Region can lead to natural capital degradation because evaluation of alternatives activities is done by simplified cost-benefits analysis, which neglects ecological cost and overestimates profitability. The objectives of this paper were: a) to quantify the soil natural capital degradation by means of main nutrient budget (Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium) in the Pampean Region during the last 30 years and b) to analyse the variation in crop profitability when the nutrient reposition costs is incorporated in the conventional economical analysis. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium annual budget, was calculated for maize, soybean and wheat crops for each year of the 1970-1999 period, as the difference between exported nutrients (harvest) and those incorporated by fertilization for each year. Gross margin of these crops were recalculated including nutrients reposition costs. Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium budgets of Pampean Region were negative for these three crops. Close to 23 millions of Ton of nutrients were lost, during 1970-1999 period, in the Pampean Region, being soybean crop responsible for 45,6% of this lost, wheat for 28 % and maize for 26%. Nutrients reposition costs of 1825 .ha1forsoybean,697.ha-1 for soybean, 697 .ha-1 for wheat crop and 1461 .ha1formaizeforthe30yearsstudiedwereobtained.Thesefiguresrepresentthe20,6.ha-1 for maize for the 30 years studied were obtained. These figures represent the 20,6%, 20,0% and 18,7% of the average gross margins of the '80 and '90 on a constant price -bases for these crops. These results show that the cost benefit analysis application, during the agriculturization process in the Argentinean Pampean Region, hid an important cost of natural capital degradation overestimating economic profits. This points out a divorce between classical economic rationality adopted to select agricultural technologies and the possibilities of using ecological sustainability concepts to calculate the cost of activities in agricultural systems. To obtain progress towards sustainable agricultural systems the conventional economic analysis should be changed. This new approach will allow an integrative synthesis between ecology and economy goals.A pesar de que hay acuerdo en que los sistemas agrícolas sustentables deben mantener constante el capital natural, la selección de las diferentes tecnologías agrícolas se sigue haciendo mediante un análisis costo-beneficio simplificado, que tiende a sobreestimar la rentabilidad de algunos sistemas de producción y puede incentivar la degradación del capital natural porque no incluye los costos ecológicos generados por la actividad productiva. El objetivo de este trabajo fue a) cuantificar la degradación del capital natural del suelo a través del cálculo de los balances de los principales macronutrientes (nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio) en la Región Pampeana Argentina durante los últimos 30 años y b) analizar la variación en la rentabilidad de 3 los cultivos de trigo, soja y maíz, cuando el costo de reposición de nutrientes es incorporado dentro del análisis económico convencional.Se calculó el balance de Nitrógeno, Fósforo y Potasio, para los cultivos de maíz, soja y trigo para cada año del período 1970-1999, como la diferencia entre la extracción y el aporte de nutrientes para cada año. Con este dato se analizó la variación de los márgenes brutos de estos cultivos al incorporar el costo de reposición de nutrientes. Los balances de N, P y K de la Región fueron negativos para los 3 cultivos. La Región Pampeana perdió, en el período 1970-1999, 23 millones de Ton de nutrientes. El cultivo de soja fue responsable del 45,6% de esa pérdida, el trigo del 28 % y el maíz del 26%. El costo de reposición de los nutrientes perdidos en los 30 años analizados, alcanzó a 1825 . ha-1 para el cultivo de soja, 697 .ha1paraeltrigoy1461. ha-1 para el trigo y 1461 . ha-1 para el maíz, lo que representó el 20,6%, 20,0% y 18,7% de los márgenes brutos promedios de la década del '80 y '90, a pesos constantes, respectivamente. Estos resultados muestran claramente que el análisis costo beneficio, al no incluir el costo de degradación del capital natural del suelo, sobrestimó los beneficios de la actividad agrícola. Esto pone de manifiesto el divorcio existente entre la racionalidad económica utilizada para la elección de las alternativas productivas y la posibilidad de sustentar los sistemas agrícolas desde el punto de vista ecológico. Se concluye que, para avanzar hacia el logro de sistemas agrícolas sustentables es necesario que los costos de degradación del capital natural producido por la actividad agrícola se cuantifiquen desde el punto de vista ecológico y se tomen en cuenta en los análisis económicos

    Architecture as a creative practice for improving living conditions and social welfare for Alzheimer's patients

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a portion of the results obtained over the course of the work carried out as part of the "Designing tailored spaces for the absence of memory", research from the Healthy Architecture & City, Research Team at the University of Seville. The objective of this research is to determine the best physical environment for allowing Alzheimer's patients to carry out their daily life with the greatest possible safety, accessibility and independence. Here we share a variety of international buildings with architectural value that have contributed to the evolution and creation of a new type of arrangement for Alzheimer's patients. The principal contribution of this report is to define the characteristics of this new architectural typology

    Antirust as a Public-Private Partnership: A Case Study of the NASDAQ Litigation

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    TesisBackground The Bethesda system is used to classify Pap smear results. Some of the results are ASC-US (atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance) and ASC- H cells (atypical squamous cells cannot exclude intraepithelial lesion). It has been found an association between these results with cervical neoplasia; however they have not been well studied in Peru. Objectives To calculate the probability of severe dysplasia in situ or squamous cell cancer in women with cytology results of ASC-H and ASC-US. Methods An observational, cross-sectional study was carried out in a reference higher complexity health establishment in Lima, Peru (4th level), from 2012 to 2013, in which 1060 data of patients was analyzed. Bivariate and multiple binomial logistic regression analysis were performed. Chi square test was used and p-value < 0.05 was considered as significant. Results 1060 Pap smears were evaluated. Mean age was 46,4 (SD: 13,2) years and 64,9% were under 50 years old. ASC-US prevalence was 3,45% and ASC-H 0,32%. Out of 175 biopsies, 22,9% had moderate to severe dysplasia, carcinoma in situ or squamous carcinoma. There was an association between ASC-H finding and the presence of moderate/severe dysplasia (CIN 2/3), carcinoma in situ and squamous cell carcinoma (PR=2,39; CI(95%):1,49-3,81). Conclusion Given the association found, women with ASC-H findings should be further and thoroughly studied in order to look for moderate/severe dysplasia (CIN2/3) or squamous cell carcinoma